

Administrating 360 process: distributing questionnaires; introducing the ; planning the; processing the questionnaires; selecting raters
American Express
American Psychological Association
Anonymity issues: ensuring rater anonymity ; importance of addressing; interviews and; monitoring questionnaires without violating; questionnaires and
Appraisal systems. See Performance appraisal systems
Arsenal Capital Partners (Arsenal)
Ashwell. W.
Awareness. See Creating awareness


Barker, M.-C.
Behavioral questions
Behaviors: achieving business strategy/culture change; agreed-on 360 process measures for; clarifying what will be measured in data collection; developing individual plan for improving ; ensuring critical job-related; measuring job-relevant; monitoring progress in changing; preliminary identification of development targeted ; strategies for changing; 360 process providing common model of effective
Beyond Ambition (Kaplan)
Boston Consulting Group (BCG)
“Building a Performance Culture” (S&P’s PMP guide)
Burns, R.
Business needs: creating awareness/skill development matching; creating competency model linked to performance and; linking 360 process to; using theoretical models consistent with . See also Organizations


Campbell, B.
Case studies: Arsenal Capital Partners (Arsenal); creating awareness and skill development using; Erie Insurance; Financial Guarantee Insurance Company (FGIC) ; Lehman Brothers; New York Life; Standard & Poor’s. See also 360-degree feedback applications
Case Western Reserve
Center for Creative Leadership (CCL)
Champions: addressing causes for lack of commitment; answering typical objections to 360 process; assessing your own readiness as; developing a plan of approach; doing your homework and preparation for ; three levels of support objectives by
Change strategies: coaching-consulting-mentoring as ; job assignments providing developmental experience; management training; reading and learning as; self-monitoring as
“The changing Nature of Leadership” (Martin)
Coaching: facilitator role in; sharing of feedback during; 360 process for enhancing. See also Facilitators
Coaching activities
Cohen, H.
Commitment: causes of lack of; as support level
Communication: eliminating 360 process resistance through; importance of good 360 process; interview skills related to effective; lacking between different HRM systems
Compass Program (American Express)
Compensation: linking 360 process, performance, and; tips for including 360 process in decisions regarding
Competencies. See Skill development
Compliance support level
Confidentiality issues: ensuring response confidentiality; importance of addressing; interviews and; monitoring questionnaires without violating; one-on-one feedback delivery and; questionnaires and
Consulting activities
Crane, J.
Creating awareness: appreciating perceptions of others for; using case studies for; coaching group activities for; first impression of data; focusing on the messages for; identifying business challenge for; preparing sharing and clarifying workshop meeting for; presenting the feedback for; value of 360 process for; using video models for. See also Skill development
Cromwell Consulting
Cromwell, K.
Customer feedback


Dalton, M.
Data: ensuring accurate and high-quality ; first impression of the; involving people in interpreting the ; 360 process ensuring balanced and objective; working definitions for types of
Data collection: decisions regarding how to approach; ensuring quality ; frequency of; sound 360 process to ensure valid; working definitions for information included in. See also Interviews; Questionnaires
Data collection selection: available resources factor for; participant organization level factor for; population size factor for; type of data to be collected factor for
Development Goal Worksheet
Development goals: establishing; need to clarify; 360 process supporting/reinforcing
Development plan: including additional follow-up activities using; individual role in creating; Lehman Brother’s use of 360 process for leadership; monitoring progress through ; productivity measures component of ; strategies for change component of; tactics to include in ; tips on effective use of
Development systems: how 360 process enhances; problems with traditional; purpose of; tips for integrating 360 process into


Edison, T. A.
Eichinger, R. W.
Erie Insurance


Face validity confirmation
Face-to-face interviews
Facilitator certification
Facilitators: coach role of; feedback session management by; internal vs. external; selecting feedback delivery; selecting interviewer . See also Coaching
Feedback: customer; development of 360-degree form of; difficulty to getting upward; short history of corporate use of
Feedback Consolidation Worksheet
“Feedback rich” environment
Feedback session: choosing location of ; delivery methods for; group work; scheduling the; selecting facilitators and coaches for . See also Presenting feedback
Feedback session delivery: comparison of; ensuring effectiveness of; group feedback workshop approach to; issues to consider when selecting ; one-on-one approach to ; self-study approach to
Feedback to Managers: A Review and Comparison of Multi-Rater Instruments for Management Development (CCL)
Financial Guarantee Insurance Company (FGIC)
Follow-up activities: consolidating the feedback using; continually adding new; formally linked to human resource management systems; importance of providing; other priorities interfering with; preliminary identification of development targets; Problem Solving ; sharing and clarifying meeting
Fujifilm USA
FYI for Your Improvement—A Guide for Development and Coaching (Lombardo and Eichinger)


