10. Option Pricing
This chapter is devoted to the pricing of options. An option derives its value from an underlying asset, but its payoff is a nonlinear function of the underlying asset price, and so the option price is also a nonlinear function of the underlying asset price. This nonlinearity adds complications to pricing and risk management. In this chapter we will first introduce the binomial tree approach and the Black-Scholes-Merton (BSM) approach to option pricing. We then extend the BSM model by allowing for skewness and kurtosis in returns as well as for time-varying volatility. We will also introduce the ad hoc implied volatility function (IVF) approach to option pricing. The IVF method is not derived from any coherent theory but it works well in practice.
Keywords: Binomial trees, Black-Scholes-Merton model, Gram-Charlier approximation, implied volatility functions.

1. Chapter Overview

The previous chapters have established a framework for constructing the distribution of a portfolio of assets with simple linear payoffs—for example, stocks, bonds, foreign exchange, forwards, futures, and commodities. This chapter is devoted to the pricing of options. An option derives its value from an underlying asset, but its payoff is not a linear function of the underlying asset price, and so the option price is not a linear function of the underlying asset price either. This nonlinearity adds complications to pricing and risk management.
In this chapter we will do the following:
• Provide some basic definitions and derive a no-arbitrage relationship between put and call prices on the same underlying asset.
• Briefly summarize the binomial tree approach to option pricing.
• Establish an option pricing formula under the simplistic assumption that daily returns on the underlying asset follow a normal distribution with constant variance. We will refer to this as the Black-Scholes-Merton (BSM) formula. While the BSM model provides a useful benchmark, it systematically misprices observed options. We therefore consider the following alternatives.
• Extend the normal distribution model by allowing for skewness and kurtosis in returns. We will rely on the Gram-Charlier expansion around the normal distribution to derive an option pricing formula in this case.
• Extend the model by allowing for time-varying variance relying on the GARCH models from Chapter 4. Two GARCH option pricing models are considered: one allows for general variance specifications, but requires Monte Carlo simulation or another numerical technique; the other assumes a specific variance dynamic but provides a closed-form solution for the option price.
• Introduce the ad hoc implied volatility function (IVF) approach to option pricing. The IVF method is not derived from any coherent theory but it works well in practice.
In this chapter, we will mainly focus attention on the pricing of European options, which can only be exercised on the maturity date. American options that can be exercised early will only be discussed briefly. The following chapter will describe in detail the risk management techniques available when the portfolio contains options.
There is enough material in this chapter to fill an entire book, so needless to say the discussion will be brief. We will simply provide an overview of different available option pricing models and suggest further readings at the end of the chapter.

2. Basic Definitions

A European call option gives the owner the right but not the obligation (that is, it gives the option) to buy a unit of the underlying asset B9780123744487000105/si1.gif is missing days from now at the price X. We refer to B9780123744487000105/si3.gif is missing as the days to maturity and X as the strike price of the option. We denote the price of the European call option today by c, the price of the underlying asset today by B9780123744487000105/si6.gif is missing and at maturity of the option by B9780123744487000105/si7.gif is missing.
A European put option gives the owner of the option the right to sell a unit of the underlying asset B9780123744487000105/si8.gif is missing days from now at the price X. We denote the price of the European put option today by p. The European option restricts the owner from exercising the option before the maturity date. American options can be exercised any time before the maturity date.
We note that the number of days to maturity, B9780123744487000105/si11.gif is missing, is counted in calendar days and not in trading days. A standard year of course has 365 calendar days but only around 252 trading days. In previous chapters, we have been using trading days for returns and Value-at-Risk (VaR) horizons, for example, referring to a two-week VaR as a 10-day VaR. In this chapter it is therefore important to note that we are using 365 days per year when calculating volatilities and interest rates.
The payoff function is the option's defining characteristic. Figure 10.1 contains four panels. The top-left panel shows the payoff from a call option and the top-right panel shows the payoff of a put option both with a strike price of 1137. The payoffs are drawn as a function of the hypothetical price of the underlying asset at maturity of the option, B9780123744487000105/si15.gif is missing Mathematically, the payoff function for a call option is
B9780123744487000105/f10-01-9780123744487.jpg is missing
Figure 10.1
Payoff as a function of the value of the underlying asset at maturity: Call option, put option, underlying asset, and risk-free bond. Notes: All panels have the future value of the underlying asset on the horizontal axis. The top-left panel plots the call option value, the top right plots the put option value, the bottom left plots the underlying asset itself, and the bottom right plots the risk-free bond.
B9780123744487000105/si16.gif is missing
and for a put option it is
B9780123744487000105/si17.gif is missing
The bottom-left panel of Figure 10.1 shows the payoff function of the underlying asset itself, which is simply a straight line with a slope of one. The bottom right-hand panel shows the value at maturity of a risk-free bond, which pays the face value 1, at maturity B9780123744487000105/si18.gif is missing regardless of the future price of the underlying risky asset and indeed regardless of any other assets. Notice the linear payoffs of stocks and bonds and the nonlinear payoffs of options.
We next consider the relationship between European call and put option prices. Put-call parity does not rely on any particular option pricing model. It states
B9780123744487000105/si19.gif is missing
It can be derived from considering two portfolios: One consists of the underlying asset and the put option and another consists of the call option, and a cash position equal to the discounted value of the strike price. Whether the underlying asset price at maturity, B9780123744487000105/si20.gif is missing ends up below or above the strike price X, both portfolios will have the same value, namely B9780123744487000105/si22.gif is missing at maturity and therefore they must have the same value today, otherwise arbitrage opportunities would exist: Investors would buy the cheaper of the two portfolios, sell the expensive portfolio, and make risk-free profits. The portfolio values underlying this argument are shown in the following:
Time tTime B9780123744487000105/si24.gif is missing
Portfolio IIf B9780123744487000105/si25.gif is missingIf B9780123744487000105/si26.gif is missing
B9780123744487000105/si27.gif is missingB9780123744487000105/si28.gif is missingB9780123744487000105/si29.gif is missing
pB9780123744487000105/si31.gif is missing0
B9780123744487000105/si33.gif is missingXB9780123744487000105/si35.gif is missing
Portfolio IIIf B9780123744487000105/si36.gif is missingIf B9780123744487000105/si37.gif is missing
c0B9780123744487000105/si40.gif is missing
B9780123744487000105/si41.gif is missingXX
B9780123744487000105/si44.gif is missingXB9780123744487000105/si46.gif is missing
The put-call parity also suggests how options can be used in risk management. Suppose an investor who has an investment horizon of B9780123744487000105/si47.gif is missing days owns a stock with current value St. The value of the stock at the maturity of the option is B9780123744487000105/si49.gif is missing, which in the worst case could be zero. But an investor who owns the stock along with a put option with a strike price of X is guaranteed the future portfolio value B9780123744487000105/si51.gif is missing which is at least X. The downside of the stock portfolio including this so-called protective put is thus limited, whereas the upside is still unlimited. The protection is not free however as buying the put option requires paying the current put option price or premium, p.

