8. Simulating the Term Structure of Risk
This chapter introduces simulation methods for computing VaR and ES when the horizon of interest is longer than one day. The simulation based methods introduced here allow the risk manager to use dynamic risk models to compute VaR and ES at any horizon of interest and therefore to compute the entire term structure of risk. We will introduce two techniques: Monte Carlo simulation, which relies on artificial random numbers, and Filtered Historical Simulation, which uses historical random shocks. First, we will consider simulating forward univariate risk models. Second, we simulate forward in time multivariate risk models with constant correlations across assets. Third, we simulate multivariate risk models with dynamic correlations.
Keywords: Monte Carlo simulation, Filtered Historical Simulation, bootstrapping, random number generation

1. Chapter Overview

So far we have focused on the task of computing VaR and ES for the one-day-ahead horizon only. The dynamic risk models we have introduced have closed-form solutions for one-day-ahead VaR and ES but not when the horizon of interest is longer than one day. In this case we need to rely on simulation methods for computing VaR and ES. This chapter introduces two methods for doing so. The simulation-based methods introduced here allow the risk manager to use the dynamic risk model to compute VaR and ES at any horizon of interest and therefore to compute the entire term structure of risk. By analogy with the term structure of variance plots in Chapter 4 we refer to the term structure of risk as the VaR(or ES) plotted against the horizon of interest.
The chapter proceeds as follows:
• First, we will consider simulating forward the univariate risk models from Part II of the book. We will introduce two techniques: Monte Carlo simulation, which relies on artificial random numbers, and Filtered Historical Simulation (FHS), which uses historical random shocks.
• Second, we simulate forward in time multivariate risk models with constant correlations across assets. Again we will consider Monte Carlo as well as FHS.
• Third, we simulate multivariate risk models with dynamic correlations using the DCC model from Chapter 7.
We are assuming that the portfolio variance (in the case of univariate risk models) and individual asset variances (in the case of multivariate risk models) have already been modeled and estimated on historical returns using the techniques in Chapter 4 and Chapter 5. We are also assuming that the correlation dynamics have been modeled and estimated using the DCC model in Chapter 7.
For convenience we are assuming normally distributed variables when doing Monte Carlo simulation in this chapter. Chapter 9 will provide the details on simulating random variables from the t distribution.

2. The Risk Term Structure in Univariate Models

In the simplistic case, where portfolio returns are normally distributed with a constant variance, B9780123744487000087/si12.gif is missing, the returns over the next K days are also normally distributed, but with variance B9780123744487000087/si14.gif is missing. In that case, we can easily calculate the VaR for returns over the next K days calculated on day t, as
B9780123744487000087/si18.gif is missing
and similarly ES can be computed as
B9780123744487000087/si20.gif is missing
In the much more realistic case where the portfolio variance is time varying, going from 1-day-ahead to K-days-ahead VaR is not so simple. As we saw in Chapter 4, the variance of the K-day return is in general
B9780123744487000087/si24.gif is missing
where we have omitted the portfolio, PF, subscripts.
In the simple RiskMetrics variance model, where B9780123744487000087/si26.gif is missing we get
B9780123744487000087/si27.gif is missing
so that variances actually do scale by K in the RiskMetrics model. However, we argued in Chapter 4 that the absence of mean-reversion in variance will imply counterfactual variance forecasts at longer horizons. Furthermore, although the variance is scaled by K in this model, the returns at horizon K are no longer normally distributed. In fact, we can show that the RiskMetrics model implies that returns get further away from normality as the horizon increases, which is counterfactual as we discussed in Chapter 1.
In the symmetric GARCH(1,1) model, where B9780123744487000087/si31.gif is missing, we instead get
B9780123744487000087/si32.gif is missing
B9780123744487000087/si33.gif is missing
is the unconditional, or average, long-run variance. Recall that in GARCH models tomorrow's variance, B9780123744487000087/si34.gif is missing, can conveniently be calculated at the end of today when B9780123744487000087/si35.gif is missing is realized.
In the GARCH case, the variance does mean revert and it therefore does not scale by the horizon K, and again the returns over the next K days are not normally distributed, even if the 1-day returns are assumed to be. However, a nice feature of mean-reverting GARCH models is that as K gets large, the return distribution does approach the normal. This appears to be a common feature of real-life return data as we argued in Chapter 1.
The upshot is that we are faced with the challenge of computing risk measures such as VaR at multiday horizons, without knowing the analytical form for the distribution of returns at those horizons. Fortunately, this challenge can be met through the use of Monte Carlo simulation techniques.
In Chapter 1 we discussed two stylized facts regarding the mean or average daily return—first, that it is very difficult to forecast, and, second that it is very small relative to the daily standard deviation. At a longer horizon, it is still fairly difficult to forecast the mean but its relative importance increases with horizon. Consider a simple example where daily returns are normally distributed with a constant mean and variance as in
B9780123744487000087/si40.gif is missing
The 1-day VaR is thus
B9780123744487000087/si42.gif is missing
where the last equation holds approximately because the daily mean is typically orders of magnitude smaller than the standard deviation as we saw in Chapter 1.
The K-day return in this case is distributed as
B9780123744487000087/si44.gif is missing
and the K-day VaR is thus
B9780123744487000087/si47.gif is missing
As the horizon, K, gets large, the relative importance of the mean increases and the zero-mean approximation no longer holds. Similarly, for ES
B9780123744487000087/si50.gif is missing
Although the mean return is potentially important at longer horizons, in order to save on notation, we will still assume that the mean is zero in the sections that follow. However, it is easy to generalize the analysis to include a nonzero mean.

