22. Other Topics


In this chapter you’ll learn:

Image  To use const_cast to temporarily treat a const object as a non-const object.

Image  To use namespaces.

Image  To use operator keywords.

Image  To use mutable members in const objects.

Image  To use class-member pointer operators .* and ->*.

Image  To use multiple inheritance.

Image  The role of virtual base classes in multiple inheritance.

What’s in a name? that which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet.
—William Shakespeare

O Diamond! Diamond! thou little knowest the mischief done!
—Sir Isaac Newton


22.1 Introduction

We now consider several advanced C++ features. First, you’ll learn about the const_cast operator, which allows programmers to add or remove the const qualification of a variable. Next, we discuss namespaces, which can be used to ensure that every identifier in a program has a unique name and can help resolve naming conflicts caused by using libraries that have the same variable, function or class names. We then present several operator keywords that are useful for programmers who have keyboards that do not support certain characters used in operator symbols, such as !, &, ^, ~ and |. We continue our discussion with the mutable storage-class specifier, which enables a programmer to indicate that a data member should always be modifiable, even when it appears in an object that is currently being treated as a const object by the program. Next we introduce two special operators that we can use with pointers to class members to access a data member or member function without knowing its name in advance. Finally, we introduce multiple inheritance, which enables a derived class to inherit the members of several base classes. As part of this introduction, we discuss potential problems with multiple inheritance and how virtual inheritance can be used to solve those problems.

22.2 const_cast Operator

C++ provides the const_cast operator for casting away const or volatile qualification. You declare a variable with the volatile qualifier when you expect the variable to be modified by hardware or other programs not known to the compiler. Declaring a variable volatile indicates that the compiler should not optimize the use of that variable because doing so could affect the ability of those other programs to access and modify the volatile variable.

In general, it is dangerous to use the const_cast operator, because it allows a program to modify a variable that was declared const, and thus was not supposed to be modifiable. There are cases in which it is desirable, or even necessary, to cast away const-ness. For example, older C and C++ libraries might provide functions that have non-const parameters and that do not modify their parameters. If you wish to pass const data to such a function, you would need to cast away the data’s const-ness; otherwise, the compiler would report error messages.

Similarly, you could pass non-const data to a function that treats the data as if it were constant, then returns that data as a constant. In such cases, you might need to cast away the const-ness of the returned data, as we demonstrate in Fig. 22.1.

Fig. 22.1 Demonstrating operator const_cast.

 1   // Fig. 22.1: fig22_01.cpp
 2   // Demonstrating const_cast.
 3   #include <iostream>
 4   using std::cout;
 5   using std::endl;
 7   #include <cstring> // contains prototypes for functions strcmp and strlen
 8   #include <cctype> // contains prototype for function toupper
10   // returns the larger of two C-style strings
11   const char *maximum( const char *first, const char *second )
12   {
13      return ( strcmp( first, second ) >= 0 ? first : second );
14   } // end function maximum
16   int main()
17   {
18      char s1[] = "hello"; // modifiable array of characters
19      char s2[] = "goodbye"; // modifiable array of characters
21      // const_cast required to allow the const char * returned by maximum
22      // to be assigned to the char * variable maxPtr
23      char *maxPtr = const_castchar * >( maximum( s1, s2 ) );
25      cout << "The larger string is: " << maxPtr << endl;
27      for ( size_t i = 0; i < strlen( maxPtr ); i++ )
28         maxPtr[ i ] = toupper( maxPtr[ i ] );
30      cout << "The larger string capitalized is: " << maxPtr << endl;
31      return 0;
32   } // end main

The larger string is: hello
The larger string capitalized is: HELLO

In this program, function maximum (lines 11–14) receives two C-style strings as const char * parameters and returns a const char * that points to the larger of the two strings. Function main declares the two C-style strings as non-const char arrays (lines 18–19); thus, these arrays are modifiable. In main, we wish to output the larger of the two C-style strings, then modify that C-style string by converting it to uppercase letters.