3. Option Pricing Using Binomial Trees

The key challenge we face when wanting to find a fair value of an option is that it depends on the distribution of the future price of the underlying risky asset (the stock). We begin by making the simplest possible assumption about this distribution, namely that it is binomial. This means that in a short interval of time, the stock price can only take on one of two values, which we can think of as up and down. Clearly this is the simplest possible assumption we can make: If the stock could only take on one possible value going forward then it would not be risky at all. While simple, the binomial tree approach is able to compute the fair market value of American options, which are complicated because early exercise is possible.
The binomial tree option pricing method will be illustrated using the following example: We want to find the fair value of a call and a put option with three months to maturity and a strike price of $900. The current price of the underlying stock is $1,000 and the volatility of the log return on the stock is 0.60 or 60% per year corresponding to B9780123744487000105/si58.gif is missing per calendar day.

3.1. Step 1: Build the Tree for the Stock Price

We first must model the distribution of the stock price. The binomial model assumes that the stock price can only take on one of two values at the end of each period. This simple assumption enables us to map out exactly all the possible future values of the stock price. In our example we will assume that the tree has two steps during the six-month maturity of the option, but in practice, a hundred or so steps will be used. The more steps we use, the more accurate the model price will be, but of course the computational burden will increase as well.
Table 10.1 shows how the tree is built in Excel. We know that today's stock price is B9780123744487000105/si59.gif is missing and so we know the starting point of the tree. We also know the volatility of the underlying stock return (60% per year) and so we know the magnitude of a typical move in the stock price. We need to make sure that the tree accurately reflects the 60% stock return volatility per year.
Table 10.1 Building the binomial tree forward from the current stock price
Notes: We construct a two-step binomial tree from today's price of $1;000 using an annual volatility of 60%. The total maturity of the tree is three months.
Market VariableD
St =10001528.47
Annual rf =0.05
Contract Terms
X =900B
T =0.251236.31
Annual Vol =0.6
tree steps =2AE
dt =0.1251000.001000.00
u =1.23631111
d =0.808857893
If the option has three months to maturity and we are building a tree with two steps then each step in the tree corresponds to 1.5 months. The magnitude of the up and down move in each step should therefore reflect a volatility of B9780123744487000105/si91.gif is missing. In this equation dt denotes the length (in years) of a step in the tree. If we had measured volatility in days then dt should be measured in days as well.
Because we are using log returns a one standard deviation up move corresponds to a gross return of
B9780123744487000105/si94.gif is missing
and a one standard deviation down move corresponds to a gross return of
B9780123744487000105/si95.gif is missing
Using these up and down factors the tree is built from the current price of B9780123744487000105/si96.gif is missing on the left side to three potential values in three months, namely B9780123744487000105/si97.gif is missing if the stock price moves up twice, B9780123744487000105/si98.gif is missing if it has one up and one down move, and B9780123744487000105/si99.gif is missing if it moves down twice.

3.2. Step 2: Compute the Option Payoff at Maturity

Once we have constructed the tree for the stock price we have three hypothetical stock price values at maturity and we can easily compute the hypothetical call option at each one. The value of an option at maturity is just the payoff stated in the option contract. For a call option we have the payoff function from before:
B9780123744487000105/si100.gif is missing
and so for the three terminal points in the tree in Table 10.1, we get
B9780123744487000105/si101.gif is missing
For the put option we have in general the payoff function
B9780123744487000105/si102.gif is missing
and so in this case we get
B9780123744487000105/si103.gif is missing
Table 10.2 shows the three terminal values of the call and put option in the right side of the tree.
Table 10.2 Computing the hypothetical option payoffs at maturity
Notes: For each of the three possible final values of the underlying stock (points D, E, and F) we compute the option value at maturity of the call and put options.
Market VariablesD
St =10001528.47
Annual rf =0.05628.47
Contract Terms
X =900B
T =0.251236.31
Annual Vol =0.6
tree steps =2AE
dt =0.1251000.001000.00
u =1.23631111100.00
d =0.8088578930.00
Stock is black808.86
Call is green
Put is red
The call option values are shown in green font and the put option values are shown in red font.

3.3. Step 3: Work Backward in the Tree to Get the Current Option Value

In the tree we have two possible stock price values 1.5 months from now: B9780123744487000105/si140.gif is missing at B and B9780123744487000105/si141.gif is missing at C. The challenge now is to compute a fair value of the option corresponding to these two stock prices. Consider first point B. We know that going forward from B the stock can only move to either D or E. We know the stock prices at these two points. We also know the option prices at D and E. We need one more piece of information, namely the return on a risk-free bond with 1.5 months to maturity, which corresponds to the length of a step in the tree. The term structure of government debt can be used to obtain this information. Let us assume that the term structure of interest rates is flat at 5% per year.
The key insight is that in a binomial tree we are able to construct a risk-free portfolio using the stock and the option. Because it is risk-free such a portfolio must earn exactly the risk-free rate, which is 5% per year in our example. Consider a portfolio of −1 call option and ΔB shares of the stock. This means that we have sold one call option and we have bought ΔB shares of the stock. We need to find a ΔB such that the portfolio of the option and the stock is risk-free. A portfolio is risk-free if it pays exactly the same in any future state of the world. In our simple binomial world there are only two future states at the end of each step: up and down. Constructing a risk-free portfolio is therefore incredibly simple. Starting from point B we need to find a ΔB so that
B9780123744487000105/si147.gif is missing
which in this case gives
B9780123744487000105/si148.gif is missing
which implies that
B9780123744487000105/si149.gif is missing
This shows that we must hold one stock along with the short position of one option in order for the portfolio to be risk-free. The value of this portfolio at D (or E) is $900 and the portfolio value at B is the discounted value using the risk-free rate for 1.5 months, which is
B9780123744487000105/si150.gif is missing
The stock is worth B9780123744487000105/si151.gif is missing at B and so the option must be worth
B9780123744487000105/si152.gif is missing
which corresponds to the value in green at point B in Table 10.3.
Table 10.3 Working backwards in the tree
Notes: We compute the call and put option values at points B, C, and A using the no-arbitrage principle.
Market Variables
St =1000D
Annual rf =0.051528.47
Contract Terms0.00
X =900
T =0.25B
Annual Vol =0.60.00
tree steps =2
dt =0.125AE
u =1.236311111000.001000.00
d =0.808857893181.47100.00
RNP =0.46183224570.290.00
Stock is blackC
Call is green808.86
Put is red45.90
At point C we have instead that
B9780123744487000105/si197.gif is missing
so that
B9780123744487000105/si198.gif is missing
This means we have to hold approximately 0.3 shares for each call option we sell. This in turn gives a portfolio value at E (or F) of B9780123744487000105/si199.gif is missing. The present value of this is
B9780123744487000105/si200.gif is missing
At point C we therefore have the call option value
B9780123744487000105/si201.gif is missing
which is also found in green at point C in Table 10.3.
Now that we have the option prices at points B and C we can construct a risk-free portfolio again to get the option price at point A. We get
B9780123744487000105/si202.gif is missing
which implies that
B9780123744487000105/si203.gif is missing
which gives a portfolio value at B (or C) of B9780123744487000105/si204.gif is missing with a present value of
B9780123744487000105/si205.gif is missing
which in turn gives the binomial call option value of
B9780123744487000105/si206.gif is missing
which matches the value in Table 10.3. The same computations can be done for a put option. The values are provided in red font in Table 10.3. Once the European call option value has been computed, the put option values can also simply be computed using the put-call parity provided earlier.

