

3.5mm mini-jacks, installing speakers, 155

32-bit processors

laptop computers, 182

servers, 183

workstations, 183

64-bit processors, 183

laptop computers, 185-186

servers, 186

workstations, 186

802.11a (Wireless-A) wireless standard, 298-299, 304

802.11ac (Wireless-AC) wireless standard, 299-304

802.11b (Wireless-B) wireless standard, 298-299, 304

802.11g (Wireless-G) wireless standard, 298-299, 304

802.11n (Wireless-N) wireless standard, 299-301, 304


Access (MS), 407


backups, 567

creating, 522

exporting, 563

importing, 564

access control, 335

access restriction

ACL, 649

DAC, 650

logins, 644

MAC, 649

RBAC, 647-649

security questions, 644

specific locations, 643

SSO, 645

terminal-specific restrictions, 644

time of day, 644

access to data, restoring, 719


log files, 650-652

software, 409


browser histories, 655

location tracking, 654-655

ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability), 533

ACL (Access Control Lists), 649

Activity Monitor, 322-323

activity trackers/medical devices, 266

add-on NIC (Network Interface Cards), 195

add-ons/extensions (browsers), 430

adding to browsers, 431

enabling/disabling in browsers, 431

removing from browsers, 432

Adobe Flash, 603

Adobe Flash player, 596-597

ALTER command (data definition), 561

altering information (unauthorized), 581

AMD processors, 76

AND comparisons (Boolean logic), 30

Android, 336

encryption, 693, 697

Google Play store, 330

location tracking, 655

patches/updates, 601

PIN, changing, 675

updates/patches, 601

user accounts, 648

ANSI (American National Standards Institute), 18

answering exam questions, suggestions for, 729-731


MIMO antennas, 304

MU-MIMO antennas, 304

anti-copying technology, copyrights and, 57

anti-malware, 591-592

antivirus software, 591-592, 596

AP (Access Points), 285, 296

APIPA protocol addresses, 277

App Store, 328-330

security, 625

Updates Page, 599

validating software sources, 602

Apple Mail, encryption, 695

application logs, 652

applications (apps)

App Store, 328-330


macOS, 328

Windows, 327

browser compatibility, 440, 441

cloud-hosted applications, 418

containers, 340

DBMS apps, 521

digital products, 58

Google Play store, 330

high availability, 705


Android, 330

iOS, 330

Linux, 329

macOS, 328

Windows, 327

local-network-hosted applications, 418

locally-installed applications, 417


Android, 330

iOS, 330

Linux, 329

macOS, 328-329

Windows, 324-326

Microsoft Store, 327

mobile apps

MAM, 622-623

permissions, 621-623

security, 621-623

N-tier architectures, 421

one-tier architectures, 419

permissions, 621-623

security, 621-623

subsystems/processes, 85, 89

SyncToy (Microsoft), 712

three-tier architectures, 420

two-tier architectures, 420


Android, 330

iOS, 330

Linux, 329

macOS, 329


Android, 330

iOS, 330

Linux, 329

macOS, 328

VBA programming language, 485

Applications and Software objectives (ITF+ exam), 6

architectures (process), 319

archive files. See ZIP files

ARM processors, 180

mobile phones, 181

SoC chips, 181-182

tablets, 181

arrays, 512

ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange)

ANSI, 18

code pages, 19

assembly language, 487-488

Atomicity (ACID), 533


brute force attacks, 665

dictionary attacks, 665

spidering attacks, 665

zombie botnets, 666

attenuation (Wi-Fi), 304

attributes (objects), 513

audit trails, unauthorized information alteration, 581

AUP (Acceptable Use Policies), 630-631


access restriction, 643-650

ACL, 649

biometric authentication, 642

DAC, 650

factors of, 640

hardware tokens, 641

MAC, 649

multifactor authentication, 640

OTP, 640

passwords, 640

PIN, 640

RBAC, 647-649

single-factor authentication, 639

software tokens, 641

SSO, 645

authorization, 645

least privilege model, 647

permissions, 646-647

Automator, 322


home automation devices, 258-260


killing, 322-323

scheduling, 322

Availability (CIA Triad), 575

DDoS attacks, 581

destruction (data/device), 583

hardware failures, 582

power outages, 582

service outages, 583


backbone switches, 287


cloud storage, 715

critical data backups, 713

data backups, 710, 713

database backups, 713-714

file backups, 710-714

full backups, 709-710

incremental backups, 710

locally-stored backups, 715

logical backups (database dumps), 565

off-site backups, 716

on-site backups, 716

OS backups, 714

physical backups, 566

RAID arrays, 708

rotation schemes, 713

storage locations, 715-716

base 2 notation. See binary notation

base 10 notation. See decimal notation

base 16 notation. See hexadecimal (hex) notation

BASIC (Beginner’s All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code), 475-476

battery backups, 582

behavioral security

App Store, 625

AUP, 630, 631

blacklists, 623

business software

hidden text, 628

metadata, 626-628

PII, 626

confidential information

company confidential information, 632

customer information, 632

passwords, 631

personal information, 631

corporate networks, 629

customer information, 632

desktop software, 623

App Store, 625

Microsoft Store, 624-625

encryption software, 623

Family/Parental Controls, 623

hidden text, 628


cookies (tracking), 615

email, 617

file sharing, 618-619

file transfers, 620

HTTPS protocol, 615

IM, 620-621

mobile apps, 621-623

one-time pads, 620

secure payment processes, 617

single-use credit cards, 617

social networks, 617

VPN, 616

intrusion detection software, 623

metadata, 626-628

Microsoft Store, 624-625

NDA, 630

passwords, 631

personal information, 631

PII, 626

policies/procedures, 630-631

privacy, 615

steganography, 623

websites, 623

whitelists, 623

Berne Convention to govern copyrights, 56

best practices


Android PIN, 675

BIOS/UEFI passwords, 675

changing, 669

complexity of, 665-666

history of, 668-669

iOS passcodes, 675

length of, 665

password manager apps/services, 673

policies, configuring, 670-672

policies, expiration policies, 669

policies, following, 676

resetting passwords, 673-675

reusing passwords, 672-673

screensaver passwords, 672

SSO policies, 672

software installation, 458-467

Wi-Fi setup, 304

binary notation, 13-14

biometric authentication, 642

biometric identification, nonrepudiation, 655

BIOS/firmware, 175, 177

BIOS/UEFI passwords, 675

BitLocker, 689-691

BitLocker To Go, 358, 689-691

encryption, 358

bits (storage units), 67

bps, 73

Gbps, 74

Kbps, 73

Mbps, 73

Tbps, 75

blacklists, 623

blade servers, 254

blocking applications

macOS, 328

Windows, 327

Bluetooth, 131

keyboards, 151

mouse (mice), 152

networks, 118

scanning, 655

BMW, trademarks, 55

Boolean logic

AND comparisons, 30

NOT comparisons, 30

OR comparisons, 30

Venn diagrams, 31

XOR comparisons, 30

botnets (zombie), 666

bps (bits per second), 73

branching (programming)

If statements, 501

If-Else statements, 502

brownouts, 582


add-ons/extensions, 430

adding to browsers, 431

enabling/disabling in browsers, 431

removing from browsers, 432

application compatibility, 440-441

caching/clearing caches, 427-428

certificates (security)

invalid certificates, 437-438

valid certificates, 436-437

Chrome (Google), 400

add-ons/extensions, 430-432

caching/clearing caches, 427

client-side scripting, deactivating, 430

cookies, 616

Incognito, 433

popup blockers, 439

private browsing, 433

safe browsing practices, 597

script blockers, 440

client-side scripting, deactivating, 429-430

compatibility, 440-441

cookies, 616

Edge (MS), 402

add-ons/extensions, 431-432

caching/clearing caches, 428

client-side scripting, deactivating, 430

cookies, 616

InPrivate Browsing, 433

popup blockers, 439

private browsing, 433

safe browsing practices, 597

script blockers, 440

histories, tracking, 655

HTTP network protocol, 280-281

HTTPS network protocol, 280-281

online shopping, 597

pop-up windows, 596

popup blockers, 439

private browsing, 433

proxy servers, 434-436

safe browsing practices, 596-597

script blockers, 440

brute force attacks, 665

bugging devices, 577

Buick, trademarks, 55

bundled devices, installing, 163

business continuity

disaster recovery

cold sites, 716

hot sites, 717

prioritizing data, 718

restoring data, 718

restoring data access, 719

warm sites, 717

fault tolerance

backups, 709-716

contingency plans, 716-717

redundancy, 705-709

replication, 705

business software

accounting software, 409

database software, 407

document management software, 409

employee scheduling software, 409

EMR software, 409

POS systems, 409

project management software, 408

resource management software, 409

security, 626-628

supply chain management software, 409

BuzzFeed News, 59

bytecode, 479

bytes (storage units), 68


C programming language, 483

C++ programming language, 484


DisplayPort cable, 134, 159

Ethernet cable, 118

fiber optic cable, 204

advantages of, 205

connectors, 203

disadvantages of, 205

FTTC, 204

FTTH, 204

FTTN, 204

FTTP, 204

multi-mode cable, 203

ONT, 204

service comparisons, 213-214

single-mode cable, 203

graphical devices, 132

HDMI cable, 134, 159

LC connectors, 203

SC connectors, 203

ST connectors, 203

Thunderbolt cable, 129

USB cable, 122

cable Internet services, 206

advantages of, 208

data caps, 208

disadvantages of, 209


pricing, 207

service comparisons, 213-214

upstream/downstream speeds, 207

caching (browsers), 427-428


digital cameras, installing, 153

hidden cameras, 577

IP, 265

webcams, installing, 153

candidate keys, 546

captive portals, 307

capturing/collecting data, 59

cars and IoT, 264

CBA (Cost-Benefit Analysis), security and, 51

CD-R discs, data storage, 68

cellular Internet services, 212-214

certificates (security)

invalid certificates, 437-438

valid certificates, 436-437

changed, determining if anything has (troubleshooting methodologies), 98

changing passwords, 669

char (characters), 27

character sets (data representation)

ASCII, 18-19

Unicode, 19

characters/strings, 511

Chevrolet, trademarks, 55

children, Parental/Family Controls, 623

Chrome (Google), 400

add-ons/extensions, 430

adding to Chrome, 431

enabling/disabling in Chrome, 431

removing from Chrome, 432

caching/clearing caches, 427

client-side scripting, deactivating, 430

cookies, 616

Incognito, 433

popup blockers, 439

private browsing, 433

safe browsing practices, 597

script blockers, 440

CIA Triad, 575


DDoS attacks, 581

destruction (data/device), 583

hardware failures, 582

power outages, 582

service outages, 583


dumpster diving, 578

eavesdropping, 576-577

PII, 579

snooping, 575-576

social engineering, 578

wiretapping, 577


DoS attacks, 581

impersonation, 580

MITM attacks, 579

replay attacks, 580

unauthorized information alteration, 581

cipher text versus plain text, 685

clearing browser caches, 427-428

client-side scripting, deactivating, 429-430

clock cycles, 75

clock speeds. See processing speeds

cloud computing

backups, 715

cloud-hosted applications, 418-420

document-sharing services, 405-406

file sharing, 618-619

online workspaces, 405

security, 618-619

cloud-hosted applications (apps), 418

cloud storage, 533

Dropbox, 243

Google Drive, 242

Microsoft OneDrive, 243

clustering servers, 340

COBOL (Common Business-Oriented Language), 484

Coca-Cola, trademarks, 55

code pages (ASCII), 19

coding, compiling, 479, 485

cold sites (disaster recovery), 716

collaboration software

conferencing software, 404

document-sharing services, 405-406

email clients, 403

IM software, 404

online workspaces, 405

collecting/capturing data, 59

color values, hexadecimal (hex) notation, 16

columns (tables), 546

communication (networks)