Function maximum’s two parameters are of type const char *, so the function’s return type also must be declared as const char *. If the return type is specified as only char *, the compiler issues an error message indicating that the value being returned cannot be converted from const char * to char *—a dangerous conversion, because it attempts to treat data that the function believes to be const as if it were non-const data.

Even though function maximum believes the data to be constant, we know that the original arrays in main do not contain constant data. Therefore, main should be able to modify the contents of those arrays as necessary. Since we know these arrays are modifiable, we use const_cast (line 23) to cast away the const-ness of the pointer returned by maximum, so we can then modify the data in the array representing the larger of the two C-style strings. We can then use the pointer as the name of a character array in the for statement (lines 27–28) to convert the contents of the larger string to uppercase letters. Without the const_cast in line 23, this program will not compile, because you are not allowed to assign a pointer of type const char * to a pointer of type char *.

Error-Prevention Tip 22.1

Error-Prevention Tip 22.1

In general, a const_cast should be used only when it is known in advance that the original data is not constant. Otherwise, unexpected results may occur.

22.3 namespaces

A program includes many identifiers defined in different scopes. Sometimes a variable of one scope will “overlap” (i.e., collide) with a variable of the same name in a different scope, possibly creating a naming conflict. Such overlapping can occur at many levels. Identifier overlapping occurs frequently in third-party libraries that happen to use the same names for global identifiers (such as functions). This can cause compiler errors.

Good Programming Practice 22.1

Good Programming Practice 22.1

Avoid identifiers that begin with the underscore character, as these can lead to linker errors. Many code libraries use names that begin with underscores.

The C++ standard solves this problem with namespaces. Each namespace defines a scope in which identifiers and variables are placed. To use a namespace member, either the member’s name must be qualified with the namespace name and the binary scope resolution operator (::), as in


or a using declaration or using directive must appear before the name is used in the program. Typically, such using statements are placed at the beginning of the file in which members of the namespace are used. For example, placing the following using directive at the beginning of a source-code file

using namespace MyNameSpace;

specifies that members of namespace MyNameSpace can be used in the file without preceding each member with MyNameSpace and the scope resolution operator (::).

A using declaration (e.g., using std::cout;) brings one name into the scope where the declaration appears. A using directive (e.g., using namespace std;) brings all the names from the specified namespace into the scope where the directive appears.

Software Engineering Observation 22.1

Software Engineering Observation 22.1

Ideally, in large programs, every entity should be declared in a class, function, block or namespace. This helps clarify every entity’s role.

Error-Prevention Tip 22.2

Error-Prevention Tip 22.2

Precede a member with its namespace name and the scope resolution operator (::) if the possibility exists of a naming conflict.

Not all namespaces are guaranteed to be unique. Two third-party vendors might inadvertently use the same identifiers for their namespace names. Figure 22.2 demonstrates the use of namespaces.

Fig. 22.2 Demonstrating the use of namespaces.

 1   // Fig. 22.2: fig22_02.cpp
 2   // Demonstrating namespaces.
 3   #include <iostream>
 4   using namespace std; // use std namespace
 6   int integer1 = 98// global variable
 8   // create namespace Example                           
 9   namespace Example                                     
10   {                                                     
11      // declare two constants and one variable          
12      const double PI = 3.14159;                         
13      const double E = 2.71828;                          
14      int integer1 = 8;                                  
16      void printValues(); // prototype                   
18      // nested namespace                                
19      namespace Inner                                    
20      {                                                  
21         // define enumeration                           
22         enum Years { FISCAL1 = 1990, FISCAL2, FISCAL3 };
23      } // end Inner namespace                           
24   } // end Example namespace                            
26   // create unnamed namespace                           
27   namespace                                             
28   {                                                     
29      double doubleInUnnamed = 88.22; // declare variable
30   } // end unnamed namespace                            
32   int main()
33   {
34      // output value doubleInUnnamed of unnamed namespace
35      cout << "doubleInUnnamed = " << doubleInUnnamed;
37      // output global variable
38      cout << " (global) integer1 = " << integer1;
40      // output values of Example namespace
41      cout << " PI = " << Example::PI << " E = " << Example::E
42         << " integer1 = " << Example::integer1 << " FISCAL3 = "
43         << Example::Inner::FISCAL3 << endl;