3.4. Risk Neutral Valuation

Earlier we priced options based on no-arbitrage arguments: We have constructed a risk-free portfolio that in the absence of arbitrage must earn exactly the risk-free rate. From this portfolio we can back out European option prices. For example, for a call option at point B we used the formula
B9780123744487000105/si207.gif is missing
which we used to find the call option price at point B using the relationship
B9780123744487000105/si208.gif is missing
Using the ΔB formula we can rewrite the B9780123744487000105/si210.gif is missing formula as
B9780123744487000105/si211.gif is missing
where the so-called risk neutral probability of an up move is defined as
B9780123744487000105/si212.gif is missing
where dt is defined as before. RNP can be viewed as a probability because the term inside the B9780123744487000105/si215.gif is missing in the B9780123744487000105/si216.gif is missing formula has the form of an expectation of a binomial variable. RNP is termed a risk-neutral probability because the B9780123744487000105/si218.gif is missing price appears as a discounted expected value when using RNP in the expectation. Only risk-neutral investors would discount using the risk-free rate and so RNP can be viewed as the probability of an up move in a world where investors are risk neutral.
In our example B9780123744487000105/si221.gif is missing, B9780123744487000105/si222.gif is missing, and B9780123744487000105/si223.gif is missing, so that
B9780123744487000105/si224.gif is missing
We can use this number to check that the new formula works. We get
B9780123744487000105/si225.gif is missing
just as when using the no-arbitrage argument.
The new formula can be used at any point in the tree. For example at point A we have
B9780123744487000105/si226.gif is missing
It can also be used for European puts. We have for a put at point C
B9780123744487000105/si227.gif is missing
Notice that we again have to work from right to left in the tree when using these formulas. Note also that whereas Δ changes values throughout the tree, RNP is constant throughout the tree.

3.5. Pricing an American Option Using the Binomial Tree

American-style options can be exercised prior to maturity. This added flexibility gives them potentially higher fair market values than European-style options. Fortunately, binomial trees can be used to price American-style options also. We only have to add one calculation in the tree: At the maturity of the option American- and European-style options are equivalent. But at each intermediate point in the tree we must compare the European option value (also known as the continuation value) with the early exercise value and put the largest of the two into the tree at that point.
Consider Table 10.4 where we are pricing an American option that has a strike price of 1,100 but otherwise is exactly the same as the European option considered in Table 10.1, Table 10.2 and Table 10.3.
Table 10.4 American options: check each node for early exercise
Notes: We compute the American option values by checking for early exercise at each point in the tree.
Market Variables
St =1000D
Annual rf =0.051528.47
Contract Terms0.00
X =1100
T =0.25B
Annual Vol =0.653.48
tree steps =2
dt =0.125AE
u =1.236311111000.001000.00
d =0.80885789390.250.00
RNP =0.461832245180.25100.00
Stock is blackC
American call is green808.86
American put is red0.00
If we exercise the American put option at point C we get
B9780123744487000105/si274.gif is missing
Let us now compute the European put value at this point. Using the previous method we have the risk-neutral probability of an up-move B9780123744487000105/si275.gif is missing, so that the European put value at point C is
B9780123744487000105/si276.gif is missing
which is of course lower than the early exercise value B9780123744487000105/si277.gif is missing. Early exercise of the put is optimal at point C and the fair market value of the American option is therefore B9780123744487000105/si278.gif is missing at this point. This value will now influence the American put option value at point A, which will also be larger than its corresponding European put option value. Table 10.4 shows that the American put is worth $180.25 at point A.
The American call option price is $90.25, which turns out to be the European call option price as well. This is because American call stock options should only be exercised early if a large cash dividend is imminent. In our example there were no dividends and so early exercise of the American call is never optimal, which in turn makes the American call option price equal to the European call option price.

3.6. Dividend Flows, Foreign Exchange, and Futures Options

In the case where the underlying asset pays out a stream of dividends or other cash flows we need to adjust the RNP formula. Consider an underlying stock index that pays out cash at a rate of q per year. In this case we have
B9780123744487000105/si281.gif is missing
When the underlying asset is a foreign exchange rate then q is set to the interest rate of the foreign currency. When the underlying asset is a futures contract then B9780123744487000105/si283.gif is missing so that B9780123744487000105/si284.gif is missing for futures options.

