192 High-Function Business Intelligence in e-business
The results of this query are shown in Figure 4-35.
Figure 4-35 Palo Alto branches total monthly sales
4.3.5 Identify potential fraud situations for investigation
The objective is to determine potential credit card fraud by looking for large
variations in current purchases as compared to past purchase practices.
? A Profile view maintains the average and standard deviation of each
customers credit card purchases over a reference period.
? A Big_charges table that has customer transactions whose charge card
amounts that are more than two standard deviations above the average.
BI functions showcased
1. First create a customer card usage PROFILE view.
2. Detect unusually large charges and insert a row into the BIG_CHARGES
3. Assume there is a trigger on the BIG_CHARGES table that sets off an alarm if
for example, a customer has more than three big charges within a 12 hour
period. This is not shown here.
Step 1
Create a customer usage PROFILE view as shown in Example 4-29.
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