104 High-Function Business Intelligence in e-business
3.2.7 MIN
The MIN function returns the minimum value in a set of values.
The function is applied to the set of values derived from the argument values by
the elimination of null values.
If the function is applied to an empty set, the result is a null value.
3.2.8 RAND
The RAND function returns a random floating point value between 0 and 1 using
the argument as the optional seed value. The function is defined as
An argument is not required, but if it is specified it can be either an INTEGER or
SMALLINT. Providing a seed value guarantees the repeatability of the result, and
is generally used for debugging purposes.
The result can be null, if the argument is null.
Note: The specification of DISTINCT has no effect on the result, and is
therefore not recommended. It is included for compatibility with other relational
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