4. Option Pricing under the Normal Distribution

The binomial tree approach is very useful because it is so simple to derive and because it allows us to price American as well as European options. A downside of binomial tree pricing is that we do not obtain a closed-form formula for the option price.
In order to do so we now assume that daily returns on an asset be independently and identically distributed according to the normal distribution,
B9780123744487000105/si285.gif is missing
Then the aggregate return over B9780123744487000105/si286.gif is missing days will also be normally distributed with the mean and variance appropriately scaled as in
B9780123744487000105/si287.gif is missing
and the future asset price can of course be written as
B9780123744487000105/si288.gif is missing
The risk-neutral valuation principle calculates the option price as the discounted expected payoff, where discounting is done using the risk-free rate and where the expectation is taken using the risk-neutral distribution:
B9780123744487000105/si289.gif is missing
where B9780123744487000105/si290.gif is missing as before is the payoff function and where B9780123744487000105/si291.gif is missing is the risk-free interest rate per day. The expectation B9780123744487000105/si292.gif is missing is taken using the risk-neutral distribution where all assets earn an expected return equal to the risk-free rate. In this case the option price can be written as
B9780123744487000105/si293.gif is missing
where x* is the risk-neutral variable corresponding to the underlying asset return between now and the maturity of the option. B9780123744487000105/si295.gif is missing denotes the risk-neutral distribution, which we take to be the normal distribution so that B9780123744487000105/si296.gif is missing The second integral is easily evaluated whereas the first requires several steps. In the end we obtain the Black-Scholes-Merton (BSM) call option price
B9780123744487000105/si297.gif is missing
where B9780123744487000105/si298.gif is missing is the cumulative density of a standard normal variable, and where
B9780123744487000105/si299.gif is missing
Black, Scholes, and Merton derived this pricing formula in the early 1970s using a model where trading takes place in continuous time when assuming continuous trading only the absence of arbitrage opportunities is needed to derive the formula.
It is worth emphasizing that to stay consistent with the rest of the book, the volatility and risk-free interest rates are both denoted in daily terms, and option maturity is denoted in number of calendar days, as this is market convention.
The elements in the option pricing formula have the following interpretation:
B9780123744487000105/si300.gif is missing is the risk-neutral probability of exercise.
B9780123744487000105/si301.gif is missing is the expected risk-neutral payout when exercising.
B9780123744487000105/si302.gif is missing is the risk-neutral expected value of the stock acquired through exercise of the option.
B9780123744487000105/si303.gif is missing measures the sensitivity of the option price to changes in the underlying asset price, B9780123744487000105/si304.gif is missing, and is referred to as the delta of the option, where B9780123744487000105/si305.gif is missing is the first derivative of the option with respect to the underlying asset price. This and other sensitivity measures are discussed in detail in the next chapter.
Using the put-call parity result and the formula for B9780123744487000105/si306.gif is missing, we can get the put price formula as
B9780123744487000105/si307.gif is missing
where the last line comes from the symmetry of the normal distribution, which implies that B9780123744487000105/si308.gif is missing for any value of z.
In the case where cash flows such as dividends accrue to the underlying asset, we discount the current asset price to account for the cash flows by replacing B9780123744487000105/si310.gif is missing by B9780123744487000105/si311.gif is missing everywhere, where q is the expected rate of cash flow per day until maturity of the option. This adjustment can be made to both the call and the put price formula, and in both cases the formula for d will then be
B9780123744487000105/si314.gif is missing
The adjustment is made because the option holder at maturity receives only the underlying asset on that date and not the cash flow that has accrued to the asset during the life of the option. This cash flow is retained by the owner of the underlying asset.
We now want to use the Black-Scholes pricing model to price a European call option written on the S&P 500 index. On January 6, 2010, the value of the index was 1137.14. The European call option has a strike price of 1110 and 43 days to maturity. The risk-free interest rate for a 43-day holding period is found from the T-bill rates to be B9780123744487000105/si315.gif is missing per day (that is, B9780123744487000105/si316.gif is missing) and the dividend accruing to the index over the next 43 days is expected to be B9780123744487000105/si317.gif is missing per day. For now, we assume the volatility of the index is B9780123744487000105/si318.gif is missing per day. Thus, we have
B9780123744487000105/si319.gif is missing
and we can calculate
B9780123744487000105/si320.gif is missing
which gives
B9780123744487000105/si321.gif is missing
from which we can calculate the BSM call option price as
B9780123744487000105/si322.gif is missing

4.1. Model Implementation

The simple BSM model implies that a European option price can be written as a nonlinear function of six variables,
B9780123744487000105/si323.gif is missing
The stock price is readily available, and a treasury bill rate with maturity B9780123744487000105/si324.gif is missing can be used as the risk-free interest rate. The strike price and time to maturity are known features of any given option contract, thus only one parameter needs to be estimated—namely, the volatility, σ. As the option pricing formula is nonlinear, volatility can be estimated from a sample of n options on the same underlying asset, minimizing the mean-squared dollar pricing error (MSE):
B9780123744487000105/si327.gif is missing
where B9780123744487000105/si328.gif is missing denotes the observed market price of option i. The web site that contains answers to the exercises at the end of this chapter includes an example of this numerical optimization. Notice that we also could, of course, simply have plugged in an estimate of σ from returns on the underlying asset; however, using the observed market prices of options tends to produce much more accurate model prices.
Using prices on a sample of 103 call options traded on the S&P 500 index on January 6, 2010, we estimate the volatility, which minimizes the MSE to be B9780123744487000105/si331.gif is missing per day. This was the volatility estimate used in the numerical pricing example. Further details of this calculation can be found on the web page.

