Chapter 2

Motion Modeling for Mobile Robots


This chapter deals with motion modeling of wheeled mobile robots. It starts by introducing kinematic modeling of well-known mobile platforms such as differential drive, bicycle drive, Ackermann drive, and omnidirectional drives. Forward and inverse kinematics are presented, which can be applied in locomotion strategy design or in the localization process. It then describes kinematic motion constraints that originate from the robot structure and its kinematics. Holonomic and nonholonomic constraints are modeled and vector fields analysis using Lie brackets is performed to analyze the system’s constraints and its controllability. At the end, wheeled mobile robots are modeled as dynamic systems using Lagrange formulation where physical properties such as mass, inertia, and force are used. Clear examples of kinematic and dynamic models, constraints analysis, parallel parking maneuver, and the like are presented.


Kinematic model; Instantaneous center of rotation; Locomotion; Kinematic constraints; Controllability; Dynamic model; Odometry

2.1 Introduction

Humans took advantage of wheel drive for thousands of years, and the underlying structure of a prehistoric two-wheeled cart (Fig. 2.1) can be found in modern cars and wheeled robots. This chapter deals with motion modeling of different wheeled mobile systems. The resulting model can be used for various purposes. In this book it will be mainly used for designing locomotion strategies of the system. Locomotion is the process of moving an autonomous system from one place to another.

Fig. 2.1 Two-wheeled cart. (Museum and Galleries of Ljubljana, painting by I. Rehar.)

Motion models can describe robot kinematics, and we are interested in mathematics of robot motion without considering its causes, such as forces or torques. Kinematic model describes geometric relationships that are present in the system. It describes the relationship between input (control) parameters and behavior of a system given by state-space representation. A kinematic model describes system velocities and is presented by a set of differential first-order equations.

Dynamic models describe a system motion when forces are applied to the system. This models include physics of motion where forces, energies, system mass, inertia, and velocity parameters are used. Descriptions of dynamic models are given by differential equations of the second order.

In wheeled mobile robotics, usually kinematic models are sufficient to design locomotion strategies, while for the other systems such as robots in space, air, or walking robots, dynamic modeling is also needed.

2.2 Kinematics of Wheeled Mobile Robots

Several types of kinematic models exist:

 Internal kinematics explains the relation between system internal variables (e.g., wheel rotation and robot motion).

 External kinematics describes robot position and orientation according to some reference coordinate frame.

 Direct kinematics and inverse kinematics. A direct kinematics describes robot states as a function of its inputs (wheel speeds, joints motion, wheel steering, etc.). From inverse kinematics one can design a motion planning, which means that the robot inputs can be calculated for a desired robot state sequence.

 Motion constraints appear when a system has less input variables than degrees of freedom (DOFs). Holonomic constraints prohibit certain robot poses while a nonholonomic constraint prohibits certain robot velocities (the robot can drive only in the direction of the wheels’ rotation).

In the following, some examples of internal kinematics for wheeled mobile robots (WMR) will be given. The robot pose in a plane is defined by its state vector



in a global coordinate frame (Xg, Yg), as illustrated in Fig. 2.2. A moving frame (Xm, Ym) is attached to the robot. The relation between the global and moving frame (external kinematics) is defined by the translation vector [x, y]T and rotation matrix:



WMR moves on the ground using wheels that rotate on the ground due to the friction contact between wheels and the ground. At moderate WMR speeds an idealized rolling wheel model is usually used where the wheel can move by rotation only and no slip in the driving and lateral direction is considered. Each wheel in WMR can freely rotate around its own axis; therefore, there exists a common point that lies in the intersection of all wheel axes. This point is called instantaneous center of rotation (ICR) or instantaneous center of curvature and defines a point around which all the wheels follow their circular motion with the same angular velocity ω according to ICR. See Refs. [13] for further information.

Fig. 2.2 Robot in the plane.

2.2.1 Differential Drive

Differential drive is a very simple driving mechanism that is quite often used in practice, especially for smaller mobile robots. Robots with this drive usually have one or more castor wheels to support the vehicle and prevent tilting. Both main wheels are placed on a common axis. The velocity of each wheel is controlled by a separate motor. According to Fig. 2.3 the input (control) variables are the velocity of the right wheel vR(t) and the velocity of the left wheel vL(t).

Fig. 2.3 Differential drive kinematics.

The meanings of other variables in Fig. 2.3 are as follows: r is the wheel radius; L is the distance between the wheels and R(t) is the instantaneous radius of the vehicle driving trajectory (the distance between the vehicle center (middle point between the wheels) and ICR point). In each instance of time both wheels have the same angular velocity ω(t) around the ICR,



from where ω(t) and R(t) are expressed as follows:



Tangential vehicle velocity is then calculated as



Wheel tangential velocities are vL(t) = L(t) and vR(t) = R(t), where ωL(t) and ωR(t) are left and right angular velocities of the wheels around their axes, respectively. Considering the above relations the internal robot kinematics (in local coordinates) can be expressed as


si6_e  (2.1)

Robot external kinematics (in global coordinates) is given by


si7_e  (2.2)

where v(t) and ω(t) are the control variables. Model (2.2) can be written in discrete form (2.3) using Euler integration and evaluated at discrete time instants t = kTs, k = 0, 1, 2, … where Ts is the following sampling interval:


si8_e  (2.3)

