Subject Index


Aberrations, chromatic, and lenses, 49, 51

Absolute index of refraction, definition, 49


as exposure factor, 7576

in optics, 4546

reflection role, 48

ADC, see Analog-to-digital converter (ADC)

Adobe Acrobat®, PDF creation, 145


for color acquisition, 79, 81

in files, 134

Aliasing, in image creation, 83

Analog-to-digital converter (ADC)

in digital imaging, 71

in quantization, 73

Angle of incidence, and reflection, 4647

Angle of view, and lens type, 5758

Anti-blooming technology, definition, 31

Aperture, in lens function, 5455

Apochromatic lens, characteristics, 51

Area arrays, and digital backs, 18

Array processor, in quantization, 75


Bayer array, 35, 81

and digital backs, 18

in sensor capture, 35

Artifacts, in hybrid digital photography, 173

Autofocus lens, characteristics, 58, 60

Average-value metering, and exposure, 104



digital backs, 18

scanning backs, 18

tethering, 20


color, 163

daylight balance, 126

light balancing, 149152

neutral balancing, 150, 153

neutral tones, 114116, 121122, 130

post-capture correction, 153, 155

shift and stretch, 156157, 159

Banding, as exposure factor, 76

Basic daylight exposure (BDE), characteristics, 9495

Batch processing, and neutral tone balancing, 115116

Bayer array

in color acquisition, 81

in sensor capture, 35

BDE, see Basic daylight exposure (BDE)

Bicubic resampling, for file expansion, 136

Binary numbering system, in files, 134

Bit color

in files, 134135

and file size and detail, 135

in GIFs, 143

in hybrid digital imaging, 181

sensor size vs. film, 170

Bit depth, in files, 134135

Bit order, in files, 136


in capture, 69

definition, 31

Broughton, Christopher, on location workflow approach, 123, 125127


Camera obscura

definition, 11

improvements to, 12

Camera operational controls

in digital workflow, 113

in studio digital workflow, 120

Camera systems

consumer, 1516

early history, 1112

and JPEGs, 141

point-and-shoot, 12

professional, 16, 18

prosumer, 1516

tethered systems, 110, 116120

view, 15

viewfinder, 1416


in digital workflow, 116117

in image creation, 69, 71

Capture devices

camera basics, 1115

digital cameras, 1520

in mobile phones, 14

scanners, 2022

CCD, see Charge-coupled device (CCD)

CD, see Compact Disc (CD)

CEPS, see Color electronic prepress system (CEPS)

Charge-coupled device (CCD)

vs. CMOS sensor, 4041

definition, 4

development, 4

in digital imaging, 71

as sensor type, 2728


active sites, 38

Foveon X3®, 36, 82, 172173

sensors as, 31

Chromatic aberrations, and lenses, 49, 51

CIE, see Commission Internationale de L’Éclairage (CIE)

Circle of confusion, in lens function, 54

Cleanliness, in digital workflow, 111

Clipping, and highlight-detail metering, 104

CMOS, see Complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS)

CMYK, see Cyan, magenta, yellow, black (CMYK)

Collimators, and digital lenses, 6061


acquisition in image creation, 8182

balancing, and curves, 163

in hybrid digital imaging, 173, 181

sampling effects, 85

Colored gels, in studio digital workflow, 122

Color electronic prepress system (CEPS)

definition, 4

development, 5

and digital imaging, 2

Commission Internationale de L’Éclairage (CIE), for color system, 135

Compact Disc (CD), for photo storage, 176

Complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS)

vs. CCD, 4041

development, 5

and image capture, 69, 71

as sensor type, 2728


definition, 18

in files, 136137

Lempel–Ziv–Welch compression, 140

in professional cameras, 18

Compuserve®, GIF development, 143

Computers, see also Software

and digital imaging, 2

and hybrid digital photography, 175176

and image capture, 117

Macintosh®, and TIFFs, 140

TIFF compression, 140

Consumer cameras, types, 1516

Crown glass, absolute index of refraction, 49


and color balancing, 159160, 163

shift and stretch adjustments, 157, 159

Cyan, magenta, yellow, black (CMYK), balancing curves, 160, 163


Daguerreotype, as early process, 4

Dark frame reduction, as exposure factor, 7677

Dark noise, as exposure factor, 76

Dark-tone metering, and exposure, 101102

Daylight balance, on location digital workflow, 126

dB, see Decibel (dB)

Decibel (dB), as exposure factor, 78

Depletion layer, as photodiode part, 28

Depth of field

overcoming photographic limitations, 129130

in studio digital workflow, 120

Detail, in image creation, 8283, 85

Diffraction, and lenses, 51

Digital backs, in professional cameras, 18

Digital imaging overview

and computers, 2

definition, 1

electronic processing, 7172

vs. film-based photography, 1

and fine artists, 5

image manipulation, 4

image types, 85, 87

and mobile phones, 6

and Moore’s law, 2

in photojournalism, 45

Photoshop®, 6

and publishing field, 2

simplicity, 4

Digital prepress, see Color electronic prepress system (CEPS)