DNS, 275

packet transmission, 273

WAN, 276

company confidential information, security, 632


applications, 440-441

browsers, 440-441

cross-platform software, 453

Program Compatibility Wizard, 324

compiled programming languages

C, 483

C++, 484

COBOL, 484

interpreted computer languages versus, 475, 483

Java, 485

VBA, 485

compiling code, 479, 485

complexity of passwords, 665-666

compressed file backups, 712-714

compression (files), 356

compromised passwords, 578

COMPTIA Certification Forums, 732

computer components

BIOS/firmware, 175-177

cooling systems, 190

CPU, 179

32-bit processors, 182-183

64-bit processors, 183-186

ARM processors, 180-182

firmware/BIOS, 175-177

GPU, 186-187

motherboards/system boards, 171

eSATA ports, 173

expansion slots, 173

laptop computers, 174-175

port clusters, 173

SATA ports, 172

NIC, 193-195

RAM, 177-178

storage, 188-189

system boards/motherboards, 171

eSATA ports, 173

expansion slots, 173

laptop computers, 174-175

port clusters, 173

SATA ports, 172

computing languages

assembly language, 487-488

BASIC, 475-476

bytecode, 479

C, 483

C++, 484

COBOL, 484

compiled programming languages, 475, 483-485

HTML, 480-481

interpreted computer languages, 475-487

Java, 479, 485

JavaScript, 477

JSON, 477

markup languages

HTML, 480-481

XML, 481, 487

Perl, 477

PowerShell, 479

Python, 478

query languages

SQL, 486-487

XQuery, 487

Ruby, 478

scripted languages

bytecode, 479

Java, 479, 485

scripting languages

BASIC, 475-476

JavaScript, 477

JSON, 477

Perl, 477

PowerShell, 479

Python, 478

Ruby, 478

SQL, 486-487

VBA, 485

XML, 481, 487

XQuery, 487

concurrent software licenses, 455

concurrent users (multiple), databases and, 529

conferencing software, 404

confidential information, security

company confidential information, 632

customer information, 632

passwords, 631

personal information, 631

Confidentiality (CIA Triad)

dumpster diving, 578

eavesdropping, 576-577

PII, 579

snooping, 575-576

social engineering, 578

wiretapping, 577


password policies, 670-672

peripherals/devices, 163

web-based configuration of peripherals/devices, 163

confirming tested theories/resolving problems (troubleshooting methodologies), 103

connectors (cable), 203

conquer (troubleshooting methodologies), divide and, 101-102

considering multiple approaches (troubleshooting methodologies), 100

Consistency (ACID), 533

consoles/command line interfaces

Linux, 388

macOS, 388

Windows, 387

constants, 511


relational databases, 546-547

SQL constraints, 546-547


arrays, 512

defined, 340

vectors, 512

contingency plans (fault tolerance), 716-717

continuity (business)

disaster recovery

cold sites, 716

hot sites, 717

prioritizing data, 718

restoring data, 718

restoring data access, 719

warm sites, 717

fault tolerance

backups, 709-716

contingency plans, 716-717

redundancy, 705-709

replication, 705

cookies (tracking), 615

cooling systems, 190

copying files, 710

copyleft, 56


anti-copying technology, 57

DMCA, 57

infringement, 56

take down notifications, 57

terms and conditions, 56

terms of use, 56

corporate networks, security, 629

correlating data, 59

costs of security, 51-52

CPU (Central Processing Units), 39-40

32-bit processors

laptop computers, 182

servers, 183

workstations, 183

64-bit processors, 183

laptop computers, 185-186

servers, 186

workstations, 186

ARM processors, 180

mobile phones, 181

SoC chips, 181-182

tablets, 181

subsystems/processes, 92

CR2 files, 72

cracking passwords, 666

CREATE command (data definition), 560

credit cards (single-use), 617

critical data backups, 713

cross-platform software, 449-450, 453

CTB (Code the Blocks) website, Python coding, 478

customer information, security, 632


DAC (Discretionary Access Control), 650


as an asset, 51

backups, 710, 713

caps, 208

capture/collection, 59

confidential information, security

company confidential information, 632

customer information, 632

passwords, 631

personal information, 631


anti-copying technology, 57

DMCA, 57

infringement, 56

take down notifications, 57

terms and conditions, 56

terms of use, 56

correlation, 59

critical data backups, 713


ALTER command, 561

CREATE command, 560

DROP command, 561

permissions, 561

destruction, 583

files, subsystems/processes, 85, 89

hidden text, security, 628

information, creating from data, 53-54

input, databases and, 523-524

intellectual property, 54-57

manipulation, relational databases and

delete process, 559

insert process, 558-559

select process, 555, 558

update process, 559

meaningful reporting, 60

MEGO and, 60

metadata, security, 626-628

mining, 542

nonstructured data, 545

patents, 55-57

persistence, 533

PII, security, 626

prioritizing, 718

redundancy, 705

registered trademarks, 55

relationships, 531


ASCII, 18-19

Unicode, 19

restoring, 718

semi-structured data, 543-544

service marks, 55


ASCII, 18-19

CD-R discs, 68

disk caches, 68

DVD+R discs, 70

notational systems, 13-17

Unicode, 19

structured data, 541-542. See also spreadsheets

trademarks, 54-55

types of

Boolean logic, 30-31

char (characters), 27

floats (floating-point numbers), 29-30

int (integers), 29

strings, 27-28

variety of data, 530

velocity of, 530

data at rest (encryption)

file-level encryption

EFS (Windows), 686-688

Linux, 689, 693

macOS, 689-691

Windows, 689-691

mobile devices, 693

data in transit (encryption)

email, 694-696

HTTPS, 696

mobile devices, 697

VPN, 696

data packets

filtering, 581

transmission, 273

Database Fundamentals objectives (ITF+ exam), 7


accessing, 562

ACID, 533

backups, 713-714

database dumps (logical backups), 565

physical backups, 566

creating, 522

concurrent users and, 529

data definition

ALTER command, 561

CREATE command, 560

DROP command, 561

permissions, 561

data manipulation

delete process, 559

insert process, 558-559

select process, 555, 558

update process, 559

data persistence, 533

DBMS apps, 521

document databases, 548-549

dumps (logical backups), 565

exporting databases, 563

flat file (nonrelational) databases, 529-530

hardening (protection), 532

high availability apps, 705


data, 523-524

databases, 563

inputing data, 523-524

key/value databases, 547

multiple concurrent users and, 529

nonrelational databases

document databases, 548-549

key/value databases, 547

nonstructured data, 545

permissions, 561

queries, 525-526

RDBMS, 581

relational databases, 528

constraints, 546-547

data manipulation, 555, 558-559

data relationships, 531

records, 531

schemas, 545

speed of, 530

tables, 545-546

reports, 527

scalability, 529

schemas, 545

security, 532

semi-structured data, 543-544

software, 407

speed of, 530

storage, 532

structured databases, 541-542. See also spreadsheets

tables, 523, 526

templates, 522

variety of data, 530

velocity of data, 530

Davenport, Thomas, 53

DBMS apps, 521

DD-WRT firmware, 342

DDL (Data Definition Language)

ALTER command, 561

CREATE command, 560

DROP command, 561

permissions, 561

DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attacks, 577, 581

decimal notation, 17

default passwords, changing, 595

defining data

ALTER command, 561

CREATE command, 560

DROP command, 561

permissions, 561

Del Monte, trademarks, 55

delete process (data manipulation), 559

DELETE statements, 559

desktop computers

GPU, 187

memory, 178

peripheral connections, 143

ports, 143

desktop software, security, 623

App Store, 625

Microsoft Store, 624-625

destruction (data/device), 583

determining if anything has changed (troubleshooting methodologies), 98

determining the cause, testing theories to (troubleshooting methodologies), 102

confirmed theories/resolving problems, 103

unconfirmed tested theories, establishing new theories/escalating, 103-104

device addresses (networks)

