Example 3.17

Compute the optimal velocity profile that will result in the shortest traveling time for a given path xp(u)=cos(u)si335_e, yp(u)=sin(2u)si336_e where u ∈ [0, 2π] and considering maximal tangential accelerations aMAXt = 2 m/s2 and radial acceleration aMAXr = 4 m/s2.

Compute the schedule u(t) and velocity profiles v(u), v(t).


To compute the optimal schedule u(t) the algorithm presented in this chapter needs to be implemented. First the TPs need to be computed with the initial conditions given in relations (3.119), (3.123); then the solutions for each TP are simulated using Eq. (3.122). Finally, the time derivative of the schedule is minimized according to Eq. (3.125).

A possible implementation of the solution is given in Listing 3.16 (neglect code clocks that could be evaluated if the variable velCnstr would be set to true). Optimum schedule determination of Example 3.17 is given in Figs. 3.393.41. In Fig. 3.39 it can be seen that solution for each TP is integrated up to the point where the acceleration constraints are violated, which is marked with a thin line. The final solution is marked with a thick line.

Fig. 3.39 Optimum schedule determination finding the minimum profile u˙si311_e of all the turn points.
Fig. 3.40 Optimum schedule u(t), which is the nonlinear function, although for this case it looks close to linear.
Fig. 3.41 Optimum velocity v(u) and v(t).

Listing 3.16

1 %  Define trajectory with function handles

2   x  =   @(u) cos(u) ;  y  =   @(u) sin(2*u) ;   %  Path

3  dx  =   @(u) − sin ( u ) ;     dy  =   @(u) 2*cos(2*u) ;   %  First derivative

4 ddx  =   @(u) − cos ( u ) ;   ddy  =   @(u) −4* sin (2* u ) ;   %  Second derivative

5 v  =   @(u) sqrt(dx(u) .ˆ2   +  dy(u) .ˆ2) ;   %  Tangential velocity

6 w   =   @(u) (dx(u) .* ddy(u)− dy ( u ) .* ddx ( u ) ) . / ( dx(u) .ˆ2+dy(u) .ˆ2) ;   %  Angular vel.

7 kappa  =   @(u)  w(u) ./ v(u) ;   %  Curvature


9 u  =   0:0.001:2*pi;   %  Time

10 arMax  =   4;  atMax  =   2;   %  Acceleration constraints

11 vSP  =   0 . 2 ;  vEP  =   0 . 1 ;   %   Initial  and  f i n a l  velocity requirements

12 uSP  =  u(1) ;  uEP  =  u(end) ;   %  Start point and end point

13 uTP   =   [ ] ;   %  Turn points

14 for  i   =   2:length(u)−1   %  Determine turn points

15     if   a l l (abs(kappa(u( i ) ) )  >  abs(kappa(u ( [ i −1,   i +1]) ) ) )

16       uTP   =   [ uTP ,   u ( i ) ] ;

17     end

18 end

19 up0  =  sqrt(arMax ./abs(v(uTP) .*w(uTP) ) )  ;   %  Derivative in turn points


21 velCnstr  =   false ;   %  Enable velocity contraints (disabled)

22 if  velCnstr

23     vMax  =  1.5* inf ;   % Velocity constraints

24     for  i   =   1:length(uTP)  %  Make uTP  in accordance with velocity constraint

25       vvu  =  v(uTP( i ) ) ;  vvt  =  vvu*up0( i ) ;

26       if  abs( vvt )  >  vMax,  up0( i )  =  abs(vMax/vvu) ;  end

27     end

28     %  Add  requirements for  Initial  and  f i n a l  velocity

29     uTP   =   [uSP,  uTP,  uEP ] ;  up0  =   [ vSP/v(uSP) , up0 ,  vEP/v(uEP) ] ;

30 end


32 Ts  =   0.001;   %  Simulation sampling time

33 N   =  length(uTP) ;   ts   =   c e l l (1 ,N) ;  us  =   c e l l (1 ,N) ;  ups  =   c e l l (1 ,N) ;

34 for  i   =   1:N   %  Loop through  a l l  turn points

35     uB  =   uTP( i ) ;  upB  =  up0( i ) ;  tB  =   0;

36     uF  =   uTP( i ) ;  upF  =  up0( i ) ;  tF  =   0;

37     uBs  =[];  upBs  =   [ ] ;  tBs  =   [ ] ;  uFs  =   [ ] ;  upFs  =[];  tFs  =   [ ] ;   %  Storage

38     goB  =  true ;  goF  =  true ;


40     while goB  || goF

41       %  Integrate back from the turn point

42       if  uB  >  uSP  &&  goB

43         dxT  =  dx(uB) ;  dyT  =  dy(uB) ;

44         ddxT  =  ddx(uB) ;  ddyT  =  ddy(uB) ;

45         vT  =  v(uB)*upB;   wT   =   w(uB)*upB;  kappaT  =  kappa(uB) ;

46         arT  =  vT* wT;  atT  =  atMax*sqrt(1 −   ( arT / arMax ) ˆ2) ;


48         if  velCnstr  &&  abs(vT)  >  vMax

49           upB  =  vMax/v(uB) ;  upp  =   0;

50         else i f  abs(arT)− arMax   >   0.001

51           arT  =  arMax ;  atT  =   0;  upp  =   0;  goB  =   false ;

52         else

53           atT  =  − r e a l ( atT ) ;

54           upp  =  real(− atMax * sqrt(1/(dxTˆ2  +  dyTˆ2) −   . . .

