
Above the fold, 36, 72

A/B testing, 38, 47, 71–72

AC Nielson, 118

Acxiom, 86, 118, 120

Adobe Analytics, 33

Adobe Omniture, 129, 33

Algorithm, 49

EdgeRank, 82

Google Algorithm, 50, 52

Hummingbird, 49

Panda, 49

Penguin, 49

Alt tags, 51

Always on marketing, 95–98

Amazon, 10, 56, 108–109

Analytics, 125–129

data, 126

predictive, 126–127

web, 127–129

AOL, 87

Apache Hadoop, 116–117

Attention, interest, desire, and action (AIDA), 93–94

Attribution modelling, 82, 128–129

Banner ads, 86

Barnes and Noble, 10

Big Data analysis, 102, 117, 125

Bing, 9

paid search, 44, 45

Bounce rate, 68, 72

Branding, and search rankings, 55–56

Braun, 76–77

Broad match, 45

Browser technology, 9–10

Business customer

external information, 121

internal information, 121

Business markets, market segmentation for, 122–123

Call-to-action, 71

Channel correlation matrix, 97

Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), 110, 36

Click through rate (CTR), 63, 67–68, 72

Click to open rate (CTOR), 68

Cluster analysis, 119

Co-creation, 21

Collaborative filtering, 10


in marketing and advertising, progression of, 10–12

revolution in, 14–17


attitudes toward privacy, 108–109

external information, 121

internal information, 118

markets, market segmentation for, 119–120

Content marketing and social media marketing, relationship between, 75–77

Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing Act (CAN-SPAM), 69–70

Conversational search, 49

Core competencies, 19, 20

Core Metrics, 129

Corporate Executive Board (CEB)

Marketing Leadership Council, 100

Cost per click (CPC), 46, 47

Crawlers, 50, 54

Creative Commons approach, 111

Cross-device marketing, 32–33

Crowdsourcing, 81, 92

Current data, keeping, 135


acquisition and relationship management, 16–17

database, organizing, 124–125

experience, 38

lifecycle management, 28–32

Customer engagement (CE)

definition of, 78–79

social media marketing and, 78–80

Customer experience marketing (CEM), 95

Customer relationship management (CRM), 29

data quality, vicious circle of, 100–103

definition of, 94

marketing management versus, 91–105

measurement of, 98–100

data quality, importance of, 100

Customization, 12

mass, 12

true, 12


analysis, 113–114

analytics, 126

quality, vicious circle of, 100–103

security, 110–111

sharing, 135

silos, 39, 125, 135

Database structure, designing, 114–115

Database technology, 10

Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), 8

Digital advertising landscape, 85–87

Digital marketing, 4–7

definition of, 65

plan outline, 137–140

strategic thought, 19–26

Digital Millennium Copyright Act, 111

Direct media, evolution of, 14–15

Display ads, and paid search, 54–55

Distribution, revolution in, 14–17

Doritos, 78

Double Click, 86

Dreamfield’s Pasta, 60, 61

Earned media, 78

E-commerce marketing, 23

EdgeRank algorithm, 82

Eloqua, 94

E-mail marketing, 14, 59–74

as branding tool, 63–64

as digital age unused hero, 61–63

effective design and offers, 71–72

fitting to digital marketing, 59–60

metrics, 72

as process, 68–70

as retention tool, 64–68

E-mail service provider (ESP), 70, 72

Epsilon, 86

European Union (EU)

