4.6. Qualitative Reasoning

An exactly quantitative description of the world being analyzed is not always available. For example, in the early stage of engineering design of a device, one may not know the exact value of all parameters of the device. In this case the incomplete knowledge can be used by representing the device in a qualitative form. By using the qualitative description we can get a better understanding of the device at the desired level. A reasoning based on the qualitative description of the world is called qualitative reasoning. The device’s behaviors can be predicted and the decisions can be made using the reasoning. Therefore, qualitative reasoning is to provide a broad picture of the functioning of the world by taking a step back from the detail. There is a great deal of interest in developing such techniques both by engineers and AI researchers.
In this section, the representation of qualitative reasoning in our multi-granular world model and its reasoning procedure are discussed.

4.6.1. Qualitative Reasoning Models

In common sense, if we say, ‘Someone is 185 cm tall’, it is regarded as a quantitative representation by describing an attribute with numbers. If we just say, ‘Someone is tall’, this is just a qualitative representation. In professional fields, for example, for a differential equation, if an analytical or a numerical solution is required, it needs a quantitative analysis. Meanwhile, only the existence and the properties of the solution are desired, it only needs a qualitative analysis. Qualitative analysis is widespread not only in common sense but also in professional fields.
In AI, researchers have been paying close attention to qualitative description and reasoning recently. They proposed several new fields such as qualitative physics, mechanics, etc. In these fields, people do not seek the precise solution of the problems but only the qualitative variation or variation trend of physical quantities is concerned.
In fact, ‘Tall’ is an uncertain description of ‘185 cm’ height of a person. A qualitative description of a variable is just a coarse-grained description of the variable with real number. Therefore, qualitative reasoning can be represented by a multi-granular world model. However, reasoning on some quotient space may be regarded as ‘quantitative’. But it may also be considered as ‘qualitative’ when the more precise analysis is required and vice versa. Therefore, quantitative and qualitative are relative.
Qualitative reasoning is the reasoning with qualitative representation. From the above observations, it is known that the projection and synthetic approaches of quotient spaces presented in the previous chapters can be applied to qualitative reasoning.

4.6.2. Examples

Example 4.20

Williams (1988) presented a so-called qualitative algebraic reasoning that mixes qualitative with quantitative information. His approach is briefly introduced below.
Let image be real with operators ‘+’ and ‘×’. Let image be a qualitative algebra with operators image and image shown below.
A unary operator ⊝ is defined as
Define a projection image :image as


Element ‘?’ corresponds to the entire real axis image.
Qualitative algebra image has the following properties.
Associative Law:


Identity Element:


Commutative Law:


Distributive Law:


An integral power of element s is defined as image, where n is an integer.
Williams constructed a qualitative reasoning system with numbers based on hybrid algebra image. Its reasoning procedure is the following.
(1) An equation with real number is simplified based on space image.
(2) The simplified equation is projected on space image.
(3) Then, the projected equation is operated using qualitative operators on space image.
The advantage of the above qualitative reasoning procedure is the following. If the sign of some quantities is known rather than the precise value, the quantities cannot be operated on real space R using standard real operators. But they can be operated on image using qualitative operators. Moreover, since on image for any element t, image, any polynomial can be transformed into a quadratic polynomial. This is a specific property that does not occur in real space R. But the weakness of operation on image is that the projection of image on image is not homomorphism. In our terms, it means that operator image is not a quotient operation of image, i.e., the operation image on space image does not necessarily have a unique result. For example, image does not have a unique result on S.
Now, we analyze Williams’s hybrid algebra from the multi-granular computing viewpoint (Zhang and Zhang, 1989c, 1990b).
Let image and image. Therefore, image is a quotient space of image. p is a projection from R to S. Operators image and image of S are the projections of operators image and image of R, respectively.
It is easy to know that operator image is a quotient operation of S but image is not. As stated before, the upper bound space of S with respect to operator image is R itself.
Thus, in our terms, Williams’s qualitative reasoning with numbers is a reasoning on quotient space S with respect to the projections of operators image and image. Since image is not a quotient operator on S, in order to get a unique result from the operation, the approximate approach for finding upper bound space as shown in the above section can be used for solving the problem.