Digital Versatile Disc (DVD), for photo storage, 176

Doping, photodiodes, 28

DVD, see Digital Versatile Disc (DVD)

Dynamic range

as exposure factor, 78

in hybrid digital imaging, 177, 179, 181


Electromagnetic spectrum (EMS)

definition, 28

as exposure factor, 75

Electronic processing, digital images, 7172

Electronics, and hybrid digital photography, 175176

Electronic sequencing, in image creation, 6768

Electronic shutters, in image creation, 68

Electroplating, in sensor manufacture, 33

EMS, see Electromagnetic spectrum (EMS)

Encapsulated Post Script (EPS), characteristics, 143

EPS, see Encapsulated Post Script (EPS)


affecting factors, 7578

average-value metering, 104

basic daylight exposure, 9495

calculations, 9192

dark-tone metering, 101102

in digital workflow, 113114

highlight-detail metering, 102, 104

and ISO, f-stop, shutter speed, 92, 94

light meter types, 9596, 9899

on location digital workflow, 126

metering basics, 68, 9596, 9899

in studio digital workflow, 121123

substitution metering, 99100

tonal placement metering, 100101


File format

definition, 134

EPS, 143

GIF, 143

JPEG, 141

PDF, 143, 145

Photoshop®; Documents, 140141

TIFF, 140, 176

in workflow, 111113


bit depth and color, 134135

bit order, 136

compression, 136137

overview, 133134

size and detail, 135136

size reduction via software, 85

types, 137, 139

Fill factor

definition, 33

sensor size vs. film, 172


vs. digital imaging, 1

vs. digital resolution, 85

in hybrid digital imaging, 170, 172173, 177, 179

Filter matrix, in sensor capture, 35

Filters, and color acquisition, 81

Fine artists, and digital imaging, 5

Flare, in optics, 47

Flash, and spectral composition, 151

Flatbed scanners, sensors, 20, 22

Fluorescent light, and spectral composition, 151152

Four-Thirds standard (4/3rds), in optics, 4849

Foveon X3®; chip

and color acquisition, 82

for color capture, 36

color interpolation vs. scanned color, 173

in hybrid digital photography, 172

Frame interline transfer, sensor signal processing, 38


and exposure, 92, 94

in lens function, 54

overcoming photographic limitations, 129

Fuji®; SR sensor, photodiode use, 78


Gamma adjustment, and neutral tone balancing, 116, 123

Gate, as photodiode part, 28

Gels, in studio digital workflow, 122

GIF, see Graphics Interchange Format (GIF)

Graphics Interchange Format (GIF), characteristics, 143


Hg, medium arc, iodine lamps, see Metallic halide lamps (HMI lamps)

Highlight-detail metering, and exposure, 102, 104


in hybrid digital imaging, 179

in studio digital workflow, 121


and exposure, 114

and post-capture correction, 153, 155

HMI lamps, see Metallic halide lamps (HMI lamps)

Horizon, on location digital workflow, 126

Hot mirror

as exposure factor, 76

in sensors, 37

Hybrid digital photography

color gamut, 181

color interpolation vs. scanned color, 173

vs. digital capture, 183, 185

dynamic range, 177, 179, 181

electronics, 175176

as photography choice, 169170

sensor size vs. film, 170, 172173

spectral sensitivity, 175

storage, 176177

workflow, 181, 183

Hyperfocal distance, in lens function, 55


Image creation

capture, 69, 71

color acquisition, 79, 8182

electronic processing, 7172

electronic sequencing, 6768

exposure factors, 7578

overview, 67

quantization, 7273, 75

sampling and detail, 8283, 85

Incident meters, characteristics, 96

Indium tin oxide (ITO)

as exposure factor, 7576

in optics, 48

in photodiode gate, 28, 30

Interline transfer, sensor signal processing, 38

International Color Commission, see Commission Internationale de L’Éclairage (CIE)

International Standards Organization (ISO), as exposure factor, 75, 92, 94

ISO, see International Standards Organization (ISO)

ITO, see Indium tin oxide (ITO)


Jaggies, in image creation, 83

Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG), characteristics, 141

JPEG, see Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG)


Laminating, in sensor manufacture, 33

LCD, see Liquid-crystal display (LCD)