55             (dxTˆ2  +  dyTˆ2)*kappaTˆ2*upBˆ4/arMaxˆ2)  −   . . .

56             (dxT*ddxT  +  dyT*ddyT) /(dxTˆ2  +  dyTˆ2) * upBˆ2) ;

57         end


59         uBs  =   [ uBs ;  uB ] ;  upBs  =   [ upBs ;  upB ] ;  tBs  =   [ tBs ;  tB ] ;   %  Store

60         tB  =  tB  +  Ts ;

61         uB  =  uB −   upB * Ts ;   %  Euler integration

62         upB  =  upB −   upp * Ts ;   %  Euler integration

63     else

64         goB  =   false ;

65     end


67     %  Integrate forward from the turn point

68     if  uF  <  uEP  &&  goF

69         (dxT  =  dx(uF) ;  dyT  =  dy(uF) ;

70         (ddxT  =  ddx(uF) ;  ddyT  =  ddy(uF) ;

71         vT  =  v(uF)*upF ;   wT   =   w(uF)*upF ;  kappaT  =  kappa(uF) ;

72         arT  =  vT* wT;  atT  =  atMax*sqrt(1 −   ( arT / arMax ) ˆ2) ;


74         if  velCnstr  &&  abs(vT)  >  vMax

75           upF  =  vMax/v(uF) ;  upp  =   0;

76         else i f  abs(arT)− arMax   >   0.001

77           arT  =  arMax ;  atT  =   0;  upp  =   0;  goF  =   false ;

78         else

79           atT  =  real(atT) ;

80           upp  =  real(+atMax*sqrt(1/(dxTˆ2  +  dyTˆ2) −   . . .

81             (dxTˆ2  +  dyTˆ2)*kappaTˆ2*upFˆ4/arMaxˆ2)  −   . . .

82             (dxT*ddxT  +  dyT*ddyT) /(dxTˆ2  +  dyTˆ2) * upFˆ2) ;

83         end


85         uFs  =   [ uFs ;  uF ] ;  upFs  =   [ upFs ;  upF ] ;  tFs  =   [ tFs ;  tF ] ;   %  Store

86         tF  =  tF  +  Ts ;

87         uF  =  uF  +  upF*Ts ;   %  Euler integration

88         upF  =  upF  +  upp*Ts ;   %  Euler integration

89       else

90         goF  =   false ;

91       end

92     end


94     ts { i }  =   [ tBs ;  tB +tFs (2:end) ] ;

95     us{ i }  =   [flipud(uBs) ;  uFs (2:end) ] ;

96     ups{ i }  =   [flipud(upBs) ;  upFs (2:end) ] ;

97 end


99 % Find minimum of  a l l   p r o f i l e s  ups (schedule derivative)

100 usOrig  =  us ;

101 for  i   =   1:N−1

102     d   =   ups { i +1}  −   interp1 ( us{ i } , ups{ i } , us{ i +1}) ;

103     j   =  find(d (1:end−1) .* d ( 2 : end ) <0,   1) ;   %  Where ups{i}  i s  approx. ups{i+1}

104     %  Find more exact u where  p r o f i l e s  ups{i} and ups{i+1} are equal

105     uj  =  us{ i +1}( j )  +  ( us{ i +1}( j +1) − us { i +1}( j ) ) /( d ( j +1) − d ( j ) ) *(0− d ( j ) ) ;

106     rob  =  interp1( us{ i } , ups{ i } , uj ) ;


108     keep  =  us{ i }  <  uj ;

109     us{ i }  =   [ us{ i }( keep ) ;  uj ] ;  ups{ i }  =   [ ups{ i }( keep ) ;  rob ] ;

110     keep  =  us{ i +1}  >  uj ;

111     us{ i +1}  =   [ uj ;  us{ i +1}(keep ) ] ;  ups{ i +1}  =   [ rob ;  ups{ i +1}(keep ) ] ;

112 end


114 %  Construct  f i n a l  solution  p r o f i l e

115 tt   =  interp1( usOrig {1} ,  ts {1} , us {1}) ;  uu  =  us {1}; uup  =  ups {1};

116 for  i   =   2:N

117     t i   =  interp1( usOrig{ i } , ts { i } , us{ i }) ;

118     tt   =   [ tt ;   t i   +   tt (end) −   t i (1) ] ;

119     uu   =  [ uu ;  us{ i }  +  uu(end) −   us { i }(1) ] ;

120     uup  =   [ uup ;  ups{ i } ] ;

121 end

122 vv  =  v(uu) .* uup ;

Example 3.18

Extend Example 3.17 to also include requirements for initial and final velocity, vSP = 0.2 and vEP = 0.1 m/s, respectively. Additionally consider that maximum velocity is limited to vMAX = 1.5 m/s.

Compute the schedule u(t) and velocity profiles v(u), v(t).


Code from Example 3.17 can be modified to include additional requirements. Requirements for initial and terminal velocities are handled similarly as other TPs. Simply, SP and EP are treated as new TPs whose initial conditions are uSP = 0, uEP = 2π, u˙SP=vSPvp(uSP)si338_e, and u˙EP=vEPvp(uEP)si329_e.

The velocity constraints are taken into account if the variable velCnstr in Listing 3.16 is set to true. Optimum schedule determination of Example 3.18 is shown in Figs. 3.423.44.

Fig. 3.42 Optimum schedule determination finding the minimum profile u˙si311_e of all the turn points.
Fig. 3.43 Optimum schedule u(t), which is a nonlinear function, although for this case it looks close to linear.
Fig. 3.44 Optimum velocity v(u) and v(t).


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