4.2. Implied Volatility

From Chapter 1, we know that the assumption of daily asset returns following the normal distribution is grossly violated in the data. We therefore should worry that an option pricing theory based on the normal distribution will not offer an appropriate description of reality. To assess the quality of the normality-based model, consider the so-called implied volatility calculated as
B9780123744487000105/si332.gif is missing
where B9780123744487000105/si333.gif is missing again denotes the observed market price of the option, and where B9780123744487000105/si334.gif is missing denotes the inverse of the BSM option pricing formula derived earlier. The implied volatilities can be found contract by contract by using a numerical equation solver.
Returning to the preceding numerical example of the S&P 500 call option traded on January 6, 2010, knowing that the actual market price for the option was B9780123744487000105/si335.gif is missing, we can calculate the implied volatility to be
B9780123744487000105/si336.gif is missing
where the B9780123744487000105/si337.gif is missing and q variables are as in the preceding example. The B9780123744487000105/si339.gif is missing volatility estimate is such that if we had used it in the BSM formula, then the model price would have equalled the market price exactly; that is,
B9780123744487000105/si340.gif is missing
If the normality assumption imposed on the model were true, then the implied volatility should be roughly constant across strike prices and maturities. However, actual option data displays systematic patterns in implied volatility, thus violating the normality-based option pricing theory. Figure 10.2 shows the implied volatility of various S&P 500 index call options plotted as a function of moneyness (S/X) on January 6, 2010. The picture shows clear evidence of the so-called smirk. Furthermore, the smirk is most evident at shorter horizons. As we will see shortly, this smirk can arise from skewness in the underlying distribution, which is ignored in the BSM model relying on normality. Options on foreign exchange tend to show a more symmetric pattern of implied volatility, which is referred to as the smile. The smile can arise from kurtosis in the underlying distribution, which is again ignored in the BSM model.
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Figure 10.2
Implied BSM daily volatility from S&P 500 index options with 43, 99, 71, and 162 days to maturity (DTM) quoted on January 06, 2010. Notes: We plot one day's BSM implied volatilities against moneyness. Each line corresponds to a specific maturity.
Smirk and smile patterns in implied volatility constitute evidence of misspecification in the BSM model. Consider for example pricing options with the BSM formula using a daily volatility of approximately 1% for all options. In Figure 10.2, the implied volatility is approximately 1% for at-the-money options for which B9780123744487000105/si342.gif is missing. Therefore, the BSM price would be roughly correct for these options. However, for options that are in-the-money—that is, B9780123744487000105/si343.gif is missing—the BSM implied volatility is higher than 1%, which says that the BSM model needs a higher than 1% volatility to fit the market data. This is because option prices are increasing in the underlying volatility. Using the BSM formula with a volatility of 1% would result in a BSM price that is too low. The BSM is thus said to underprice in-the-money call options. From the put-call parity formula, we can conclude that the BSM model also underprices out-of-the-money put options.

5. Allowing for Skewness and Kurtosis

We now introduce a relatively simple model that is capable of making up for some of the obvious mispricing in the BSM model. We again have one day returns defined as
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and B9780123744487000105/si345.gif is missing-period returns as
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The mean and variance of the daily returns are again defined as B9780123744487000105/si347.gif is missing and B9780123744487000105/si348.gif is missing We previously defined skewness by B9780123744487000105/si349.gif is missing. We now explicitly define skewness of the one-day return as
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Skewness is informative about the degree of asymmetry of the distribution. A negative skewness arises from large negative returns being observed more frequently than large positive returns. Negative skewness is a stylized fact of equity index returns, as we saw in Chapter 1. Kurtosis of the one-day return is now defined as
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which is sometimes referred to as excess kurtosis due to the subtraction by 3. Kurtosis tells us about the degree of tail fatness in the distribution of returns. If large (positive or negative) returns are more likely to occur in the data than in the normal distribution, then the kurtosis is positive. Asset returns typically have positive kurtosis.
Assuming that returns are independent over time, the skewness at horizon B9780123744487000105/si352.gif is missing can be written as a simple function of the daily skewness,
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and correspondingly for kurtosis
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Notice that both skewness and kurtosis will converge to zero as the return horizon, B9780123744487000105/si355.gif is missing and thus the maturity of the option increases. This corresponds well with the implied volatility in Figure 10.2, which displayed a more pronounced smirk pattern for short-term as opposed to long-term options.
We now define the standardized return at the B9780123744487000105/si356.gif is missing-day horizon as
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so that
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and assume that the standardized returns follow the distribution given by the Gram-Charlier expansion, which is written as
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where B9780123744487000105/si360.gif is missing, B9780123744487000105/si361.gif is missing is the standard normal density, and Dj is its jth derivative. We have
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The Gram-Charlier density function B9780123744487000105/si365.gif is missing is an expansion around the normal density function, B9780123744487000105/si366.gif is missing, allowing for a nonzero skewness, B9780123744487000105/si367.gif is missing, and kurtosis B9780123744487000105/si368.gif is missing The Gram-Charlier expansion can approximate a wide range of densities with nonzero higher moments, and it collapses to the standard normal density when skewness and kurtosis are both zero. We notice the similarities with the Cornish-Fisher expansion for Value-at-Risk in Chapter 6, which is a similar expansion, but for the inverse cumulative density function instead of the density function itself.
To price European options, we can again write the generic risk-neutral call pricing formula as
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Thus, we must solve
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Earlier we relied on x* following the normal distribution with mean B9780123744487000105/si372.gif is missing and variance σ2 per day. But we now instead define the standardized risk-neutral return at horizon B9780123744487000105/si374.gif is missing as
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and assume it follows the Gram-Charlier (GC) distribution.
In this case, the call option price can be derived as being approximately equal to
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where we have substituted in for skewness using B9780123744487000105/si377.gif is missing and for kurtosis using B9780123744487000105/si378.gif is missing We will refer to this as the GC option pricing model. The approximation comes from setting the terms involving σ3 and σ4 to zero, which also enables us to use the definition of d from the BSM model. Using this approximation, the GC model is just the simple BSM model plus additional terms that vanish if there is neither skewness B9780123744487000105/si382.gif is missing nor kurtosis B9780123744487000105/si383.gif is missing in the data. The GC formula can be extended to allow for a cash flow q in the same manner as the BSM formula shown earlier.

5.1. Model Implementation

This GC model has three unknown parameters: B9780123744487000105/si385.gif is missing and B9780123744487000105/si386.gif is missing They can be estimated as before using a numerical optimizer minimizing the mean squared error
B9780123744487000105/si387.gif is missing
We can calculate the implied BSM volatilities from the GC model prices by
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where B9780123744487000105/si389.gif is missing is the inverse of the BSM model with respect to volatility. But we can also rely on the following approximate formula for daily implied BSM volatility:
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Notice this is just volatility times an additional term, which equals one if there is no skewness or kurtosis. Figure 10.3 plots two implied volatility curves for options with 10 days to maturity. One has a skewness of −3 and a kurtosis of 7 and shows the smirk, and the other has no skewness but a kurtosis of 8 and shows a smile.
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Figure 10.3
Implied BSM volatility from Gram-Charlier model prices. Notes: We plot the implied BSM volatility for options with 10 days to maturity using the Gram-Charlier model. The red line has a skewness of −3 and a kurtosis of 7. The blue line has a skewness of 0 and a kurtosis of 8.
The main advantages of the GC option pricing framework are that it allows for deviations from normality, that it provides closed-form solutions for option prices, and, most important, it is able to capture the systematic patterns in implied volatility found in observed option data. For example, allowing for negative skewness implies that the GC option price will be higher than the BSM price for in-the-money calls, thus removing the tendency for BSM to underprice in-the-money calls, which we saw in Figure 10.2.

