Developing a Plan of Approach

Before you approach key decision-makers, you should be clear about what you hope to achieve. How will you know when you have gained commitment? What exactly do you want this person to do? Once you have made those determinations, using the analysis of resistance and its causes, flesh out your plan using a template similar to the following:
1. Name a decision-maker or stakeholder.
2. Consider what you want this person to do—lend the use of a name, champion actively, provide funding?
3. Consider what this person’s goals, values, and needs are.
4. Consider what concerns this person might have that would lead to resistance.
5. Determine what actions can be taken to address those concerns.
6. Clarify what this person would see as the benefit of the 360 process. Consider both organizational and personal benefits.
7. Consider possible objections this person may raise during the discussion. How will you respond to each objection?
8. Determine the type of approach that is likely to work best with this person—fact-based, value-based, participative, or collaborative.
9. Decide how you will begin the conversation. What will your opening remarks be?
10. Think about what will make the conversation easy.
11. Think about what will make the conversation difficult. What can you do to lessen the difficulty?
As you put your plan into action, you can increase the likelihood that you will achieve your objective if you follow these guidelines:
1. Use your past experiences with this person to identify the approach that is likely to be most effective.
2. Anticipate objections, and be prepared to answer any questions or concerns with well-thought-out responses.
3. Listen carefully. Show you are listening by paraphrasing what has been said, then directly address the stakeholder’s issues or concerns in your answer.
4. Be flexible. Be willing to address problems and incorporate others’ suggestions and concerns into your future planning.
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