2.1. Monte Carlo Simulation

We illustrate the power of Monte Carlo simulation (MCS) through a simple example. Consider our GARCH(1,1)-normal model of returns, where
B9780123744487000087/si51.gif is missing
B9780123744487000087/si52.gif is missing
As mentioned earlier, at the end of day t we obtain Rt and we can calculate B9780123744487000087/si55.gif is missing, which is tomorrow's variance in the GARCH model.
Using random number generators, which are standard in most quantitative software packages, we can generate a set of artificial (or pseudo) random numbers
B9780123744487000087/si56.gif is missing
drawn from the standard normal distribution, N(0, 1). MC denotes the number of draws, which should be large, for example, 10,000. To confirm that the random numbers do indeed conform to the standard normal distribution, a QQ plot of the random numbers can be constructed.
From these random numbers we can calculate a set of hypothetical returns for tomorrow as
B9780123744487000087/si59.gif is missing
Given these hypothetical returns, we can update the variance to get a set of hypothetical variances for the day after tomorrow, t + 2, as follows:
B9780123744487000087/si61.gif is missing
Given a new set of random numbers drawn from the N(0, 1) distribution,
B9780123744487000087/si63.gif is missing
we can calculate the hypothetical return on day t + 2 as
B9780123744487000087/si65.gif is missing
and the variance is now updated using
B9780123744487000087/si66.gif is missing
Graphically, we can illustrate the simulation of hypothetical daily returns from day t + 1 to day t + K as
B9780123744487000087/si69.gif is missing
Each row corresponds to a so-called Monte Carlo simulation path, which branches out from B9780123744487000087/si70.gif is missing on the first day, but which does not branch out after that. On each day a given branch gets updated with a new random number, which is different from the one used any of the days before. We end up with MC sequences of hypothetical daily returns for day t + 1 through day t + K. From these hypothetical future daily returns, we can easily calculate the hypothetical K-day return from each Monte Carlo path as
B9780123744487000087/si75.gif is missing
If we collect these MC hypothetical K-day returns in a set B9780123744487000087/si78.gif is missing then we can calculate the K-day value at risk simply by calculating the 100pth percentile as in
B9780123744487000087/si81.gif is missing
We can also use Monte Carlo to compute the expected shortfall at different horizons
B9780123744487000087/si82.gif is missing
where B9780123744487000087/si83.gif is missing takes the value 1 if the argument is true and zero otherwise.
Notice that in contrast to the HS and WHS techniques introduced in Chapter 2, the GARCH-MCS method outlined here is truly conditional in nature as it builds on today's estimate of tomorrow's variance, B9780123744487000087/si84.gif is missing
A key advantage of the MCS technique is its flexibility. We can use MCS for any assumed distribution of standardized returns—normality is not required. If we think the standardized t(d) distribution with d = 12 for example describes the data better, then we simply draw from this distribution. Commercial software packages typically contain the regular t(d) distribution, but we can standardize these draws by multiplying by B9780123744487000087/si88.gif is missing as we saw in Chapter 6. Furthermore, the MCS technique can be used for any fully specified dynamic variance model.
In Figure 8.1 we apply the NGARCH model for the S&P 500 from Chapter 4 along with a normal distribution assumption. We use Monte Carlo simulation to construct and plot VaR per day, B9780123744487000087/si90.gif is missing as a function of horizon K for two different values of B9780123744487000087/si92.gif is missing. In the top panel the initial volatility is one-half the unconditional level and in the bottom panel B9780123744487000087/si93.gif is missing is three times the unconditional level. The horizon goes from 1 to 500 trading days, corresponding roughly to two calendar years.
B9780123744487000087/f08-01-9780123744487.jpg is missing
Figure 8.1
VaR term structures using NGARCH and Monte Carlo simulation. Notes: The top panel shows the S&P 500 VaR per day across horizons when the current volatility is one-half its long-run value. The bottom panel assumes the current volatility is three times its long-run value. The VaR is simulated using Monte Carlo on an NGARCH model.
The VaR coverage level p is set to 1%. Figure 8.1 gives a VaR-based picture of the term structure of risk. Perhaps surprisingly the term structure of VaR is initially upward sloping both when volatility is low and when it is high. The VaR term structure is driven partly by the variance term structure, which is upward sloping when current volatility is low and downward sloping when current volatility is high as we saw in Chapter 4. But the VaR term structure is also driven by the term structure of skewness and kurtosis and other moments. Kurtosis is strongly increasing at short horizons and then decreasing for longer horizons. This hump-shape in the term structure of kurtosis creates the hump in the VaR that we see in the bottom panel of Figure 8.1 when the initial volatility is high.
In Figure 8.2 we plot the B9780123744487000087/si105.gif is missing per day, B9780123744487000087/si106.gif is missing, against horizon K.
B9780123744487000087/f08-02-9780123744487.jpg is missing
Figure 8.2
ES term structures using NGARCH and Monte Carlo simulation. Notes: The top panel shows the S&P 500 ES per day across horizons when the current volatility is one-half its long-run value. The bottom panel assumes the current volatility is three times its long-run value. The ES is simulated using Monte Carlo on an NGARCH model.
The coverage level p is again set to 1% and the horizon goes from 1 to 500 trading days. Figure 8.2 gives an ES-based picture of the term structure of risk, which is clearly qualitatively similar to the term structure of VaR in Figure 8.1. Note however, that the slope of the ES term structure in the upper panel of Figure 8.2 is steeper than the corresponding VaR term structure in the upper panel of Figure 8.2. Note also that the hump in the ES term structure in the bottom panel of Figure 8.2 is more pronounced than the hump in the VaR term structure in the upper panel of Figure 8.1.