approach to data privacy, 109–110

Safe Harbor provisions, 110

ExactTarget, 4, 61, 70

Excluded match. See Negative match

Experian, 86, 118, 120

External data, 113, 117–118

Eyeball tracking studies, 35–36

Facebook, 45, 48, 51, 55, 79, 86, 87, 92

EdgeRank algorithm, 82

Facebook Insights, 81

Fair Information Practices principle, 110

Federal Express, 16

Federal Trade Commission (FTC), 110

Firm objectives, prioritization for, 32–33

Focus groups, 24

Former customers, 31, 80

Free markets, 107

Free trade, 107

Gartner Group, 64, 65, 99, 102, 103

Golden triangle, 35–36, 72

Google+, 79

Google, 44, 45, 55, 56, 82–83, 87, 109

organic search, 48, 50, 51

paid search, 47, 48–49

Webmaster tools, 83

Google AdWords, 128

AdGroups, 47, 48

Keyword Planner, 29

match types for selection in, 45

Google Alerts, 81

Google Algorithm, 50, 52

Google Analytics, 33, 126, 127–129

Google Chrome, 9

Google Glasses, 83

Google Online Marketing Challenge (GOMC), xx

Google Plus, 51

Google Trends, 5, 23–24, 29, 81

Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, 110

Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act (HIPPA), 110

Hierarchical databases, 115

Hilton Worldwide, 81, 114

Hootsuite, 81

House of Quality for Multichannel Marketing, 96, 134

Hummingbird algorithm, 49

IBM, 80

Core Metrics, 33

Identify, differentiate, interact and customize (IDIC), 94

Identify, differentiate, interact and customize/personalize (IDICP), 94, 25

Index Server, 50

Informational websites, 27

Inimitable resources, 19

Instagram, 79

Intellectual property issues, 111

Interactive marketing, 5, 11

Internal data, 113, 117–118

Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB), 86, 110

Internet marketing, 5, 8, 9–10

Internet of Things, 83

Internet Service Provider (ISP), 70, 71, 111

Jobs, Steve, 27

Key performance indicators (KPIs), 134–135

Keywords, 43–44

right, choosing, 51–54, 29

KLM (Royal Dutch Airlines), 13

Laissez-faire capitalism, 107

Landing page, 54

Land’s End, 12

Lead nurturing process, 31


role in creating competitive advantage, 20

Learning organization theory, 19

Legacy systems, 125

LinkedIn, 79

Logistic regression, 126–127

Luma Partners, 86

M&M, 84

Mail Chimp, 70


actions, 93

always on, 95–98

cross-device, 32–33

digital. See Digital marketing

e-commerce, 23

E-mail, 14, 59–74

evolution of, 6

interactive, 5, 11

Internet, 5, 8, 9–10

mix, 93

mobile, 75–88

multichannel, 95–98

omni-channel, 95–98

orientation, 92

permission, 65, 66–67

persona, 33–35, 70, 80

research surveys, 24

revolution in, 10–17

search engine, 43–57

social media, 75–88

Market segmentation, 34–35, 70, 119–120

based on actions taken, 120–125

for business markets, 122–123

Mason, Charlotte, 29

Mass customization, 12

Match codes, 124

Mckinsey & Company, 99

Merge/purge, 124

Microsite, 54, 60

Microsoft, 87

Bing, 9, 44, 45

Middle management, role in CRM implementation, 101–103

Middle managers, 135

MINI Getaway, 84

Mobile advertising, 85

Mobile analytics, 129

Mobile marketing and SoLoMo, combining, 83–85

Modeled data, 113–114, 118

Monster Spray, 52, 53

Mozilla Firefox, 9

Multichannel marketing, 95–98

Natural search, 48–51

Negative match, 46

Networking theory, 8–9, 12

Nordstrom, 21

North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 124

North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS), 123–124

Office Depot, 35

Old Spice, 77

Omni-channel marketing, 95–98

Online-analytical processing (OLAP), 116

Online Marketing Institute, xx

Online-transaction processing (OLTP), 115

Open rate, 72

Operations planning, 20

Organic search, 48–51

authority, 50

and paid search, synergies between, 54

rankings, 50, 52

relevance, 50

Owned media, 78

Paid media, 78

Paid search, 44, 45–46

campaign, organizing, 47–49

display ads and, 54–55

and organic search, synergies between, 54

Panda algorithm, 49

Pay per click (PPC), 44

Peer to Peer (P2P) sharing system, 111

Penguin algorithm, 49

Permission marketing, 65, 66–67

Personalization, 12

Personally identifiable information (PII), 108, 110, 111

Persona marketing, 33–35, 70, 80

Pervasive computing, 84

Phrase match, 46

Pinterest, 79

Positioning, 23, 51–52, 53

statement, 24, 25

Predictive analytics, 126–127


consumer attitudes toward, 108–109

right to, 107–108

Profiling, 118

Prospects, 29–30, 119

Prototypes, 37

Query, 50, 54

Rack Room Shoes, 66

Radian6, 76, 81

Real-time advertising, 95

Real-time bidding (RTB), 86, 87

Recency/frequency/monetary (RFM), 118, 126

Red Bull, 75, 79

Relational databases, 115

building, 115–116

Hadoop, 116–117

online-analytical processing, 116

Relationship matrix, 97

Responders, 30

Responsive web design, 32–33, 85

Retained or repeat customers, 30

Return on Investment (ROI), 99


in communications/distribution, 14–17

in marketing, 10–17

in technology, 7–10

Right keywords, choosing, 51–54

Right to privacy, 107–108

Robots, 50

Roe v. Wade, 107

Safe Harbor provisions (European Union), 110

SAP, 94

Screwfix, 114

Search engine marketing (SEM), 43–57

branding and search rankings, 55–56

display ads and paid search, 54–55

organic search, 48–51

paid search, 44, 45–46

paid search and organic search, synergies between, 54

process, 46–49

right keywords, choosing, 51–54

types of, 44

Search engine optimization (SEO), 48–51, 54

Search Engine Results Page (SERP), 44, 45, 50, 56

Search rankings, 50, 52

branding and, 55–56

Semantic search, 49, 52

Shared media, 78

Shopkick, 78

Site content, 35–37

Site maps, 37

Site navigation, 35–37

Smart Watches, 83

Smith, Adam, 107

Social media marketing, 75–88

and customer engagement, 78–80

definition of, 75

digital advertising landscape, 85–87

measuring, 82–83

mobile advertising, 85

monitoring, 81–82

planning, 80–81

relationship with content marketing, 75–77

successful campaigns, 77–78

Social media networking sites, 79

Social Mention, 81

SoLoMo and mobile marketing, combining, 83–85

Spam, 65

Spiders, 50, 53

Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) coding system, 123

Stickiness, 27

Stukent Internet Marketing Simulation, xx


Zombie Apocolypse, 77

Super heavy user (SHU), 52

Supply chain management, 20

Tag management, 128

Target market, 33–35

Technology, revolution in, 7–10

Tesco, 99, 81

360 degree view, 12, 95, 125


e-mail marketing campaign, 60, 61

Transactional databases. See Hierarchical databases

Transactional websites, 27

Tumblr, 79

Twitter, 79, 80, 81, 86

Unpaid search, 44, 48–51

Unsubscribe rate, 72

UPS, 16

Usability testing, 37–38

Value chain, 21, 24

Wall Street Journal (WSJ), 48

What They Know, 109

Wal-Mart, 21, 56, 92

Web 1.0, 28

Web 2.0, 28

Web 3.0, 28

Web analytics, 127–129

Web Content Management System, 37

Website design, 27–40

customer lifecycle management, 28–32

evolution of, 28

firm objectives, prioritization for, 32–33

future challenges to, 39

responsive, 32–33

site content and design, 35–37

targeting and personas, 33–35

usability testing/launch/measurement, 37–39

Westin, Alan, 108

Wireframes, 37

Yahoo!, 44, 87

paid search, 45, 48

Yelp, 79

YouTube, 79

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