D. Preprocessor


In this appendix you’ll learn:

Image  To use #include for developing large programs.

Image  To use #define to create macros and macros with arguments.

Image  To understand conditional compilation.

Image  To display error messages during conditional compilation.

Image  To use assertions to test if the values of expressions are correct.

Hold thou the good; define it well.

Alfred, Lord Tennyson

I have found you an argument; but I am not obliged to find you an understanding.

Samuel Johnson

A good symbol is the best argument, and is a missionary to persuade thousands.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Conditions are fundamentally sound.

Herbert Hoover [December 1929]

The partisan, when he is engaged in a dispute, cares nothing about the rights of the question, but is anxious only to convince his hearers of his own assertions.



D.1 Introduction

This chapter introduces the preprocessor. Preprocessing occurs before a program is compiled. Some possible actions are inclusion of other files in the file being compiled, definition of symbolic constants and macros, conditional compilation of program code and conditional execution of preprocessor directives. All preprocessor directives begin with #, and only whitespace characters may appear before a preprocessor directive on a line. Preprocessor directives are not C++ statements, so they do not end in a semicolon (;). Preprocessor directives are processed fully before compilation begins.

Common Programming Error D.1

Common Programming Error D.1

Placing a semicolon at the end of a preprocessor directive can lead to a variety of errors, depending on the type of preprocessor directive.

Software Engineering Observation D.1

Software Engineering Observation D.1

Many preprocessor features (especially macros) are more appropriate for C programmers than for C++ programmers. C++ programmers should familiarize themselves with the preprocessor, because they might need to work with C legacy code.

D.2 The #include Preprocessor Directive

The #include preprocessor directive has been used throughout this text. The #include directive causes a copy of a specified file to be included in place of the directive. The two forms of the #include directive are

#include <filename>
#include "filename"

The difference between these is the location the preprocessor searches for the file to be included. If the filename is enclosed in angle brackets (< and >)—used for standard library header files—the preprocessor searches for the specified file in an implementation-dependent manner, normally through predesignated directories. If the file name is enclosed in quotes, the preprocessor searches first in the same directory as the file being compiled, then in the same implementation-dependent manner as for a file name enclosed in angle brackets. This method is normally used to include programmer-defined header files.

The #include directive is used to include standard header files such as <iostream> and <iomanip>. The #include directive is also used with programs consisting of several source files that are to be compiled together. A header file containing declarations and definitions common to the separate program files is often created and included in the file. Examples of such declarations and definitions are classes, structures, unions, enumerations and function prototypes, constants and stream objects (e.g., cin).

D.3 The #define Preprocessor Directive: Symbolic Constants

The #define preprocessor directive creates symbolic constants—constants represented as symbols—and macros—operations defined as symbols. The #define preprocessor directive format is

#define  identifier replacement-text

When this line appears in a file, all subsequent occurrences (except those inside a string) of identifier in that file will be replaced by replacement-text before the program is compiled. For example,

#define PI 3.14159

replaces all subsequent occurrences of the symbolic constant PI with the numeric constant 3.14159. Symbolic constants enable you to create a name for a constant and use the name throughout the program. Later, if the constant needs to be modified throughout the program, it can be modified once in the #define preprocessor directive—and when the program is recompiled, all occurrences of the constant in the program will be modified. [Note: Everything to the right of the symbolic constant name replaces the symbolic constant. For example, #define PI = 3.14159 causes the preprocessor to replace every occurrence of PI with = 3.14159. Such replacement is the cause of many subtle logic and syntax errors.] Redefining a symbolic constant with a new value without first undefining it is also an error. Note that const variables in C++ are preferred over symbolic constants. Constant variables have a specific data type and are visible by name to a debugger. Once a symbolic constant is replaced with its replacement text, only the replacement text is visible to a debugger. A disadvantage of const variables is that they might require a memory location of their data type size—symbolic constants do not require any additional memory.

Common Programming Error D.2

Common Programming Error D.2

Using symbolic constants in a file other than the file in which the symbolic constants are defined is a compilation error (unless they are #included from a header file).

Good Programming Practice D.1

Good Programming Practice D.1

Using meaningful names for symbolic constants makes programs more self-documenting.

D.4 The #define Preprocessor Directive: Macros

[Note: This section is included for the benefit of C++ programmers who will need to work with C legacy code. In C++, macros can often be replaced by templates and inline functions.] A macro is an operation defined in a #define preprocessor directive. As with symbolic constants, the macro-identifier is replaced with the replacement-text before the program is compiled. Macros may be defined with or without arguments. A macro without arguments is processed like a symbolic constant. In a macro with arguments, the arguments are substituted in the replacement-text, then the macro is expanded—i.e., the replacement-text replaces the macro-identifier and argument list in the program. There is no data type checking for macro arguments. A macro is used simply for text substitution.