2.2. Filtered Historical Simulation (FHS)

In the book so far, we have discussed methods that take very different approaches: Historical Simulation (HS) in Chapter 2 is a completely model-free approach, which imposes virtually no structure on the distribution of returns: the historical returns calculated with today's weights are used directly to calculate a percentile. The GARCH Monte Carlo simulation (MCS) approach in this chapter takes the opposite view and assumes parametric models for variance, correlation (if a disaggregate model is estimated), and the distribution of standardized returns. Random numbers are then drawn from this distribution to calculate the desired risk measure.
Both of these extremes in the model-free/model-based spectrum have pros and cons. Taking a model-based approach (MCS, for example) is good if the model is a fairly accurate description of reality. Taking a model-free approach (HS, for example) is sensible in that the observed data may capture features of the returns distribution that are not captured by any standard parametric model.
The Filtered Historical Simulation (FHS) approach, which we introduced in Chapter 6, attempts to combine the best of the model-based with the best of the model-free approaches in a very intuitive fashion. FHS combines model-based methods of variance with model-free methods of the distribution of shocks.
Assume we have estimated a GARCH-type model of our portfolio variance. Although we are comfortable with our variance model, we are not comfortable making a specific distributional assumption about the standardized returns, such as a normal or a B9780123744487000087/si119.gif is missing distribution. Instead, we would like the past returns data to tell us about the distribution directly without making further assumptions.
To fix ideas, consider again the simple example of a GARCH(1,1) model:
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B9780123744487000087/si121.gif is missing
Given a sequence of past returns, B9780123744487000087/si122.gif is missing, we can estimate the GARCH model and calculate past standardized returns from the observed returns and from the estimated standard deviations as
B9780123744487000087/si123.gif is missing
We will refer to the set of standardized returns as B9780123744487000087/si124.gif is missing. The number of historical observations, m, should be as large as possible.
Moving forward now, at the end of day t we obtain Rt and we can calculate B9780123744487000087/si128.gif is missing, which is day t + 1's variance in the GARCH model. Instead of drawing random B9780123744487000087/si130.gif is missing s from a random number generator, which relies on a specific distribution, we can draw with replacement from our own database of past standardized residuals, B9780123744487000087/si131.gif is missing The random drawing can be operationalized by generating a discrete uniform random variable distributed from 1 to m. Each draw from the discrete distribution then tells us which τ and thus which B9780123744487000087/si135.gif is missing to pick from the set B9780123744487000087/si136.gif is missing.
We again build up a distribution of hypothetical future returns as
B9780123744487000087/si137.gif is missing
where FH is the number of times we draw from the standardized residuals on each future date, for example 10,000, and where K is the horizon of interest measured in number of days.
We end up with FH sequences of hypothetical daily returns for day t + 1 through day t + K. From these hypothetical daily returns, we calculate the hypothetical K-day returns as
