Chapter One
1 Rogers, E., Rogers, C. W., and Metlay, W. “Improving the Payoff from 360-Degree Feedback. Human Resource Planning, 25, 2002.
2 Maylett, T., and Riboldi, J. “Using 360 Feedback to Predict Performance.” Training and Development, September 2007.
3 Maylett, T., and Riboldi, J. “Using 360 Feedback to Predict Performance.” Training and Development, September 2007.
4 Correspondence with DDI, Korn/Ferry, and PDI, April 2007.
5 McCall, M. W., Jr., Lombardo, M. M., and Morrison, A. M. The Lessons of Experience: How Successful Executives Develop on the Job. Lexington, Mass.: Lexington Books, 1988.
6 Lindsey, E. H., Homes, V., and McCall, M. W., Jr. Key Events in Executives’ Lives, Technical Report #32. Greensboro, N.C.: The Center for Creative Leadership, 1987.
7 Special Issue on 360-Degree Feedback. Human Resource Management, Summer/Fall, 32, 1993.
8 Bracken, D. W. “Straight Talk About Multi-Rater Feedback.” Training and Development, September 1994, 44-51.
9 Timmreck, C. W. “Upward Feedback in the Trenches: Challenges and Realities.” Paper presented at the tenth annual conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Orlando, Fla., 1995.
10 Bernardin, H. J., and Beatty, R. W. “Can Subordinate Appraisal Enhance Leader Effectiveness?” Sloan Management Review, Summer 1987, 28(4), 63-73.
Chapter Three
1 Morrison, A. M., McCall, M. W., Jr., and De Vries, D. L. Feedback to Managers: A Comprehensive Review of Twenty-Four Instruments. Technical Report #8. Greensboro, N.C.: The Center for Creative Leadership, 1978.
2 Van Velsor, E., and Leslie, J. B. Feedback to Managers Volume I: A Guide to Evaluating Multi-Source Feedback Instruments. Greensboro, N.C.: The Center for Creative Leadership, 1991.
3 Most of these volumes can be found in the reference section of the library: (1) Feedback to Managers Volume II: A Review and Comparison of Sixteen Multi-Rater Feedback Instruments (E. Van Velsor, 1991, 1997); (2) A Comprehensive Reference for Assessment in Psychology, Education, and Business (Sweetland and Keyser, 1986, 1990); (3) Psychware Sourcebook (King, 1987, 1988); (4) Mental Measurement Yearbook (Conoley and Kramer, 1989; Mitchell, 1985); (5) The Directory of Human Resource Development Instrumentation (Peters, 1985).
4 Yukl, G., Wall, S. J., and Lepsinger, R. “Preliminary Report on Validation of The Managerial Practices Survey.” In K. E. Clark and M. B. Clark (Eds.), Measures of Leadership. West Orange, N.J.: Leadership Library of America, 1990.
5 Van Velsor, E., and Wall, S. J. “How to Choose a Feedback Instrument.” Training, March 1992, 48-51.
6 Van Velsor and Wall, Training, 1992.
7 Van Velsor, E., and Leslie, J. B. Feedback to Managers Volume I: A Guide to Evaluating Multi-Source Feedback Instruments. Greensboro N.C.: The Center for Creative Leadership, 1991.
8 Yukl, G., and Lepsinger, R. “How to Get the Most Out of 360-Degree Feedback.” Training, December 1995, 45-50.
9 Van Velsor, E., and Wall, S. J. “How to Choose a Feedback Instrument.” Training, March 1992, 48-51.
Chapter Four
1 Kaplan, R. E., and Palus, C. J. Enhancing 360-Degree Feedback for Senior Executives: How to Maximize the Benefit and Minimize the Risk. Technical Report #160. Greensboro, N.C.: The Center for Creative Leadership, 1994.
2 Kaplan, R. E., and Palus, C. J. Enhancing 360-Degree Feedback for Senior Executives: How to Maximize the Benefit and Minimize the Risk. Technical Report #160. Greensboro, N.C.: The Center for Creative Leadership, 1994.
Chapter Five
1 Green, Brent. “Listening to Leaders: Feedback on 360-Degree Feedback One Year Later.” April 1, 2002, Organization Development Journal, April 1, 2002.
2 We would like to thank Dave Berlew, who first introduced us to the Stakeholder Map.
Chapter Six
1 Ilgen, D. R., Fisher, C. D., and Taylor, M. S. “Consequences of Individual Feedback on Behavior in Organizations.” Journal of Applied Psychology, 1979, 64(4), 349-371.
2 Edwards, M. R., and Borman, W. C. “Solving the Double Bind in Performance Appraisal: A Saga of Wolves, Sloths and Eagles.” Business Horizons, May/June 1985, 23(3), 59-68.
3 Kaplan, R. E., and Palus, C. J. Enhancing 360-Degree Feedback for Senior Executives: How to Maximize the Benefit and Minimize the Risk. Technical Report #160. Greensboro, N.C.: The Center for Creative Leadership, 1994.