APIPA protocol addresses, 277

IPv4 addresses, 276

IPv6 addresses, 276

MAC addresses, 279

device destruction, 583

device drivers. See drivers

device management

Linux, 334

macOS, 334

Windows, 333

Device Manager, 333

device security

anti-malware, 591-592

antivirus software, 591-592, 596

browsers, safe browsing practices, 596-597

host firewalls, 593

passwords, 595

patches/updates, 597

Android, 601

iOS, 602

Linux, 600

macOS, 599

Windows, 598

software, sourcing, 602-603

updates/patches, 597

Android, 601

iOS, 602

Linux, 600

macOS, 599

Windows, 598

DHCP servers, 277

diagramming software (visual), 402

dictionary attacks, 665

digital cameras, installing, 153

digital products, 58

digital receipts, nonrepudiation, 656

digital signatures, nonrepudiation, 656

DIMM (Dual Inline Memory Modules), 222

direct (manual) database access, 562


Linux, 367

macOS, 367

Windows, 366


add-ons/extensions, 431

SSID, 306

disaster recovery

cold sites, 716

hot sites, 717

prioritizing data, 718


data, 718

data access, 719

warm sites, 717

disk caches, 68

disk management, 319-322

Disk Utility, 321

Diskpart.exe, 320

display colors (RGB), hexadecimal (hex) notation, 16


DisplayPort cable, 134

DisplayPort ports, 134

displays, installing, 159

Mini DisplayPort connections, 134


installing, 157

DisplayPort cable, 159

DVI ports, 158

HDMI cable, 159

multiple displays, 160

VGA ports, 158

multiple displays, installing, 160

subsystems/processes, 93

divide and conquer (troubleshooting methodologies), 101-102

DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act), 57

DMG archive files, 328

DNS (Domain Name Service), 275

Do-While loops, 504, 505

docking devices, Thunderbolt docking devices, 130

DOCSIS (Data Over Cable Service Interface Specification), 206

document databases, 548-549

document management software, 409


AUP, 630-631

Document Inspector feature (Microsoft Office), 579

NDA, 630

PII, 579

sharing services, 405-406

DOCX files, 72

domain networking, 339

DoS (Denial of Service) attacks, 581

doubles (floats), 30


anti-malware software, 591

antivirus software, 591

defined, 207

downstreaming, 207


defined, 319

installing, 161

Linux drivers, 382-383

macOS drivers, 382

Windows drivers, 381

Dropbox, 243, 406

DROP command (data definition), 561

DSL (Digital Subscriber Lines), Internet services, 209

advantages of, 210

disadvantages of, 210

service comparisons, 213-214

dumpster diving, 578

duplicating problems (troubleshooting methodologies), 90

Durability (ACID), 533

Duracell, trademarks, 54

DVD+R discs, data storage, 70

DVI-A (Digital Visual Interface-A) ports, 134

DVI-D (Digital Visual Interface-D) ports, 134

DVI-I (Digital Visual Interface-I) ports, 134

DVI ports

displays, installing, 158

DVI-A ports, 134

DVI-D ports, 134

DVI-I ports, 134


eavesdropping, 576-577

Edge (MS), 402


adding to Edge, 431

enabling/disabling in Edge, 431

removing from Edge, 432

caching/clearing caches, 428

client-side scripting, deactivating, 430

cookies, 616

InPrivate Browsing, 433

popup blockers, 439

private browsing, 433

safe browsing practices, 597

script blockers, 440

editing Registry, 440

EFS (Encrypted File Systems), 357, 686-688

electronic recycling policies, 578


clients, 403

DDoS attacks, 581

DoS attacks, 581

encryption, 694

Linux, 696

macOS, 695

Windows, 695

executive impersonation, 580

IMAP network protocol, 280-282

POP3 network protocol, 280-282

security, 617

S/MIME, 579

SMTP network protocol, 280,-282

embedded OS (Operating Systems), 341

Embedded Windows. See IoT

employee scheduling software, 409

EMR (Electronic Medical Record) software, 409


Android, 693, 697

BitLocker, 358, 689-691

BitLocker To Go, 689-691

cipher text versus plain text, 685

data at rest

file-level encryption, 686-693

mobile devices, 693

data in transit

email, 694-696

HTTPS, 696

mobile devices, 697

VPN, 696

eavesdropping and, 577

EFS, 357

email, 694

Linux, 696

macOS, 695

Windows, 695

Ext4, 359

FileVault 2, 359

Gmail, 695

GnuPG, 694

HFS Plus, 359

HTTPS, 696

iOS, 693, 697

mobile devices, 693, 697

NTFS, 357-358

OpenPGP, 694

plain text versus cipher text, 685

process of, 685

S/MIME, 579, 694-695

software, 623

SSL, 283

TLS, 283

TPM, 690-691

VPN, 696


captive portals, 307

open (unencrypted) Wi-Fi, 307

WEP, 308-309

WPA, 308-310

WPA2, 308-310

Enigmail, 696

Epic Games, trademarks, 55

equipment/tools, recommendations (ITF+ exam), 8

eSATA ports, 173

ESD (Electrostatic Discharge), 223

ESET Online Scanner, 606


cable grades/supported networks, 118

ONT, 205

RJ-45 Ethernet connectors, 118

switches, 284

wired Ethernet ports, 193-195

wireless Ethernet ports, 194-195

EULA (End-User Licensing Agreements), 58, 464-465

Evolution, 696


COMPTIA Certification Forums, 732

exam day suggestions, 726

failing exams

reserving post-exam study hours, 727

study suggestions, 731-732

practice exams

taking, 728-729

timed exams, 729

pre-exam suggestions, 726

questions, answering, 725, 729-731

studying for, 731-732

time management, answering questions, 725

Excel (MS), 72, 398

ExcelSafe, 581

executive impersonation, 580

expansion slots, 173

expired passwords, 669

exporting/importing databases, 563

Ext4 (Fourth Extended File System), 354-355

encryption, 359

filenames, 366

journaling, 363

limitations of, 364

permissions, 362-363

extensions (file), 72

Linux, 372-373

macOS, 373

MIME file types, 373

Windows, 367-371

extensions/add-ons (browsers), 430

adding to browsers, 431

enabling/disabling in browsers, 431

removing from browsers, 432

external hard drives, installing, 154


failing exams

post-exam study hours, reserving, 727

study suggestions, 731-732

Family/Parental Controls, 623

Fanny Widget app, 582

FAT32 (File Allocation Table 32-bit), 352-353

encryption, 358

filenames, 364-365

limitations of, 364

fault tolerance


critical data backups, 713

data backups, 710, 713

database backups, 713-714

file backups, 710-714

full backups, 709-710

incremental backups, 710

OS backups, 714

rotation schemes, 713

storage locations, 715-716

contingency plans, 716-717


data, 705

networks, 708-709

power supplies, 709

RAID arrays, 706-707

replication, 705

FC0-U61 exam

Applications and Software objectives, 6

benefits of, 3

coverage of, 3

Database Fundamentals objectives, 7

design of, 3

details of, 4

domains of, 4

goals of, 3

hardware recommendations, 8

Infrastructure objectives, 5

IT Concepts and Terminology objectives, 5

Security objectives, 7

Software Development Concepts objectives, 6

software recommendations, 9-10

target audience, 3

tools/equipment recommendations, 8

topics covered, 3

fdisk command-line tool, 322

fiber optic cable, 204

advantages of, 205

connectors, 203

disadvantages of, 205

FTTC, 204

FTTH, 204

FTTN, 204

FTTP, 204

multi-mode cable, 203

ONT, 204

service comparisons, 213-214

single-mode cable, 203

fields (tables), 546

File History (Windows), 711

file servers, 239-240

file systems, 351

archive files. See ZIP files

Ext4, 354-355

encryption, 359

filenames, 366

journaling, 363

limitations of, 364

permissions, 362-363

FAT32, 352-353

encryption, 358

filenames, 364-365

limitations of, 364

HFS, 353

filenames, 366

limitations of, 364

HFS Plus, 354

encryption, 359

file compression, 356

filenames, 366

journaling, 363

limitations of, 364

permissions, 360-361

NTFS, 352

encryption, 357-358

file compression, 356

filenames, 365

journaling, 363

limitations of, 364

permissions, 359

ZIP files, 356


backups, 710-714

compression, 356

copying, 710

data files, subsystems/processes, 85, 89


EFS (Windows), 686-688

Linux, 689, 693

macOS, 689-691

Windows, 689-691


Ext4, 366

FAT32, 364-365

HFS, 366

HFS Plus, 366

histories, 710

log files, 89


file types/extensions, 367-373

folders/directories, 366-367

sharing, security, 618-619

synchronizing, 710-712

transfers, security, 620

types/extensions, 72

Linux, 372-373

macOS, 373

MIME file types, 373

Windows, 367-371

FileVault 2 encryption, 359

filtering packets, 581

Firefox (Mozilla)

add-ons/extensions, 430

adding to Firefox, 431

enabling/disabling in Firefox, 431

removing from Firefox, 432

caching/clearing caches, 428

client-side scripting, deactivating, 430

cookies, 616

popup blockers, 439

private browsing, 433

proxy servers, 435

safe browsing practices, 597

script blockers, 440

firewalls, 286

Firestarter firewall, 594

host firewalls, 593

Linux firewalls, 594

macOS Firewall, 594

software firewalls, 287

Windows Defender Firewall, 593

FireWire devices, 127-129

firmware, 175-177, 341

subsystems/processes, 85, 89

UEFI, 175

Five-Cfs methodology, creating information from data, 53-54

fixed WISP (Wireless ISP), 210, 213-214

Flash (Adobe), 603

Flash drives, 17, 69, 233-235

Flash player, 596-597

memory cards, 236

memory card readers, 235

NAND, 229-230

flat file (nonrelational) databases, 529-530

Flatpak, Linux security, 625

floating points, 511

floats (floating-point numbers)

doubles, 30

single-precision floats, 29

flood drop thresholds, 581

flow charts, 402, 498-500


Linux, 367

macOS, 367

Windows, 366

For loops, 503-504

foreign keys, 546

FORTNITE, trademarks, 55

free command, 322

FTP servers, 287

FTTC (Fiber To The Cabinet (Curb)), 204

FTTH (Fiber To The Home), 204

FTTN (Fiber To The Network), 204

FTTP (Fiber To The Premises), 204

full backups, 709-710

full recovery backups, 714

full system functionality (troubleshooting methodologies), 105

functions, 512-513


gaming consoles, 256-257

Gantt charts, 408

gathering information (troubleshooting methodologies), 89

GB (Gigabytes), storage units, 69-71

Gbps (Gigabits per second), 74

generating passwords, 667

GHz (Gigahertz), processing speeds, 77

GM (General Motors), trademarks, 55

Gmail, encryption, 695

GnuPG (GNU Privacy Guard), 694

Google Chrome, 400

add-ons/extensions, 430

adding to Chrome, 431

enabling/disabling in Chrome, 431

removing from Chrome, 432

caching/clearing caches, 427

client-side scripting, deactivating, 430

cookies, 616

Incognito, 433

popup blockers, 439

private browsing, 433

safe browsing practices, 597

script blockers, 440

Google Docs, 406

Google Drive, 242

Google Play, 601-602

Google Play store, 330

GPU (Graphical Processing Units), 39, 42, 186-187

grandfather-father-son backup rotation strategy, 713

graphical devices

cable, 132

DisplayPort cable, 134

DisplayPort ports, 134

DVI-A ports, 134

DVI-D ports, 134

DVI-I ports, 134

graphical device ports, 131-132

HDMI cable, 134

HDMI ports, 134

Mini DisplayPort connections, 134

VGA ports, 133

video cards, 132

group use (site) software licenses, 454

Gufw Firewall, 594

GUI (Graphical User Interface), 389


hard drives, 188

decimal notation, 17

disk caches, 68

disk management, 319-322

external hard drives, installing, 154

HDD, 230

setup, 319-322

SSD, 226-227, 230

SSHD, 231

subsystems/processes, 93


failures, 582

recommendations (ITF+ exam), 8

subsystems/processes, 85, 89

hardware tokens, authentication, 641

HDD (Hard Disk Drives), 230

HDMI cable, 134, 159

HDMI ports, 134, 156

heat sinks, 190

hexadecimal (hex) notation, 14-15

color values, 16

IPv6 addresses, 16-17

HFS (Hierarchical File Systems), 353

filenames, 366

limitations of, 364

HFS Plus (Hierarchical File Systems Plus), 354

encryption, 359

file compression, 356

filenames, 366

journaling, 363

limitations of, 364

permissions, 360-361

hidden cameras/microphones, 577

hidden networks, connecting to, 306

hidden text, security, 628

high availability, 705


browser histories, tracking, 655

passwords histories, 668-669

Home (Windows 10), 337

home appliances, 259-260

home automation devices, 258-260

host firewalls, 593

hot sites (disaster recovery), 717

HSM (Hierarchical Storage Management), 713

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), 480-481

HTTP (Hypertext Transmission Protocol), 280-281

HTTPS (Hypertext Transport Protocol Secure), 280-281, 615, 696

hubs, 287

hypervisors (Type 1), 343

defined, 342

server virtualization, 344


I/O (Input/Output) device interfaces

graphical devices

cable, 132

DisplayPort cable, 134

DisplayPort ports, 134

DVI-A ports, 134

DVI-D ports, 134

DVI-I ports, 134

graphical device ports, 131-132

HDMI cable, 134

HDMI ports, 134

Mini DisplayPort connections, 134

VGA ports, 133

video cards, 132

peripheral devices

Bluetooth devices, 131

FireWire devices, 127-129

Mini DisplayPort connections, 135

RF devices, 131

Thunderbolt devices, 129

Thunderbolt docking devices, 130

USB devices, 121-122, 125-126

wired network interfaces, 115

RJ-11 telephone connectors, 117

RJ-45 Ethernet connectors, 118

wireless network interfaces

Bluetooth networks, 118

NFC networks, 120

identification (biometric), nonrepudiation, 655

identifiers, 511

identifying problems (troubleshooting methodologies), 85

approaching multiple problems individually, 99

determining if anything has changed, 98

duplicating problems, 90

identifying symptoms, 91-98

information gathering, 89

questioning users, 90

identity authentication

access restriction, 643-650

ACL, 649

biometric authentication, 642

DAC, 650

factors of, 640

hardware tokens, 641

MAC, 649

multifactor authentication, 640

OTP, 640

passwords, 640

PIN, 640

RBAC, 647-649

single-factor authentication, 639

software tokens, 641

SSO, 645

If statements, 501

If-Else statements, 502

IM (Instant Messaging)