Forward and Inverse Kinematics

A robot pose at some time t is obtained by integration of the kinematic model, which is known as odometry or dead reckoning. Determination of the robot pose for given control variables is called direct (also forward) kinematics:


si9_e  (2.4)

If constant velocities v and ω are assumed during the sample time the integration of Eq. (2.4) can be done numerically using the Euler method. The direct kinematics is then given by


si8_e  (2.5)

If trapezoidal numerical integration is used a better approximation is obtained as follows:


si11_e  (2.6)

If exact integration is applied the direct kinematics is


si12_e  (2.7)

where integration in Eq. (2.7) is done inside the sampling time interval where constant velocities v and ω are assumed to obtain increments:



The development of the inverse kinematics is a more challenging task than the above cases of direct kinematics. We use inverse kinematics to determine control variables to drive the robot to the desired robot pose or path trajectory. Robots are usually subjected to nonholonomic constraints (Section 2.3), which means that not all driving directions are possible. There are also many possible solutions to arrive to the desired pose.

One simple solution to the inverse kinematics problem would be if we allow a differential robot to drive only forward (vR(t) = vL(t) = vRω(t) = 0, v(t) = vR) or only rotate at the spot (vR(t)=vL(t)=vRω(t)=2vRLsi14_e, v(t) = 0) at constant speeds. For rotation motion equation (2.4) simplifies to


si15_e  (2.8)

and for straight motion equation (2.4) simplifies to


si16_e  (2.9)

Motion strategy could then be to orient the robot to the target position by rotation and then drive the robot to the target position by a straight motion and finally align (with rotation) the robot orientation with the desired orientation in the desired robot pose. The required control variables for each phase (rotation, straight motion, rotation) can easily be calculated from Eqs. (2.8), (2.9).

If we consider a discrete time notation where control speeds vR(k), vL(k) are constant during time interval Ts and changes of the control speeds are only possible at time instants t = kTs then we can write equations for the robot motion. For rotation motion (vR(k) = −vL(k)) it follows


si17_e  (2.10)

and the straight motion equation (vR(k) = vL(k)) is


si18_e  (2.11)

So for the desired robot motion inside time interval t ∈ [kTs, (k + 1)Ts) the inverse kinematics can be calculated for each sample time by expressing control variables from Eqs. (2.10), (2.11).

As already stated, there are many other solutions to drive the robot to the desired pose using smooth changing trajectories. The inverse kinematic problem is easier for the desired smooth target trajectory (x(t), y(t)) that the robot should follow so that its orientation is always tangent to the trajectory. Trajectory is defined in time interval t ∈ [0, T]. Supposing the robot’s initial pose is on trajectory, and there is a perfect kinematic model and no disturbances, we can calculate required control variables v as follows:


si19_e  (2.12)

where the sign depends on the desired driving direction (+ for forward and − for reverse). The tangent angle of each point on the path is defined as


si20_e  (2.13)

where l ∈{0, 1} defines the desired driving direction (0 for forward and 1 for reverse) and the function arctan2 is the four-quadrant inverse tangent function. By calculating the time derivative of Eq. (2.13) the robot’s angular velocity ω(t) is obtained:


si21_e  (2.14)

where κ(t) is the path curvature. Using relations (2.12), (2.14) and the defined desired robot path x(t), y(t), the robot control inputs v(t) and ω(t) are calculated. The necessary condition in the path-design procedure is a twice-differentiable path and a nonzero tangential velocity v(t)≠0. If for some time t the tangential velocity is v(t) = 0, the robot rotates at a fixed point with the angular velocity ω(t). The angle φ(t) cannot be determined from Eq. (2.12), and therefore, φ(t) must be given explicitly. Usually this approach is used to determine the feedforward part of the control supplementary to the feedback part which takes care of the imperfect kinematic model, disturbances, and the initial pose error [4].

2.2.2 Bicycle Drive

Bicycle drive is shown in Fig. 2.4. It has a steering wheel where α is the steering angle and ωS is wheel angular velocity around its axis (front-wheel drive). The ICR point is defined by the intersection of both wheel axes. In each moment of time the bicycle circles around ICR with angular velocity ω, radius R, and distance between the wheels d:



Fig. 2.4 Bicycle drive kinematics.

The steering wheel circles around ICR with ω so we can write



where vs(t) = ωs(t)r and r are the rim velocity and the radius of the front wheel, respectively.

Internal robot kinematics (in robot frame) is


si24_e  (2.15)

and the external kinematic model is


si25_e  (2.16)

or in compact form


si26_e  (2.17)

where v=vs(t)cosα(t)si27_e and ω(t)=vs(t)dsinα(t)si28_e.

Rear-Wheel Bicycle Drive

Usually vehicles are powered by the rear wheels and steered by the front wheel (e.g., bicycle, tricycles, and some cars). The control variables in this case are rear velocity vr(t) and steering angle of the front wheel α(t). The internal kinematic model can simply be derived from Eq. (2.15) where substituting vr(t)=vs(t)cosα(t)si29_e leads to the following:


si30_e  (2.18)

and the external kinematic model becomes


si31_e  (2.19)

or in equivalent matrix form


si32_e  (2.20)

where ω(t)=vr(t)dtanα(t)si33_e.

