Chapter 2. DB2 UDBs materialized views 65
The decision to use filtering predicates should be based on domain expertise,
and the frequency of query requests.
More detailed examples of generalizing local predicates are described in
Generalizing local predicates application example on page 69.
Example 2-36 Generalize simple predicate to GROUP BY in a materialized view
SELECT cust_id, cust_age, COUNT(*) AS counttrans
FROM trans
GROUP BY cust_id, cust_age
2.8.3 Step 3: Create the materialized view
This step involves determining whether the query under consideration can reuse
an existing materialized view as is or with some modifications, or require the
creation of a new materialize view altogether.
In case an existing materialized view can be reused without modifications, then
we need to proceed to bypass size estimation, and check whether the query
under consideration actually routes to the materialized view. This is discussed in
Step 5: Verify query routes to empty the materialized view.
2.8.4 Step 4: Estimate materialized view size
A key considerations in the design of materialized views is its size. Typically, the
materialized view should be less than an order of magnitude in size as compared
with the data in the base table(s). Large materialized views impact the cost
formulas for access which might result in their being ignored for routing even
though matching criteria are met. Large materialized views occupy more disk
space, and potentially increase refresh cycle duration, thereby reducing
availability of the materialized view.
If an estimate of the materialized view exceed this order of magnitude
, then this materialized view needs to be reduced in size by splitting it
into two or more materialized views, and/or by adding filtering predicates to
reduce the number of rows.
Order of magnitude is a rule-of-thumb number you can choose to revise this number upward or
downward based on personal experience.
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