6. Allowing for Dynamic Volatility

While the GC model is capable of capturing implied volatility smiles and smirks at a given point in time, it assumes that volatility is constant over time and is thus inconsistent with the empirical observations we made earlier. Put differently, the GC model is able to capture the strike price structure but not the maturity structure in observed options prices. In Chapter 4 and Chapter 5 we saw that variance varies over time in a predictable fashion: High-variance days tend to be followed by high-variance days and vice versa, which we modeled using GARCH and other types of models. When returns are independent, the standard deviation of returns at the B9780123744487000105/si395.gif is missing-day horizon is simply B9780123744487000105/si396.gif is missing times the daily volatility, whereas the GARCH model implies that the term structure of variance depends on the variance today and does not follow the simple square root rule.
We now consider option pricing allowing for the underlying asset returns to follow a GARCH process. The GARCH option pricing model assumes that the expected return on the underlying asset is equal to the risk-free rate, rf, plus a premium for volatility risk, λ, as well as a normalization term. The observed daily return is then equal to the expected return plus a noise term. The noise term is conditionally normally distributed with mean zero and variance following a GARCH(1,1) process with leverage as in Chapter 4. By letting the past return feed into variance in a magnitude depending on the sign of the return, the leverage effect creates an asymmetry in the distribution of returns. This asymmetry is important for capturing the skewness implied in observed option prices.
Specifically, we can write the return process as
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Notice that the expected value and variance of tomorrow's return conditional on all the information available at time t are
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For a generic normally distributed variable B9780123744487000105/si402.gif is missing, we have that B9780123744487000105/si403.gif is missing and therefore we get
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where we have used B9780123744487000105/si405.gif is missing This expected return equation highlights the role of λ as the price of volatility risk.
We can again solve for the option price using the risk-neutral expectation as in
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Under risk neutrality, we must have that
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so that the expected rate of return on the risky asset equals the risk-free rate and the conditional variance under risk neutrality is the same as the one under the original process. Consider the following process:
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In this case, we can check that the conditional mean equals
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which satisfies the first condition. Furthermore, the conditional variance under the risk-neutral process equals
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where the last equality comes from tomorrow's variance being known at the end of today in the GARCH model. The conclusion is that the conditions for a risk-neutral process are met.
An advantage of the GARCH option pricing approach introduced here is its flexibility: The previous analysis could easily be redone for any of the GARCH variance models introduced in Chapter 4. More important, it is able to fit observed option prices quite well.

6.1. Model Implementation

While we have found a way to price the European option under risk neutrality, unfortunately, we do not have a closed-form solution available. Instead, we have to use simulation to calculate the price
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The simulation can be done as follows: First notice that we can get rid of a parameter by writing
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Now, for a given conditional variance B9780123744487000105/si414.gif is missing, and parameters B9780123744487000105/si415.gif is missing, we can use Monte Carlo simulation as in Chapter 8 to create future hypothetical paths of the asset returns. Parameter estimation will be discussed subsequently. Graphically, we can illustrate the simulation of hypothetical daily returns from day B9780123744487000105/si416.gif is missing to the maturity on day B9780123744487000105/si417.gif is missing as
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where the B9780123744487000105/si419.gif is missing s are obtained from a B9780123744487000105/si420.gif is missing random number generator and where B9780123744487000105/si421.gif is missing is the number of simulated return paths. We need to calculate the expectation term B9780123744487000105/si422.gif is missing in the option pricing formula using the risk-neutral process, thus, we calculate the simulated risk-neutral return in period B9780123744487000105/si423.gif is missing for simulation path i as
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and the variance is updated by
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As in Chapter 8, the simulation paths in the first period all start out from the same B9780123744487000105/si427.gif is missing; therefore, we have
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for all i.
Once we have simulated, say, 5000 paths B9780123744487000105/si430.gif is missing each day until the maturity date B9780123744487000105/si431.gif is missing, we can calculate the hypothetical risk-neutral asset prices at maturity as
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and the option price is calculated taking the average over the future hypothetical payoffs and discounting them to the present as in
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where GH denotes GARCH.
Thus, we are using simulation to calculate the average future payoff, which is then used as an estimate of the expected value, B9780123744487000105/si435.gif is missing As the number of Monte Carlo replications gets infinitely large, the average will converge to the expectation. In practice, around 5000 replications suffice to get a reasonably precise estimate. The web site accompanying this book contains a spreadsheet with a Monte Carlo simulation calculating GARCH option prices.
In theory, we could, of course, estimate all the parameters in the GARCH model using the maximum likelihood method from Chapter 4 on the underlying asset returns. But to obtain a better fit of the option prices, we can instead minimize the option pricing errors directly. Treating the initial variance B9780123744487000105/si436.gif is missing as a parameter to be estimated, we can estimate the GARCH option pricing model on a daily sample of options by numerically minimizing the mean squared error
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Alternatively, an objective function based on implied volatility can be used. Notice that for every new parameter vector the numerical optimizer tries, the GARCH options must all be repriced using the MC simulation technique, thus the estimation can be quite time consuming.

6.2. A Closed-Form GARCH Option Pricing Model

A significant drawback of the GARCH option pricing framework outlined here is clearly that it does not provide us with a closed-form solution for the option price, which must instead be calculated through simulation. Although the simulation technique is straightforward, it does take computing time and introduces an additional source of error arising from the approximation of the simulated average to the expected value.
Fortunately, if we are willing to accept a particular type of GARCH process, then a closed-form pricing formula exists. We will refer to this as the closed-form GARCH or CFG model. Assume that returns are generated by the process
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Notice that the risk premium is now multiplied by the conditional variance not standard deviation, and that zt enters in the variance innovation term without being scaled by B9780123744487000105/si440.gif is missing Variance persistence in this model can be derived as B9780123744487000105/si441.gif is missing and the unconditional variance as B9780123744487000105/si442.gif is missing
The risk-neutral version of this process is
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To verify that the risky assets earn the risk-free rate under the risk-neutral measure, we check again that
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and the variance can be verified as before as well.
Under this special GARCH process for returns, the European option price can be calculated as
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where the formulas for P1 and P2 are given in the appendix. Notice that the structure of the option pricing formula is identical to that of the BSM model. As in the BSM model, P2 is the risk-neutral probability of exercise, and P1 is the delta of the option.

