
CompTIA IT Fundamentals+ is designed to be the gateway to help you decide which paths to follow in your information technology (IT) career. Whether you are planning to specialize in PC or mobile device hardware, operating systems, applications support, software development, database management, or security, the CompTIA IT Fundamentals+ exam measures the fundamental knowledge you need to begin your journey toward greater responsibilities and achievements in IT.

CompTIA IT Fundamentals+ is designed to be a “vendor-neutral” exam that measures your knowledge of industry-standard technology.

Goals and Methods

The number-one goal of this book is simple: to help you pass the 2018 version of the CompTIA IT Fundamentals+ FC0-U61 exam.

Although IT Fundamentals+ is an entry-level exam with a single type of question, multiple choice, our goal is to help you apply the terms and facts you learn to problem solving and reasoning tasks. We want to help you master and understand the required objectives for each exam.

To aid you in mastering and understanding the IT Fundamentals+ objectives, this book uses the following methods:

  • The beginning of each chapter defines the topics to be covered in the chapter; it also lists the corresponding CompTIA IT Fundamentals+ objective numbers.

  • The body of the chapter explains the topics from a hands-on and a theory-based standpoint. This includes in-depth descriptions, tables, and figures that are geared to build your knowledge so that you can pass the exam. The chapters are broken down into several topics each.

  • The key topics indicate important figures, tables, and lists of information that you should know for the exam. They are interspersed throughout the chapter and are listed in table format at the end of the chapter.

  • Each chapter covering an objective has a list of practice questions. The correct answers are found in Appendix A, “Answers to Practice Questions.”

  • Key terms without definitions are listed at the end of each chapter. Write down the definition of each term and check your work against the complete key terms in the glossary.

  • At the end of each chapter covering an objective, you will find a section called “Your Next Step (More Certs).” The certification descriptions and links in this section help you go deeper into the topics covered in that chapter.

What’s New in the Exam

If you had been considering taking the FC0-U51 IT Fundamentals exam, you might be wondering what’s new in this one. The new FC0-U61 exam is hugely improved. Here are just a few reasons why:

  • The U51 exam has five domains: software, hardware, security, networking, and basic IT literacy; the U61 exam has six domains: IT concepts and terminology, infrastructure, applications and software, software development, database fundamentals, and security.

  • The U51 exam was basically a condensed version of the CompTIA A+ Certification exams; the U61 exam provides a broader range of coverage of IT career paths.

  • The U51 exam has no information about how software is created, little about cloud computing, no information about privacy issues, and no information about database features or uses; the U61 exam provides plenty of coverage of these topics. In our book we provide many ways to experiment with software and database development and use.

For more information about how the IT Fundamentals+ certification can help you plan your career, or to download the latest official objectives, access CompTIA’s IT Fundamentals+ web page at

Who Should Read This Book?

The CompTIA IT Fundamentals+ U61 exam is “intended for candidates who are advanced end users, considering a career in IT, and interested in pursuing professional-level certifications, such as A+.” (source: fc0-u61_objectives.pdf, available from CompTIA website).

This book is also aimed at the reader who wants to acquire additional CompTIA certifications such as A+, Network+, Security+, and so on as well as third-party certifications. The book is designed in such a way to offer easy transition to future certification studies.

Strategies for Exam Preparation

Strategies for exam preparation will vary depending on your existing skills, knowledge, and equipment available. Of course, the ideal exam preparation would consist of trying lots of apps and operating systems on a PC.

Chapter 1, “Welcome to CompTIA IT Fundamentals+,” contains an overview of the exam, a list of the computers, tools, parts, and components you should use for study, and a cross-reference of these items and the chapters where they are discussed.

If you can take a hands-on approach to study, it will really help to reinforce the ideas and concepts expressed in the book. However, not everyone has access to this equipment and software, so the next best step you can take is to read through the chapters in this book, jotting notes down with key concepts on a separate notepad. Each chapter contains a quiz that you can use to test your knowledge of the chapter’s topics. It’s located near the end of the chapter.

After you have read through the book, have a look at the current exam objectives for the CompTIA IT Fundamentals+ FC0-U61 certification exam, available at If there are any areas shown in the certification exam outline that you would still like to study, find those sections in the book and review them.