Direct and Inverse Kinematics

Considering Eq. (2.17) bicycle direct kinematics (front-wheel drive case) is obtained by Eq. (2.4) similarly as in the case of differential drive.

Inverse kinematics is in general very difficult to solve unless a special case of motion strategy with two motion patterns is applied as follows. By the first motion pattern the robot can only move straight ahead (α(t) = 0) and by the second motion pattern the robot can rotate in the spot (α(t)=±π2si34_e). For the straight motion robot, velocities simplify to v(t) = vs(t) and ω(t) = 0. By inserting these velocities to Eq. (2.17) and discretization, the motion equations reduce to


si35_e  (2.21)

For rotation at the spot robot velocities simplify to v(t) = 0 and ω(t)=vs(t)dsi36_e. After inserting these velocities to Eq. (2.17) and discretization the motion model is given by


si37_e  (2.22)

Control variables can be expressed from Eqs. (2.21), (2.22) for required motion during each sample time.

2.2.3 Tricycle Drive

Tricycle drive (see Fig. 2.5) has the same kinematics as bicycle drive.


si38_e  (2.23)

where v=vs(t)cosα(t)si27_e, ω(t)=vs(t)dsinα(t)si28_e, and vs is the rim velocity of the steering wheel.

Fig. 2.5 Tricycle drive kinematics.

Tricycle drive is more common in mobile robotics because of the three wheels that make the robot stable in a vertical direction by itself.

2.2.4 Tricycle With a Trailer

The tricycle part of kinematics is already described in Section 2.2.3. For a trailer ICR2 is found by the intersection of the tricycle and the trailer wheel axes. The angular velocity at which the trailer wheels circle around the ICR2 point is



The final kinematic model (for Fig. 2.6) is then obtained as follows:


si42_e  (2.24)

Fig. 2.6 Tricycle with a trailer drive kinematics.

2.2.5 Car (Ackermann) Drive

Cars use the Ackermann steering principle. The idea behind the Ackermann steering is that the inner wheel (closer to ICR) should steer for a bigger angle than the outer wheel in order to allow the vehicle to rotate around the middle point between the rear wheel axis. Consequently the inner wheel travels with a slower speed than the outer wheel. The Ackermann driving mechanism allows for the rear wheels to have no slip angle, which requires that the ICR point lies on a straight line defined by the rear wheels’ axis. This driving mechanism therefore minimizes tire wear.

In Fig. 2.7 the left wheel is on the outer side and the right wheel is on the inner side. The steering orientations of the front wheels are therefore determined from



and the final steering angles are expressed as


si44_e  (2.25)

The inner and outer back wheels circle around the ICR with the same angular velocity ω; therefore their rim velocities are


si45_e  (2.26)

Fig. 2.7 Ackermann drive schematics.

This type of kinematic drive is especially appropriate to model larger vehicles. A motion model can also be described using tricycle kinematics (Eq. 2.23) where the average the Ackermann angle α=π2arctanRdsi46_e is used.

Inverse kinematics of Ackermann drive is complicated and exceeds the scope of this work.

2.2.6 Synchronous Drive

If a vehicle is able to steer each of its wheels around the vertical axis synchronously (wheels have the same orientation and are steered synchronously) then this is called synchronous drive (also synchro drive). Typical synchro drive has three wheels arranged symmetrically (equilateral triangle) around the vehicle center as in Fig. 2.8.

Fig. 2.8 Synchronous drive.

All wheels are synchronously steered so their rotation axes are always parallel and the ICR point is at infinity. The vehicle can directly control the orientation of the wheels, which presents the third state in the state vector (2.27). The control variables are wheels’ steering velocity ω, and forward speed v.

The kinematics has a similar form as in the case of differential drive:


si7_e  (2.27)

where v(t) and ω(t) (steering velocity of the wheels) are the control variables that can be controlled independently (which is not the case for differential drive).

Forward and Inverse Kinematics

Forward kinematics is obtained by integration of the kinematic model (2.27):


si48_e  (2.28)

The general solution to the inverse kinematics is not possible because there exists many possible solutions to arrive at the desired pose. However, the inverse kinematics can be solved for a special case where the robot either rotates at the spot or moves straight in its current direction. When the robot rotates at the spot with the constant ω for some time Δt, its orientation changes for ωΔt. In the case of straight motion for some time Δt, with a constant forward velocity v, the robot moves for vΔt in the direction of its current orientation.

2.2.7 Omnidirectional Drive

In previous kinematic models simple wheels were used where the wheel can only move (roll) in the direction of its orientation. Such simple wheels have only one rolling direction. To allow omnidirectional rolling motion (in more directions) a complex wheel construction is required. An example of such a wheel is the Mecanum wheel (see Fig. 2.9) or Swedish wheel where the number of smaller rollers are arranged around the main wheel rim. The passive roller axes are not aligned with the main wheel axis (typically they are at a γ = 45 degree angle). This allows a number of different motion directions that result from an arbitrary combination of the main wheel’s rotation direction and passive rollers’ rotation.

Fig. 2.9 Mecanum wheel with rollers mounted around the wheel rim. Each roller axis is at 45 degree from the main wheel plane and at 45 degree to the line parallel with the wheel’s axis.

Kinematics of Four-Wheel Omnidirectional Drive

Another example of a complex wheel is the omni wheel or poly wheel, which enables omnidirectional motion similarly to the Mecanum wheel. The omni wheel (Fig. 2.10) has passive rollers mounted around the wheel rim so that their axes are 90 degree to the wheel axis.