7. Implied Volatility Function (IVF) Models

The option pricing methods surveyed so far in this chapter can be derived from well-defined assumptions about the underlying dynamics of the economy. The next approach to European option pricing we consider is instead completely static and ad hoc but it turns out to offer reasonably good fit to observed option prices, and we therefore give a brief discussion of it here. The idea behind the approach is that the implied volatility smile changes only slowly over time. If we can therefore estimate a functional form on the smile today, then that functional form may work reasonably in pricing options in the near future as well.
The implied volatility smiles and smirks mentioned earlier suggest that option prices may be well captured by the following four-step approach:
1. Calculate the implied BSM volatilities for all the observed option prices on a given day as
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2. Regress the implied volatilities on a second-order polynomial in moneyness and maturity. That is, use ordinary least squares (OLS) to estimate the a parameters in the regression
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where ei is an error term and where we have rescaled maturity to be in years rather than days. The rescaling is done to make the different a coefficients have roughly the same order of magnitude. This will yield the implied volatility surface as a function of moneyness and maturity. Other functional forms could of course be used.
3. Compute the fitted values of implied volatility from the regression
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4. Calculate model option prices using the fitted volatilities and the BSM option pricing formula, as in
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where the B9780123744487000105/si457.gif is missing function ensures that the volatility used in the option pricing formula is positive.
Notice that this option pricing approach requires only a sequence of simple calculations and it is thus easily implemented.
While this four-step linear estimation approach is standard, we can typically obtain much better model option prices if the following modified estimation approach is taken. We can use a numerical optimization technique to solve for B9780123744487000105/si458.gif is missing by minimizing the mean squared error
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The downside of this method is clearly that a numerical solution technique rather than simple OLS is needed to find the parameters. We refer to this approach as the modified implied volatility function (MIVF) technique.

8. Summary

This chapter has surveyed some key models for pricing European options. First, we introduced the simple but powerful binomial tree approach to option pricing. Then we discussed the famous Black-Scholes-Merton (BSM) model. The key assumption underlying the BSM model is that the underlying asset return dynamics are captured by the normal distribution with constant volatility. While the BSM model provides crucial insight into the pricing of derivative securities, the underlying assumptions are clearly violated by observed asset returns. We therefore next considered a generalization of the BSM model that was derived from the Gram-Charlier (GC) expansion around the normal distribution. The GC distribution allows for skewness and kurtosis and it therefore offers a more accurate description of observed returns than does the normal distribution. However, the GC model still assumes that volatility is constant over time, which we argued in earlier chapters was unrealistic. Next, we therefore presented two types of GARCH option pricing models. The first type allowed for a wide range of variance specifications, but the option price had to be calculated using Monte Carlo simulation or another numerical technique since no closed-form formula existed. The second type relied on a particular GARCH specification but in return provided a closed-form solution for the option price. Finally, we introduced the ad hoc implied volatility function (IVF) approach, which in essence consists of a second-order polynomial approximation of the implied volatility smile.

Appendix. The CFG Option Pricing Formula

The probabilities P1 and P2 in the closed-form GARCH (CFG) formula are derived by first solving for the conditional moment generating function. The conditional, time-t, moment generating function of the log asset prices as time B9780123744487000105/si463.gif is missing is
B9780123744487000105/si464.gif is missing
In the CFG model, this function takes a log-linear form (omitting the time subscripts on B9780123744487000105/si465.gif is missing)
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These functions can be solved by solving backward one period at a time from the maturity date using the terminal conditions
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A fundamental result in probability theory establishes the following relationship between the characteristic function B9780123744487000105/si470.gif is missing and the probability density function B9780123744487000105/si471.gif is missing:
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where the B9780123744487000105/si473.gif is missing function takes the real value of the argument.
Using these results, we can calculate the conditional expected payoff as
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To price the call option, we use the risk-neutral distribution to get
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where we have used the fact that B9780123744487000105/si476.gif is missing Note that under the risk-neutral distribution, λ is set to B9780123744487000105/si478.gif is missing and θ is replaced by B9780123744487000105/si480.gif is missing Finally, we note that the previous integrals must be solved numerically.