IM software, 404

security, 620-621

image (snapshot) backups, 714

image scanners, installing, 150

IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol), 280-282

impersonation, 580

implementing solutions/escalating (troubleshooting methodologies), 105

importing data, 523-524

importing/exporting databases, 563

Incognito (Google Chrome), 433

incremental backups, 710

individual approach to multiple problems (troubleshooting methodologies), 99


alteration (unauthorized), 581

as an asset, 51

confidential information, security

company confidential information, 632

customer information, 632

passwords, 631

personal information, 631


anti-copying technology, 57

DMCA, 57

infringement, 56

take down notifications, 57

terms and conditions, 56

terms of use, 56

creating from data, 53-54

gathering (troubleshooting methodologies), 89

hidden text, security, 628

intellectual property, 54-57

metadata, security, 626-628

patents, 55-57

PII, security, 626

registered trademarks, 55

service marks, 55

trademarks, 54-55

infringing on copyrights, 56

InPrivate Browsing (Edge/Internet Explorer), 433

input, defined, 37

input devices

defined, 37

types of, 38

inputing data, databases and, 523-524

INSERT INTO statements, 559

insert process (data manipulation), 558-559


applications (apps)

Android, 330

cloud-hosted applications, 418

iOS, 330

Linux, 329

local-network-hosted applications, 418

locally-installed applications, 417

macOS, 328

Windows, 327

bundled devices, 163

digital cameras, 153

displays, 157

DisplayPort cable, 159

DVI ports, 158

HDMI cable, 159

multiple displays, 160

VGA ports, 158

drivers, 161

external hard drives, 154

hard drives (external), 154

IP-based peripherals, 163

keyboards, 150-151

mouse (mice), 152

network-located devices, 163

PNP installations, 161

printers, 144, 147-148

scanners, 150


advanced options, 465-467

best practices, 458-467

reading agreements, 464-465

reading instructions, 459-462


3.5mm mini-jacks, 155

HDMI ports, 156

S/PDIF ports, 156

webcams, 153

Instagram, copyrights, 56

instructions, software installation, 459-462

int (integers), 29

integers, 511

Integrity (CIA Triad), 575

DoS attacks, 581

impersonation, 580

MITM attacks, 579

replay attacks, 580

unauthorized information alteration, 581

Intel processors, processing speeds, 76

intellectual property

copyrights, 56

anti-copying technology, 57

DMCA, 57

infringement, 56

take down notifications, 57

terms and conditions, 56

terms of use, 56

patents, 57

trademarks, 54-55

intelligent thermostats, 262

interfaces, 388-389

interference (Wi-Fi), 303

Internet Explorer (MS)


adding to Internet Explorer, 431

enabling/disabling in Internet Explorer, 431

removing from Internet Explorer, 432

caching/clearing caches, 428

client-side scripting, deactivating, 430

cookies, 616

InPrivate Browsing, 433

private browsing, 433

Internet security

cookies (tracking), 615

email, 617

file sharing, 618-619

file transfers, 620

HTTPS protocol, 615

IM, 620-621

mobile apps, 621-623

one-time pads, 620

payment processes, 617

single-use credit cards, 617

social networks, 617

VPN, 616

Internet services

cable Internet services

advantages of, 208

data caps, 208

disadvantages of, 209


pricing, 207

service comparisons, 213-214

upstream/downstream speed, 207

DSL Internet services, 209

advantages of, 210

disadvantages, 210

service comparisons, 213-214

fiber optic cable, 204

advantages of, 205

connectors, 203

disadvantages of, 205

FTTC, 204

FTTH, 204

FTTN, 204

FTTP, 204

multi-mode cable, 203

ONT, 204

service comparisons, 213-214

single-mode cable, 203

wireless Internet services

cellular Internet services, 212-214

RF wireless Internet services, 210, 213-214

satellite Internet services, 211-214

service comparisons, 213-214

Internet/knowledge base, researching (troubleshooting methodologies), 99

interpreted computer languages

compiled programming languages versus, 475

markup languages

HTML, 480-481

XML, 481, 487

scripted languages

bytecode, 479

Java, 479, 485

scripting languages

BASIC, 475-476

JavaScript, 477

JSON, 477

Perl, 477

PowerShell, 479

Python, 478

Ruby, 478

intrusion detection software, 623

invalid certificates (security), 437-438

investing in security, 51-52

iOS, 336

App store, 330

encryption, 693, 697

location tracking, 655

passcodes, changing, 675

patches/updates, 602

updates/patches, 602

user accounts, 648

IoT (Internet of Things), 341

activity trackers, 266

cameras (IP), 265

cars, 264

defined, 258

home appliances, 259-260

home automation devices, 258-260

IP cameras, 265

medical devices, 266

security systems, 262

streaming media devices, 265

thermostats, 262

IP cameras, 265

IP-based peripherals, installing, 163

IPv4 addresses, 276

IPv6 addresses

hexadecimal (hex) notation, 16-17

networks, 276

ISO files, mounting, 462

Isolation (ACID), 533

IT Concepts and Terminology objectives (ITF+ exam), 5

ITF+ exam

Applications and Software objectives, 6

benefits of, 3

coverage of, 3

Database Fundamentals objectives, 7

design of, 3

details of, 4

domains of, 4

goals of, 3

hardware recommendations, 8

Infrastructure objectives, 5

IT Concepts and Terminology objectives, 5

Security objectives, 7

Software Development Concepts objectives, 6

software recommendations, 9-10

target audience, 3

tools/equipment recommendations, 8

topics covered, 3


Java, 479, 485

JavaScript, 429-430, 477


Ext4, 363

HFS Plus, 363

NTFS, 363

JPG files, 72

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation), 477, 544


KB (Kilobytes), storage units, 68, 71

Kbps (Kilobits per second), 73

Kerberos security, 580

key/value databases, 547

keyboards, installing, 150-151

killing processes, 322-323

knowledge base/Internet, researching (troubleshooting methodologies), 99

KVM (Keyboard, Video, Mouse) switches, 253-254



assembly language, 487-488

BASIC, 475-476

bytecode, 479

C, 483

C++, 484

COBOL, 484

compiled programming languages, 475, 483-485

HTML, 480-481

interpreted computer languages, 475-481, 485-487

Java, 479, 485

JavaScript, 477

JSON, 477

markup languages

HTML, 480-481

XML, 481, 487

Perl, 477

PowerShell, 479

Python, 478

query languages

SQL, 486-487

XQuery, 487

Ruby, 478

scripted languages

bytecode, 479

Java, 479, 485

scripting languages

BASIC, 475-476

JavaScript, 477

JSON, 477

Perl, 477

PowerShell, 479

Python, 478

Ruby, 478

SQL, 486-487

VBA, 485

XML, 481, 487

XQuery, 487

laptop computers

32-bit processors, 182

64-bit processors, 185-186

core features, 251

feature comparison table, 257

memory, 178

motherboards/system boards, 174-175

peripheral connections, 144

ports, 144


wireless adapters, 295

LC connectors (cable), 203

least privilege model, authorization, 647

length of passwords, 665

lessons learned (troubleshooting methodologies), 107

libraries (function), 513

licensing software

concurrent licenses, 455

EULA, 464-465

group use (site) licenses, 454

home licenses, 455

one-time software purchases, 457

open source programs/software, 56, 456

product keys, 457-458

proprietary software, 456

serial numbers, 457-458

single-use licenses, 454

subscriptions, 457


access control, 335

backups (image), 714

clustering servers, 340

disk management, 322

drivers, 382-383


encryption, 696

Enigmail, 696

Evolution, 696

Thunderbird (Mozilla), 696

embedded OS, 341


disk-level encryption, 693

email, 696

file-level encryption, 689

Ext4, 354-355

encryption, 359

filenames, 366

journaling, 363

limitations of, 364

permissions, 362-363

FAT32, 352-353

encryption, 358

filenames, 364-365

limitations of, 364

fdisk command-line tool, 322

file permissions, 625

file sharing, 619

file types/extensions, 372-373

firewalls, 594

Flatpak, Linux security, 625

folders/directories, 367

free command, 332

GUI, 389

interface, 388

killing processes, 323

Linux Server, 339-340

log files, accounting, 654

lscpu command-line tool, 334

lspci command-line tool, 334

lsusb command-line tool, 334

network permissions, 647

NTFS, 352

encryption, 357-358

file compression, 356

filenames, 365

journaling, 363

limitations of, 364

permissions, 359

passwords, resetting, 675

patches/updates, 600

ping command, firewalls, 594

processes, 379-380

process management, killing processes, 323

ps command-line tool, 323

screen capture tool, 90

screen locks, 623

services, 376


sourcing, 602-603

uninstalling, 604

swap space, 332

task scheduling, 386

top command-line tool, 323

updates/patches, 600

user accounts, 648

utilities, 385

workstation OS, 338

ZIP files, 356

Linux Server, 339-340

liquid cooling systems, 191

local-network-hosted applications (apps), 418

local network storage types

file servers, 239-240

NAS, 238-239

local storage types

Flash drives, 233-235

Flash memory card readers, 235

Flash memory cards, 236

hard drives

HDD, 230

SSD, 226-227, 230

SSHD, 231

optical drives, 231-233

RAM, 221, 225-226

Windows drive letter assignments, 233

locally-installed applications (apps), 417

locally-stored backups, 715

location tracking, 654-655

location-specific access restriction, 643

locking screens, 623

log files, 89, 650-652

logic (programming), 501


If-Else statements, 502

If statements, 501


Do-While loops, 504-505

For loops, 503-504

While loops, 503

logical backups (database dumps), 565

login restriction, authentication, 644

looping (programming)

