

action safe guides, 294

action-safe margins, 176

Adobe Community Help, 4

Adobe Forums, 5

Adobe Systems website, 302

Adobe TV, 5


creating, 76–77, 80, 287–288

loading from Photoshop Elements, 291–292

naming, 76, 288

Smart Albums, 80

analog video

considerations, 38

converting to digital, 50

exporting digital movies to, 279–280


buttons, 249–252

effects with keyframes, 137–139

still titles, 184–185

Anti-aliasing Quality control, 163

aspect ratio, 27–31, 272

audio, 194–215

adding to menus, 246, 248–249

beat detection, 211–213

capturing without video, 43

effects for, 213–214

filtering background noise, 207

gain controls, 204–205, 206, 207

inserting in menu background, 248–249

music. See music

narrating movies, 200–201

normalization, 207

SmartMix feature, 202–204

SmartSound Quicktracks, 197–200

trimming linked video and, 212

using Audio Mixer, 209–211

volume adjustments, 205–209

waveforms, 206–207

Audio format, 275

Audio Mixer, 209–211

Auto Analyzer

capturing video, 48

running on clips, 64, 69–71

working with SmartFix, 117–119

Auto Save feature, 32

Auto-Play button, 231

auto-play discs, 231–232

AVCHD camcorders, 16, 30, 48–52


background color, 63, 142

background music, 197–200, 248

background noise, 207

background rendering, 90, 134

backlighting, 125–127

beat detection, 211–213

Blue-ray Discs. See also DVDs

adding scene markers, 229–230

auto-play, 231–232

burning, 227, 257–260

overview, 227–229

settings, 260

bonus clips, 241–243, 244

bounding box, 245, 246, 294, 296

Browser pane, 10

burning DVDs, 227, 257–260


animating, 249–252

changing text properties for, 252–255

customizing, 250–252

modifying scene markers, 238–240

overlapping, 251

text, 250–255

thumbnail scene, 249–254


camcorders. See also video devices

capturing video from, 37, 38–48

capturing video without device control, 45

connecting to computer, 40–42

device control for, 44–45

dubbing video to VCR via, 279–280

importing video from AVCHD, 16, 30, 48–52

inputting video footage from, 10

preparing to export to, 277–278

previewing video on TV monitor, 87

tape-based, 10, 277–280

troubleshooting problems, 46–47, 48

types of, 10, 16

cameras, digital, 10, 16, 38, 51

Capture panel, 39, 40–48

capturing video, 38–48

Auto Analyzer and, 48

from camcorders, 37, 38–48

capture interfaces, 39–40

Capture to Timeline option, 43

capturing without audio, 43

capturing without device control, 45

capturing/splitting into scenes, 43–44

device control, 44–48, 50, 280

options for, 42–44

overview, 38

saving imported files, 52

Scene Detect and, 43–44

stop-motion video, 49

stopping capture, 45, 48

from tape-based devices, 10, 40–50

time-lapse video, 49

troubleshooting problems, 46–47, 48

from webcams, 16, 40, 42, 43, 45


adding in Sceneline, 91–93

adding to menus, 246–248

adjusting speed of, 116, 130–131, 143–144

bonus, 241–243, 244

compositing with Videomerge, 141–143

correcting shakiness of, 129–130

deleting, 94

editing. See editing

effects. See effects

finding in Media view, 61–63

importing. See importing

layering, 97, 99

moving, 93–94

optimizing, 120–130

playing. See playback

previewing, 58–59

reframing, 127–129

rendering, 123–125

running Auto Analyzer on, 64, 69–71

sharpening, 129, 130

SmartFix adjustments, 117–119

splitting, 96–97, 103–105

superimposing titles over video, 185–189

tagging, 64–78

transitions in. See transitions

trimming. See trimming clips

working with multiple, 126


background, 63, 141, 142

saturation, 117, 122

text, 180–181, 187–188

Community Help, 4

compression, 260


connecting video devices to, 40–42

sharing movies from, 271–275

system requirements, 2


importing from hard drive, 16, 53

in Media view, 61–63

organizing. See Organizer

content-based scene detection, 43, 44

Create panel, 11

credits, 189–191

current-time indicators, 87, 133, 134, 154


data transfer rate, 41

decibels, 205

device control, 44–48, 50, 280

disc menu templates, 234–240, 244, 246, 248

Disc Menus workspace, 17–18

docking/undocking panels, 33, 34

drop zones, 246, 247, 248

dropped frames, 280

dubbing video, 279–280

DV AVI format, 275

DV camcorders. See camcorders

DVDs. See also Blue-ray Discs

adding scene markers, 229–230

auto-play, 231–232

burning, 227, 257–260

copying lesson files from, 3–4

menus for. See menus

overview, 227–229

