17.2. Example: Handling an Attempt to Divide by Zero

Let’s consider a simple example of exception handling (Figs. 17.117.2). We show how to deal with a common arithmetic problem—division by zero. Division by zero using integer arithmetic typically causes a program to terminate prematurely. In floating-point arithmetic, many C++ implementations allow division by zero, in which case a result of positive or negative infinity is displayed as INF or -INF, respectively.

 1   // Fig. 17.1: DivideByZeroException.h
 2   // Class DivideByZeroException definition.
 3   #include <stdexcept> // stdexcept header contains runtime_error      
 5   // DivideByZeroException objects should be thrown by functions
 6   // upon detecting division-by-zero exceptions
 7   class DivideByZeroException : public std::runtime_error
 8   {
 9   public:
10      // constructor specifies default error message
11      DivideByZeroException()
12         : std::runtime_error( "attempted to divide by zero" ) {}
13   }; // end class DivideByZeroException

Fig. 17.1. Class DivideByZeroException definition.

 1   // Fig. 17.2: fig17_02.cpp
 2   // Example that throws exceptions on
 3   // attempts to divide by zero.
 4   #include <iostream>
 5   #include "DivideByZeroException.h" // DivideByZeroException class
 6   using namespace std;
 8   // perform division and throw DivideByZeroException object if
 9   // divide-by-zero exception occurs
10   double quotient( int numerator, int denominator )
11   {
12      // throw DivideByZeroException if trying to divide by zero
13      if ( denominator == 0 )
14         throw DivideByZeroException(); // terminate function
16      // return division result
17      return static_cast< double >( numerator ) / denominator;
18   } // end function quotient
20   int main()
21   {
22      int number1; // user-specified numerator
23      int number2; // user-specified denominator
25      cout << "Enter two integers (end-of-file to end): ";
27      // enable user to enter two integers to divide
28      while ( cin >> number1 >> number2 )
29      {
30         // try block contains code that might throw exception     
31         // and code that will not execute if an exception occurs  
32         try                                                       
33         {                                                         
34            double result = quotient( number1, number2 );          
35            cout << "The quotient is: " << result << endl;         
36         } // end try                                              
37         catch ( DivideByZeroException &divideByZeroException )    
38         {                                                         
39           cout << "Exception occurred: "                          
40           << divideByZeroException.what() << endl;                
41         } // end catch                                            
43         cout << " Enter two integers (end-of-file to end): ";
44      } // end while
46      cout << endl;
47   } // end main

Enter two integers (end-of-file to end): 100 7
The quotient is: 14.2857

Enter two integers (end-of-file to end): 100 0
Exception occurred: attempted to divide by zero

Enter two integers (end-of-file to end): ^Z

Fig. 17.2. Example that throws exceptions on attempts to divide by zero.

In this example, we define a function named quotient that receives two integers input by the user and divides its first int parameter by its second int parameter. Before performing the division, the function casts the first int parameter’s value to type double. Then, the second int parameter’s value is (implicitly) promoted to type double for the calculation. So function quotient actually performs the division using two double values and returns a double result.

Although division by zero is often allowed in floating-point arithmetic, for the purpose of this example we treat any attempt to divide by zero as an error. Thus, function quotient tests its second parameter to ensure that it isn’t zero before allowing the division to proceed. If the second parameter is zero, the function throws an exception to indicate to the caller that a problem occurred. The caller (main in this example) can then process the exception and allow the user to type two new values before calling function quotient again. In this way, the program can continue executing even after an improper value is entered, thus making the program more robust.

The example consists of two files. DivideByZeroException.h (Fig. 17.1) defines an exception class that represents the type of the problem that might occur in the example, and fig17_02.cpp (Fig. 17.2) defines the quotient function and the main function that calls it. Function main contains the code that demonstrates exception handling.

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