Do-While loops, 504-505

For loops, 503-504

While loops, 503

lscpu command-line tool, 334

lspci command-line tool, 334

lsusb command-line tool, 334


MAC (Mandatory Access Control), 649

MAC spoofing, 279

MacBook Air, software installation, 460


access control, 335

Activity Monitor, 322-323

App Store, 328-329

security, 625

Updates Page, 599

Apple Mail, encryption, 695

Automator, 322

backups, 712-714

disk management, 321

Disk Utility, 321

drivers, 382


Apple Mail, 695

encryption, 695


disk-level encryption, 691

email, 695

file-level encryption, 689

FAT32, 352-353

encryption, 358

filenames, 364-365

limitations of, 364

fdisk command-line tool, 322

file sharing, 619

file types/extensions, 373

firewalls, 594

folders/directories, 367

GUI, 389

hard disk setup, 321

HFS, 353

filenames, 366

limitations of, 364

HFS Plus, 354

encryption, 359

file compression, 356

filenames, 366

journaling, 363

limitations of, 364

permissions, 360-361

interface, 388

ISO files, mounting, 462

killing processes, 323

location tracking, 655

log files, accounting, 652

macOS Server, 339

network permissions, 646

NTFS, 352

encryption, 357-358

file compression, 356

filenames, 365

journaling, 363

limitations of, 364

permissions, 359

OS X Extended. See HFS


changing, 595

enabling, 596

resetting, 675

patches/updates, 599

processes, 378

killing, 323

scheduling, 322

Safe Mode, 467

scheduling processes, 322

screen locks, 623

services, 375


sourcing, 602-603

uninstalling, 604

swapfiles, 332

system information, displaying, 334

task scheduling, 386

Time Machine, 712

updates/patches, 599

USB devices, 126

user accounts, 648

utilities, 384

workstation OS, 338

ZIP files, 356

macOS Server, 339

malicious software, uninstalling, 606-608


eavesdropping and, 576-577

uninstalling, 607

MAM (Mobile Application Management), 622-623


application management

Android, 330

iOS, 330

Linux, 329

macOS, 328-329

Windows, 324-326

device management

Linux, 334

macOS, 334

Windows, 333

disk management, 319-322

document management software, 409


file types/extensions, 367-373

folders/directories, 366-367

memory management

Linux, 332

macOS, 332

Windows, 331

mobile apps, MAM, 622-623

mobile devices, MDM, 622


killing processes, 322-323

Linux processes, 379-380

macOS processes, 378

scheduling processes, 322

Windows processes, 377

resource management software, 409

sales management software, POS systems, 409


Linux services, 376

macOS services, 375

Windows services, 374

supply chain management software, 409

manipulating data, relational databases and

delete process, 559

insert process, 558-559

select process, 555, 558

update process, 559

manual (direct) database access, 562

many-to-many relationships, 531

markup languages

HTML, 480-481

XML, 481, 487

MB (Megabytes), storage units, 68, 71

Mbps (Megabits per second), 73

MDM (Mobile Device Management), 622

meaningful reporting, 60

media devices (streaming), 265

medical devices/activity trackers, 266

medical records. See EMR software, 409

MEGO (My Eyes Glaze Over), data and, 60

member functions. See methods (objects)


desktop computers, 178

DIMM, 222

Flash memory card readers, 235

Flash memory cards, 236

laptop computers, 178


Linux, 332

macOS, 332

Windows, 331

memory cards, 69

memory modules, 39

NAND flash memory, 229-230

RAM, 39-40, 221, 225-226

disk caches, 68

subsystems/processes, 92


virtual memory, 331

messaging software (IM), 404

MetaClean app, 579


Document Inspector feature (Microsoft Office), 579

PII, 579

security, 626-628

methods (objects), 514

MHz (Megahertz), processing speeds, 76

mice (mouse), installing, 152

microphones (hidden), 577

MicroSD memory cards, 236


Access, 407

database backups, 567

exporting, 563

importing, 564

Edge, 402

add-ons/extensions, 431-432

caching/clearing caches, 428

client-side scripting, deactivating, 430

cookies, 616

InPrivate Browsing, 433

popup blockers, 439

private browsing, 433

safe browsing practices, 597

script blockers, 440

Excel, 398

Microsoft Store, 327

security, 624-625

validating software sources, 602

Office 365

Document Inspector feature, 579

Excel, 398

home licenses, 455

subscriptions, 457

Word, 398

Office Home edition 2016, 457

Office Student edition 2016, 457

OneDrive, 243

SyncToy app, 712

terms of use (copyrights), 56

trademarks, 55

Word, 398

Microsoft Consumer Antivirus Software Providers website, 592

MIME file types/extensions, 373

MIMO (Multiple Input, Multiple Output) antennas, 304

Mini DisplayPort connections, 134

mining data, 542

miswiring, 582

MITM (Man-In-The-Middle) attacks, 576, 579

Mitnick, Kevin, 578

mobile apps

MAM, 622-623

permissions, 621-623

security, 621-623

mobile devices

encryption, 693, 697

MDM, 622


Android, 336

iOS, 336

Windows Mobile, 336


anti-malware, 591-592

antivirus software, 591-592, 596

browsers, safe browsing practices, 596-597

host firewalls, 593

passwords, 595

patches, 597-602

software, sourcing, 602-603

updates, 597-602

subsystems/processes, 94

mobile phones/smartphones, 249

ARM processors, 181

core features, 250

feature comparison table, 257

modems, 284

motherboards/system boards, 171

eSATA ports, 173

expansion slots, 173

laptop computers, 174-175

port clusters, 173

SATA ports, 172

subsystems/processes, 92

mouse (mice), installing, 152

Mozilla Thunderbird, 696

MP3 files, 72

MU-MIMO (Multiuser-MIMO) antennas, 304

multi-mode fiber optic cable, 203

multifactor authentication, 640

multihoming, 709

multiple approaches, considering (troubleshooting methodologies), 100

multiple concurrent users, databases and, 529

multiple displays, installing, 160

multiple problems, approaching individually (troubleshooting methodologies), 99

music, MP3 files, 72

MySQL Workbench, database dumps, 566


N-tier application architectures, 421

NAND flash memory, 229-230

NAS (Network-Attached Storage), 238-239

NDA (Nondisclosure Agreements), 630

network interfaces

wired interfaces, 115

RJ-11 telephone connectors, 117

RJ-45 Ethernet connectors, 118

wireless interfaces

Bluetooth networks, 118

NFC networks, 120


AP, 285

APIPA protocol addresses, 277


DNS, 275

packet transmission, 273

WAN, 276

corporate networks, security, 629

device addresses

APIPA protocol addresses, 277

IPv4 addresses, 276

IPv6 addresses, 276

MAC addresses, 279

DHCP servers, 277

DNS, 275

domain networking, 339

firewalls, 286-287

HTTP, 280-281

HTTPS, 280-281

hubs, 287

IPv4 addresses, 276

IPv6 addresses, 276

IMAP, 280-282

local-network-hosted applications, 418

MAC addresses, MAC spoofing, 279

modems, 284

network-located devices, installing, 163

packet transmission, 273

permissions, 646

POP3, 280-282


HTTP, 280-281

HTTPS, 280-281

IMAP, 280-282

POP3, 280-282

SMTP, 280-282

redundancy, 708-709

routers, 284

firewalls, 287

wireless routers, 287

SAN, 533

security, 283

corporate networks, 629

social networks, 617

SSL, 283

TLS, 283

SMTP, 280-282

social networks, security, 617

SSL, 283

subnet masks, 278

switches, 284

TLS, 283

VPN, 616, 696

WAN, 276

wired networks, subsystems/processes, 96-97

wireless networks, subsystems/processes, 96-97

NFC (Near Field Communication) networks, 120

NFL, terms and conditions (copyrights), 56

NIC (Network Interface Cards)

add-on NIC, 195

Ethernet ports, 193-195

onboard NIC, 195

nonrelational databases, 529-530

document databases, 548-549

key/value databases, 547

nonrepudiation, 655-656

nonstructured data, 545

nonvolatile storage types, 221

NOT comparisons (Boolean logic), 30

notational systems

base 2 notation. See binary notation

base 10 notation. See decimal notation

base 16 notation. See hexadecimal (hex) notation

binary notation, 13-14

decimal notation, 17

hexadecimal (hex) notation, 14-15

color values, 16

IPv6 addresses, 16-17

Notepad, 397

NTFS (New Technology File System), 352

encryption, 357-358

file compression, 356

filenames, 365

journaling, 363

limitations of, 364

permissions, 359


floats (floating-point numbers)

doubles, 30

single-precision floats, 29

int (integers), 29



attributes, 513

methods, 514

properties, 513

obvious, questioning the (troubleshooting methodologies), 100

OEM websites, validating software sources, 603

off-site backups, 716

Office 365 (MS)

Excel, 398

home licenses, 455

subscriptions, 457

Word, 398

Office Home edition 2016 (MS), subscriptions, 457

office productivity software, 397


Google Chrome, 400

Microsoft Edge, 402

presentation software, 399-400

spreadsheet software, 398

visual diagramming software, 402

word processing software, 397

Office Student edition 2016 (MS), subscriptions, 457

on-site backups, 716

onboard NIC (Network Interface Cards), 195

one-tier application architectures, 419

one-time pads, security, 620

one-time software purchases, 457

one-to-many relationships, 531

one-to-one data relationships, 531

OneDrive (MS), 243

online resources

Compile Online website, 485

CTB website, Python coding, 478


cracking tools, 666

generating passwords, 667

XML Query page, 487

online shopping, 597

online workspaces, 405

ONT (Optical Network Terminals), 204

OOP (Object-Oriented Programming), 500

open (unencrypted) Wi-Fi, 307

Open Hardware Monitor app, 582

open source programs/software, 56, 456

OpenPGP (Open Pretty Good Privacy), 694

Opera, cookies, 616

optical drives, 231-233

OR comparisons (Boolean logic), 30


databases, programmatic database access, 562

physical backups, 567

organizational techniques (programming)

flow charts, 498-500


branching, 501-502

looping, 503-505

pseudocode, 497-498

sequence diagrams, 499

OS X Extended. See HFS Plus

OSs (Operating Systems)

application management

Android, 330

iOS, 330

Linux, 329

macOS, 328-329

Windows, 324-326

access control, 335

Android, 336

backups, 714

defined, 319

device management

Linux, 334

macOS, 334

Windows, 333

disk management, 319

drivers, 319

embedded OS, 341

hypervisors (Type 1), 343

defined, 342

server virtualization, 344

iOS, 336

Linux workstation OS, 338

macOS workstation OS, 338

memory management

Linux, 332

macOS, 332

Windows, 331

mobile devices

Android, 336

iOS, 336

Windows Mobile, 336


architectures, 319

killing, 322-323

scheduling, 322

server OS

Linux Server, 339-340

macOS Server, 339

Windows Server, 339

Windows Mobile, 336

Windows workstation OS, 337

OTP (One-Time Passwords), 640

output, defined, 41

output devices

defined, 41

types of, 42

ownership, TCO and security, 51


P2P, file sharing, 619


filtering, 581

transmission, 273

pads (one-time), security, 620

paging files, Windows, 331

Parental/Family Controls, 623

passwords, 631

access control, 335

authentication, 640

BIOS/UEFI passwords, 675

brute force attacks, 665

changing, 669

complexity of, 665-666

compromised passwords, 578

cracking tools, 666

default passwords, changing, 595

dictionary attacks, 665

enabling, 595

generating, 667

history of, 668-669

length of, 665

OTP, 640

password manager apps/services, 673


configuring, 670-672

expiration policies, 669

following, 676

random-password generators, 667

resetting, 673

Android PIN, 675

iOS passcodes, 675

Linux, 675

macOS, 675

Windows, 674


password manager apps/services, 673

SSO policies, 672

screensaver passwords, 672

spidering attacks, 665

SSID, 306-307

SSO policies, 672

strong passwords, 666

zombie botnets, 666

patches/updates, 597

Android, 601

iOS, 602

Linux, 600

macOS, 599

Windows, 598

Windows Update, 598

patents, 55-57

patent trolls, 57

payments (secure), 617

PB (Petabytes), storage units, 71-72

PC Decrapifier app, 605

PCI cards, 295

PCIe cards, 295

PDF files, 72


Bluetooth devices, 131

bundled devices, installing, 163

configuring, 163

desktop computer connections, 143

digital cameras, installing, 153


DisplayPort cable, 159

DVI ports, 158

HDMI cable, 159

installing, 157-160

multiple displays, 160

VGA ports, 158

external hard drives, installing, 154

FireWire devices, 127-129

hard drives (external), installing, 154

IP-based peripherals, installing, 163

keyboards, installing, 150-151

laptop computer connections, 144

mouse (mice), installing, 152

network-located devices, installing, 163

printers, installing, 144, 147-148

RF devices, 131

scanners, installing, 150


3.5mm mini-jacks, 155

HDMI ports, 156

installing, 155-156

S/PDIF ports, 156

Thunderbolt devices

Mini DisplayPort connections, 135

Thunderbolt cable, 129

Thunderbolt docking devices, 130

Thunderbolt ports, 129

versions of, 129

USB devices, 121

macOS devices, 126

USB cable, 122

USB ports, 125-126

web-based configurations, 163

webcams, installing, 153

Perl, 477


authorization, 646-647

database permissions, 561

Ext4, 362-363

HFS Plus, 360-361

Linux file permissions, 625

mobile apps, 621-623

network permissions, 646

NTFS, 359

persistence of data, 533

personal information, security, 631

PGP (Pretty Good Privacy), file sharing, 620

phishing, 578

phones (mobile), ARM processors, 181

physical backups, 566

PII (Personally Identifiable Information), 579, 626

PIN (Personal Identification Numbers)