4 Rogers, E., Rogers, C. W., and Metlay, W. “Improving the Payoff from 360-Degree Feedback.” Human Resource Planning, 25, 2002.
Chapter Seven
1 Kaplan, R. E., Drath, W. H., and Kofodomos, J. R. Beyond Ambition. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1991, 200-225.
2 Kaplan, Drath, and Kofodomos. Beyond Ambition, 1991, 200-225.
3 Yukl, G., and Lepsinger, R. “How to Get the Most out of 360-Degree Feedback.” Training, December 1995, 45-50.
4 Seifert, C. F., and Yukl, G. “The Effects of Repeated Feedback on Behavior Change for Managers.” Paper presented at the Academy of Management annual meeting, Philadelphia, August 2007.
5 Yukl and Manus. Compass: The Managerial Practices Survey Feedback Report, 1996.
6 Yukl and Manus. Compass: The Managerial Practices Survey Feedback Report, 1996.
Chapter Eight
1 Seifert, C. F., Yukl, G., and McDonald, R. A. “Effects of Multisource Feedback and a Feedback Facilitator on the Influence Behavior of Managers Towards Subordinates.” Journal of Applied Psychology, 2003, 88(3), 561-569.
2 Yukl, G., and Manus Associates. Compass: The Managerial Practices Survey Feedback Report, 1996.
3 “Developmental Reference Points for Managers.” Benchmarks® Developmental Learning Guide. Greensboro, N.C.: The Center for Creative Leadership.
4 Yukl, G., and Manus Associates. Compass: The Managerial Practices Survey Feedback Report, 1996.
5 McCall, M. W., Jr., Lombardo, M. M., and Morrison, A. M. The Lessons of Experience: How Successful Executives Develop on the Job. Lexington, Mass.: Lexington Books, 1988.
6 Yukl, G., and Manus Associates. Compass: The Managerial Practices Survey Feedback Report, 1996.
7 DDI White Paper #M303. “Developmental Assessment Centers: A One-Year Check-Up—How Did the Executives Change(If at All)?” Bridgeville, PA, 2007.
8 Seifert, C. F., and Yukl, G. “The Effects of Repeated Feedback on Behavior Change for Managers.” Paper presented at the Academy of Management annual meeting, Philadelphia, August 2007.
9 Green, B. “Listening to Leaders: Feedback on 360-Degree Feedback One Year Later.” Organization Development Journal, April 2002; and Bingham, T., and Galagan, P. “Coloring Outside the Lines.” Training and Development, July 2005.
Chapter Nine
1 Bracken, D.W., Timmreck, C. W., and Church, A.H. (Eds.). The Handbook of Multi-Source Feedback. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2001.
2 Maylett, T., and Riboldi, J. “Using 360 Feedback to Predict Performance.” Training and Development, September 2007.
3 Ilgen, D. R., Fisher, C. D., and Taylor, M. S. “Consequences of Individual Feedback on Behavior in Organizations.” Journal of Applied Psychology, 1979, 64(4), 349-371.
4 “Creating People Advantage: How to Address HR Challenges Worldwide Through 2015.” Business Wire press release, April 16, 2008.
5 Edwards, M. R., and Ewen, A. J. Multi-Source, 360-Degree Feedback Survey Results. TEAMS, 1995.
6 Timmerick, C. W., and Bracken, D. W. “Multisource Feedback Assessment: Reinforcing the Preferred ‘Means’ to the End.” Paper presented at the eleventh annual conference of the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, San Diego, April 1996.
7 360-Degree Feedback Survey, Use of Feedback Within Organizations. Personnel Decisions International, 2008.
8 Cronshaw, S. F., and Ford, R. G. “Effects of Categorization, Attribution, and Encoding Processes on Leadership Perceptions.” Journal of Applied Psychology, 1987, 72, 19.
9 DeNisi, A. S., Cafferty, T. P., and Meglino, B. M. “A Cognitive View of the Performance Appraisal Process: A Model and Research Proposition.” Organization Behavior and Human Performance, 1984, 33, 360-396.
10 DeNisi, A. S., Cafferty, T. P. and Meglino, B. M. Organization Behavior and Human Performance, 1984.
11 Campbell, D. J., and Lee, C. “Self-Appraisal in Performance Evaluation: Development Versus Evaluation.” Academy of Management Review, 1988, 13, 302-314.
12 Campbell, D.J., and Lee, C. Academy of Management Review, 1988.
13 Edwards, M. R., and Ewen, A. J., “Moving Multisource Assessment Beyond Development. The linkage Between 360-Degree Feedback, Performance, and Pay.” ACA Journal, Winter 1995, 2-13.
14 Edwards, M. R., and Ewen, A. J., ACA Journal, 1995.
15 Budman, M., and Rice, B. “The Rating Game.” Across the Board, February 1994, 35-38.
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