Fig. 2.10 Omni wheel with six free rotating rollers mounted around the wheel rim. The wheel can rotate and slide laterally.

The popular four-wheel platform known as the Mecanum platform is shown in Fig. 2.11. The Mecanum platform has wheels with left- and right-handed rollers where diagonal wheels are of the same type. This enables the vehicle to move in any direction with arbitrary rotation by commanding a proper velocity to each main wheel. Forward or backward motion is obtained by setting all main wheels to the same velocity. If velocities of the main wheels on one side are opposite to the velocities of the wheels on the other side then the platform will rotate. Side motion of the platform is obtained if the wheels on one diagonal have opposite velocity to the wheels on the other diagonal. With combination of the motions described, motion of the platform in any direction and with any rotation can be achieved.

Fig. 2.11 Basic driving directions of omnidirectional drive with four Mecanum wheels where the main wheels are rotating forwards or backwards. Resulting passive rollers velocities are shown.

The inverse internal kinematics of the four-wheel Mecanum drive in Fig. 2.12 can be derived as follows.

Fig. 2.12 Four-wheel Mecanum drive.

The first wheel velocity in robot coordinates is obtained from the main wheel velocity v1(t) and the passive roller’s velocity vR(t). In the sequel the time dependency notation is omitted to have more compact and easy-to-follow equations (e.g., v1(t) = v1). The total wheel velocity in xm and ym direction of the robot coordinate frame are vm1x=v1+vRcos(π4)=v1+vR2si49_e and vm1y=vRsin(π4)=vR2si50_e, from where the main wheel velocity is obtained: v1 = vm1xvm1y. The first wheel velocity in the robot coordinate frame direction can also be expressed with the robot’s translational velocity vm=x˙m2+y˙m2si51_e and its angular velocity φ˙si52_e as follows: vm1x=x˙mφ˙dsi53_e and vm1y=y˙m+φ˙lsi54_e (the meaning of distances d and l can be deduced from Fig. 2.12). From the latter relations the main wheel velocity can be expressed by the robot body velocity as v1=x˙my˙m(l+d)φ˙si55_e. Similar equations can be obtained for v2, v3, and v4. The inverse kinematics in local coordinates is


si56_e  (2.29)

The internal inverse kinematics (Eq. 2.29) in compact form reads v=Jq˙msi57_e, where vT = [v1, v2, v3, v4]T and qmT = [xm, ym, φ]T.

To calculate the inverse kinematics in global coordinates the rotation matrix representing the orientation of the local coordinates with respect to the global coordinates (qm=RGLqsi58_e),



needs to be considered as follows: v=JRGLq˙si60_e.

From the internal inverse kinematics v=Jq˙msi57_e (Eq. 2.29), the forward internal kinematics is obtained by q˙m=J+vsi62_e, where J+=JTJ1JTsi63_e is the pseudo-inverse of J. Forward internal kinematics for the four-wheel Mecanum platform reads as follows:


si64_e  (2.30)

Forward kinematics in global coordinates is obtained by q˙=(RGL)TJ+vsi65_e.

Kinematics of Three-Wheel Omnidirectional Drive

A popular omnidirectional configuration for three-wheel drive is shown in Fig. 2.13.

Fig. 2.13 Three-wheel omnidirectional drive (θ2 = 120 degree, θ3 = 240 degree).

Its inverse kinematics (in global coordinates) is obtained by considering the robot translational velocity v=x˙2+y˙2si66_e and its angular velocity φ˙si52_e. Velocity of the first wheel v1 = v1t + v1r consists of a translational part v1t=x˙sin(φ)+y˙cos(φ)si68_e and an angular part v1r=Rφ˙si69_e. The first wheel common velocity therefore is v1=x˙sin(φ)+y˙cos(φ)+Rφ˙si70_e. Similarly, considering the global angle of the second wheel φ + θ2, its velocity is v2=x˙sin(φ+θ2)+y˙cos(φ+θ2)+Rφ˙si71_e. And the velocity of the third wheel reads v3=x˙sin(φ+θ3)+y˙cos(φ+θ3)+Rφ˙si72_e. The inverse kinematics in global coordinates of three-wheel drive is


si73_e  (2.31)

The inverse kinematics (Eq. 2.31) in compact form reads v=Jq˙si74_e. Sometimes it is more convenient to steer the robot in its local coordinates, which can be obtained by considering rotation transformation as follows: v=J(RGL)Tq˙msi75_e.

Forward kinematics in global coordinates is obtained from the inverse kinematics (Eq. 2.31) by q˙=Svsi76_e where S =J−1:


si77_e  (2.32)

2.2.8 Tracked Drive

The kinematics of the tracked drive (Fig. 2.14) can be approximately described by the differential drive kinematics.


si7_e  (2.33)

However, the differential drive assumes perfect rolling contact between its wheels and the ground, which is not the case for tracked drive. The tracked drive (Caterpillar tractor) has a bigger contact surface between its wheels and the ground and requires wheels slipping to change its direction. The tracked drives can therefore move through more rough terrain where wheeled vehicles usually cannot.

Fig. 2.14 Tracked drive with caterpillars.