Android PIN, changing, 675

authentication, 640

ping command, Linux firewalls, 594

piracy of software, 57

plain text versus cipher text, 685

plans of action (troubleshooting methodologies), 104-105

Play (Google), 601

PlayStation 4 Pro (Sony), 257

plug-and-play (PNP) installations, 161

PNP (Plug-and-Play) installations, 161

policies/procedures, security, 630-631

POP3 (Post Office Protocol 3), 280-282

pop-up windows, safe browsing selections, 596

popup blockers, 439

port clusters, 173


desktop computers, 143

DisplayPort ports, 134

DVI ports

display installations, 158

DVI-A ports, 134

DVI-D ports, 134

DVI-I ports, 134

eSATA ports, 173

Ethernet ports

wired Ethernet ports, 193-195

wireless Ethernet ports, 194-195

graphical device ports, 131-132

DisplayPort cable, 134

DisplayPort ports, 134

DVI-A ports, 134

DVI-D ports, 134

DVI-I ports, 134

HDMI cable, 134

HDMI ports, 134

Mini DisplayPort connections, 134

VGA ports, 133

HDMI ports, 134, 156

laptop computers, 144

S/PDIF ports, speaker installations, 156

SATA ports, 172

Thunderbolt ports, 129

USB ports, 125-126

VGA ports, 133, 158

wired Ethernet ports, 193-195

wireless Ethernet ports, 194-195

POS (Point-of-Sale) systems, 409

POTS (Plain Old Telephone Systems), wiretapping, 577


battery backups, 582

brownouts, 582

miswiring, 582

outages, 582

redundancy, 709

subsystems/processes, 92

surges/spies, 582

UPS, 582

power of two (binary notation), 14

PowerShell, 479

practice exams, 728-729

pre-exam suggestions, 726

presentation software, 399-400

pretexting, 578

preventive measures (troubleshooting methodologies), 106

primary keys, 546


installing, 144, 147-148

subsystems/processes, 95

prioritizing data, 718


access restriction

ACL, 649

DAC, 650

logins, 644

MAC, 649

RBAC, 647-649

security questions, 644

specific locations, 643

SSO, 645

terminal-specific restrictions, 644

time of day, 644

ACL, 649

App Store, 625

AUP, 630-631

biometric authentication, 642

blacklists, 623

browser histories, tracking, 655

business software

hidden text, 628

metadata, 626-628

PII, 626

confidential information

company confidential information, 632

customer information, 632

passwords, 631

personal information, 631

corporate networks, 629

customer information, 632

DAC, 650

desktop software, 623

App Store, 625

Microsoft Store, 624-625

email, 617

encryption software, 623

Family/Parental Controls, 623

file sharing, 618-619

file transfers, 620

hardware tokens, 641

hidden text, 628

IM, 620-621


cookies (tracking), 615

HTTPS protocol, 615

VPN, 616

intrusion detection software, 623

location tracking, 654-655

MAC, 649

metadata, 626-628

Microsoft Store, 624-625

mobile apps, 621-623

NDA, 630

one-time pads, 620

passwords, 631

authentication, 640

OTP, 640

personal information, 631

PII, 626

PIN, authentication, 640

policies/procedures, 630-631

RBAC, 647-649

secure payment processes, 617

single-use credit cards, 617

social networks, 617

software tokens, 641

SSO, 645

steganography, 623

websites, 623

whitelists, 623

private browsing, 433

privileges, least privilege model (authorization), 647

probable cause, establishing theory of (troubleshooting methodologies)

considering multiple approaches, 100

divide and conquer, 101-102

questioning the obvious, 100

problems (troubleshooting methodologies)

duplicating, 90

identifying, 85

approaching multiple problems individually, 99

determining if anything has changed, 98

duplicating problems, 90

identifying symptoms, 91-98

information gathering, 89

questioning users, 90

multiple problems, approaching individually, 99


architectures, 319

components of, 85, 89

CPU, 92

displays, 93

hard drives, 93

killing processes, 322-323

Linux processes, 379-380

macOS processes, 378

managing, 322

mobile devices, 94

motherboards, 92

power, 92

printers, 95

projectors, 93

RAID arrays, 93

RAM, 92

scheduling processes, 322

smartphones, 94

SSD, 93

storage, 93

tablets, 94

video, 93

Windows processes, 377

wired networks, 96-97

wireless networks, 96-97

processing, 39-40

processing speeds

AMD processors, 76

clock cycles, 75

GHz, 77

Intel processors, 76

MHz, 76


32-bit processors

laptop computers, 182

servers, 183

workstations, 183

64-bit processors, 183

laptop computers, 185-186

servers, 186

workstations, 186

AMD processors, 76

ARM processors, 180

mobile phones, 181

SoC chips, 181-182

tablets, 181

CPU, 179

32-bit processors, 182-183

64-bit processors, 183-186

ARM processors, 180-182

GPU, 186-187

heat sinks, 190

Intel processors, 76

laptop computers

32-bit processors, 182

64-bit processors, 185-186


32-bit processors, 183

64-bit processors, 186


32-bit processors, 183

64-bit processors, 186

product keys (software), 457-458

productivity software


Google Chrome, 400

Microsoft Edge, 402

presentation software, 399-400

spreadsheet software, 398

visual diagramming software, 402

word processing software, 397

Program Compatibility Wizard, 324

programmatic database access, 562


arrays, 512

attributes (objects), 513


If statements, 501

If-Else statements, 502

constants, 511

containers, 512

functions, 512-513

identifiers, 511


branching, 501-502

looping, 503-505


Do-While loops, 504-505

For loops, 503-504

While loops, 503

methods (objects), 514


attributes, 513

methods, 514

properties, 513

OOP, 500

organizational techniques

flow charts, 498-500

logic, 501

logic, branching, 501-502

logic, looping, 503-505

pseudocode, 497-498

sequence diagrams, 499

properties (objects), 513

source code, 500

variables, 511

vectors, 512

programming languages

assembly language, 487-488

BASIC, 475-476

bytecode, 479

C, 483

C++, 484

COBOL, 484

compiled programming languages, 475, 483-485

HTML, 480-481

Java, 479, 485

JavaScript, 477

JSON, 477

Perl, 477

PowerShell, 479

Python, 478

query languages

SQL, 486-487

XQuery, 487

Ruby, 478

SQL, 486-487

VBA, 485

XML, 481, 487

XQuery, 487

project management software, 408

projectors, subsystems/processes, 93

properties (objects), 513

proprietary software, 456

protocols (networks)

HTTP, 280-281

HTTPS, 280-281

IMAP, 280-282

POP3, 280-282

SMTP, 280-282

proxy servers, 287, 434

Prusak, Larry, 53

ps command-line tool, 323

pseudocode, 497-498

public key cryptography, file sharing, 620

Python, 478



database queries, 525-526

SQL, 486-487, 525-526

XQuery, 487

query/report builders, database access, 562

questioning the obvious (troubleshooting methodologies), 100

questioning users (troubleshooting methodologies), 90

questions (exam), answering, 725, 729-731


rack-mounted servers, 254

RAID arrays, 93, 239, 583, 706

backups, 708

Storage Spaces, 707

RAM (Random Access Memory), 39-40, 221, 225-226

disk caches, 68

subsystems/processes, 92

random-password generators, 667

ransomware, 583

RBAC (Role-Based Access Control), 647-649

RDBMS (Relational Database Management Systems), 581

receipts (digital), nonrepudiation, 656


defined, 531

tables, 546

recycling policies (electronic), 578

redundancy (fault tolerance)

data redundancy, 705

network redundancy, 708-709

power redundancy, 709

RAID arrays, 706-707

Regedit, 326

registered trademarks, 55

Registry (Windows), 326, 440

relational databases, 528

constraints, 546-547

data manipulation

delete process, 559

insert process, 558-559

select process, 555, 558

update process, 559

data relationships, 531

records, 531

schemas, 545

speed of, 530

tables, 545-546


add-ons/extensions, 432

malware, 607

rootkits, 607


malicious software, 606-608

unnecessary software, 606

unwanted software, 603-604

viruses, 607

replay attacks, 580

replication (fault tolerance), 705

report/query builders, database access, 562

reporting (meaningful), 60

reports (database), 527

representation of data

ASCII, 18-19

Unicode, 19

researching knowledge base/Internet (troubleshooting methodologies), 99

resetting passwords, 673

Android PIN, 675

iOS passcodes, 675

Linux, 675

macOS, 675

Windows, 674

resource management software, 409


data, 718

data access, 719

reusing passwords

password manager apps/services, 673

SSO policies, 672

RF devices, 131

RF wireless Internet services, 210, 213-214

RGB (display colors), hexadecimal (hex) notation, 16

RJ-11 telephone connectors, 117

RJ-45 Ethernet connectors, 118

ROI (Return of Investment), security and, 51

rootkits, uninstalling, 607

ROSI (Return On Security Investment), 52

rotation schemes (backups), 713

routers, 284

firewalls, 287

packet filtering, 581

wireless routers, 287, 298

rows (tables), 546

Ruby, 478

running processes

killing, 322-323

scheduling, 322


S mode (Windows 10), 337

S/MIME (Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions), 579, 694-695

S/PDIF ports, installing speakers, 156

SaaS (Software as a Service), 618, 619


cookies, 616

safe browsing practices, 597

Safe Mode

macOS, 467

Windows 7, 466

sales management software, POS systems, 409

Samba, file sharing, 619

SAN (Storage Area Networks), 533

SATA (Serial ATA)

