Identifying the Classes in a System

We begin our OOD process by identifying the classes required to build the ATM system. We’ll eventually describe these classes using UML class diagrams and implement these classes in C++. First, we review the requirements document of Section 22.3 and find key nouns and noun phrases to help us identify classes that comprise the ATM system. We may decide that some of these nouns and noun phrases are attributes of other classes in the system. We may also conclude that some of the nouns do not correspond to parts of the system and thus should not be modeled at all. Additional classes may become apparent to us as we proceed through the design process.

Figure 22.5 lists the nouns and noun phrases in the requirements document. We list them from left to right in the order in which they appear in the requirements document. We list only the singular form of each noun or noun phrase.


Fig. 22.5. Nouns and noun phrases in the requirements document.

We create classes only for the nouns and noun phrases that have significance in the ATM system. We don’t need to model “bank” as a class, because it’is not a part of the ATM system—the bank simply wants us to build the ATM. “Customer” and “user” also represent outside entities—they are important because they interact with our ATM system, but we do not need to model them as classes in the ATM software. Recall that we modeled an ATM user (i.e., a bank customer) as the actor in the use case diagram of Fig. 22.4.

We do not model “$20 bill” or “deposit envelope” as classes. These are physical objects in the real world, but they are not part of what’s being automated. We can adequately represent the presence of bills in the system using an attribute of the class that models the cash dispenser. (We assign attributes to classes in Section 22.5.) For example, the cash dispenser maintains a count of the number of bills it contains. The requirements document doesn’t say anything about what the system should do with deposit envelopes after it receives them. We can assume that acknowledging the receipt of an envelope—an operation performed by the class that models the deposit slot—is sufficient to represent the presence of an envelope in the system. (We assign operations to classes in Section 22.7.)

In our simplified ATM system, representing various amounts of “money,” including an account’s “balance,” as attributes of other classes seems most appropriate. Likewise, the nouns “account number” and “PIN” represent significant information in the ATM system. They are important attributes of a bank account. They do not, however, exhibit behaviors. Thus, we can most appropriately model them as attributes of an account class.

Though the requirements document frequently describes a “transaction” in a general sense, we do not model the broad notion of a financial transaction at this time. Instead, we model the three types of transactions (i.e., “balance inquiry,” “withdrawal” and “deposit”) as individual classes. These classes possess specific attributes needed for executing the transactions they represent. For example, a withdrawal needs to know the amount of money the user wants to withdraw. A balance inquiry, however, does not require any additional data. Furthermore, the three transaction classes exhibit unique behaviors. A withdrawal includes dispensing cash to the user, whereas a deposit involves receiving deposit envelopes from the user. In Section 23.3, we “factor out” common features of all transactions into a general “transaction” class using the object-oriented concepts of abstract classes and inheritance.

We determine the classes for our system based on the remaining nouns and noun phrases from Fig. 22.5. Each of these refers to one or more of the following:


• screen

• keypad

• cash dispenser

• deposit slot

• account

• bank database

• balance inquiry

• withdrawal

• deposit

The elements of this list are likely to be classes we’ll need to implement our system.

We can now model the classes in our system based on the list we’ve created. We capitalize class names in the design process—a UML convention—as we’ll do when we write the actual C++ code that implements our design. If the name of a class contains more than one word, we run the words together and capitalize the first letter of each word (e.g., MultipleWordName). Using this convention, we create classes ATM, Screen, Keypad, CashDispenser, DepositSlot, Account, BankDatabase, BalanceInquiry, Withdrawal and Deposit. We construct our system using all of these classes as building blocks. Before we begin building the system, however, we must gain a better understanding of how the classes relate to one another.

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