The amount of sleep between the Caterpillar tractor and the ground is not constant and depends on ground contact; therefore the odometry (direct kinematics) is even less reliable to estimate the robot pose compared to the differential drive.

2.3 Motion Constraints

Motion of WMR is constrained by dynamic and kinematic constraints. Dynamic constraints have origin in the system dynamic model where the system’s response is limited due to its inertia or constraints of the actuators (e.g., limited torque of the motor drive due to its capabilities or to prevent wheel slipping). Kinematic constraints have origin in robot construction and its kinematic model. Kinematic constraints can be holonomic or nonholonomic. Nonholonomic constraints limit some driving directions of a mobile robot [5]. Holonomic constraints are related to the dimensionality of the system state description (generalized coordinates). If holonomic constraints are present, then some coordinates of the state description depend on the others and can therefore be used to eliminate those coordinates from the system’s state description.

A system is holonomic if it has no kinematic constraints or if it only has holonomic constraints. Holonomic systems have no limitation in their velocity space so all directions of motion in the state space are possible. The system is nonholonomic if it has nonholonomic constraints and therefore it cannot move in arbitrary direction (e.g., a car can only move forwards or backwards and not in the lateral direction). For holonomic systems one can determine a subset of independent generalized coordinates which defines a space in which all directions of motion are possible. For noholonomic systems the motion of the system is not arbitrary; nonholonomic constraints define a subspace of possible velocity space in the current moment.

In holonomic systems their state directly depends on the configuration of the system’s internal variables (wheel rotation, joint’s angles). In nonholonomic systems the latter is not true because the returning of the system’s internal variables to the initial values does not guarantee that the system will return to its initial state. The state of the nonholonomic system therefore depends on the traveled path (the sequence of the internal variables).

In the following, mechanical systems will be described whose configuration (system pose in the environment and relation of the systems parts) can be described by the vector of generalized coordinates q. At some given trajectory q(t) a vector of generalized velocities is defined by q˙(t)si79_e.

Holonomic constraints are expressed by equations that contain generalized coordinates. These equations can be used to eliminate some generalized coordinates in the effort to obtain a smaller set of required generalized coordinates for some system description. Noholonomic constraints do not reduce the generalized coordinate’s dimension but only the dimension of generalized velocity space. Nonholonomic constraints therefore affect the path planning problem. Regarding nonholonomic constraints the following questions appear:

 How are nonholonomic constraints identified? If a constraint is integrable, then its velocity dependence can be integrated and expressed by a holonomic constraint.

 Does a nonholonomic constraint limit the space of reachable configurations (e.g., system pose)? No, with the use of control theory tools simple conditions are obtained under which arbitrary configuration can be obtained.

 How can a feasible path generator for a nonholonomic robot be constructed?

2.3.1 Holonomic Constraints

These constraints depend on generalized coordinates. For a system with n generalized coordinates q = [q1, …, qn]T a holonomic constraint is expressed in the following form:


si80_e  (2.34)

where f and its derivatives are continuous functions. This constraint defines a subspace of all possible configurations in generalized coordinates for which Eq. (2.34) is true. Constraint (2.34) can be used to eliminate certain generalized coordinates (it can be expressed by n − 1 other coordinates).

In general we can have m holonomic constraints (m < n). If these constraints are linearly independent then they define (nm)-dimensional subspace, which is true configuration space (work space, system has nm DOFs).

2.3.2 Nonholonomic Constraints

Nonholonomic constraints limit possible velocities of the system or possible directions of motion. The nonholonomic constraint can be formulated by


si81_e  (2.35)

where f is a smooth function with continuous derivatives and q˙si82_e is the vector of system velocities in the generalized coordinates. In case the system has no constraints (2.35), it has no limitation in motion directions.

A kinematic constraint (2.35) is holonomic if it is integrable, which means that velocities q˙1,,q˙nsi83_e can be eliminated from Eq. (2.35) and the constraint can be expressed in the form of Eq. (2.34). If the constraint (2.35) is not integrable, then it is nonholonomic.

If m linearly independent nonholonomic constraints exist in the form Eq. (2.35), the velocity space is (nm)-dimensional. Nonholonomic constraints limit allowable velocities of the system. For example, a differential drive vehicle (e.g., wheelchair) can move in the direction of the current wheel orientation but not in the lateral direction.

Assuming linear constraints in q˙=[q˙1,,q˙n]Tsi84_e, Eq. (2.35) can be written as


si85_e  (2.36)

where a(q) is a parameter vector of the constraint. For m nonholonomic constraints a constraint matrix is obtained as follows:


si86_e  (2.37)

and all nonholonomic constraints are given in matrix form


si87_e  (2.38)

In each time instant a matrix of reachable motion directions is S(q) = [s1(q), …, snm(q)] (m constraints define (nm) reachable directions). This matrix defines the kinematic model as follows:


si88_e  (2.39)

where v(t) is the control vector (see kinematic model (2.2)). The product of the constraint matrix A and the kinematic matrix S is a zero matrix:


si89_e  (2.40)

2.3.3 Integrability of Constraints

To determine if some constraint is nonholonomic, an integrability test needs to be done. If it cannot be integrated to obtain the form of holonomic constraint, the constraint is nonholonomic.

