5.4.3. arrays.xml

In Section 4.5.8, you created a String array resource in the app’s strings.xml file. Technically, all of your app’s resources in the res/values folder can be defined in the same file. However, to make it easier to manage different types of resources, separate files are typically used for each. For example, array resources are normally defined in arrays.xml, colors in colors.xml, Strings in strings.xml and numeric values in values.xml. This app uses three String array resources that are defined in arrays.xml:

regions_list specifies the names of the world regions with their words separated by underscores—these values are used to load image file names from the appropriate folders and as the selected values for the world regions the user selects in the SettingsFragment.

regions_list_for_settings specifies the names of the world regions with their words separated by spaces—these values are used in the SettingsFragment to display the region names to the user.

guesses_list specifies the Strings 3, 6 and 9—these values are used in the SettingsFragment to display the options for the number of guess Buttons to display.

Figure 5.10 shows the names and element values for these three array resources.


Fig. 5.10 | String array resources defined in arrays.xml.

To create the file and configure the array resources, perform the following steps:

1. In the project’s res folder, right click the values folder, then select New > Android XML File to display the New Android XML File dialog. Because you right clicked the values folder, the dialog is preconfigured to add a Values resource file in the values folder.

2. Specify arrays.xml in the File field and click Finish to create the file.

3. If the IDE opens the new file in XML view, click the Resources tab at the bottom of the window to view the resource editor.

4. To create a String array resource, click Add..., select String Array and click OK.

5. In the Name field, enter regions_list, then save the file.

6. Select the new String array resource, then use the Add button to add items for each of the values shown for the array in Fig. 5.10.

7. Repeat Steps 4–6 for the regions_list_for_settings and guesses_list arrays. When you click Add... to create the additional String Array resources, you’ll need to first select the radio button Create a new element at the top level in Resources.

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