Gattinella, M.
Greenfield, H.
Group feedback workshops
Group interviews
Group orientation meetings: introducing 360 process through; outline for raters; outline for recipients
Group work sessions: approach I: creating awareness; approach II: creating awareness and skill development; description of


The Handbook of Multi-Source Feedback (Bracken, Timmreck, and Church)
The Hartford
Hartford Financial Services Group
Henrikson. R.
Holmes, O. W.
Howard, G.
Human resource management (HRM): formally linking follow-up activities to ; lack of communication between different departments; organizational requirements for supporting 360 process by ; 360 process used for Arsenal ; 360-degree feedback component of . See also Organizations; Performance management systems


Improvement plan. See Development plan
Individual performance: development plan to improve; 360-degree feedback used to enhance
Influence Skills Survey
Inter-rater agreement
Internal consistency
Interview feedback reports: preparing the ; presenting the; sample format for
Interviewer-facilitators. See Facilitators
Interviews: advantages and disadvantages of using; clarifying purpose of; conducting effective; confidentiality of; considering using questionnaires versus; deciding on participants; determining format for; developing questions for; feedback report on ; finalizing objectives and clarifying deliverables; interviewer-facilitators of; making decision to make or buy; presenting the feedback from; scheduling the; testing previous opinions given during; 360-degree feedback data collected through. See also Data collection
Introductory letters


Job assignment experience


Kaplan, R.
Knowledge feedback, description of
Korn/Ferry Institute
Kushnir, S.


La Belle, T.
Lane, J.
Leadership development: creating development plan for; using development plan for; Lehman Brother’s use of 360 process for
Leadership in Organizations (Yukl)
Learning by Design
Lehman Brothers
Lehman’s 720 Process
Leone, P.
The Lessons of Experience (CCL)
Levitt, T.
Live 360 (MetLife)
Lombardo, M. M.


McAuley, S.
The McGraw-Hill Companies
Management by objectives
Management training
Managers: downward feedback by; enlisting 360 process support of; implementing 360 feedback recommendations support for; origins of 360-degree feedback use by; sharing of feedback with. See also Senior managements
Marquis, J.
Martin, A.
Meetings: group orientation; group work sessions; one-on-one orientation; for sharing and clarifying feedback
MetLife “360 On Demand”
MetLife Live 360
Monitoring progress
Multi-Rater Competency Assessment
Multidirectional behavior


New York Life
Nieroth, P.
Novelli, P.


The Office Survival Guide (Puder-York)
One-on-one feedback delivery
One-on-one orientation meetings
Open-ended questions: interview; questionnaire
Organizational culture: FGIC’s 360 process for integrating; S&P’s 360 process used to build performance; supporting open and honest feedback; 360 process for clarifying behaviors related to
Organizations: “Feedback rich” environment of; requirements for using 360 process in; 360 process to build bench strength of; tips on introducing the 360 process in. See also Business needs; Human resource management (HRM)
Orientation meetings: group; one-on-one


Participant recipients: fear of exposing weaknesses by; group orientation meeting for; planning how they will be informed; point of contact provided to; rater selection by ; setting guidelines for maximum use of; sharing and clarifying feedback meeting and; unwilling to challenge self-perception. See also Raters
Performance: agreed-on 360 process measures for; appraisal of; compensation tied to; creating competency model linked to business needs and; individual; monitoring improvement of; team; 360 process for organizational culture supporting; 360 process providing common model of effective ; 360-degree feedback used to enhance. See also Productivity
Performance appraisal systems: how 360 process enhances; information processing issue of; multi-rater performance; performance criteria consistency issue of; problems with traditional; purposes of; self-image issue of; tips for successfully using 360 process in
Performance management systems: appraisal component of; linking performance and compensation in ; Performance Management and Measurement (PMM) as; using 360-degree feedback as part of . See also Human resource management (HRM)
Performance Management and Measurement (PMM)
Personal questions
Personnel Decisions International
Pethick-Lawrence, E.
Planning: administration of 360 process ; including stakeholders in process of
Point of contact
Polak, A.
Pomerance, H.
Positive questions
Presenting feedback: choosing facilitators and coaches for; ensuring that delivery method is effective; ensuring that people get the most out of feedback; group work session approaches to; methods for delivering the feedback; 360 interview report; 360 questionnaire report. See also Feedback session; 360-degree feedback resistance
Price issues: as instrument selection factor ; making decision to make or buy instruments
Problem Solving activity
Productivity: measures of; New York Life’s 360 process to increase. See also Performance
Puder-York, M.


