Introduction to Verilog HDL

3.1 Basics of Verilog HDL

Verilog is a type of hardware description language (HDL). This language is used to describe the hardware for the purpose of simulation, synthesis, and implementation. Verilog describes a circuit as an N/W switch, ROM, RAM, micro-controller, micro-processors, and other combinational and sequential circuits [12]. HDLs can be described at any level of abstraction.

3.1.1 Introduction to VLSI

Very large-scale integration (VLSI) is a type of integration. Millions of transistors are fabricated in one single IC under this category. Microprocessors and micro-controllers also come under this VLSI category. Due to the complexity of the circuitry, these types of circuits are not possible to verify, fabricate, or breadboard. These circuits require a special type of tool or software for verification and fabrication. It is very difficult to design computer-aided techniques (CAD) with VLSI digital circuits. Therefore, VLSI-CAD has been introduced to solve these types of complexity.

3.1.2 Analog and Digital VLSI

VLSI is also an HDL. It is used to simulate digital and analog signals. But here, we will discuss only digital design. Analysis and design of analog mixed signal (AMS) is not included in this book. The basics of design and analysis of HDLs are described in this chapter.

3.1.3 Machine Language and HDLs

Machine language and HDLs are those languages used in digital design to perform all types of operations. We know that all operations are performed by machine language in a digital system. These two languages play a very important role in the design of digital systems. These languages are also used to design high-frequency synthesizers for communications. The next subsection describes the design methodologies of any circuit for simulation and synthesis.

3.1.4 Design Methodologies

Design methodology is an initial stage which represents design methodology sub-blocks. There are two types of design methodologies.

i) Top-down design methodology

In this design methodology, we can define top-level design block and then sub-level blocks. Further, sub-blocks are divided into leaf-cells. These leaf-cells cannot be further divided. This design method is called top-down design methodology (Figure 3.1).

Figure 3.1 Top-down design methodology.

ii) Bottom-up design methodology

In this design methodology, we can define the bottom-level design block available to us. With the help of leaf-cells, we can build bigger macro cells. These bigger cells can be used to design higher levels of blocks. This design method is called bottom-up design methodology (Figure 3.2).

Figure 3.2 Bottom-up design methodology.

3.1.5 Design Flow

This section describes the design flow of the VLSI IC circuits (Figure 3.3). The design specification is the main parameter to design any VLSI IC circuit. First, the rectangular block describes the specifications of the design. Next, the block describes the behavior of the design to be used in HDL. A functional verification block is used to verify RTL synthesis and simulation. It also tests Verilog code for logic synthesis. The next block is the preparation of a gate level netlist for logical verification and testing. If testing or verification fails, then codes will be tested again. Floor planning, automatic place and route are important procedures before the physical layout. The next step is physical layout; once this is complete, the next step is layout verification. And, finally, the last and final step to complete the process is implementation. If the layout is verified, we can say that the circuit can be fabricated on chip.

Figure 3.3 Design flow chart.

3.2 Level of Abstractions and Modeling Concepts

Verilog is an HDL. Its behavior is similar to behavioral and structural language. Its internal module can be divided into four levels of abstraction. The details of each module are described in the next subsections.

3.2.1 Gate Level

In the gate level of abstraction, a module is designed with logic gates and these gates are interconnected through nets. A description of this level is similar to the gate-level diagram. When circuits are simple, this level of abstraction is used for design.

3.2.2 Dataflow Level

In the dataflow level of abstraction, specific dataflow is used for design. In this method, we know how dataflows between hardware registers and how data will be processed in the circuit.

3.2.3 Behavioral Level

A behavioral level of abstraction is also called an algorithmic level. The behavioral level is the highest level of abstraction. Using this method, a module can be designed using the desired algorithm without concern about hardware details. This level of abstraction is similar to programing in C language.

3.2.4 Switch Level

Switch level is the lowest level of abstraction. In this, design can be implemented among the switches, storage nodes, interconnecting wires, and input/output blocks. With this method, we should have knowledge about switch-level implementation in Verilog. It is difficult to design complex circuits using this method. This method is generally used to design low-power devices.

3.3 Basics (Lexical) Conventions

This language has a stream of lexical token which can be used as: numbers, identifiers, keywords, comments, or strings, etc. These tokens, used in Verilog, are similar to programing in C. It is case-sensitive language and, in this language, all keywords are in lowercase. A few conventions are described in the next subsection.


Comments are used to understand the program and documentation. There are two types of comments in Verilog. ZFirst is a one-line comment and the next are multiple-line comments.

Y = A & B; //This is an example of a one-line comment
Z = #10(B | C); //time parameter
/* this is a multiple
line comment */
/* This is the testbench program
module tb();
reg a,b;
output y;

3.3.2 Whitespace

There are three types of whitespace used in Verilog.

  1. a) Blank spaces ()
  2. b) Tabs ( )
  3. c) Newlines ( )

In Verilog, whitespace is not ignored in strings.

3.3.3 Identifiers

Identifiers are used as reference names given to design so that objects can be used later in the program. These are made up from underscore (_), dollar sign ($), alphanumeric characters, and some special symbols. Identifiers cannot be started with special symbol like $, _ or numbers.


input clock; //clock in identifier
output q; //q is identifier

3.3.4 Escaped Identifiers

These are an expanded type of identifier. They begin with a backslash() special character and end with any whitespace. Whitespace and backspace cannot be considered as identifiers.




3.3.5 Keywords

Keywords are case sensitive. These must be written in lowercase.


input a, b; //input is keywords
reg out; //reg is keywords
INPUT clock; //Illegal keywords, it must be in lowercase

3.3.6 Strings

These are a sequence of characters. String can be declared in double quotes only. However, it must be on a single line.


