15.6. Associative Containers

The associative containers provide direct access to store and retrieve elements via keys (often called search keys). The four ordered associative containers are multiset, set, multimap and map. Each of these maintains its keys in sorted order. There are also four corresponding unordered associative containersunordered_multiset, unordered_set, unordered_multimap and unordered_map—that offer the most of the same capabilities as their ordered counterparts. The primary difference between the ordered and unordered associative containers is that the unordered ones do not maintain their keys in sorted order. In this section, we focus on the ordered associative containers.

Image Performance Tip 15.10

The unordered associative containers might offer better performance for cases in which it’s not necessary to maintain keys in sorted order.

Iterating through an ordered associative container traverses it in the sort order for that container. Classes multiset and set provide operations for manipulating sets of values where the values are the keys—there is not a separate value associated with each key. The primary difference between a multiset and a set is that a multiset allows duplicate keys and a set does not. Classes multimap and map provide operations for manipulating values associated with keys (these values are sometimes referred to as mapped values). The primary difference between a multimap and a map is that a multimap allows duplicate keys with associated values to be stored and a map allows only unique keys with associated values. In addition to the common container member functions, ordered associative containers also support several other member functions that are specific to associative containers. Examples of each of the ordered associative containers and their common member functions are presented in the next several subsections.

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