B9780123744487000087/si144.gif is missing
If we collect the FH hypothetical K-day returns in a set B9780123744487000087/si147.gif is missing then we can calculate the K-day Value-at-Risk simply by calculating the 100pth percentile as in
B9780123744487000087/si150.gif is missing
The ES measure can again be calculated from the simulated returns by simply taking the average of all the B9780123744487000087/si152.gif is missing s that fall below the B9780123744487000087/si153.gif is missing number; that is,
B9780123744487000087/si154.gif is missing
where as before the indicator function B9780123744487000087/si155.gif is missing returns a 1 if the argument is true and zero if not.
An interesting and useful feature of FHS as compared with simple HS is that it can generate large losses in the forecast period, even without having observed a large loss in the recorded past returns. Consider the case where we have a relatively large negative z in our database, which occurred on a relatively low variance day. If this z gets combined with a high variance day in the simulation period then the resulting hypothetical loss will be large.
In Figure 8.3 we use the FHS approach based on the NGARCH model for the S&P 500 returns. We use the NGARCH-FHS model to construct and plot the B9780123744487000087/si158.gif is missing per day as a function of horizon K for two different values of B9780123744487000087/si160.gif is missing. In the top panel the initial volatility is one-half the unconditional level and in the bottom panel B9780123744487000087/si161.gif is missing is three times the unconditional level. The horizons goes from 1 to 500 trading days, corresponding roughly to two calendar years.
B9780123744487000087/f08-03-9780123744487.jpg is missing
Figure 8.3
VaR term structures using NGARCH and filtered Historical Simulation. Notes: The top panel shows the S&P 500 VaR per day across horizons when the current volatility is one-half its long-run value. The bottom panel assumes the current volatility is three times its long run value. The VaR is simulated using FHS on an NGARCH model.
The VaR coverage level p is set to 1% again. Comparing Figure 8.3 with Figure 8.1 we see that for this S&P 500 portfolio the Monte Carlo and FHS simulation methods give roughly equal VaR term structures when the initial volatility is the same.
In Figure 8.4 we plot the B9780123744487000087/si169.gif is missing per day against horizon K.
B9780123744487000087/f08-04-9780123744487.jpg is missing
Figure 8.4
ES term structures using NGARCH and filtered Historical Simulation. Notes: The top panel shows the S&P 500 ES per day across horizons when the current volatility is one-half its long-run value. The bottom panel assumes the current volatility is three times its long-run value. The ES is simulated using FHS on an NGARCH model.
The coverage level p is again set to 1% and the horizon goes from 1 to 500 trading days. The FHS-based ES term structure in Figure 8.4 closely resembles the NGARCH Monte Carlo-based ES term structure in Figure 8.2.
We close this section by reemphasizing that the FHS method suggested here combines a conditional model for variance with a Historical Simulation method for the standardized returns. FHS thus captures the current level of market volatility via B9780123744487000087/si178.gif is missing but we do not need to make assumptions about the tail distribution. The FHS method has been found to perform very well in several studies and it should be given serious consideration by any risk management team.