HDD, 230

SATA ports, 172

satellite Internet services

advantages of, 211

disadvantages of, 212

service comparisons, 213-214

SBC (Session Border Controllers), 577

SC connectors, 203

scalability of databases, 529

scanners, installing, 150


employee scheduling software, 409

processes, 322


Linux, 386

macOS, 386

Windows, 385

schemas, 545

screen capture tool (Linux), 90

screen locks, 623

screensaver passwords, 672

scripted languages

bytecode, 479

Java, 479, 485

scripting languages

BASIC, 475-476

JavaScript, 477

JSON, 477

Perl, 477

PowerShell, 479

Python, 478

Ruby, 478


client-side scripting, deactivating, 429-430

script blockers, 440

SD memory cards, 236

SDHC Flash memory cards, 236

secure payment processes, 617


access control, 335

access restriction

ACL, 649

DAC, 650

logins, 644

MAC, 649

RBAC, 647-649

security questions, 644

specific locations, 643

SSO, 645

terminal-specific restrictions, 644

time of day, 644

ACL, 649

App Store, 625

AUP, 630-631

biometric authentication, 642

blacklists, 623


safe browsing practices, 596-597

tracking histories, 655

business software

hidden text, 628

metadata, 626-628

PII, 626


invalid certificates, 437-438

valid certificates, 436-437

confidential information, 631

company confidential information, 632

customer information, 632

passwords, 631

personal information, 631

corporate networks, 629

costs of, 51-52

customer information, 632

DAC, 650

databases, 532

desktop software, 623

App Store, 625

Microsoft Store, 624-625

device security

anti-malware, 591-592

antivirus software, 591-592, 596

browsers, safe browsing practices, 596-597

host firewalls, 593

passwords, changing default passwords, 595

passwords, enabling, 595

patches, 597-602

software, sourcing, 602-603

updates, 597-602

electronic recycling policies, 578


Android, 693, 697

BitLocker, 358, 689-691

BitLocker To Go, 689-691

cipher text versus plain text, 685

data at rest, 686-693

data in transit, 694-697

disk-level encryption, 689-693

EFS, 357

email, 694-696

Ext4, 359

file-level encryption, 686-689

FileVault 2, 359

Gmail, 695

GnuPG, 694

HTTPS, 696

iOS, 693, 697

mobile devices, 693, 697

NTFS, 357-358

OpenPGP, 694

plain text versus cipher text, 685

process of, 685

S/MIME, 579, 694-695

software, 623

TPM, 690-691

VPN, 696

Family/Parental Controls, 623

firewalls, 286-287

hardware tokens, 641

hidden text, 628


cookies (tracking), 615

email, 617

file sharing, 618-619

file transfers, 620

HTTPS protocol, 615

IM, 620-621

mobile apps, 621-623

one-time pads, 620

secure payment processes, 617

single-use credit cards, 617

social networks, 617

VPN, 616

intrusion detection software, 623

investing in, 51-52

IoT-enable security systems, 262

Kerberos security, 580

location tracking, 654-655

logs, 650

MAC, 649

malware, uninstalling, 607

metadata, 626-628

Microsoft Store, 624-625

mobile devices

anti-malware, 591-592

antivirus software, 591-592, 596

browsers, safe browsing practices, 596-597

host firewalls, 593

passwords, changing default passwords, 595

passwords, enabling, 595

patches, 597-602

software, sourcing, 602-603

updates, 597-602

NDA, 630

passwords, 631

access control, 335

authentication, 640

compromised passwords, 578

default passwords, changing, 595

enabling, 595

OTP, 640

patches, 597

Android, 601

iOS, 602

Linux, 600

macOS, 599

Windows, 598

personal information, 631

PII, 626

PIN authentication, 640

policies/procedures, 630-631

privacy, 433, 615

private browsing, 433

questions, authentication, 644

RBAC, 647-649

rootkits, uninstalling, 607

ROSI, 52

S/MIME, 579

Security objectives (ITF+ exam), 7

shredders/shedding services, 578


sourcing, 602-603

tokens, 641

uninstalling malicious software, 606-608

SSL, 283

SSO, 645

steganography, 623

TLS, 283

updates, 597

Android, 601

iOS, 602

Linux, 600

macOS, 599

Windows, 598

viruses, uninstalling, 607

websites, 623

whitelists, 623


captive portals, 307

open (unencrypted) Wi-Fi, 307

SSID passwords, 306-307

WEP, 308-309

WPA, 308-310

WPA2, 308-310


anti-malware, 591-592

antivirus software, 591-592, 596

browsers, safe browsing practices, 596-597

host firewalls, 593

passwords, 595

patches, 597-602

software, sourcing, 602-603

updates, 597-602

select process (data manipulation), 555, 558

semi-structured data, 543-544

sequence diagrams, 499

serial numbers (software), 457-458

server OS (Operating Systems)

Linux Server, 339-340

macOS Server, 339

Windows Server, 339

servers, 253

32-bit processors, 183

64-bit processors, 186

blade servers, 254

clustering, 340

core features, 255

DHCP servers, 277

feature comparison table, 257

file servers, 239-240

FTP servers, 287

Linux Server, 340

KVM switches, 253-254

proxy servers, 287, 434

rack-mounted servers, 254

virtualization, 344

service marks, 55

service outages, 583


Linux services, 376

macOS services, 375

Windows services, 374

SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol), 620

sharing, document-sharing services, 405-406

shopping online, 597

shopping software, POS systems, 409

shoulder surfing, 576

shredders/shredding services, 578

signatures (digital), nonrepudiation, 656

simple recovery backups, 714

single-factor authentication, 639

single-mode fiber optic cable, 203

single-platform software, 449

single-precision floats, 29

single-use credit cards, 617

single-use software licenses, 454

site (group use) software licenses, 454

Skype, 404

smart thermostats, 262

smartphones/mobile phones, 249

ARM processors, 181

core features, 250

feature comparison table, 257

NFC networks, 121

subsystems/processes, 94

SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol), 280-282

snapshot (image) backups, 714

Snipping Tool (Windows), 90

snooping, 575-576

SoC chips, ARM processors, 181-182

social engineering, 578

social networks, security, 617

SODIMM (Small Outline DIMM), 222


accounting software, 409

anti-malware, 591-592

antivirus software, 591-592, 596

Applications and Software objectives (ITF+ exam), 6

business software

accounting software, 409

database software, 407

document management software, 409

employee scheduling software, 409

EMR software, 409

POS systems, 409

project management software, 408

resource management software, 409

security, 626-628

supply chain management software, 409

collaboration software

conferencing software, 404

document-sharing services, 405-406

email clients, 403

IM software, 404

online workspaces, 405

conferencing software, 404

copyrights, 57

cross-platform software, 449-450, 453

database software, 407

desktop software, security, 623

App Store, 625

Microsoft Store, 624-625

digital products, 58

document management software, 409

document-sharing services, 405-406

employee scheduling software, 409

EMR software, 409

encryption software, 623

EULA, 58

firewalls, 287, 623

IM software, 404


advanced options, 465-467

best practices, 458-467

reading agreements, 464-465

reading instructions, 459-462

intrusion detection software, 623


concurrent licenses, 455

EULA, 464-465

group use (site), licenses, 454

home licenses, 455

one-time software purchases, 457

open source programs/software, 56, 456

product keys, 457-458

proprietary software, 456

serial numbers, 457-458

single-use licenses, 454

subscriptions, 457

malicious software, uninstalling, 606-608

one-time software purchases, 457

online workspaces, 405

open source programs/software, 56, 456

parent controls, 57

POS systems, 409

presentation software, 399-400

product keys, 457-458

productivity software, 397

browsers, 400-402

presentation software, 399-400

spreadsheet software, 398

visual diagramming software, 402

word processing software, 397

project management software, 408

proprietary software, 456

recommendations (ITF+ exam), 9-10

resource management software, 409

serial numbers, 457-458

single-platform software, 449

Software Development Concepts objectives (ITF+ exam), 6


OEM websites versus third-party websites, 603

researching sources, 603

validating sources, 602

spreadsheet software, 398

Storage Spaces, 707. See also RAID arrays

subscriptions, 457

supply chain management software, 409

tokens, authentication, 641


malicious software, 606-608

unnecessary software, 606

unwanted software, 603-604

visual diagramming software, 402

web browsers

Google Chrome, 400

Microsoft Edge, 402

word processing software, 397

source code, 500

sourcing software

OEM websites versus third-party websites, 603

researching sources, 603

validating sources, 602

speakers, installing

3.5mm mini-jacks, 155

HDMI ports, 156

S/PDIF ports, 156

spear phishing, 578

specific location access restriction, authentication, 643

speed of databases, 530

spidering attacks, 665

spikes/surges, 582

spinning disk drives

HDD, 230

SSHD, 231

spoofing (MAC), 279

spreadsheets. See also structured databases

records, 531

software, 398

unauthorized information alteration, 581

SQL (Structured Query Language), 408, 486-487

constraints, 546-547

queries, 525-526

SQL Server, high availability, 706

SSD (Solid-State Drives), 93, 188-189, 226-227, 230

SSH (Secure Shell) file transfers, 620

SSHD (Solid-State Hybrid Drives), 188, 231

SSID (Service Set Identifiers)

changing, 305

disabling, 306

hidden networks, connecting to, 306

passwords, 306-307

unsafe SSID, 305

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), 283

SSL/TLS (Secure Sockets Layer/Transport Layer Security), 618

SSO (Single Sign-On), 645, 672

ST connectors (cable), 203

steganography, 623


backup storage locations

cloud storage, 715

locally-stored backups, 715

off-site backups, 716

on-site backups, 716

cloud storage, 533

Dropbox, 243

Google Drive, 242

Microsoft OneDrive, 243

data storage

ASCII, 18-19

CD-R discs, 68

disk caches, 68

DVD+R discs, 70

notational systems, 13-17

Unicode, 19

database storage, 532

file servers, 239-240

Flash drives, 233-235

Flash memory card readers, 235

Flash memory cards, 236

hard drives, 188

HDD, 230

SSD, 226-227, 230

SSHD, 231

HSM, 713

local network storage types

file servers, 239-240

NAS, 238-239

local storage types

Flash drives, 233-235

Flash memory card readers, 235

Flash memory cards, 236

hard drives, 226-227, 230-231

optical drives, 231-233

RAM, 221, 225-226

Windows drive letter assignments, 233

NAS, 238-239

nonvolatile storage types, 221

optical drives, 231-233

RAM, 221, 225-226

SSD, 188-189

SSHD, 188

storage devices, 43

storage units

bits, 67, 73-75

bytes, 68

capacity comparisons, 71

GB, 69-71

KB, 68, 71

MB, 68, 71

PB, 71-72

TB, 70-72

subsystems/processes, 93

volatile storage types, 221

Windows drive letter assignments, 233

streaming media devices, 265

strings, 27-28, 511

strong passwords, 666

structured databases, 541-542. See also spreadsheets

studying for exams

failing exams, 727, 731-732

suggestions for, 732

subnet masks, 278


anti-malware, 591

antivirus software, 591

software, 457


components of, 85, 89

CPU, 92

defined, 85

displays, 93

hard drives, 93

mobile devices, 94

motherboards, 92

power, 92

printers, 95

projectors, 93

RAID arrays, 93

RAM, 92

smartphones, 94

SSD, 93

storage, 93

tablets, 94

video, 93

wired networks, 96-97

wireless networks, 96-97

supply chain management software, 409

surges/spikes, 582

swap space, 331-332

swapfiles, 331-332

switches, 284

backbone switches, 287

voice network switches, wiretapping and, 577

symptoms, identifying (troubleshooting methodologies), 91-98

synchronizing files, 710-712

SyncToy app (Microsoft), 712

system boards/motherboards, 171

eSATA ports, 173

expansion slots, 173

laptop computers, 174-175

port clusters, 173

SATA ports, 172

system information, displaying, 334



candidate keys, 546

columns, 546

database tables, 523, 526

fields, 546

foreign keys, 546

primary keys, 546

records, 546

relational databases, 545-546

rows, 546


ARM processors, 181

core features, 250

feature comparison table, 257

subsystems/processes, 94

take down notifications, copyrights and, 57

Task Manager, 322

task scheduling, 322

Linux, 386

macOS, 386

Windows, 385

TB (Terabytes), storage units, 70-72

Tbps (Terabits per second), 75

TCO (Total Cost of Ownership), security and, 51

telephone connectors (RJ-11), 117

templates (database), 522

ten-tape backup rotation strategy, 713

terminal-specific access restriction, authentication, 644

terms and conditions (copyrights), 56

terms of use (copyrights), 56

testing theories to determine the cause (troubleshooting methodologies), 102

confirmed theories/resolving problems, 103

unconfirmed tested theories, establishing new theories/escalating, 103-104

text (hidden), security, 628

theories (troubleshooting methodologies)