2.3.4 Vector Fields, Distribution, Lie Bracket

In current time t and current state q all possible motion directions can be obtained by a linear combination of vector fields in matrix S. Distribution is defined as a reachable subspace from q using motions defined by a linear combination of vector fields (columns in S).

Vector fields are time derivatives of generalized coordinates and therefore represent velocities or motion directions. A vector field is a mapping that is continuously differentiable and assigns a specific vector to each point in state space. A demonstration of reachable vector field determination for differential drive is given in Example 2.1.

Example 2.1

For a differential drive robot with kinematic model (2.2), define reachable velocities (motion directions) and motion constraints.


The vector fields of reachable velocities (motion directions) are defined as


si90_e  (2.41)

This means that all possible motion directions in current time at the current pose q are obtained by the linear combination


si91_e  (2.42)

where u1 in u2 are arbitrary real numbers that represent the control inputs. Eq. (2.42) can be seen as an alternative form of the kinematic model (2.2).

If vector fields si are not given, they can be obtained from known constraints aj considering the fact that constraint directions are orthogonal to the motion directions, so siaj. In Fig. 2.3 the constraint can be determined by identifying the directions where the robot cannot move; this is in the direction lateral to the wheels. The only constraint is



which is perpendicular to the motion direction vector s1(q) (longitudinal motion in the direction of the wheels rotation) and to the vector s2(q) (rotation around axis normal to the surface).

If distribution of some vector fields span the whole space then it is involutive. For noninvolutive distribution of some vector fields a set of new vector fields (linearly independent from vector fields of the basic distribution) can be defined. These new vector fields (motion directions) can be obtained by a finite switching of the basic motion directions with movement length (in each basic direction) limited to zero. New motion directions can be calculated using Lie brackets, which operates over two vector fields as shown later in Eq. (2.44). Parallel parking of a car or differential drive is a practical example of obtaining a new motion direction by switching between the basic motion directions. The car cannot directly move in the lateral direction to the parking slot. However, it can still go into a parking slot by lateral direction movement from a series of forward, backward, and rotation motions as illustrated in Example 2.2.

Example 2.2

Illustration of parallel parking maneuver of differential drive vehicle.


Using the basic motion directions defined by the vector fields s1(q) and s2(q) (see Eq. 2.41) and the initial vehicle pose q0 = q(0) new vehicle poses are obtained as follows. Starting from q0 = q(0) and driving in the direction s1 for a short period of time ε, then driving in the direction s2 for time ε followed by driving in the direction −s1 for time ε, and finally for time ε in the direction −s2, the final pose is obtained. Mathematically this is formulated as follows:



which represents a nonlinear differential equation whose solution can be approximated by Taylor series expansion (see details in [1]) by


si94_e  (2.43)

where partial derivatives are estimated for q0 and O(ε3) is the remaining part belonging to a higher order of derivatives that can be ignored for a short time ε. The obtained final motion distance of the parallel parking maneuver is ε2 in the direction of the vector obtained by Lie brackets (defined in Eq. 2.44).

Illustration of this maneuver can be done by the following experiment. Suppose the starting vehicle pose is q0 = [0, 0, 0]T. By performing the first step of the parking maneuver the resulting pose is



In the second step a rotation is performed



The third step contains translation in the negative direction:



and in the last step there is a rotation in the negative direction:



Computed motions and intermediate points are shown in Fig. 2.15. The final pose of this maneuver is in the lateral direction to the starting pose. The final pose, however, is not directly accessible with basic motion vector fields s1 and s2, but it can be achieved by a combination of the basic vector fields. The obtained final motion is not strictly in the lateral direction due to the final time ε and part O(ε3) in Eq. (2.43). In limit case when each motion time duration ε0si99_e the obtained final pose is exactly in the lateral direction.



Fig. 2.15 Parallel parking maneuver from top view (right) and parking maneuver in configuration space (left), where z-axis represents orientation.

As seen from Example 2.2 the Lie brackets can be used to identify new motion directions that are not allowed by the basic distribution. This new motion directions can be achieved by a finite number of infinitely small motions in directions from the basic vector field’s distribution. A Lie bracket is operating over two vector fields i(q) and j(q), and the result is a new vector field [i, j] obtained as follows:


si101_e  (2.44)




Distribution is involutive if new linearly independent vector fields cannot be obtained using Lie brackets over the existing vector fields in the distribution. If distribution is involutive then it is closed under Lie brackets [6]. Then the system is completely holonomic with no motion constraints or only with holonomic constraints. This statement is explained by the Frobenious theorem [7]: If basic distribution is involutive then the system is holonomic and all existing constraints are integrable. Let us suppose that from m constraints, k constraints are holonomic and (mk) nonholonomic. According to the Frobenious theorem there are three possibilities for k [8]:

 k = m, which means that the dimension of involutive distribution is (nm), which also equals to the dimension of the basic distribution. Distribution dimension equals the number of linearly independent vector fields.

 0 < k < m, k constraints are integrable, so k generalized coordinates can be eliminated from the system description. The dimension of involutive distribution is nk.

 k = 0, the dimension of involutive distribution is n, and all constraints are nonholonomic.

Example 2.3

For a wheel rolling on a plane, determine motion constraints and vector fields of possible motion directions. Determine the system’s DOF and the number and type of its constraints.