When you feel confident in your skills, attempt the practice exam. As you work through the practice exam, note the areas where you lack confidence and review those concepts or configurations in the book. After you have reviewed the areas, work through the practice exam a second time and rate your skills. Keep in mind that the more you work through the practice exam, the more familiar the questions will become.

After you have worked through the practice exam a second time and feel confident with your skills, buy a voucher for the real CompTIA IT Fundamentals+ FC0-U61 exam at and schedule it by visiting To prevent the information from evaporating out of your mind, you should typically take the exam within a week of when you consider yourself ready to take the exam.

Table I-1 provides an overview of the exam chapters and highlights some of the special features in each chapter. For complete content, see the Table of Contents. Appendix D, “Study Planner,” tracks the content and matches it to the objectives.

Table I-1 CompTIA IT Fundamentals+ FC0-U61 Exam Topics


Chapter Title

Special Features

CompTIA IT Fundamentals+ Exam Objectives Covered


Welcome to CompTIA IT Fundamentals+

Exam domains

Exam objectives

Hardware, equipment, tools




How Computers Store Data: Notational Systems

Number system tables

Character set figures

Objective 1.1


Compare and Contrast Fundamental Data Types and Their Characteristics

Examples of char, strings, more

Objective 1.2


Input, Output, and More: The Basics of Computing and Processing

Figures of input, processing, output, and storage devices

Objective 1.3


Explain the Value of Data and Information

Compare, contrast trademark, registered trademark, copyright, and patent

Examples of turning data into information

Objective 1.4


Common Units of Measure: Storage, Throughput, and Speed

Comparison tables and charts showing speeds of Internet access, storage device throughput and capacity, and processor speeds

Objective 1.5


Explain the Troubleshooting Methodology

The CompTIA eight-part troubleshooting method, device subsystems and how to use them for troubleshooting, examples of applying troubleshooting method steps

Objective 1.6


I/O: Input/Output Device Interfaces

Details of common I/O device standards, from Bluetooth and USB to VGA and HDMI, and more

Figures, comparison tables

Objective 2.1


Connecting and Configuring Peripherals

Figures illustrating computer ports, connecting cables for devices (printer, mouse, display, more), operating system settings

Steps for IP, web-based, and other installation types

Objective 2.2


Explain the Purpose of Common Internal Computer Components

Figures illustrating components inside computers and mobile devices from storage and video to CPUs and cooling fans

Wired and wireless connection speed comparison

Objective 2.3


Internet Service Types

Figures illustrating different Internet service types

Comparisons of speeds, advantages, disadvantages

Objective 2.4


Compare and Contrast Storage Types

Figures illustrating RAM, hard drive, USB and card flash drives, optical drive, file server, network-attached storage, and cloud storage

Objective 2.5


Compare and Contrast Common Computing Devices and Their Purposes

Figures of common computing devices

Tables comparing features of common computing devices

Internet of Things (IoT) feature comparisons

Objective 2.6


Explain Basic Networking Concepts

Figures illustrating packet transmission of data, network devices

Protocols and commands

Objective 2.7


Given a Scenario, Install, Configure, and Secure a Basic Wireless Network

Figures illustrating typical wireless network hardware

Wireless network standards

Wireless channel overlapping

Best practices for encryption and security

Objective 2.8


Explain the Purpose of Operating Systems

Figures illustrating disk management, process management, application management, virtual memory, device management, and virtual machines

Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, and iOS

Objective 3.1


Operating Systems 101: Features, Processes, UI, and Management

Figures illustrating operating system features in Windows, macOS, and Linux

Tables comparing file types and extensions

Objective 3.2


Purpose and Proper Use of Software

Figures illustrating many types of software

Software examples for major operating systems and cloud-based (browser) environments

Objective 3.3


Getting Apps From Source to Your Device

Comparing local, network, and cloud application delivery; multitier architectures

Objective 3.4


Configuring and Using Web Browsers

Comparing Edge, Internet Explorer, Chrome, and Firefox features, user interfaces, certificate error messages, and more (text and figures)

Objective 3.5


Compare and Contrast General Application Concepts and Uses

Figures illustrating installation processes in Windows, macOS, and Linux

Licensing issues

Objective 3.6


Compare and Contrast Programming Language Categories

Comparisons of actual program code

Online programming environments you can try

Command and syntax references

Objective 4.1


Using Programming Organizational Techniques and Interpret Logic

Examples of pseudocode, flowchart, sequence diagram; branching, looping, and do-while program logic