3. The Risk Term Structure with Constant Correlations

The univariate methods discussed in Section 2 are useful if the main purpose of the risk model is risk measurement. If instead the model is required for active risk management including deciding on optimal portfolio allocations, or VaR sensitivities to allocation changes, then a multivariate model is required. In this section, we use the multivariate models built in Chapter 7 to simulate VaR and ES for different maturities. The multivariate risk models allow us to compute risk measures for different hypothetical portfolio allocations without having to reestimate model parameters.
We will assume that the risk manager knows his or her set of assets of interest. This set can either contain all the assets in the portfolio or a smaller set of base assets, which are believed to be the main drivers of risk in the portfolio. Base asset choices are, of course, portfolio-specific, but typical examples include equity indices, bond indices, and exchange rates as well as more fundamental economic drivers such as oil prices and real estate prices as discussed in Chapter 7.
Once the set of assets has been determined, the next step in the multivariate model is to estimate a dynamic volatility model of the type in Chapter 4 and Chapter 5 for each of the n assets. When this is complete, we can write the n asset returns in vector form as follows:
B9780123744487000087/si184.gif is missing
where Dt+1 is an n × n diagonal matrix containing the dynamic standard deviations on the diagonal, and zeros on the off diagonal. The n × 1 vector zt+1 contains the shocks from the dynamic volatility model for each asset.
Now, define the conditional covariance matrix of the returns as
B9780123744487000087/si189.gif is missing
where B9780123744487000087/si190.gif is missing is a constant n × n matrix containing the base asset correlations on the off diagonals and ones on the diagonal. Later we will consider DCC models where the correlation matrix is time varying.
When simulating the multivariate model forward we face a new challenge, namely, that we must ensure that the vector of shocks have the correct correlation matrix, B9780123744487000087/si192.gif is missing. Random number generators provide us with uncorrelated random standard normal variables, B9780123744487000087/si193.gif is missing, and we must correlate them before using them to simulate returns forward.
In the case of two uncorrelated shocks, we have
B9780123744487000087/si194.gif is missing
but we want to create correlated shocks with the correlation matrix
B9780123744487000087/si195.gif is missing
We therefore need to find the matrix square root, B9780123744487000087/si196.gif is missing, so that B9780123744487000087/si197.gif is missing and so that B9780123744487000087/si198.gif is missing will give the correct correlation matrix, namely
B9780123744487000087/si199.gif is missing
In the bivariate case we have that
B9780123744487000087/si200.gif is missing
so that when multiplying out B9780123744487000087/si201.gif is missing we get
B9780123744487000087/si202.gif is missing
which implies that
B9780123744487000087/si203.gif is missing
B9780123744487000087/si204.gif is missing
because B9780123744487000087/si205.gif is missing. Thus B9780123744487000087/si206.gif is missing and B9780123744487000087/si207.gif is missing will each have a mean of 0 and a variance of 1 as desired. Finally we can check the correlation. We have
B9780123744487000087/si208.gif is missing
so that the shocks will have a correlation of B9780123744487000087/si209.gif is missing as desired.
We can also verify the B9780123744487000087/si210.gif is missing matrix by multiplying it by its transpose
B9780123744487000087/si211.gif is missing
In the case of n > 2 assets we need to use a so-called Cholesky decomposition or a spectral decomposition of B9780123744487000087/si213.gif is missing to compute B9780123744487000087/si214.gif is missing. See the references for details on these methods.

3.1. Multivariate Monte Carlo Simulation

In order to simulate the model forward in time using Monte Carlo we need to assume a multivariate distribution of the vector of shocks, B9780123744487000087/si215.gif is missing. In this chapter we will rely on the multivariate standard normal distribution because it is convenient and so allows us to focus on the issues involved in simulation. In Chapter 9 we will look at more complicated multivariate t distributions.
The algorithm for multivariate Monte Carlo simulation is as follows:
• First, draw a vector of uncorrelated random normal variables B9780123744487000087/si217.gif is missing with a mean of zero and a variance of one.
• Second, use the matrix square root B9780123744487000087/si218.gif is missing to correlate the random variables; this gives B9780123744487000087/si219.gif is missing.
• Third, update the variances for each asset using the approach in Section 2.
• Fourth, compute returns for each asset using the approach in Section 2.
Loop through these four steps from day t + 1 until day t + K. Now we can compute the portfolio return using the known portfolio weights and the vector of simulated returns on each day.
Repeating these steps B9780123744487000087/si222.gif is missing times gives a Monte Carlo distribution of portfolio returns. From these MC portfolio returns we can compute VaR and ES from the simulated portfolio returns as in Section 2.