testing to determine the cause (troubleshooting methodologies), 102

confirmed theories/resolving problems, 103

unconfirmed tested theories, establishing new theories/escalating, 103-104

probable cause, establishing (troubleshooting methodologies)

considering multiple approaches, 100

divide and conquer, 101-102

questioning the obvious, 100

thermostats, 262

third-party websites, validating software sources, 603

three-tier application architectures, 420

throughput units

bps, 73

Gbps, 74

Kbps, 73

Mbps, 73

Tbps, 75

Thunderbird (Mozilla), 696

Thunderbolt devices

Mini DisplayPort connections, 135

Thunderbolt cable, 129

Thunderbolt docking devices, 130

Thunderbolt ports, 129

versions of, 129

Time Machine (macOS), 712

time management, answering exam questions, 725

time of day access restriction, authentication, 644

timed practice exams, 729

TLS (Transport Layer Security), 283

tools/equipment, recommendations (ITF+ exam), 8

top command-line tool, 323

Tower of Hanoi backup rotation strategy, 713

TPM (Trusted Platform Module), encryption, 690-691


browser histories, 655

cookies, 615

locations, 654-655

trademarks, 54-55

troubleshooting methodologies, 84

establishing theory of probable cause

considering multiple approaches, 100

divide and conquer, 101-102

questioning the obvious, 100

full system functionality, 105

identifying problems, 85

approaching multiple problems individually, 99

determining if anything has changed, 98

duplicating programs, 90

identifying symptoms, 91-98

information gathering, 89

questioning users, 90

identifying symptoms, 92-97

implementing solutions/escalating, 105

lessons learned, 107

plans of action, 104-105

preventive measures, 106

researching knowledge base/Internet, 99

testing theories to determine the cause, 102

confirmed theories/resolving problems, 103

unconfirmed tested theories, establishing new theories/escalating, 103-104

truncation, 28

two (power of), binary notation, 14

two-tier application architectures, 420

types of data

Boolean logic

AND comparisons, 30

NOT comparisons, 30

OR comparisons, 30

Venn diagrams, 31

XOR comparisons, 30

char (characters), 27

floats (floating-point numbers)

doubles, 30

single-precision floats, 29

int (integers), 29

strings, 27-28


UAC (User Access Control), application installations, 327

Ubuntu software installation, 461

UDP (User Datagram Protocol), flood drop thresholds, 581

UEFI (Unified Extensible Firmware Initiative), 175, 675

unauthorized information alteration, 581

unconfirmed tested theories, establishing new theories/escalating (troubleshooting methodologies), 103-104

unencrypted (open) Wi-Fi, 307

Unicode, 19


add-ons/extensions, 432


Android, 330

iOS, 330

Linux, 329

macOS, 329

malware, 607

rootkits, 607


malicious software, 606-608

unnecessary software, 606

unwanted software, 603-604

viruses, 607

Unix network permissions, 647

unnecessary software, uninstalling, 606

unwanted software, uninstalling, 603-604

update process (data manipulation), 559

UPDATE statements, 559

Updates Page (App Store), 599

updates, 597

Android, 330, 601

iOS, 330, 602

Linux, 329, 600

macOS, 328, 599

Windows, 598

Windows Update, 598

uploading, defined, 207

UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supplies), 582

upstreaming, defined, 207

U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, 55

USB (Universal Serial Buses), 121

cable, 122

Flash drives, 17, 69, 233-235

Flash memory card readers, 235

Flash memory cards, 236

keyboards, installing, 151

macOS devices, 126

USB adapters, 295

USB ports, 125-126

user accounts

DAC, 650

MAC, 649

RBAC, 648-649

user interface/utility database access, 562

user-defined functions, 513

users, questioning (troubleshooting methodologies), 90


database access, 562

Linux utilities, 385

macOS utilities, 384

Windows utilities, 384


valid certificates (security), 436-437

variables, 511

variety of data, 530

VBA (Visual Basic for Applications), 485, 581

vectors, 512

velocity of data, 530

Venn diagrams, 31

VGA ports, 133, 158


nonrepudiation, 655

subsystems/processes, 93

video cards, 41, 132

viewing services

Linux processes, 379-380

Linux services, 376

macOS processes, 378

macOS services, 375

Windows processes, 377

Windows services, 374


memory, 331

servers, 344

VM, 342

viruses, uninstalling, 607

Visio flowcharts, 402

visual diagramming software, 402

VM (Virtual Machines), 342, 454

VMM (Virtual Machine Managers). See hypervisors (Type 1)

voice network switches, wiretapping and, 577

voice scrambling devices, 577

VOIP systems

eavesdropping and, 576

encryption, 577

SBC, 577

volatile storage types, 221

VPN (Virtual Private Networks), 616, 696


WAN (Wide Area Networks), 276

WannaCry ransomware, 583

WAP (Wireless Access Points), 296

warm sites (disaster recovery), 717

web browsers. See browsers

web resources

Compile Online website, 485

CTB website, Python coding, 478


cracking tools, 666

generating passwords, 667

XML Query page, 487

web-based configuration of peripherals/devices, 163

webcams, installing, 153


blacklists, 623

OEM websites, validating software sources, 603

security, 623

third-party websites, validating software sources, 603

whitelists, 623

WEP (Wireless Equivalent Privacy), 308-309

whaling, 580

While loops, 503

whitelists, 623


802.11a (Wireless-A) wireless standard, 298-299, 304

802.11ac (Wireless-AC) wireless standard, 299-304

802.11b (Wireless-B) wireless standard, 298-299, 304

802.11g (Wireless-G) wireless standard, 298-299, 304

802.11n (Wireless-N) wireless standard, 299-301, 304

adapters, 300

attenuation, 304

hidden networks, connecting to, 306

interference, 303

MIMO antennas, 304

MU-MIMO antennas, 304


Bluetooth networks, 118

laptop wireless adapters, 295

NFC networks, 120

PCI cards, 295

PCIe cards, 295

subsystems/processes, 96-97

USB adapters, 295

WAP, 296

wireless routers, 298


captive portals, 307

open (unencrypted) Wi-Fi, 307

SSID passwords, 306-307

WEP, 308-309

WPA, 308-310

WPA2, 308-310

setting up, best practices, 304

speed limitations, 302


changing, 305

connecting to hidden networks, 306

disabling, 306

passwords, 306-307

unsafe SSID, 305


application logs, 652

access control, 335

backups, 711

compressed file backups, 714

image backups, 714

command line interface, 387

Device Manager, 333

disk management, 319

Diskpart.exe, 320

drivers, 381

drives, letter assignments, 233

EFS, 686-688

email encryption, 695

embedded OS, 341

Embedded Windows. See IoT


disk-level encryption, 689-691

email, 695

file-level encryption, 686-688

FAT32, 352-353

encryption, 358

filenames, 364-365

limitations of, 364

File History, 711

file sharing, 619

file types/extensions, 367-371

folders/directories, 366

GUI, 389

hard disk setup, 319

IoT, 341

killing processes, 322

location tracking, 654

Microsoft Store, 327, 624-625

network permissions, 646

NTFS, 352

encryption, 357-358

file compression, 356

filenames, 365

journaling, 363

limitations of, 364

permissions, 359

paging files, 331


changing, 595

enabling, 595

resetting, 674

patches, 598

processes, 322, 377

Program Compatibility Wizard, 324

Regedit, 326

Registry, 326

scheduling processes, 322

screen locks, 623

security logs, 650

services, 374

Snipping Tool, 90


sourcing, 602-603

uninstalling, 603-604

Task Manager, 322

Task Scheduler, 322

task scheduling, 385

UAC, 327

updates/patches, 598

user accounts, 648

utilities, 384

virtual memory, 331

VPN, 616

Windows Server, 339

Workstation OS, 336

ZIP files, 356

Windows 7 startup options, 466

Windows 8.1

ISO files, mounting, 462

software installation, 459, 462

Windows 10

Home, 337

ISO files, mounting, 462

S mode, 337

Skype, 404

software installation, reading instructions, 459, 462

startup options, 467

Windows 10 Enterprise, 338

Windows 10 Pro, 337

Windows 10 Pro for Workstations, 338

Windows Defender, 597

Windows Defender Firewall, 593

Windows Defender Security Center, 592

Windows Mobile, 336

Windows Registry Editor, 440

Windows Server, 339

Windows System Restore, 714

Windows Update, 598

wired Ethernet ports, 193-195

wired networks

network interfaces, 115

RJ-11 telephone connectors, 117

RJ-45 Ethernet connectors, 118

subsystems/processes, 96-97

wireless Ethernet ports, 194-195

Wireless-A (802.11a) wireless standard, 298-299, 304

Wireless-AC (802.11ac) wireless standard, 299-304

Wireless-B (802.11b) wireless standard, 298-299, 304

Wireless-G (802.11g) wireless standard, 298, 299, 304

wireless Internet services

cellular Internet services, 212-214

RF wireless Internet services, 210, 213-214

satellite Internet services

advantages of, 211

disadvantages of, 212

service comparisons, 213-214

service comparisons, 213-214

wireless keyboards, installing, 151

wireless mouse (mice), installing, 152

wireless networks. See also Wi-Fi, networks


Bluetooth networks, 118

NFC networks, 120

subsystems/processes, 96-97

wireless routers, 287, 298

Wireless-N (802.11n) wireless standard, 299-301, 304

wiretapping, 577

WISP (Wireless ISP), 210, 213-214

Word (MS), 72, 398

WordPad, 397

word processing software, 397

workgroups/domain networking, 339

workspaces (online), 405


32-bit processors, 183

64-bit processors, 186

core features, 252

defined, 252

feature comparison table, 257

Linux workstation OS, 338

macOS workstation OS, 338


anti-malware, 591-592

antivirus software, 591-592, 596

browsers, safe browsing practices, 596-597

host firewalls, 593

passwords, 595

patches, 597-602

software, sourcing, 602-603

updates, 597-602

Windows workstation OS, 336

WPA (Wireless Protected Access), 308-310

WPA2 (Wireless Protected Access 2), 308-310


Xbox One X (MS), 257

XLS files, 72

XML (Extensible Markup Language), 481, 487

XOR comparisons (Boolean logic), 30

XQuery, 487


YouTube, copyrights, 56

ZIP files, 356, 463

zombie botnets, 666

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