Consider the following macro definition with one argument for the area of a circle:

#define CIRCLE_AREA( x ) ( PI * ( x ) * ( x ) )

Wherever CIRCLE_AREA( y ) appears in the file, the value of y is substituted for x in the replacement text, the symbolic constant PI is replaced by its value (defined previously) and the macro is expanded in the program. For example, the statement

area = CIRCLE_AREA4 );

is expanded to

area = ( 3.14159 * ( 4 ) * ( 4 ) );

Because the expression consists only of constants, at compile time the value of the expression can be evaluated, and the result is assigned to area at runtime. The parentheses around each x in the replacement text and around the entire expression force the proper order of evaluation when the macro argument is an expression. For example, the statement

area = CIRCLE_AREA( c + 2 );

is expanded to

area = ( 3.14159 * ( c + 2 ) * ( c + 2 ) );

which evaluates correctly, because the parentheses force the proper order of evaluation. If the parentheses are omitted, the macro expansion is

area = 3.14159 * c + 2 * c + 2;

which evaluates incorrectly as

area = ( 3.14159 * c ) + ( 2 * c ) + 2;

because of the rules of operator precedence.

Common Programming Error D.3

Common Programming Error D.3

Forgetting to enclose macro arguments in parentheses in the replacement text is an error.

Macro CIRCLE_AREA could be defined as a function. Function circleArea, as in

double circleArea( double x ) { return 3.14159 * x * x; }

performs the same calculation as CIRCLE_AREA, but the overhead of a function call is associated with function circleArea. The advantages of CIRCLE_AREA are that macros insert code directly in the program—avoiding function overhead—and the program remains readable because CIRCLE_AREA is defined separately and named meaningfully. A disadvantage is that its argument is evaluated twice. Also, every time a macro appears in a program, the macro is expanded. If the macro is large, this produces an increase in program size. Thus, there is a trade-off between execution speed and program size (if disk space is low). Note that inline functions (see Chapter 6) are preferred to obtain the performance of macros and the software engineering benefits of functions.

Performance Tip D.1

Performance Tip D.1

Macros can sometimes be used to replace a function call with inline code prior to execution time. This eliminates the overhead of a function call. Inline functions are preferable to macros because they offer the type-checking services of functions.

The following is a macro definition with two arguments for the area of a rectangle:

#define RECTANGLE_AREA( x, y ) ( ( x ) * ( y ) )

Wherever RECTANGLE_AREA( a, b ) appears in the program, the values of a and b are substituted in the macro replacement text, and the macro is expanded in place of the macro name. For example, the statement

rectArea = RECTANGLE_AREA( a + 4, b + 7 );

is expanded to

rectArea = ( ( a + 4 ) * ( b + 7 ) );

The value of the expression is evaluated and assigned to variable rectArea.

The replacement text for a macro or symbolic constant is normally any text on the line after the identifier in the #define directive. If the replacement text for a macro or symbolic constant is longer than the remainder of the line, a backslash () must be placed at the end of each line of the macro (except the last line), indicating that the replacement text continues on the next line.

Symbolic constants and macros can be discarded using the #undef preprocessor directive. Directive #undef “undefines” a symbolic constant or macro name. The scope of a symbolic constant or macro is from its definition until it is either undefined with #undef or the end of the file is reached. Once undefined, a name can be redefined with #define.

Note that expressions with side effects (e.g., variable values are modified) should not be passed to a macro, because macro arguments may be evaluated more than once.

Common Programming Error D.4

Common Programming Error D.4

Macros often replace a name that wasn’t intended to be a use of the macro but just happened to be spelled the same. This can lead to exceptionally mysterious compilation and syntax errors.

D.5 Conditional Compilation

Conditional compilation enables you to control the execution of preprocessor directives and the compilation of program code. Each of the conditional preprocessor directives evaluates a constant integer expression that will determine whether the code will be compiled. Cast expressions, sizeof expressions and enumeration constants cannot be evaluated in preprocessor directives because these are all determined by the compiler and preprocessing happens before compilation.

The conditional preprocessor construct is much like the if selection structure. Consider the following preprocessor code:

#ifndef NULL
   #define NULL 0

which determines whether the symbolic constant NULL is already defined. The expression #ifndef NULL includes the code up to #endif if NULL is not defined, and skips the code if NULL is defined. Every #if construct ends with #endif. Directives #ifdef and #ifndef are shorthand for #if defined( name ) and #if !defined( name ). A multiple-part conditional preprocessor construct may be tested using the #elif (the equivalent of else if in an if structure) and the #else (the equivalent of else in an if structure) directives.

During program development, programmers often find it helpful to “comment out” large portions of code to prevent it from being compiled. If the code contains C-style comments, /* and */ cannot be used to accomplish this task, because the first */ encountered would terminate the comment. Instead, you can use the following preprocessor construct:

#if 0
  code prevented from compiling

To enable the code to be compiled, simply replace the value 0 in the preceding construct with the value 1.