“Welcome to LPU Jalandhar”//it is a string
“xyz/abc”//it is string

3.3.7 Operators

There are three types of operator. These operators are used to perform binary operations.

Unary operation:

It precedes the operand. The symbol is (~).


Y = ~X;
Z = ~X && W;

Binary operation:

Binary operations perform between two operands.


Z = X && Y;
C = A | B;

Ternary operation:

Ternary operators have three operands.


Z = W ? X: Y;

3.3.8 Numbers

Numbers are used to perform various operations. There are two types of numerical systems.

Sized numbers

There is a format for sized numbers. This is used to perform these operations.

Syntax for a sized number:

<size>’ <base format> <number>


D or d = Decimal numbers = 0, 1, 2……9
O or o = Octal numbers = 0, 1………7
B or b = Binary numbers = 0,1
H or h = Hexadecimal numbers = 0, 1, 2……9, a,….e, f


4ʹb1010; //4-bit binary number
8ʹhbc; //8-bit hexadecimal number
16ʹd20; //16-bit decimal number

Unsized numbers

Unsized numbers are those numbers written without any format. They have a 32-bit default value.


12345; //32-bit decimal number by default
‘ha2; //32-bit hexadecimal number
‘o23; //32-bit octal number

3.4 Data Types

Data types are used to perform various operations. There are many types of data type.

3.4.1 Values

Verilog support only four values.

0 -> Logic zero, false condition
1 -> Logic one, true condition
x -> Unknown value
z -> High impedance, floating state

3.4.2 Nets

Nets connect the hardware elements. They are also called wires. Wire is a keyword. It connects inputs and output with its internal circuitry.


wire x; //declare as a net or wire
wire = 1ʹb1; //wire has 1 fixed value

3.4.3 Registers

Registers are an element of data storage, which store data temporarily for the purpose of simulation. These are hardware registers built from triggers in real circuits. They are keyword registered.


reg clear; //variable clear can hold its value
clear = 1ʹb0; //initialize clear to 0
#10 clear = 1ʹb1;

3.4.4 Vectors

Multiple bit widths can be represented as vectors. Reg or nets can also be represented as vectors.

These can be declared in the following format; [high#: low] or [low#: high#]. The left number in brackets will be the most significant bit (MSB) of the vector.


wire x; //it is scalar net
wire [7:0] y; //it is 8-bit bus
reg [0:31] addr; //it is 32-bit bus

3.4.5 Integer Data Type

This is represented as the keyword integer. In this data type, we can only use integer value.


integer count; //it is as integer data type

count = 1; //

3.4.6 Real Data Type

This is represented as the keyword real. In this data type, we can only use real value.


real del; //it is a real data type
del = 4e8; //real no. notation
del = 2.13; //del assigned a value 2.13
integer i;
i = del; //it is integer value so it get the value 2(rounded value)

3.4.7 Time Data Type

This is represented as the keyword time. In this data type, we can only use time parameters.


time delay; //define time
delay = $time; //it saves the current simulation time

3.4.8 Arrays

The use of Array in Verilog is similar to C programing. It is allowed for integer, time, reg, and vectors. We cannot take array for real numbers.


integer count[7:0];
time point[1:100];
reg bus[31:0];

3.4.9 Memories

Memories can be represented as an Array of registers in Verilog. Each element of an Array is also called a Word. A Word may be one or more bits. In simulation, RAMs, ROMs, and other register files can be designed.

reg mes_size[0:1023];
reg [7:0] mem_addr[0:1023];

3.5 Testbench Concept

The testbench concept is also called a stimulus. The main module is used to generate RTL of the design. But testbench is also used to generate wave to verify output of the design. The main module may be changed as per each level of abstraction, whereas test is the same for all types of modeling. We can verify our output using testbench. Also, we can analyze the timing parameters of the design.

Multiple Choice Questions

Q1 The Verilog keyword of system task that displays every change in output for the input changes is:

  1. $display
  2. $monitor
  3. $finish
  4. $stop

Q2 The incorrect representation of a sized number in Verilog is:

  1. 4ʹb1111
  2. 12ʹhabc
  3. ’hc3
  4. 16ʹd25x

Q3 The correct syntax in Verilog for a system task of display is:

  1. $display (“Hello Verilog World”);
  2. $display(‘Hello Verilog World’);
  3. $display “Hello Verilog World”;
  4. $display(time “Hello Verilog World”);

Q4 The tasks of frontend and backend design engineers are:

  1. Functional Design & Physical Verification respectively.
  2. Physical Verification & Functional Design respectively.
  3. Functional Verification & Static Timing Analysis respectively.
  4. Both 1 and 3.

Q5 Which is not true in Veriog HDL?

  1. Verilog HDL allows different levels of abstraction to be mixed in the same models.
  2. Verilog is case sensitive.
  3. Verilog is based on Pascal and Ada.
  4. Designer can define the hardware model in terms of switches, gates, RTL, or behavioral code.

Q6 Which statement is true for test stimulus in Verilog HDL?

  1. The stimulus block instantiates the design block and directly drives the signals in the design block.
  2. Stimulus is to instantiate both the stimulus and design blocks in a top-level dummy module.
  3. The stimulus block interacts with the design block only through the interface.
  4. All of the above.

Q7 The inclusion of a logic.v file in to another design.v file can be done by using keyword:

  1. ‘define logic.v
  2. ‘include logic.v
  3. ‘define S logic.v
  4. ‘include S logic.v


  1. [1] Palnitkar, S. (2001). Verilog HDL. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.
  2. [2] Warkley, J.F. (2005). Digital Design: Principles and Practices. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.
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