3.2. Multivariate Filtered Historical Simulation

Multivariate Filtered Historical Simulation can be done easily when we assume constant correlations.
First, draw a vector (across assets) of historical shocks from a particular day in the historical sample of shocks, and use that to simulate tomorrow's shock, B9780123744487000087/si226.gif is missing. The key insight is that when we draw the entire vector (across assets) of historical shocks from the same day, they will preserve the correlation across assets that existed historically as long as correlations are constant over time.
• Second, update the variances for each asset using the approach in Section 2.
• Third, compute returns for each asset using the approach in Section 2.
Loop through these steps from day t + 1 until day t + K. Now we can compute the portfolio return using the known portfolio weights and the vector of simulated returns on each day as before.
Repeating these steps B9780123744487000087/si229.gif is missing times gives a simulated distribution of portfolio returns. From these FH portfolio returns we can compute VaR and ES from the simulated portfolio returns as in Section 2.

4. The Risk Term Structure with Dynamic Correlations

We now consider the more complicated case where the correlations are dynamic as in the DCC model in Chapter 7. We again have
B9780123744487000087/si233.gif is missing
where Dt+1 is an n × n diagonal matrix containing the GARCH standard deviations on the diagonal, and zeros on the off diagonal. The n × 1 vector zt contains the shocks from the GARCH models for each asset.
Now, we have
B9780123744487000087/si238.gif is missing
where B9780123744487000087/si239.gif is missing is an n × n matrix containing the base asset correlations on the off diagonals and ones on the diagonal. The elements in Dt+1 can be simulated forward using the methods in Section 2 but we now also need to simulate the correlation matrix forward.

4.1. Monte Carlo Simulation with Dynamic Correlations

As mentioned before, random number generators typically provide us with uncorrelated random standard normal variables, B9780123744487000087/si242.gif is missing, and we must correlate them before simulating returns forward.
At the end of day t the GARCH and DCC models provide us with B9780123744487000087/si244.gif is missing and B9780123744487000087/si245.gif is missing without having to do simulation. We can therefore compute a random return for day t + 1 as
B9780123744487000087/si247.gif is missing
where B9780123744487000087/si248.gif is missing.
Using the new simulated shock vector, B9780123744487000087/si249.gif is missing, we can update the volatilities and correlations using the GARCH models and the DCC model. We thus obtain simulated B9780123744487000087/si250.gif is missing and B9780123744487000087/si251.gif is missing. Drawing a new vector of uncorrelated shocks, B9780123744487000087/si252.gif is missing, enables us to simulate the return for the second day ahead as
B9780123744487000087/si253.gif is missing
where B9780123744487000087/si254.gif is missing.
We continue this simulation from day t + 1 through day t + K, and repeat it for B9780123744487000087/si257.gif is missing vectors of simulated shocks on each day. As before we can compute the portfolio return using the known portfolio weights and the vector of simulated returns on each day. From these MC portfolio returns we can compute VaR and ES from the simulated portfolio returns as in Section 2.
In Figure 8.5 we use the DCC model for S&P 500 returns and the 10-year treasury bond index from Chapter 7 to plot the expected future correlations. We have assumed four different values of the current correlation, ranging from −0.5 in the blue line to +0.5 in the purple line. Note that over the 60-day horizon considered, the correlations converge toward the long-run correlation value but significant differences remain even after 60 days.
B9780123744487000087/f08-05-9780123744487.jpg is missing
Figure 8.5
DCC correlation forecasts by Monte Carlo simulation. Notes: The correlation forecast across horizons is shown for four different levels of current correlation. The forecasts are computed using Monte Carlo simulation on the DCC model for the S&P 500 and 10-year treasury bond.
In Chapter 4 we saw how the expected future variance can be computed analytically from current variance using the GARCH model dynamics. The key equations were repeated in Section 2. Unfortunately for dynamic correlation models, such exact analytical formulas for expected future correlation do not exist. We need to rely on the simulation methods developed here in order to construct correlation forecasts for more than one day ahead. If we for example want to construct a forecast for the correlation matrix two days ahead we can use
B9780123744487000087/si263.gif is missing
where the Monte Carlo average is done element by element for each of the correlations in the matrix.