Conditional compilation is commonly used as a debugging aid. Output statements are often used to print variable values and to confirm the flow of control. These output statements can be enclosed in conditional preprocessor directives so that the statements are compiled only until the debugging process is completed. For example,

#ifdef DEBUG
   cerr << "Variable x = " << x << endl;

causes the cerr statement to be compiled in the program if the symbolic constant DEBUG has been defined before directive #ifdef DEBUG. This symbolic constant is normally set by a command-line compiler or by settings in the IDE (e.g., Visual Studio) and not by an explicit #define definition. When debugging is completed, the #define directive is removed from the source file, and the output statements inserted for debugging purposes are ignored during compilation. In larger programs, it might be desirable to define several different symbolic constants that control the conditional compilation in separate sections of the source file.

Common Programming Error D.5

Common Programming Error D.5

Inserting conditionally compiled output statements for debugging purposes in locations where C++ currently expects a single statement can lead to syntax errors and logic errors. In this case, the conditionally compiled statement should be enclosed in a compound statement. Thus, when the program is compiled with debugging statements, the flow of control of the program is not altered.

D.6 The #error and #pragma Preprocessor Directives

The #error directive

#error tokens

prints an implementation-dependent message including the tokens specified in the directive. The tokens are sequences of characters separated by spaces. For example,

#error 1 - Out of range error

contains six tokens. In one popular C++ compiler, for example, when a #error directive is processed, the tokens in the directive are displayed as an error message, preprocessing stops and the program does not compile.

The #pragma directive

#pragma tokens

causes an implementation-defined action. A pragma not recognized by the implementation is ignored. A particular C++ compiler, for example, might recognize pragmas that enable you to take advantage of that compiler’s specific capabilities. For more information on #error and #pragma, see the documentation for your C++ implementation.

D.7 Operators # and ##

The # and ## preprocessor operators are available in C++ and ANSI/ISO C. The # operator causes a replacement-text token to be converted to a string surrounded by quotes. Consider the following macro definition:

#define HELLO( x ) cout << "Hello, " #x << endl;

When HELLO(John) appears in a program file, it is expanded to

cout << "Hello, " "John" << endl;

The string "John" replaces #x in the replacement text. Strings separated by whitespace are concatenated during preprocessing, so the above statement is equivalent to

cout << "Hello, John" << endl;

Note that the # operator must be used in a macro with arguments, because the operand of # refers to an argument of the macro.

The ## operator concatenates two tokens. Consider the following macro definition:

#define TOKENCONCAT( x, y ) x ## y

When TOKENCONCAT appears in the program, its arguments are concatenated and used to replace the macro. For example, TOKENCONCAT( O, K ) is replaced by OK in the program. The ## operator must have two operands.

D.8 Predefined Symbolic Constants

There are six predefined symbolic constants (Fig. D.1). The identifiers for each of these begin and (except for __cplusplus) end with two underscores. These identifiers and Preprocessor operator defined (Section D.5) cannot be used in #define or #undef directives.

Fig. D.1 The predefined symbolic constants.

Symbolic constant



The line number of the current source-code line (an integer constant).


The presumed name of the source file (a string).


The date the source file is compiled (a string of the form "Mmm dd yyyy" such as "Aug 19 2002").


Indicates whether the program conforms to the ANSI/ISO C standard. Contains value 1 if there is full conformance and is undefined otherwise.


The time the source file is compiled (a string literal of the form "hh:mm:ss").


Contains the value 199711L (the date the ISO C++ standard was approved) if the file is being compiled by a C++ compiler, undefined otherwise. Allows a file to be set up to be compiled as either C or C++.

D.9 Assertions

The assert macro—defined in the <cassert> header file—tests the value of an expression. If the value of the expression is 0 (false), then assert prints an error message and calls function abort (of the general utilities library—<cstdlib>) to terminate program execution. This is a useful debugging tool for testing whether a variable has a correct value. For example, suppose variable x should never be larger than 10 in a program. An assertion may be used to test the value of x and print an error message if the value of x is incorrect. The statement would be

assert( x <= 10 );

If x is greater than 10 when the preceding statement is encountered in a program, an error message containing the line number and file name is printed, and the program terminates. You may then concentrate on this area of the code to find the error. If the symbolic constant NDEBUG is defined, subsequent assertions will be ignored. Thus, when assertions are no longer needed (i.e., when debugging is complete), we insert the line

#define NDEBUG

in the program file rather than deleting each assertion manually. As with the DEBUG symbolic constant, NDEBUG is often set by compiler command-line options or through a setting in the IDE.

Most C++ compilers now include exception handling. C++ programmers prefer using exceptions rather than assertions. But assertions are still valuable for C++ programmers who work with C legacy code.

D.10 Wrap-Up

This appendix discussed the #include directive, which is used to develop larger programs. You also learned about the #define directive, which is used to create macros. We introduced conditional compilation, displaying error messages and using assertions. In the next appendix, you’ll implement the design of the ATM system from the Software Engineering Case Study found in Chapters 17, 9 and 13.

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