Further Resources

This chapter has focused on option pricing in discrete time in order to remain consistent with the previous chapters. There are many excellent textbooks on options. The binomial tree model in this chapter follows Hull (2011) who also provides a proof that the binomial model converges to the BSM model when the number of steps in the tree goes to infinity.
The classic papers on the BSM model are Black and Scholes (1973) and Merton (1973). The discrete time derivations in this chapter were introduced in Rubenstein (1976) and Brennan (1979). Merton (1976) introduced a continuous time diffusion model with jumps allowing for kurtosis in the distribution of returns. See Andersen and Andreasen (2000) for extensions to Merton's 1976 model.
For recent surveys on empirical option valuation, see Bates (2003), Garcia et al. (2010) and Christoffersen et al. (2010a).
The GC model is derived in Backus et al. (1997). The general GARCH option pricing framework is introduced in Duan (1995). Duan and Simonato (1998) discuss Monte Carlo simulation techniques for the GARCH model and Duan et al. (1999) contains an analytical approximation to the GARCH model price. Ritchken and Trevor (1999) suggest a trinomial tree method for calculating the GARCH option price.
Duan (1999) and Christoffersen et al. (2010b) consider extensions to the GARCH option pricing model allowing for conditionally nonnormal returns. The closed-form GARCH option pricing model is derived in Heston and Nandi (2000) and extended in Christoffersen et al. (2006).
Christoffersen and Jacobs (2004a) compared the empirical performance of various GARCH variance specifications for option pricing and found that the simple variance specification including a leverage effect as applied in this chapter works very well compared with the BSM model.
Hsieh and Ritchken (2005) compared the GARCH (GH) and the closed-form GARCH (CFG) models and found that the GH model performs the best in terms of out-of-sample option valuation. See Christoffersen et al. (2008) and Christoffersen et al. (2010a) for option valuation using the GARCH component models described in Chapter 4.
GARCH option valuation models with jumps in the innovations have been developed by Christoffersen et al. (2011) and Ornthanalai (2011).
Hull and White (1987) and Heston (1993) derived continuous time option pricing models with time-varying volatility. Bakshi et al. (1997) contains an empirical comparison of Heston's model with more general models and finds that allowing for time-varying volatility is key in fitting observed option prices. Lewis (2000) discusses the implementation of option valuation models with time-varying volatility.
The IVF model is described in Dumas et al. (1998) and the modified IVF model (MIVF) is examined in Christoffersen and Jacobs (2004b), who find that the MIVF model performs very well empirically compared with the simple BSM model. Berkowitz (2010) provides a theoretical justification for the MIVF approach. Bams et al. (2009) discuss the choice of objective function in option model calibration.
Andersen, L.; Andreasen, J., Jump-diffusion processes: Volatility smile fitting and numerical methods for option pricing, Rev. Derivatives Res. 4 (2000) 231262.
Backus, D.; Foresi, S.; Li, K.; Wu, L., Accounting for Biases in Black-Scholes. (1997) The Stern School at New York University; Manuscript.
Bakshi, G.; Cao, C.; Chen, Z., Empirical performance of alternative option pricing models, J. Finance 52 (1997) 20032050.
Bams, D.; Lehnert, T.; Wolff, C., Loss functions in option valuation: A framework for selection, Manag. Sci. 55 (2009) 853862.
Bates, D., Empirical option pricing: A retrospection, J. Econom. 116 (2003) 387404.
Berkowitz, J., On justifications for the ad hoc Black-Scholes method of option pricing, Stud. Nonlinear Dyn. Econom. 14 (1) (2010); Article 4.
Black, F.; Scholes, M., The pricing of options and corporate liabilities, J. Polit. Econ. 81 (1973) 637659.
Brennan, M., The pricing of contingent claims in discrete time models, J. Finance 34 (1979) 5368.
Christoffersen, P.; Dorion, C.; Jacobs, K.; Wang, Y., Volatility components: Affine restrictions and non-normal innovations, J. Bus. Econ. Stat. 28 (2010) 483502.
Christoffersen, P.; Elkamhi, R.; Feunou, B.; Jacobs, K., Option valuation with conditional heteroskedasticity and non-normality, Rev. Financ. Stud. 23 (2010) 21392183.
Christoffersen, P.; Heston, S.; Jacobs, K., Option valuation with conditional skewness, J. Econom. 131 (2006) 253284.
Christoffersen, P.; Jacobs, K., Which GARCH model for option valuation?Manag. Sci. 50 (2004) 12041221.
Christoffersen, P.; Jacobs, K., The importance of the loss function in option valuation, J. Financ. Econ. 72 (2004) 291318.
Christoffersen, P.; Jacobs, K.; Ornthanalai, C., GARCH option valuation, theory and evidence, In: (Editors: Duan, J.-C.; Gentle, J.; Hardle, W.) Handbook of Computational Finance (2010) Springer, New York, NY; forthcoming.
Christoffersen, P.; Jacobs, K.; Ornthanalai, C., Exploring time-varying jump intensities: Evidence from S&P 500 returns and options, Available from: SSRN,http://ssrn.com/abstract=1101733 (2011).
Christoffersen, P.; Jacobs, K.; Ornthanalai, C.; Wang, Y., Option valuation with long-run and short-run volatility components, J. Financ. Econ. 90 (2008) 272297.
Duan, J., The GARCH option pricing model, Math. Finance 5 (1995) 1332.
Duan, J., Conditionally Fat-Tailed Distributions and the Volatility Smile in Options. (1999) Hong Kong University of Science and Technology; Manuscript.
Duan, J.; Gauthier, G.; Simonato, J.-G., An analytical approximation for the GARCH option pricing model, J. Comput. Finance 2 (1999) 75116.
Duan, J.; Simonato, J.-G., Empirical martingale simulation for asset prices, Manag. Sci. 44 (1998) 12181233.
Dumas, B.; Fleming, J.; Whaley, R., Implied volatility functions: Empirical tests, J. Finance 53 (1998) 20592106.
Garcia, R.; Ghysels, E.; Renault, E., The econometrics of option pricing, In: (Editors: Aït-Sahalia, Y.; Hansen, L.P.) Handbook of Financial Econometrics (2010) Elsevier, North Holland, pp. 479552.
Heston, S., A closed-form solution for options with stochastic volatility, with applications to bond and currency options, Rev. Financ. Stud. 6 (1993) 327343.
Heston, S.; Nandi, S., A closed-form GARCH option pricing model, Rev. Financ. Stud. 13 (2000) 585626.
Hsieh, K.; Ritchken, P., An empirical comparison of GARCH option pricing models, Rev. Derivatives Res. 8 (2005) 129150.
Hull, J., Options, Futures and Other Derivatives. eighth ed (2011) Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ.
Hull, J.; White, A., The pricing of options on assets with stochastic volatilities, J. Finance 42 (1987) 281300.
Lewis, A., Option Valuation under Stochastic Volatility. (2000) Finance Press, Newport Beach, California.
Merton, R., Theory of rational option pricing, Bell J. Econ. Manag. Sci. 4 (1973) 141183.
Merton, R., Option pricing when underlying stock returns are discontinuous, J. Financ. Econ. 3 (1976) 125144.
Ornthanalai, C., A new class of asset pricing models with Levy processes: Theory and applications, Available from: SSRN,http://ssrn.com/abstract=1267432 (2011).
Ritchken, P.; Trevor, R., Pricing options under generalized GARCH and stochastic volatility processes, J. Finance 54 (1999) 377402.
Rubenstein, M., The valuation of uncertain income streams and the pricing of options, Bell J. Econ. Manag. Sci. 7 (1976) 407425.
Open the Chapter10Data.xlsx file from the web site. The file contains European call options on the S&P 500 from January 6, 2010.
1. Calculate the BSM price for each option using a standard deviation of 0.01 per day. Using Solver, find the volatility that minimizes the mean squared pricing error using 0.01 as a starting value. Keep the BSM prices that correspond to this optimal volatility and use these prices below.
2. Scatter plot the BSM pricing errors (actual price less model price) against moneyness defined as (S/X) for the different maturities.
3. Calculate the implied BSM volatility (standard deviation) for each of the options. You can use Excel's Solver to do this. Scatter plot the implied volatilities against moneyness.
4. Fit the Gram-Charlier option price to the data. Estimate a model with skewness only. Use nonlinear test squares (NLS).
5. Regress implied volatility on a constant, moneyness, the time-to-maturity divided by 365, each variable squared, and their cross product. Calculate the fitted BSM volatility from the regression for each option. Calculate the ad hoc IVF price for each option using the fitted values for volatility.
6. Redo the IVF estimation using NLS to minimize the mean squared pricing error (MSE). Call this MIVF. Use the IVF regression coefficients as starting values.
7. Calculate the square root of the mean squared pricing error from the IVF and MIVF models and compare them to the square root of the MSE from the standard BSM model and the Gram-Charlier model. Scatter plot the pricing errors from the MIVF model against moneyness and compare them to the plots from exercise 2.
The answers to these exercises can be found in the Chapter10Results.xlsx file on the companion site.
For more information see the companion site at http://www.elsevierdirect.com/companions/9780123744487
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