Web DVDs, 255–257


Edit in Photoshop Elements command, 300–302

Edit workspace, 16–17


images in Photoshop Elements, 288–291

InstantMovies, 75

Photoshop images in Premiere Elements, 300–302

SmartFix adjustments, 117–119

split edits, 212

in Timeline, 100–103

trimming. See trimming clips

working with keyframes, 136–137

effects, 112–148. See also specific effects

animating with keyframes, 137–139

applying, 120–123, 126

compositing clips, 141–143

copying to/from clips, 139–140

curative, 115

deleting, 127

effect masking, 146–147

exploring, 147

fading in/out, 134–136, 163–164

fixed, 115, 116, 117, 127

image control, 117, 120–127

image pan, 131–134

motion controls, 116, 127–129, 144–146

overlay, 115

pan, 131–134

Picture-in-Picture overlay, 140–141

playback speed, 116, 130–131, 143–144

previewing, 123–124

rendering, 90, 123–124

Shadow/Highlight, 119, 125–127

sharpening, 129, 130

sound, 213–214

standard, 114

for titles, 184–185

toggling on/off, 122, 199

types of, 114–117

using, 114–117

Videomerge, 141–143

zoom, 131–134

Effects view, 16

Export to Tape dialog, 277–280

exporting frames as still images, 281–282

exporting movies. See also uploading movies/files

to mobile phones/players, 276

to tape, 277–280

uploading to websites, 269, 271

eye icon, 119, 122, 125, 130


fading in/out

single-sided transitions for, 163–164

title clips, 183–184

using keyframes, 134–136

volume, 208–209

files. See also projects

compatible movie formats, 275

finding, 61–63

lessons, 3–4

opening, 65

optimizing for video, 293

Project view of, 78–79

uploading. See uploading movies/files

finding files, 61–63

Fix panel, 11–13

Flash Video (FLV) format, 266, 275

footage. See video footage

forums, 5


advancing, 89

exporting as still images, 281–282

moving to specific, 88

sharing single movie, 281–282

timecode and, 89

trimming, 102

frames per second (fps), 31

Freeze Frame dialog, 281–282


gain controls, 204–205, 206, 207

Get Media view, 16, 38, 45, 51

GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) effects, 165


hard disk

importing video content from, 16, 53

space required for DV editing, 41

HDV camcorders. See camcorders

HDV presets, 30–31

help features, 4, 5, 302

History panel, 20

Horizontal Type tool, 174, 180, 296


IEEE 1394 connectors/ports, 40–42, 45, 46, 227

Image Control effects, 117, 120–127

Image format, 275

image pan, 131–134


adding to menus, 246–248

adding to titles, 181–183

changing menu thumbnail, 238–240

combining with video, 108–109

copying/pasting, 188, 294

editing. See editing

importing. See importing

menu thumbnails, 237–240

sending from Photoshop Elements to Premiere Elements, 288–291


audio/video clips, 39–40, 60

content from hard disk, 16, 53

Photoshop images, 288–291, 294, 298–299

video with Video Importer, 39–40, 48–52

Info panel, 19

In/Out points, 82, 95, 247, 249–250

InstantMovies, 16, 72–75, 218–222

Interest Level threshold, 107

interlaced video, 31

iPod/iPhone movies, 16, 51, 276


J-cuts, 212


kerning text, 177–178, 179


animating effects with, 137–139

audio adjustments with, 208–209

creating fade-outs with, 134–136

creating image pan with, 131–134

described, 131

working with, 131–137

keyword tags, 64, 67–69. See also tagging


layering, 97, 99

L-cuts, 212

lesson files, 3–4

letterboxes, 27–29


markers. See menu markers

Media view, 16, 61–63, 71

menu markers

main menu markers, 242, 243, 244

scene markers. See scene markers

setting, 241–243

stop markers, 241–242, 243, 244

menus, 224–261

adding audio to, 246, 248–249

adding images to, 246–248

adding video to, 246–249

buttons on. See buttons

creating DVDs with, 234–237

customizing, 244–249

image thumbnails, 237–240

previewing, 226–227, 231–233, 240

submenus, 241–243

mobile phone movies, 51, 276

Monitor panel, 14, 33–34, 87–90

motion controls, 116, 127–129, 144–146

Motion Tracking effect, 144–146

movie themes, 216–223

movies. See also projects; video

combining video/still images, 108–109

exporting. See exporting

InstantMovies, 16, 72–75, 218–222

iPod/iPhone, 16, 51, 276

narrating, 200–201

playing. See playback

previewing. See previewing

safe zones for TV, 176

sharing. See sharing movies

transitions in. See transitions

YouTube, 266–268

MPEG format, 275


background, 197–200, 248

detecting beat of, 211–213

selecting for InstantMovie, 73–74

