5.8. SettingsActivity Class

Class SettingsActivity (Fig. 5.36) hosts the SettingsFragment when the app is running in portrait orientation. To create this class, right click the package (com.deitel.flagquiz) and select New > Class to display the New Java Class dialog. Set the new class’s Name to SettingsActivity, set its Superclass to android.app.Activity and click Finish.

 1   // SettingsActivity.java
 2   // Activity to display SettingsFragment on a phone
 3   package com.deitel.flagquiz;
 5   import android.app.Activity;
 6   import android.os.Bundle;
 8   public class SettingsActivity extends Activity
 9   {
10      // use FragmentManager to display SettingsFragment
11      @Override
12      protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
13      {
14         super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);
15         setContentView(R.layout.activity_settings);
16      }
17   } // end class SettingsActivity

Fig. 5.36 | Activity to display SettingsFragment on a phone.

Overridden method onCreate (lines 11–16) calls Activity method setContentView to inflate the GUI defined by activity_settings.xml (Section 5.4.6)—represented by the resource R.layout.activity_settings.

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