Example 4.21

Murthy (1988) presented a qualitative reasoning at multiple resolutions. We briefly introduce this as follows.
(1) image space denoted by imageimage is identical to S={-,0,+}.
The relationships image between quantities on image can be expressed as follows.
If image, then image. If image, then image. If image, then image.
Where image denotes the sign of a.
It is noted that if image and a and b have different signs, then image is uncertain. This ambiguity can be solved by moving to the next image space.
(2) image space is denoted by image (0, infinitesimality, large).
Refining image space, first interval image is divided into image and image, then interval image is divided into image and image. Interval image or image is called ‘infinimality’. Interval image or image is said to be ‘large’. Therefore, on image space in addition to relations image and image, the other two relations image can be introduced as follows.
Relation image, if a is large and b is infinitesimality.
Relation image, if both a and b are infinitesimality or large.
On image space, operations image and image are ambiguity. But on image space, if a is large and b is infinitesimality, then image, i.e., the signs of image and a are the same. But if both a and b are infinitesimality or large, the sign of image is still uncertain. These ambiguities can be solved by introducing image space.
(3) image space is denoted by image, where y is the base (e.g., 2 or 10 ) and z is an integer.
The real number is divided by the logarithmic distance between two numbers, i.e., if image, then image. Therefore, when image, then image, in other words, when the order of magnitude of a is bigger than b, the orders of magnitude of a+b and a are the same. If image and image, then image.
While image and image, the sign of image is uncertain. To resolve the ambiguity a finer resolution is needed. The image space is introduced.
(4) image -space is denoted by image, where y and z as shown in (3) and x is a number with n significant digits. As n increases the accuracy of the description increases, while image the Q-space approaches the real space R.
In order to solve the uncertainty of the sign of image, Murthy gradually refines the Q-space so that the uncertainty of computational results reduces.
From the viewpoint presented in this book, Murthy’s Q-spaces of multiple resolutions are quotient spaces of real number at different granularities. The successive refinement approach presented by Murthy is just an approximation method for constructing an operational space of S = {-, 0, +} with respect to real addition. The approximation method for constructing operational space we presented can be used for general quotient space and any binary-operator. So the method can be applied to Murthy’s qualitative reasoning as well.

Example 4.22

Kuipers (1988) proposed a qualitative reasoning with incomplete quantitative measures. His basic idea is the following.
Assume that a system has several parameters and the relations among parameters are represented by algebra formulas, differential equations, or functions. Now, only partial knowledge of the parameters is known, for example, the variation range of the parameters, and the variation range can be represented by intervals. The problem is how to narrow the variation ranges via the known variation ranges of parameters and relations among them. Kuipers called it the propagation of incomplete quantitative knowledge and divides it into four categories.
(1) Propagation via arithmetic constraints image,
(2) Propagation via monotonic function constraints,
(3) Propagation via number spaces,
(4) Propagation via temporal points image, where image indicates the differential operation on t.
For example, image is known. And the variation ranges of x and y are known to be image and image, respectively. It’s easy to find the variation range of z via the arithmetic constraint image. It’s image.
Again, constraint image is known. The variation range of x in temporal interval image is image. Assume that image at image (image). Now find the variation range of image. From the mean value theorem, there exists image such that image. If the variation range of image is image, then the variation range of image is image.
We next use the quotient space model to explain the above examples.
First, assume that image and image are three parameters and image is a constraint. image and image are variation ranges of x and y, respectively. Find the variation range of z.
Let image and image (real sets) be spaces that image and image are located, respectively. Let image and image be quotient spaces of X and Y, respectively. image is regarded as a constraint on space image and Z, i.e., image. image is an element of image.
Second, find the section image of C on image.


image is the variation range of z and an interval in Z denoted by image. Let image be a quotient space of Z.
image. image is just an element of image.
Therefore, the propagation of incomplete quantitative knowledge under different constraints is equivalent to finding the quotient constraint of a given quotient space.

4.6.3. The Procedure of Qualitative Reasoning

As viewed from different granularities, a qualitative reasoning is reasoning on some quotient space of the original space. The procedure of qualitative reasoning is summarized as follows.
(1) The variables, parameters and the constraints among these variables and parameters in the original problem space are analyzed and then simplified.
(2) All certain and uncertain information is represented in its proper quotient space.
(3) According to the analytical requirement, a proper qualitative space is constructed. The space is also a quotient space of the original one.
(4) All constraints and operators are projected on the qualitative space.
(5) The reasoning is made in that space.
The concepts of quotient operation, quotient constraint, the projection and synthetic method, and the approximation of upper space presented in the preceding sections can be used for making reasoning on quotient space.
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