The kinematic model of the wheel is the same as for the differential drive given in Fig. 2.3 and in kinematic model (2.2). Constrained motion directions and possible motion directions have already been determined in Example 2.1. We have one velocity constraint, which does not limit the accessibility of states q, and therefore the system has three DOFs. To prove that there is a velocity constraint (nonholonomic) Lie brackets and the Frobenious theorem could be used.

Using reachable basic vector fields s1 and s2 and determining the new vector field by Lie brackets (Eq. 2.41), the following is found:



A new possible direction of motion is obtained that is linearly independent from the vector fields s1 and s2 and therefore not present in the basic distribution. Therefore we can conclude that the constraint is nonholonomic; the dimension of involutive distribution is 3 (system has 3 DOFs), which is the same as the dimension of the system. It is also not possible to generate new linearly independent vector fields using additional Lie brackets ([s1, s3], [s2, s3]).

Example 2.4

Determine motion constraints and directions of possible motion for a car-like vehicle without a (or with a locked) steering mechanism (Fig. 2.16). Find out the number and the type of constraints and the system’s DOF.

Fig. 2.16 Car-like vehicle without steering mechanism.


The vehicle cannot move in the lateral direction and it cannot rotate (its orientation φ is fixed); therefore constraint motion directions are



and the motion constraints are



Both constraints are integrable, which can simply be seen by calculating their integral:



The vehicle can only move in the direction of the vector field:



Because both constraints are holonomic the distribution of the vector field s1 is involutive, meaning that the system is completely holonomic and the system has 1 DOF. Using Lie brackets it is not possible to generate new vector fields as we have only one vector field that defines possible motion.

Example 2.5

Using Matlab perform simulation of the differential drive platform. The vehicle parameters are as follows: sampling period Ts = 0.033 s, time of simulation 10 s, wheel radius r = 0.04 m, distance between the wheels L = 0.08 m.


1. Calculate analytically and by means of simulation the shape of the path done by the robot if the initial state is q(0) = [x, y, φ]T = [0, −0.5, 0]T and robot inputs in three cases are the following:

 v(t) = 0.5 m/s, ω(t) = 0 rad/s;

 v(t) = 1 m/s, ω(t) = 2 rad/s;

 the wheels angular velocities are ωL(t) = 24 rad/s, ωR(t) =16 rad/s.

What are the wheels’ angular speeds? Is the calculated and simulated path the same. Why or why not?

2. Perform localization of the vehicle at constant input speeds (v(t) = 0.5 m/s, ω(t) = 1 rad/s) using odometry. Compare the estimated path with the simulated path of the true robot. Compare the obtained results also in the ideal situation without noise and modeling error.

3. Perform the localization from question 2 also with initial state error (suppose the true initial state is unknown; therefore choose the initial state in localization to be different from the one in simulation).

4. Imagine a path composed of two or three straight line segments where the initial point coincides with the initial robot pose. Calculate the required sequence of inputs to drive the robot on that path (time of simulation is 10 s).

5. Choose some trajectory defined as parametric functions of time (x(t) = f(t) and y(t) = g(t)), where f and g are smooth functions. Calculate required inputs to follow this path. What happens if the robot initially is not on the trajectory?

6. Simulate the parallel parking maneuver described in Example 2.2. Choose proper ε and constant velocities v and ω.

7. For a given initial state q(0) = [0, −0.5, 0]T calculate the kinematic matrix S and constraint matrix A.


A basic Matlab script for simulation of differential drive is given in Listing 2.1, which can be modified to obtain the desired solutions.

Listing 2.1

Differential drive simulation

1 r = 0.04; %  Wheel radius

2 L = 0.08; %  Axle length

3 Ts = 0.03; %  Sampling time

4 t = 0: Ts : 1 0 ; %  Simulation time

5 q = [ 4 ; 0 . 5 ;  pi / 6 ] ; % Initial  pose


7 for k = 1:length( t )

8   wL = 12; %  Left wheel velocity

9   wR = 12.5; %  Right wheel velocity

10   v =  r /2*(wR + wL) ; %  Robot velocity

11   w =  r/L*(wR− wL ) ; %  Robot angular velocity

12   dq = [ v*cos(q (3)+ Ts* w/2) ;  v*sin(q (3)+ Ts* w/2) ; w] ;

13   q =  q +  Ts*dq ; %  Integration

14   q (3) =  wrapToPi(q (3) ) ; %  Map  orientation angle to [− pi , pi]

15 end

Example 2.6

Using Matlab perform a simulation of a tricycle drive (rear-powered) platform. The vehicle parameters are the following: sampling period Ts = 0.033 s, time of simulation 10 s, wheel radius R = 0.2 m, distance between the wheels L = 0.08 m, and distance between the front and rear wheels D = 0.07 m.


1. Calculate analytically and by means of simulation the shape of the path made by the robot if the initial state is q(0) = [x, y, φ]T = [0, −0.5, 0]T and robot inputs in two cases are the following:

 v(t) = 0.5 m/s, α(t) = 0

 v(t) = 1 m/s, α(t)=π6si108_e

What are the wheels’ angular speeds? Is the calculated and simulated path the same. Why or why not?

2. Implement localization of the vehicle at constant input speeds (v(t) = 0.5 m/s, α(t)=π6si108_e) using odometry. Compare the estimated path with the simulated path of the true robot. Compare the obtained results also in the ideal situation without noise and modeling error.