Objective 4.2


Explain the Purpose and Use of Programming Concepts

Examples of variables, constants; discussions of arrays, vectors, functions, and objects

Objective 4.3


Explain Database Concepts and the Purpose of a Database

Figures illustrating database creation, importing data into the database, querying, and reports

SQL examples; storage issues

Objective 5.1


Compare and Contrast Various Database Structures

Figures illustrating structured and semi-structured data, spreadsheets

JSON database, SQL statements, and code

Objective 5.2


Summarize Methods Used to Interface with Databases

Figures illustrating queries, database dumps

SQL data definition commands, report builders, and backup methods

Objective 5.3


Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability Concerns

CIA triad figure

Confidentiality concerns (eavesdropping, wiretapping, and so on)

Integrity concerns (man-in-the-middle, impersonation, and so on)

Availability concerns (DoS, DDoS, data destruction, and so on)

Objective 6.1


Device Security Best Practices

Figures illustrating malware removal, app updates, safe browsing, and more for Windows, Linux, and macOS

Objective 6.2


Summarize Behavioral Security Concepts

Figures illustrating metadata and metadata removal

Discussions of various types of privacy threats, app permissions, handling confidential information, and more

Objective 6.3


Compare and Contrast Authentication, Authorization, Accounting, and Nonrepudiation Concepts

Figures illustrating authentication methods, file permissions, access controls, logs

Discussions of nonrepudiation, access control methods, location tracking, and authentication

Objective 6.4


Explain Password Best Practices

Figures illustrating password creation and management

Discussions of password expiration, password history, password length, and password complexity

Objective 6.5


Explain Common Uses of Encryption

Illustrations of a simple cipher text, operating system encryption methods, and full-disk encryption

Encryption methods for Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, and Android

Protecting email with encryption

Objective 6.6


Explain Business Continuity Concepts

Figures illustrating redundancy, RAID, and backup

Types of fault tolerance, hot-warm-cold sites, backup methods, and business restoration

Objective 6.7


Final Preparation

How to prepare for the exam

How to register for the exam

What to do if you need to retake the exam to prepare for success the next time


Book Features and Exam Preparation Methods

This book uses several key methodologies to help you discover the exam topics on which you need more review, to help you fully understand and remember those details, and to help you prove to yourself that you have retained your knowledge of those topics. Therefore, this book does not try to help you pass the exams only by memorization but by truly learning and understanding the topics.

The book includes many features that provide different ways to study so you can be ready for the exam. If you understand a topic when you read it, but do not study it any further, you probably will not be ready to pass the exam with confidence. The features included in this book give you tools that help you determine what you know, review what you know, better learn what you don’t know, and be well prepared for the exam. These tools include the following:

  • Foundation Topics: These are the core sections of each chapter. They explain the protocols, concepts, and configuration for the topics in that chapter.

  • Memory Tables: You can find these on the book’s companion website within Appendixes B and C. Use them to help you memorize important information.

  • Exam Preparation Tasks: The “Exam Preparation Tasks” section lists a series of study activities that should be done after reading the “Foundation Topics” section. Each chapter includes the activities that make the most sense for studying the topics in that chapter. The activities include

    • Key Topics Review: The Key Topic icon appears next to the most important items in the “Foundation Topics” section of the chapter. The “Key Topics Review” activity lists the key topics from the chapter and their page numbers. Although the contents of the entire chapter could be on the exam, you should definitely know the information listed in each key topic. Review these topics carefully.

    • Definition of Key Terms: Although certification exams might be unlikely to ask a question such as “Define this term,” the IT Fundamentals+ exam requires you to learn and know a lot of terminology. This section lists some of the most important terms from the chapter, asking you to write a short definition and compare your answer to the glossary.

    • End of Chapter Review Questions: Confirm that you understand the content you just covered.

Companion Website

Register this book to get access to the Pearson IT Certification test engine and other study materials plus additional bonus content. Check this site regularly for new and updated postings written by the author that provide further insight into the more troublesome topics on the exam. Be sure to check the box that you would like to hear from us to receive updates and exclusive discounts on future editions of this product or related products.

To access this companion website, follow these steps:

  1. Go to and log in or create a new account.

  2. Enter the ISBN: 9780789760418

  3. Answer the challenge question as proof of purchase.

  4. Click on the “Access Bonus Content” link in the Registered Products section of your account page, to be taken to the page where your downloadable content is available.

