

Abrams, Jared 83

Abrams, Jeremy 67

Adobe Premiere Pro 105, 11415

aesthetics of film 26871

ambient sound 88

angle of view for a lens 578, 62

Anselmi, David 93, 158

Apple Final Cut 1056, 11522, 127, 2334, 237

Artemis app 612

audio quality 848

automatic gain control (AGC) 878

Avid Media Composer 105


Beachtek DXA-SLR adapter 95

Bicker, Evie 245, 35

Bingham, George Caleb 187

Black Magic Design 2712

blocking 913

Bloom, Philip 12, 15, 17, 201, 26, 31, 347, 42, 48, 54, 66, 68, 139, 159, 169, 18594, 196, 230, 2501, 26770

boom poles 915


Cabrera, Kris 196, 2001

Cameron, James 556

Canon 5D Mark II camera 3940, 76, 164, 166, 169, 171, 176, 1823, 186, 21013, 226, 250, 257, 260, 2645, 2679

ISO tests for 27980

Canon 7D camera 188, 2036, 250

ISO tests for 27980

Canon lenses 226, 254, 2578, 260

cardioids 8990

Casulo 16075

Chaloupka, Vladimir 19

Chan, Po 911, 159, 207, 21015, 21927, 285

characters in film 13740

Charters, Rodney 66

Christenson, Dave 1967

chrominance compression 283

The Chrysalis 159, 195201, 2046

Cineform Neo Scene 11114

“cinematic” look 2, 656, 68, 138, 270

cinematographers, role of 24, 182, 210

Cohen, Rob 209

color balance 31, 824

color compression 71

color correction 7682, 1248, 135

definition of 126

color grading 12438

definition of 126

color temperature 307

commercials 3

composition 59

Coutard, Raoul 3

Crewdson, Gregory 164, 167

custom picture style 76


Danger Charles 2417

Daviau, Allen 3

Davidson, Adam 20

A Day at the Races 159, 18594

deinterlacing of video 107

Denevi, Marco 241

depth of field 478, 57, 59

Digital Bolex camera 2701

documentary films 232, 264

dollies 15

dramatic needs 1546

DSLR cameras 13, 23, 24951, 253, 26971

DualEyes software 1224

dynamic microphones 89


Edwards, Derek 225

Eli Jane 207, 21315

“emotional equivalency” to human vision 57

exposure and exposure meters 44, 502, 56, 2812; see also underexposure

external audio recorders 967, 1023

external hard drives 118, 256, 259, 262

external onboard microphones 101

ExtraFlat picture style 68, 70


f-stops 448, 56

“faithful” picture style 69

Fauer, Jon 23

fiction projects 2656

filters 536, 254

“flat” picture style 40, 657, 127, 135

focal length of a lens 57

Fox, Travis 19

frame rates 55

Fricks, Charles 165


Gangalter, Thomas 271

Garn, Jake 56

Gods of the Flies 2427

“golden hour” for shooting 34

“golden mean” ratio 58

Goodrich, Jon 243

Gordon, Harwood 911


handheld cameras 13, 16

Hansen, Martin 2301

Hansen Cave 2306, 240

“hard” lighting 234

headphones 97

Henry, Neil 278, 35

Henson, Jim 241

histograms 43, 56

Holterman, Tim 222

“hooks” in film stories 1545

Hurlblut, Shane 1114, 31, 33, 3940, 4852, 67, 712, 76, 79, 823, 11415, 159, 171, 20727, 265, 268

“Hurlblut” picture style 6970


image resolution 2738

Inácio, Thaís 1656

infrared filters 54

interchangeable lenses 59, 250

Isaacks, Levie 3

ISO settings 512


Jackson, Peter 56

journalism 1789, 184, 264

Juicedlink DT454 preamp 95


Kessler Crane Pocket Dolly Traveler 1517, 259, 263

The Kitchen 1412

Kolar, Rachel 222, 225


Laforet, Vincent 2, 68, 14, 29, 36, 41, 5960, 114, 139, 141, 157

Lancaster, Kurt (author) 187, 2304

“landscape” picture style 69

Laraque, Lillie 70

large-sensor cameras 26770

The Last 3 Minutes 159, 207, 21022, 226, 265, 2859

Laszlo, Andrew 3

lavalieres (lavs) 889, 93

Lawes, Steve 24, 27

lenses 447, 5763, 226, 254, 2578, 260

Lewis, C.S. 203

lighting 2337

placement of 25

setups 335

source direction 258

Livio, Mario 5

Loli, Eugenia 70

Lucas, George 138

luminance compression 283

Lynch, David 162


MacClellan, Margo 145

MacLeod, Kevin 2339

Magic Bullet software 12838

Magic Lantern 97100, 264

case study 1001

installation guide 99

Mann, Sally 164

Mathers, Jim 51, 712

memory cards 107, 255, 258, 261

“metaphoric” music (Murch) 240

microphones 8694

Millet, Guga 16071

Mohtaseb, Khalid 12930

MPEG Streamclip 10711

Murch, Walter 234, 240


Nedomansky, Yashi 1246

neutral density (ND) 489

neutral density filters 536, 254

neutral picture style 659

noise reduction software 130, 172


One Small Step 270

Orman, Brodie 213, 217


panning 14

pistol grips 95, 255, 258, 261

pixel sizes 50

“portrait” picture style 68

prime lenses 63

Pythagoras 5


Rabiger, Michael 1423

rapport 179

The Rat Pack 209

RED camera 712

Redrock Micro 19

Reichmann, Michael 43

Renaud, Brent and Craig 13, 13940

Reverie 1578

Rode NTG-2 shotgun microphone 912, 255, 258

Rode VideoMic Pro 901, 254

Rubinstein, Joe 2701

Rudd, John and Graeme 17784

rule of thirds 5


Sachett, Isadora 1604

Sassone, Shannon 232, 268

Schneider, Elle 2701

Schroer, Rii 26, 36, 159, 17784, 268

scopes 1268

shadows 249, 334

shotgun microphones 8993, 255, 258

shutter speed 55, 57

Shutterfreaks 59

Sibley, Tansy 179

Silfen, Josh 512

16 Teeth 177, 181, 183

Smith, Neil 83, 188, 190, 194, 196, 206

“soft” lighting 24

Sound Devices MixPre-D preamp 967

sound quality 848

speed of a lens 603

Spielberg, Stephen 138

spot meters 489

stabilization devices for cameras 1322

“standard” picture style 68

Steadicam Merlin 1518, 22

story structure 1548

storylines 13743, 156, 178

SuperFlat picture style 66, 68, 70, 205

syncing audio 1214


Tactical Shooter 201

Target Shooter 202

Technicolor CineStyle 66, 726, 127, 137

Technicolor PictureStyle 7682

testing before shooting 67

Thomas, Jeremy Ian 66, 83, 159, 189206

Thorp, Shannon 230

Timpanogos Cave 23740

traffic noise 923

transcoding of footage 106

tripods 14


Uncle Jack 13742, 1546

underexposure 76

user-defined picture style 76, 82

Uzeda, Bernardo 82, 16076


video “look” 2, 65

video journalism 184, 264


Wade, Mike 195, 198204

Weber, Alex 21820

Weisscam 271

Wexler, Haskell 1378

wide-angle lenses 63

Willis, Gordon 1, 156

Winans, Jamin 13742

windscreens 87, 934

writing exercises 142


XLR inputs and adapters 85, 906, 1012


Yiu, Ken 15, 18, 20


Zeiss lenses 447

zone system and zone scale 3942

zoom lenses 623

Zsigmond, Vilmos 23

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