3. Repeat the localization from question 2 also with initial state error (suppose the true initial state is unknown; therefore choose initial state in localization different than in simulation).

4. Imagine a path composed of two or three straight line segments where the initial point coincides with the initial robot pose. Calculate the required sequence of inputs to drive the robot on that path (time of simulation is 10 s).

5. Choose some trajectory defined as parametric functions of time (x(t) = f(t) and y(t) = g(t)), where f and g are smooth functions. Calculate required inputs to follow this path. What happens if the robot initially is not on the trajectory?


A basic Matlab script for simulation of the tricycle drive is given in Listing 2.2, which can be modified to obtain the desired solutions.

Listing 2.2

Tricycle drive simulation

1 D = 0.07; %  Distance between the front wheel and rear axle

2 Ts = 0.03; %  Sampling time

3 t = 0: Ts : 1 0 ; %  Simulation time

4 q = [ 4 ; 0 . 5 ;  pi / 6 ] ; % Initial  pose


6 for k = 1:length( t )

7   v = 0 . 5 ; %  Robot velocity

8   alpha =  0.04*(1+sin(k*Ts*pi/2) ) ; %  Front wheel orientation

9   w =  v/ D *tan( alpha ) ; %  Robot angular velocity

10   dq = [ v*cos(q (3)+ Ts* w/2) ;  v*sin(q (3)+ Ts* w/2) ; w] ;

11   q =  q +  Ts*dq ; %  Integration

12   q (3) =  wrapToPi(q (3) ) ; %  Map  orientation angle to [− pi , pi]

13 end

2.3.5 Controllability of Wheeled Mobile Robots

Before designing motion control we need to find the answer to the following question: Can the robot reach any point q in the configuration space by performing its available maneuvers? The answer to this question is related to the controllability of the system. If the system is controllable, it can reach any configuration q by combining available motion maneuvers.

If the robot has kinematic constraints then we need to analyze them and figure out if they affect the system controllability. The robot with nonholonomic constraints can only move in its basic motion directions (basic maneuvers like driving straight and rotating) but not in the constrained direction. However, such robot may still achieve any desired configuration q by combining basic maneuvers. New direction of motion is different than any basic direction or any linear combination of the basic directions as given in Eq. (2.39). Controllability of the robot is determined by analyzing the involutive (accessibility) distribution obtained by successive Lie bracket operations over the basic motion directions s1, s2, s3, …as follows [7, 912]:


si110_e  (2.45)

If the rank of the involutive distribution is n (n is the dimension of q) then the robot can reach any point q in the configuration space and is therefore controllable. The latter statement is also known as Chow’s theorem: The system is controllable if its involutive distribution regarding Lie brackets has rank equal to the dimension of the configuration space. Some robots are controllable if all their constraints are nonholonomic and if their involutive distribution has rank n. This controllability test is for nonlinear systems but can also be applied to linear systems q˙=Aq+Busi111_e, where the basic vector fields are s1 = Aq and s2 = B. Calculating the involutive distribution results in the Kalman test for controllability of the linear systems:



To obtain involutive distribution successive levels of Lie brackets are calculated. The number of those successive levels defines the difficulty index of maneuvering the WMR platform [13]. The higher the difficulty index, the higher the number of the basic maneuvers required to achieve any desired motion direction.

Example 2.7

Show that the differential drive is controllable.


Differential drive has three states (n = 3) q = [x, y, φ] and two basic motion directions s1 and s2:



The new motion direction obtained by the Lie bracket is



Calculating Lie brackets from any combination of s1, s2, and s3 does not produce a new linearly independent motion direction; therefore the distribution [s1, s2, s3] is involutive (closed by Lie brackets) and has rank:



so the system is controllable.

Example 2.8

Determine motion constraints and possible motion directions for a rear-powered car. The car can be controlled by the rim velocity of the rear wheels v and by the angular speed of the steering mechanism γ (Fig. 2.17).

Fig. 2.17 Rear-powered car controlled by the rim velocity of the rear wheels v and by the angular speed of the steering mechanism γ.

Find out the number and the type of motion constraints, the kinematic model, and the number of DOFs. Is the system controllable?


The vehicle configuration can be described by four states q = [x, y, φ, α]T, because the control inputs are velocity v and the angular velocity of the steering mechanism γ. The fourth state (α=0tγdtsi116_e) therefore describes the current state of the steering.

Note that bicycle kinematics with rear wheel drive has the same kinematics (Eq. 2.19) as the car in this example, but it has only three states because the angle of the steering mechanism is already defined by one of the inputs in Eq. (2.19).

The vehicle cannot move laterally to the rear and front wheels; therefore the motion constraints are



Vector fields that define the basic motion directions are defined by the rolling direction of the rear wheels (direction of motion when γ = 0, which means constant α) and by the rotation of the steering wheels (direction of motion when v = 0)



The vehicle kinematic model is defined by



which is similar to kinematics (Eq. 2.19) but with an additional state α and input γ=α˙si120_e.

So the system is described by four states; it has two constraints and two inputs. We will try to obtain new linearly independent motion directions si. Two are defined by the kinematic model, and the other two are obtained by Lie brackets:






Because all four vector fields si, i = 1, …, 4 are linearly independent the system has four DOFs and both constraints are nonholonomic.

The involutive closure has a rank of 4, which is the number of the system states. The vehicle is therefore controllable.

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