4.5.8. Anonymous Inner Class That Implements the ListView’s OnItemLongClickListener to Share, Edit or Delete a Search

Figure 4.25 declares and initializes instance variable itemLongClickListener, which refers to an anonymous inner-class object that implements interface OnItemLongClickListener. Line 70 (Fig. 4.20) registered itemLongClickListener as the ListView’s event handler that responds when the user long presses an item in the ListView. Lines 153–210 override interface OnItemLongClickListener’s onItemLongClick method.

148      // itemLongClickListener displays a dialog allowing the user to delete
149      // or edit a saved search
150      OnItemLongClickListener itemLongClickListener =
151         new OnItemLongClickListener()
152         {
153            @Override
154            public boolean onItemLongClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View view,
155               int position, long id)
156            {
157               // get the tag that the user long touched
158               final String tag = ((TextView) view).getText().toString();
160               // create a new AlertDialog
161               AlertDialog.Builder builder =
162                  new AlertDialog.Builder(MainActivity.this);
164               // set the AlertDialog's title
165               builder.setTitle(
166                  getString(R.string.shareEditDeleteTitle, tag));
168               // set list of items to display in dialog
169               builder.setItems(R.array.dialog_items,
170                  new DialogInterface.OnClickListener()
171                  {
172                     // responds to user touch by sharing, editing or
173                     // deleting a saved search
174                     @Override
175                     public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which)
176                     {
177                        switch (which)
178                        {
179                           case 0: // share
180                              shareSearch(tag);
181                              break ;
182                           case 1: // edit
183                              // set EditTexts to match chosen tag and query
184                              tagEditText.setText(tag);
185                              queryEditText.setText(
186                                 savedSearches.getString(tag, "" ));
187                              break ;
188                           case 2: // delete
189                              deleteSearch(tag);
190                              break ;
191                        }
192                     }
193                  } // end DialogInterface.OnClickListener
194               ); // end call to builder.setItems
196               // set the AlertDialog's negative Button
197               builder.setNegativeButton(getString(R.string.cancel),
198                  new DialogInterface.OnClickListener()
199                  {
200                     // called when the "Cancel" Button is clicked
201                     public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int id)
202                     {
203                        dialog.cancel(); // dismiss the AlertDialog
204                     }
205                  }
206               ); // end call to setNegativeButton
208               builder.create().show(); // display the AlertDialog
209               return true;
210            } // end method onItemLongClick
211         }; // end OnItemLongClickListener declaration

Fig. 4.25 | Anonymous inner class that implements the ListView’s OnItemLongClickListener to share, edit or delete.

final Local Variables for Use in Anonymous Inner Classes

Line 158 gets the text of the item the user long pressed and assigns it to final local variable tag. Any local variable or method parameter that will be used in an anonymous inner class must be declared final.

AlertDialog That Displays a List of Items

Lines 161–166 create an AlertDialog.Builder and set the dialog’s title to a formatted String in which tag replaces the format specifier in the resource R.string.shareEditDeleteTitle (which represents "Share, Edit or Delete the search tagged as "%s""). Line 166 calls Activity’s inherited method getString that receives multiple arguments—this first is a String resource ID representing a format String and the remaining arguments are the values that should replace the format specifiers in the format String. In addition to buttons, an AlertDialog can display a list of items in a ListView. Lines 169–194 specify that the dialog should display the array of Strings R.array.dialog_items (which represents the Strings "Share", "Edit" and "Delete") and define an anonymous inner class to respond when the user touches an item in the list.

Adding a String Array Resource to strings.xml

The array of Strings is defined as a String array resource in the strings.xml file. To add a String array resource to strings.xml:

1. Follow the steps in Section 4.5.5 to add a String resource, but select String Array rather than String in the dialog of Fig. 4.22, then click OK.

2. Specify the array’s name (dialog_items) in the Name textfield.

3. Select the array in the list of resources at the left side of the resource editor.

4. Click Add... then click OK to add a new Item to the array.

5. Specify the new Item’s value in the Value textfield.

Perform these steps for the items Share, Edit and Delete (in that order), then save the strings.xml file.

Event Handler for the Dialog’s List of Items

The anonymous inner class in lines 170–193 determines which item the user selected in the dialog’s list and performs the appropriate action. If the user selects Share, shareSearch is called (line 180). If the user selects Edit, lines 184–186 display the search’s query and tag in the EditTexts. If the user selects Delete, deleteSearch is called (line 189).

Configuring the Negative Button and Displaying the Dialog

Lines 197–206 configure the dialog’s negative button to dismiss the dialog if the user decides not to share, edit or delete the search. Line 208 creates and shows the dialog.

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