45      Example::printValues(); // invoke printValues function
46      return 0;
47   } // end main
49   // display variable and constant values
50   void Example::printValues()
51   {
52      cout << " In printValues: integer1 = " << integer1 << " PI = "
53         << PI << " E = " << E << " doubleInUnnamed = "
54         << doubleInUnnamed << " (global) integer1 = " << ::integer1
55         << " FISCAL3 = " << Inner::FISCAL3 << endl;
56   } // end printValues

doubleInUnnamed = 88.22
(global) integer1 = 98
PI = 3.14159
E = 2.71828
integer1 = 8
FISCAL3 = 1992

In printValues:
integer1 = 8
PI = 3.14159
E = 2.71828
doubleInUnnamed = 88.22
(global) integer1 = 98
FISCAL3 = 1992

Using the std Namespace

Line 4 informs the compiler that namespace std is being used. The contents of header file <iostream> are all defined as part of namespace std. [Note: Most C++ programmers consider it poor practice to write a using directive such as line 4 because the entire contents of the namespace are included, thus increasing the likelihood of a naming conflict.]

The using namespace directive specifies that the members of a namespace will be used frequently throughout a program. This allows you to access all the members of the namespace and to write more concise statements such as

cout << "double1 = " << double1;

rather than

std::cout << "double1 = " << double1;

Without line 4, either every cout and endl in Fig. 22.2 would have to be qualified with std::, or individual using declarations must be included for cout and endl as in:

using std::cout;
using std::endl;

The using namespace directive can be used for predefined namespaces (e.g., std) or programmer-defined namespaces.

Defining Namespaces

Lines 9–24 use the keyword namespace to define namespace Example. The body of a namespace is delimited by braces ({}). Namespace Example’s members consist of two constants (PI and E in lines 12–13), an int (integer1 in line 14), a function (printValues in line 16) and a nested namespace (Inner in lines 19–23). Notice that member integer1 has the same name as global variable integer1 (line 6). Variables that have the same name must have different scopes—otherwise compilation errors occur. A namespace can contain constants, data, classes, nested namespaces, functions, etc. Definitions of namespaces must occupy the global scope or be nested within other namespaces.

Lines 27–30 create an unnamed namespace containing the member doubleInUnnamed. The unnamed namespace has an implicit using directive, so its members appear to occupy the global namespace, are accessible directly and do not have to be qualified with a namespace name. Global variables are also part of the global namespace and are accessible in all scopes following the declaration in the file.

Software Engineering Observation 22.2

Software Engineering Observation 22.2

Each separate compilation unit has its own unique unnamed namespace; i.e., the unnamed namespace replaces the static linkage specifier.

Accessing Namespace Members with Qualified Names

Line 35 outputs the value of variable doubleInUnnamed, which is directly accessible as part of the unnamed namespace. Line 38 outputs the value of global variable integer1. For both of these variables, the compiler first attempts to locate a local declaration of the variables in main. Since there are no local declarations, the compiler assumes those variables are in the global namespace.

Lines 41–43 output the values of PI, E, integer1 and FISCAL3 from namespace Example. Notice that each must be qualified with Example:: because the program does not provide any using directive or declarations indicating that it will use members of namespace Example. In addition, member integer1 must be qualified, because a global variable has the same name. Otherwise, the global variable’s value is output. Notice that FISCAL3 is a member of nested namespace Inner, so it must be qualified with Example::Inner::.