4.2. Filtered Historical Simulation with Dynamic Correlations

When correlations across assets are assumed to be constant then FHS is relatively easy because we can draw from historical asset shocks, using the entire vector (across assets) of historical shocks. The (constant) historical correlation will be preserved in the simulated shocks. When correlations are dynamic then we need to ensure that the correlation dynamics are simulated forward but in FHS we still want to use the historical shocks.
In this case we must first create a database of historical dynamically uncorrelated shocks from which we can resample. We create the dynamically uncorrelated historical shock as
B9780123744487000087/si264.gif is missing
where B9780123744487000087/si265.gif is missing is the vector of standardized shocks on day B9780123744487000087/si266.gif is missing and where B9780123744487000087/si267.gif is missing is the inverse of the matrix square-root of the conditional correlation matrix B9780123744487000087/si268.gif is missing.
When calculating the multiday conditional VaR and ES from the model, we again need to simulate daily returns forward from today's (day t) forecast of tomorrow's matrix of volatilities, B9780123744487000087/si272.gif is missing and correlations, B9780123744487000087/si273.gif is missing.
From the database of uncorrelated shocks B9780123744487000087/si274.gif is missing, we can draw a random vector of historical uncorrelated shocks, called B9780123744487000087/si275.gif is missing. It is important to note that in order to preserve asset-specific characteristics and potential nonlinear dependence in the shocks, we draw an entire vector representing the same day for all the assets.
From this draw, we can compute a random return for day t + 1 as
B9780123744487000087/si277.gif is missing
where B9780123744487000087/si278.gif is missing.
Using the new simulated shock vector, B9780123744487000087/si279.gif is missing, we can update the volatilities and correlations using the GARCH models and the DCC model. We thus obtain simulated B9780123744487000087/si280.gif is missing and B9780123744487000087/si281.gif is missing. Drawing a new vector of uncorrelated shocks, B9780123744487000087/si282.gif is missing, enables us to simulate the return for the second day as
B9780123744487000087/si283.gif is missing
where B9780123744487000087/si284.gif is missing. We continue this simulation for K days, and repeat it for FH vectors of simulated shocks on each day. As before we can compute the portfolio return using the known portfolio weights and the vector of simulated returns on each day. From these FH portfolio returns we can compute VaR and ES from the simulated portfolio returns as in Section 2.
The advantages of the multivariate FHS approach tally with those of the univariate case: It captures current market conditions by means of dynamic variance and correlation models. It makes no assumption on the conditional multivariate shock distributions. And, it allows for the computation of any risk measure for any investment horizon of interest.

5. Summary

Risk managers rarely have one particular horizon of interest but rather want to know the risk profile across many different horizons; that is, the term structure of risk. The purpose of this chapter has therefore been to introduce Monte Carlo simulation and filtered Historical Simulation techniques, which can be used to compute the term structure of risk in the univariate risk models in Part II as well as in the multivariate risk models in Chapter 7. It is important to keep in mind that because we are simulating from dynamic risk models, we use all the relevant information available at any given time to compute the risk forecasts across future horizons.
Chapter 7 assumed the multivariate normal distribution. This assumption was made for convenience and not for realism. We need to develop nonnormal multivariate distributions that can be used in risk computation across different horizons as well. This is the task of the upcoming Chapter 9.

