
This book would not exist if it weren’t for the incredible Apress team. In particular, I have to thank Jim DeWolfe, whose patience and tireless efforts behind the scenes brought this book to completion. I don’t even know how many times he stuck his neck out for me, but I imagine it was a lot. I also have to thank Chris Nelson, my development editor, whose intervention and wise guidance helped make this book something great. Apress believed in the vision that is this book, and you wouldn’t be reading this without them.

To the Excel bloggers, enthusiasts, analysts, accountants, and hobbyists—this book was inspired by your untiring effort to push Excel beyond its limits. This book owes so much to your imagination and creativity. Thank you, and please, never stop.


I must thank Jordan for inviting me to collaborate on this book. Special thanks to Chris Nelson for his patience and amazingly detailed reviews that made this book even more awesome. Thanks to Microsoft for creating Excel and helping millions of users around the world make sense of their data and for helping me to make a living from teaching people how to use Excel better. Thanks to all my readers, listeners, and students at for supporting me and helping me indirectly in co-writing this book.


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