LeafaxTM device, in photojournalism, 5

Lempel–Ziv–Welch (LZW) compression, and TIFFs, 140


aperture, 5455

autofocus, 58

basic optics, 4551

basics, 5152

calculations, 52

collimators, 6061

perspective-correcting lens, 125

retrofocus lens, 58

sensor micro-lens, 37

SLR, see Single-lens reflex (SLR)

through-the-lens meters, 96

types, 55, 5758, 60

wide-angle lens, 120

zoom lens, 58

Levels, shift and stretch adjustments, 157

Light balancing

overview, 149150

and spectral composition, 150152


overcoming photographic limitations, 127, 129

and spectral composition, 150152

in studio digital workflow, 119120

Light meters, types, 9596, 9899

Linear array, and digital backs, 18

Liquid-crystal display (LCD)

definition, 12

exposure concerns, 113

Location digital workflow, approach, 123, 125127

Lossless compression, in files, 136

Lossy compression, method overview, 136137

LZW compression, see Lempel–Ziv–Welch (LZW) compression


Macintosh® platform, TIFFs, 140

McConnell, Russ, overcoming photographic limitations, 127, 129130

Metadata, in files, 135

Metallic halide lamps (HMI lamps), and spectral composition, 152

Metal oxide semiconductors (MOS), as sensor type, 27


average-value metering, 104

dark-tone metering, 101102

for exposure, 68

highlight-detail metering, 102, 104

incident meters, 96

overview, 9596, 9899

reflective meters, 96

substitution metering, 99100

through-the-lens meters, 96

tonal placement metering, 100101

Micro-lens, in sensors, 37

Midday sunlight, see Skylight

Miles, Scott, in studio workflow approach, 118123

Mobile phones

capture devices, 14

and digital imaging, 6

Monochromatic sensor, filters, 3637

Moore’s law, and digital imaging, 2

MOS, see Metal oxide semiconductors (MOS)

Mosaic, in sensor capture, 35

Multicoatings, in optics, 47


Negative films, dynamic range, 177, 179

Neutral balancing

and post-capture correction, 153

and spectral composition, 150

Neutral tone balancing

in digital workflow, 114116

overcoming photographic limitations, 130

in studio digital workflow, 121122


definition, 40

from electronics, 175176

as exposure factor, 76

reduction via software, 78

Non-exposure noise, as exposure factor, 76

Normal lens, characteristics, 57

Nyquest limit, in image creation, 83



Four-Thirds standard (4/3rds), 4849

light wavelength, 48

overview, 45

reflection, 4647

refraction, 4748

Overexposure, in digital workflow, 114


PC platforms, TIFFs, 140

PDA, see Personal digital assistant (PDA)

PDF, see Personal Document Files (PDF)

Pentaprisms, definition, 15

Perceptual constancy, and neutral tone balancing, 114

Personal digital assistant (PDA), for image capture, 14

Personal Document Files (PDF), characteristics, 143, 145

Perspective-correcting lens, on location workflow, 125

Photodetectors, see Photodiodes

Photodiodes, see also Pixels

in Fuji® SR sensor, 78

layers, 28

light capture, 28, 3031

primary parts, 28

Photoetching, in sensor manufacture, 33

Photographic process overview

and amateur market, 6

and computers, 2

convenient picture-making methods, 45

digital imaging vs. film-based, 12

Moore’s law, 2

“photography” word derivation, 149

and photojournalism, 45

and publishing field, 2

silver halide photography, 1


and digital imaging, 4

LeafaxTM device, 5

Photons, and photodiode, 3031

Photoshop® and digital imaging, 6

Photoshop® Document (PSD), characteristics, 140141

Pixel packing, in files, 137

Pixels, see also Photodiodes

definition, 87

as exposure factor, 78

resampling and enlargement, 136

and sensors, 3738

sensor size vs. film, 170

shift and stretch, 156

Pixels per inch (PPI), in image creation, 82

Plating, in sensor manufacture, 33

Point processes

in post-capture correction, 155

shift and stretch, 156157, 159

Point-and-shoot cameras, definition, 12

Polaroid® dye migration process

definition, 4

as early process, 4

Positive lens, characteristics, 5152

Post-capture correction, for balancing, 153, 155

Potential well, and photodiode, 30

PPI, see Pixels per inch (PPI)

Professional cameras

compression, 18

digital backs, 18

image capture time, 16, 18

tricolor photography, 18

Profiles, and neutral tone balancing, 116

Prosumer cameras

definition, 15

users, 16

PSD, see Photoshop® Document (PSD)