My Project panel, 14–15, 33–34. See also Sceneline view; Timeline view


narration, 200–201

New Project panel, 12

noise, background, 207

normalization, 207

NTSC settings, 44, 271


opacity, 134–136, 183–184

Organize panel, 11, 220

Organize workspace, 15–16, 59–61

Organizer workspace

opening files in, 65

Photoshop Elements, 286–288

tagging in, 64–78

using, 8–20

working in, 10–20

Out/In points, 82, 95, 247, 249–250

overlay effects, 115

overscan, 176


PAL settings, 44, 271

panning images, 131–134

phones, 16, 51, 276

Photoshop Elements, 284–303

creating files optimized for video, 293

creating Premiere Elements projects in, 288–291

customizing titles in, 294–300

editing images in Premiere Elements, 300–302

launching/getting started in, 286–288

loading albums in Premiere Elements, 291–292

sending images to Premiere Elements, 288–291, 294

using with Premiere Elements, 284–303

account for, 77

logging in to, 269

sharing movies via, 263, 268–270

synchronizing video on, 77–78

uploading files/movies to, 76–78, 263, 268–270

working with, 8, 20–22

Picture-in-Picture overlay, 140–141

pixel aspect ratio, 28, 30–31

Play buttons, 252


with Auto-Play button, 231

auto-play discs, 231–232

music in SmartSound, 198

Play buttons, 252

with Play/Pause toggle (spacebar), 44, 58–59, 75, 87

reversing playback, 131

shortcuts, 66

speed, 116, 130–131, 143–144

starting/stopping, 65, 66

player movies, 276

Play/Pause toggle (spacebar), 44, 58–59, 75, 87

preferences, 31–33

Premiere Elements

editing Photoshop images in, 300–302

help features, 4, 5

importing Photoshop images, 288–291, 294, 298–299

installing, 3

loading Photoshop albums in, 291–292

preferences, 31–33

presets. See presets

project settings for, 26–31

resources, 4–5, 302

system requirements, 2

using with Photoshop Elements, 284–303

workflow in, 8, 293

workspace for, 8–10


choosing, 30–31

for sharing, 264, 266, 271, 274, 276, 282

standard definition (SD), 274

using, 26, 27

Preview Disc window, 226–227, 231–233, 240

Preview window, 81–82


animations, 184

clips, 58–59

DVD menus, 226–227, 231–233, 240

effects, 123–134

in Premiere Elements, 90

shortcuts, 66

transitions, 155, 158–159, 164

video on TV, 87, 176, 231, 237

progressive video, 31

Project view, 16, 60–61, 78–82

projects. See also files; movies; video

creating in Photoshop Elements, 288–291

designating chapters in, 229–230

exporting. See exporting

opening, 32, 58, 234

playing. See playback

preferences, 31–33

previewing. See previewing

recent, 32, 234

rendering, 90, 190, 256, 274

saving, 32

settings, 26–31

Properties view, 18–19

Push transition, 155–156


quality issues, 13, 63, 123, 275

Quality Level threshold, 106–107

QuickTime, 271, 275, 286



background, 90, 134

effects, 90, 123–124

previews, 74

projects, 90, 190, 256, 274

transitions, 165

work area, 90, 124–125

resolution, 30–31, 131, 260, 266

resources, 4–5, 302

ripple deletion, 94

rolling credits, 189–191


Scene Detect feature, 43–44

Scene Marker buttons, 237–240

scene markers

adding, 229–230

automatically generating, 232–234

button labels/image thumbnails, 238–240

described, 244

Sceneline view. See also Timeline view

adding clips, 91–93

deleting clips, 94

described, 14

moving clips, 93–94

Split Clip tool, 96–97

trimming clips, 95–96

working in, 85

working with My Project panel, 90–96

scenes, 43–44

Scratch Disk preferences, 32

scrubbing, 90

SD cards, 38, 48, 51

searching for files, 61–63

settings-related issues, 27–31

Shadow/Highlight effect, 119, 125–127

Share panel, 11

Share workspace, 18, 255, 264, 268, 274

sharing movies, 262–283

from computer, 271–275

considerations, 264

exporting to tape, 279–280

presets for, 264, 266, 271, 274, 276, 282

sharing single frames, 281–282

universal counting leader, 277–278

via mobile phones/players, 276

via, 263, 268–270

via YouTube, 266–268

sharpening clips, 129, 130

Shuttle control, 44, 45, 75, 88

slide shows

creating, 108–109

using Photoshop images, 288–291

Smart Albums, 80

Smart Tags, 11, 64, 70, 72, 218

Smart Trim mode, 105–109

SmartFix feature, 117–119

SmartMix feature, 202–204

SmartSound Quicktracks, 197–200

sound. See audio

source footage. See video footage

speed controls, 116. See also playback

Split Clip tool

in Sceneline view, 96–97

in Timeline view, 103–105

split editing, 212