Further Resources

Theoretical issues involved in temporal aggregation of GARCH models are analyzed in Drost and Nijman (1993). Diebold et al. (1998a) study the problems arising in risk management from simple scaling rules of variance across horizons. Christoffersen et al. (1998) elaborate on the issues involved in calculating VaR s at different horizons. Christoffersen and Diebold (2000) investigate the usefulness of dynamic variance models for risk management at various forecast horizons. Portfolio aggregation of GARCH models is analyzed in Zaffaroni (2007).
A thorough and current treatment of Monte Carlo methods in financial engineering can be found in the Glasserman (2004) book. Hammersley and Handscomb (1964) is the classic reference on Monte Carlo methods.
Diebold et al. (1998a); Hull and White (1998); and Barone-Adesi et al. (1999) independently suggested the filtered Historical Simulation approach. See also Barone-Adesi et al. (1998); and Barone-Adesi et al. (2002), who consider an application of FHS to portfolios of options and futures. Pritsker (2006) provides a powerful comparison between FHS and traditional Historical Simulation.
When constructing correlated random shocks, Patton and Sheppard (2009) recommend the spectral decomposition of the correlation matrix over the standard Cholesky decomposition because the latter is not invariant to the ordering of the assets in the vector of shocks.
Engle (2009) and Engle and Sheppard (2001) develop approximate formulas for correlation forecasts in DCC models. Asai and McAleer (2009) consider a stochastic correlation modeling approach.
Parametric alternatives to the Filtered Historical Simulation approach include specifying a multivariate normal or t distribution for the GARCH shocks. See, for example, Pesaran et al. (2009) as well as Chapter 9 in this book.
See Engle and Manganelli (2004) for a survey of different VaR modeling approaches. Manganelli (2004) considers a unique asset allocation approach that only requires a univariate model.
Asai, M.; McAleer, M., The structure of dynamic correlations in multivariate stochastic volatility models, J. Econom. 150 (2009) 182192.
Barone-Adesi, G.; Bourgoin, F.; Giannopoulos, K., Don't look back, Risk 11 (August) (1998) 100104.
Barone-Adesi, G.; Giannopoulos, K.; Vosper, L., VaR without correlations for non-linear portfolios, J. Futures Mark. 19 (1999) 583602.
Barone-Adesi, G.; Giannopoulos, K.; Vosper, L., Backtesting derivative portfolios with filtered historical simulation (FHS), Eur. Financ. Manag. 8 (2002) 3158.
Christoffersen, P.; Diebold, F., How relevant is volatility forecasting for financial risk management?Rev. Econ. Stat. 82 (2000) 111.
Christoffersen, P.; Diebold, F.; Schuermann, T., Horizon problems and extreme events in financial risk management, Fed. Reserve Bank New York Econ. Policy Rev. 4 (1998) 109118.
Diebold, F.X.; Hickman, A.; Inoue, A.; Schuermann, T., Scale models, Risk 11 (1998) 104107.
Drost, F.; Nijman, T., Temporal aggregation of GARCH processes, Econometrica 61 (1993) 909927.
Engle, R., Anticipating Correlations: A New Paradigm for Risk Management. (2009) Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ.
Engle, R.; Manganelli, S., A comparison of value at risk models in finance, In: (Editor: Szego, G.) Risk Measures for the 21st Century (2004) Wiley Finance, John Wiley Sons, Ltd., Chichester, West Sussex, England, pp. 123144.
Engle, R.; Sheppard, K., Theoretical and empirical properties of dynamic conditional correlation multivariate GARCH, Available from: SSRN,http://ssrn.com/abstract=1296441 (2001).
Glasserman, P., Monte Carlo Methods in Financial Engineering. (2004) Springer Verlag.
Hammersley, J.; Handscomb, D., Monte Carlo Methods. (1964) Fletcher and Sons, Norwich, UK.
Hull, J.; White, A., Incorporating volatility updating into the historical simulation method for VaR, J. Risk 1 (1998) 519.
Manganelli, S., Asset allocation by variance sensitivity analysis, J. Financ. Econom. 2 (2004) 370389.
Patton, A.; Sheppard, K., Evaluating volatility and correlation forecasts, In: (Editors: Andersen, T.G.; Davis, R.A.; Kreiss, J.-P.; Mikosch, T.) Handbook of Financial Time Series (2009) Springer Verlag, Berlin, pp. 801838.
Pesaran, H.; Schleicher, C.; Zaffaroni, P., Model averaging in risk management with an application to futures markets, J. Empir. Finance 16 (2009) 280305.
Pritsker, M., The hidden dangers of historical simulation, J. Bank. Finance 30 (2006) 561582.
Zaffaroni, P., Aggregation and memory of models of changing volatility, J. Econom. 136 (2007) 237249.
Open the Chapter8Data.xlsx file from the web site.
1. Construct the 10-day, 1% VaR on the last day of the sample using FHS (with 10,000 simulations), RiskMetrics scaling the daily VaR s by B9780123744487000087/si295.gif is missing(although it is incorrect), and Monte Carlo simulations of the NGARCH(1,1) model with normally distributed shocks and with parameters as estimated in Chapter 4.
2. Consider counterfactual scenarios where the volatility on the last day of the sample was three times its actual value and also one-half its actual value. Recompute the 10-day VaR in exercise 1. What do you see?
3. Repeat exercise 1 computing ES rather than VaR.
4. Using the DCC model estimated in Chapter 7 try to replicate the correlation forecasts in Figure 8.5, using 10,000 Monte Carlo simulations. Compared with Figure 8.5 do you find evidence of Monte Carlo estimation error when MC = 10,000?
The answers to these exercises can be found in the Chapter8Results.xlsx file. Which is available in the companion site.
For more information see the companion site at http://www.elsevierdirect.com/companions/9780123744487
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