Publishing, and digital imaging, 2, 4


Quantization, in image creation, 7273, 75


Raster graphics, definition, 85

Raster image processor (RIP), and PDFs, 145

RAW files

characteristics, 139

and color acquisition, 79

and post-capture correction, 153

shift and stretch adjustments, 157

storage, 117

Red, green, blue (RGB)

balancing curves, 160, 163

and color acquisition, 79

and color image histograms, 153

and neutral tone balancing, 115

in sensor capture, 35


in light absorption, 48

in optics, 4647

Reflective meters, characteristics, 96

Refraction, in optics, 4749

Resampling, for file expansion, 136


digital vs. film images, 85

in image creation, 8283

Retrofocus lens, characteristics, 58

RGB, see Red, green, blue (RGB)

RIP, see Raster image processor (RIP)

Rolling shuttering, definition, 68

Run-length encoding, in files, 137



color effects, 85

in image creation, 8283

resampling for file expansion, 136

Sampling rate, sensor size vs. film, 172

Scanned color, in hybrid digital photography, 173

Scanners, types, 20, 22

Scanning backs, in professional cameras, 18

Scientific equipment, and digital images, 22

SED, see Spectral energy distribution (SED)

Semiconductor, definition, 27


CCD vs. CMOS, 4041

charge-coupled device, 2728

charging, 68

color acquisition, 79

color capture, 35

complementary metal oxide semiconductor, 2728

exposure factors, 7578

filters, 3536

in flatbed scanners, 20, 22

Foveon X3® chip, 36

and image capture, 69

light capture, 28, 3031

manufacturing, 31, 33

metal oxide semiconductors, 27

and metering, 9899

micro-lenses, 37

monochromatic type, 3637

overview, 27

photodiode component, 28, 30

and pixels, 3738

prominent features, 33, 35

signal processing architectures, 38

size, vs. film, 172173

Shadow point, in studio digital workflow, 121

Shadows, in hybrid digital imaging, 179

Shift, as point process, 156157, 159


electronic, 68

rolling, 68

Shutter speed

and exposure, 92, 94

in lens function, 55

Signal-to-noise ratio, for sensors, 40

Silver halide photography, definition, 1

Single capture, and professional cameras, 16

Single-lens reflex (SLR)

definition, 12

and digital workflow, 113

in hybrid digital photography, 172

and lens type, 55, 5758

viewing system, 1415

Sites, see Photodiodes

Skylight, and spectral composition, 150

SLR, see Single-lens reflex (SLR)

Smearing, in digital imaging, 71

Software, see also Computers

for digital prepress, 2

for file size reduction, 83, 85

for noise reduction, 78

and through-the-lens meters, 96

Spectral composition, definition, 150

Spectral energy distribution (SED)

definition, 150

and fluorescent light, 151152

and HMI lamps, 152

and midday light, 151

and strobe light, 151

and studio lighting, 151

and ultraviolet light, 151152

Spectral sensitivity, and hybrid digital photography, 175


in digital workflow, 111113, 117118

in hybrid digital photography, 176177

Stretch, as point process, 156157, 159

Strobe, and spectral composition, 151

Studio digital workflow, approach, 118123

Studio lighting, and spectral composition, 151

Styling, in studio digital workflow, 118119

Substitution metering

and exposure, 99100

overview, 99100


Tagged Image File Format (TIFF)

characteristics, 140

and hybrid digital photography, 176

Telephoto lens, characteristics, 57

Tethered camera system

camera controls, 120

capture in, 116117

in digital workflow, 110

lighting, 119120

in studio example, 118

styling within frame, 118119

Tethering, in backs, 20

Three-color filtered sensors, see Trilinear sensors

Three-shot photography, see Tricolor photography

Through-the-lens meters (TTL), characteristics, 96

TIFF, see Tagged Image File Format (TIFF)

Tonal placement metering, and exposure, 100101

Transfer, on sensors, 38

Transforms, in post-capture correction, 155

Tricolor photography

definition, 18

and professional cameras, 16

Trilinear array, in sensor capture, 35

Trilinear sensors

definition, 20

in flatbed scanners, 20, 22


Ultraviolet (UV) energy, and spectral composition, 151152

Under-sampling, in image creation, 83

UV energy, see Ultraviolet (UV) energy


Vector graphic, definition, 85

View camera, for digital capture, 15

Viewfinder cameras

consumer cameras as, 16

viewing system, 14

Viewing systems

single-lens reflex, 1415

viewfinder camera, 14

Visually lossless compression, method, 137


Wavelength, in optics, 48

Wide-angle lens, in studio digital workflow, 120


camera operational controls, 113

capture, 116117

exposure, 113114

in hybrid digital imaging, 181, 183

on location approach, 123, 125127

neutral tone balancing, 114116

overcoming photographic limitations, 127, 129130

overview, 109110

storage, 117118

storage formatting, 111113

in studio example, 118123

technical steps, 111

World Wide Web

and digital imaging, 2

and GIFs, 143

image appropriation, 22

and JPEGs, 141


ZIP compression, and TIFFs, 140

Zoom lens, characteristics, 58

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