splitting clips, 96–97, 103–105

Stabilize filter, 129–130

stacking order, 188

star ratings, 62, 64, 66, 70, 80

stop markers, 241–242, 243, 244

stop-motion video, 49

storyboard-style editing, 14, 25, 91

submenus, 241–243

system requirements, 2


tagging. See also keyword tags

clips in Organizer, 64–78

creating Smart Albums with, 80

Smart Tags, 11, 64, 70, 72, 218

star ratings, 62, 64, 66, 70, 80

tape-based devices

capturing stop-motion from, 49

capturing video, 10, 40–50

exporting movies for, 277–280

options, 280

Tasks panel, 15–18, 33–34, 153


disc menu, 234–240, 244, 246, 248

drop zones in, 246, 247, 248

titles, 172, 191

text. See also titles

buttons, 250–255

centering, 177, 180, 186, 189

changing menu titles/buttons, 252–255

color, 180–181, 187–188

Horizontal Type tool, 174, 180, 296

kerning, 177–178, 179

modifying in titles, 175–185

repositioning, 175

size, 177–178

superimposing over video clips, 185–189

warped, 298

themes, movie, 216–223

Themes view, 17

thumbnail scene buttons, 249–254

thumbnails, image, 237–240

Time Stretch tool, 130, 143–144

timecode, 44, 46, 82, 87, 91

timecode-based scene detection, 43, 44

time-lapse video, 49

Timeline view. See also Sceneline view

adding/deleting tracks in, 99

customizing track display, 100

described, 14–15

editing in, 100–103

Split Clip tool, 103–105

trimming clips in, 101–103

working with My Project panel, 97–103

zoom controls in, 98, 101, 103, 301

title safe guides, 294

titles. See also text

adding images to, 181–183

animating still, 184–185

centering, 180

color, 180–181, 187

creating, 173–174

customizing in Photoshop Elements, 294–300

fade effects in, 183–184

modifying text in, 175–185

rolling credits, 189–191

superimposing over video clips, 185–189

templates for, 172, 191

working with, 172

Titles view, 16

title-safe zones, 176, 252


adding/deleting, 99

changing height of, 99

customizing display of, 100

using Picture-in-Picture overlay for, 140–141

transitions, 150–169

accessing, 153–154

adding to multiple clips, 165–166

applying, 154–155, 291

considerations, 152–153, 167–168

copying/pasting, 166

deleting, 155

experimenting with, 168

fading in/out, 134–136, 163–164

GPU-accelerated, 165

modifying default settings, 158–161

previewing, 155, 158–159, 164

properties, 155–157

rendering, 165

replacing, 161–163

smoothing, 163, 165, 166

working with, 152–168

Transitions view, 16, 153–154

trimming clips

In/Out points, 95, 101–102

in Preview window, 81–82

in Sceneline view, 95–96

in Timeline view, 101–103

using Smart Trim, 105–109


device-control issues, 46–47, 48

settings-related issues, 27–31


previewing video on, 87, 176, 231, 237

safe zones for, 176

Type Tool button, 174


undo feature, 19

universal counting leader, 277–278

uploading movies/files. See also exporting movies

to, 76–78, 263, 268–270

to websites, 269, 271

to YouTube, 266–268


VHS video, 50

video. See also movies; projects

adding to menus, 246–249

analog. See analog video

capturing. See capturing video

compatible formats for, 275

converting analog to digital, 50

dubbing, 279–280

editing. See editing

exporting. See exporting

importing, 39–40, 48–52

organizing. See Organizer

playing. See playback

previewing. See previewing

resolution, 30–31, 266

scrubbing through, 90

source footage. See video footage

stop-motion, 49

synchronizing on, 77–78

time-lapse, 49

trimming linked audio and, 212

uploading to YouTube, 266–268

VHS, 50

video deck. See camcorders

video devices, 16, 45. See also camcorders

video footage

choosing for Video Importer, 51

considerations, 28, 260, 266

correcting shakiness of, 129–130

indoor/outdoor shoots, 120

project setup, 26–27, 30

spacing between lines, 179

types of, 38

Video Importer, 39–40, 48–52

Video Transitions, 154

Videomerge effect, 141–143

Vintage Photo effect, 295

volume adjustments, 205–209


waveforms, 206–207

Web DVDs, 255–257

webcams, capturing video from, 16, 40, 42, 43, 45


compatible formats for, 275

uploading movies to, 269, 271

Windows Media files, 275

workspaces. See also specific workspaces

customizing, 33–34

overview, 7, 8–10


YouTube movies, 266–268


zoom controls

in Monitor panel, 89–90, 98

in Timeline, 98, 101, 103, 301

zoom effects, 131–134

Zoom In button, 98, 101, 103

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