Please note that many of our companion content files can be very large, especially image and video files.

If you are unable to locate the files for this title by following the steps, please visit and select the “Site Problems/ Comments” option. Our customer service representatives will assist you.

Pearson Test Prep Practice Test Software and Questions

The companion website includes the Pearson Test Prep engine—software that displays and grades a set of exam-realistic multiple-choice questions. Using the Pearson Test Prep practice test software, you can either study by going through the questions in Study Mode, or take a simulated exam that mimics real exam conditions. You can also serve up questions in a Flash Card Mode, which will display just the question and no answers, challenging you to state the answer in your own words before checking the actual answers to verify your work.

The installation process requires two major steps: installing the software and then activating the exam. The website has a recent copy of the Pearson Test Prep practice test software. The practice exam (the database of exam questions) is not on this site.


The cardboard sleeve in the back of this book includes a piece of paper. The paper lists the activation code for the practice exam associated with this book. Do not lose the activation code. On the opposite side of the paper from the activation code is a unique, one-time-use coupon code for the purchase of the Premium Edition eBook and Practice Test.

Install the Software

The Pearson Test Prep practice test software is a Windows-only desktop application. You can run it on a Mac using a Windows virtual machine, but it was built specifically for the PC platform. The minimum system requirements are as follows:

  • Windows 10, Windows 8.1, or Windows

  • Microsoft .NET Framework Client

  • Pentium-class 1 GHz processor (or equivalent)

  • 512 MB RAM

  • 650 MB disk space plus 50 MB for each downloaded practice exam

  • Access to the Internet to register and download exam databases

The software installation process is routine as compared with other software installation processes. If you have already installed the Pearson Test Prep practice test software from another Pearson product, there is no need for you to reinstall the software. Simply launch the software on your desktop and proceed to activate the practice exam from this book by using the activation code included in the access code card sleeve in the back of the book.

The following steps outline the installation process:

  1. Download the exam practice test engine from the companion site.

  2. Respond to Windows prompts, as with any typical software installation process.

The installation process will give you the option to activate your exam with the activation code supplied on the paper in the cardboard sleeve. This process requires that you establish a Pearson website login. You need this login to activate the exam, so please do register when prompted. If you already have a Pearson website login, there is no need to register again. Just use your existing login.

Activate and Download the Practice Exam

Once the exam engine is installed, you should then activate the exam associated with this book (if you did not do so during the installation process), as follows:

  1. Start the Pearson Test Prep practice test software from the Windows Start menu or from your desktop shortcut icon.

  2. To activate and download the exam associated with this book, from the My Products or Tools tab, click the Activate Exam button.

  3. At the next screen, enter the activation key from paper inside the cardboard sleeve in the back of the book. Once this is entered, click the Activate button.

  4. The activation process will download the practice exam. Click Next and then click Finish.

When the activation process completes, the My Products tab should list your new exam. If you do not see the exam, make sure that you have selected the My Products tab on the menu. At this point, the software and practice exam are ready to use. Simply select the exam and click the Open Exam button.

To update a particular exam you have already activated and downloaded, display the Tools tab and click the Update Products button. Updating your exams will ensure that you have the latest changes and updates to the exam data.

If you want to check for updates to the Pearson Test Prep practice test software, display the Tools tab and click the Update Application button. You can then ensure that you are running the latest version of the software engine.

Activating Other Exams

The exam software installation process, and the registration process, only has to happen once. Then, for each new exam, only a few steps are required. For instance, if you buy another Pearson IT Certification Cert Guide, extract the activation code from the cardboard sleeve in the back of that book; you do not even need the exam engine at this point. From there, all you have to do is start the exam engine (if not still up and running) and perform Steps 2 through 4 from the previous list.

Assessing Exam Readiness

Exam candidates never really know whether they are adequately prepared for the exam until they have completed about 30% of the questions. At that point, if you are not prepared, it is too late. The best way to determine your readiness is to review the foundation and key topics presented in each chapter. It is best to work your way through the entire book unless you can complete each subject without having to do any research or look up any answers.

Premium Edition eBook and Practice Tests

This book also includes an exclusive offer for 70% off the Premium Edition eBook and Practice Tests edition of this title. Please see the coupon code included with the cardboard sleeve for information on how to purchase the Premium Edition.

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