Questionnaire issues: assessing questionnaire research quality; confirming face validity; price considerations; reliability; theoretical models
Questionnaire selection: benefits of interpretative frameworks to consider in ; general issues to consider for ; in-depth evaluation phase of ; initial search phase of; support material issue of
Questionnaires: distributing the; feedback report on; issues to consider for selecting; making decision to make or buy; overview of data collection using; planning how to monitor; using open-ended questions in; processing the; 360-degree feedback data collected through. See also Data collection
Questions: characteristics and types of; confirming face validity of; developing interview; open-ended ; for preliminary identification of development targets


Raters: email reminder to; ensuring anonymity of; evaluation support provided by; group orientation meeting for; invitation to; observation training of; selecting ; setting guidelines for maximum use of; sharing and clarifying feedback meeting and. See also Participant recipients
Rech, P.
Recipients See Participant recipients
Reliability: inter-rater agreement issue of ; internal consistency issue of; test-retest consistency issue of. See also Validity
Resistance support level. See also 360-degree feedback resistance


Sawyer, R.
Scharlatt, H.
Scheduling interviews
Seifert. F.
Self-development phases
Self-Monitoring Checklist
Self-perception barrier
Self-reminder email
Self-study feedback session
Senior management: championing 360 process to; identifying key decision-makers among; importance of gaining support of. See also Managers
Simon, H.
Skill development: using case studies for; development plan for improving ; establishing development opportunities with; identifying business challenge for; monitoring progress in; preliminary identification of targets for; rehearsing; skill feedback used in; using video models for. See also Creating awareness
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (Disney film)
Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM)
Society of Human Resource Managers
Stakeholder Map: illustrated diagram of; steps for creating a
Stakeholders: causes of resistance by ; “hidden,” 106; identifying ; including them in planning process
Standard & Poor’s
Style feedback
The Successful Manager’s Handbook: Development Suggestions for Today’s Managers (PDI)


Team performance
Telephone interviews
Test-retest consistency
Theoretical model-business needs relationship
360 interview reports: preparing the; presenting the; sample format for
“360 On Demand” (MetLife)
360 questionnaire reports: comparing feedback from others with self-perception; comparing person’s ratings to norms; confidentiality issue of; displaying feedback for items as well as categories; identifying feedback from different perspectives; identifying job-related behaviors; including recommendations in; interpretive frameworks for feedback included in; overview of
360-degree feedback: administrating the process of; assessing your own knowledge about; creating champions and selling idea of; description of ; human resource management enhancement through; key decisions about using; organizational requirements for using ; where and how applications of . See also 360-degree feedback resistance
360-degree feedback applications: clarifying behaviors achieving business strategy/culture change; enhancing individual and team performance; ensuring development of critical job-related behaviors; lessons learned bout; manager survey on the “how” of; manager survey regarding; questions to ask about . See also Case studies
360-degree feedback decisions: on collecting and presenting feedback; ensuring quality data collection; on getting widespread support; providing training, development, follow-up activities
360-degree feedback lessons: get senior management support; importance of communication about 360 process; linking 360 process to strategy or business need; measuring behaviors relevant to jobs; provide ongoing support and follow-up
360-degree feedback resistance: addressing lack of input in 360 planning; causes of stakeholder; it is not the best use of resources; it is too risky; it is too time-consuming and distracting; it will not make any difference; negative perceptions of multi-source feedback; regarding how feedback will be used; regarding purpose of 360 process; things are fine, so why bother?. See also Presenting feedback; Resistance support level; 360-degree feedback
360-Degree Feedback Users’ Conference survey (1995)
Training: lack of priorities and resources for ; providing rater observation; 360 process clarifying priorities of
Training systems: how 360 process enhances ; problems with traditional ; purpose of; tips for integrating 360 process into


UBS Investment Bank
Unbalanced feedback issue


Validity: agreed-on performance measures to ensure; confirming face; sound 360 process to ensure; technical report references to. See also Reliability
Video conference interviews
Video models


Weakness exposure issue
Weatherhead School of Management (Case Western Reserve)
White, R.
Wilmington Trust Wealth Advisory Services (WAS)
Woodroffe, S.
Worksheets: Development Goal Worksheet ; Feedback Consolidation Worksheet ; Self-Monitoring Checklist
World Federation of Personnel Management Associations (WFPMA)


Yukl, G.
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