Function printValues (defined in lines 50–56) is a member of Example, so it can access other members of the Example namespace directly without using a namespace qualifier. The output statement in lines 52–55 outputs integer1, PI, E, doubleInUnnamed, global variable integer1 and FISCAL3. Notice that PI and E are not qualified with Example. Variable doubleInUnnamed is still accessible, because it is in the unnamed namespace and the variable name does not conflict with any other members of namespace Example. The global version of integer1 must be qualified with the unary scope resolution operator (::), because its name conflicts with a member of namespace Example. Also, FISCAL3 must be qualified with Inner::. When accessing members of a nested namespace, the members must be qualified with the namespace name (unless the member is being used inside the nested namespace).

Common Programming Error 22.1

Common Programming Error 22.1

Placing main in a namespace is a compilation error.

Aliases for Namespace Names

Namespaces can be aliased. For example the statement

namespace CPPFP = CPlusPlusForProgrammers;

creates the alias CPPFP for CPlusPlusForProgrammers.

22.4 Operator Keywords

The C++ standard provides operator keywords (Fig. 22.3) that can be used in place of several C++ operators. Operator keywords are useful for programmers who have keyboards that do not support certain characters such as !, &, ^, ~, |, etc.

Fig. 22.3 Operator keyword alternatives to operator symbols.


Operator keyword


Logical operator keywords



logical AND



logical OR



logical NOT

Inequality operator keyword




Bitwise operator keywords



bitwise AND



bitwise inclusive OR



bitwise exclusive OR



bitwise complement

Bitwise assignment operator keywords



bitwise AND assignment



bitwise inclusive OR assignment



bitwise exclusive OR assignment

Figure 22.4 demonstrates the operator keywords. This program was compiled with Microsoft Visual C++ 2005, which requires the header file <iso646.h> (line 8) to use the operator keywords. In GNU C++, line 8 should be removed and the program should be compiled as follows:

g++ -foperator-names fig22_04.cpp -o fig22_04

The compiler option -foperator-names indicates that the compiler should enable use of the operator keywords in Fig. 22.3. Other compilers may not require you to include a header file or to use a compiler option to enable support for these keywords. For example, the Borland C++ 5.6.4 compiler implicitly permits these keywords.

Fig. 22.4 Demonstrating the operator keywords.

 1   // Fig. 22.4: fig22_04.cpp
 2   // Demonstrating operator keywords.
 3   #include <iostream>
 4   using std::boolalpha;
 5   using std::cout;
 6   using std::endl;
 8   #include <iso646.h> // enables operator keywords in Microsoft Visual C++
10   int main()
11   {
12      bool a = true;
13      bool b = false;
14      int c = 2;
15      int d = 3;
17      // sticky setting that causes bool values to display as true or false
18      cout << boolalpha;
20      cout << "a = " << a << "; b = " << b
21         << "; c = " << c << "; d = " << d;
23      cout << " Logical operator keywords:";
24      cout << "    a and a: " << ( a and a );
25      cout << "    a and b: " << ( a and b );
26      cout << "     a or a: " << ( a or a );
27      cout << "     a or b: " << ( a or b );
28      cout << "      not a: " << not a );
29      cout << "      not b: " << not b );
30      cout << " a not_eq b: " << ( a not_eq b );
32      cout << " Bitwise operator keywords:";
33      cout << " c bitand d: " << ( c bitand d );
34      cout << " c bit_or d: " << ( c bitor d );
35      cout << "    c xor d: " << ( c xor d );
36      cout << "    compl c: " << compl c );
37      cout << " c and_eq d: " << ( c and_eq d );
38      cout << "  c or_eq d: " << ( c or_eq d );
39      cout << " c xor_eq d: " << ( c xor_eq d ) << endl;
40      return 0;
41   } // end main

a = true; b = false; c = 2; d = 3

Logical operator keywords:
   a and a: true
   a and b: false
    a or a: true
    a or b: true
     not a: false
     not b: true
a not_eq b: true

Bitwise operator keywords:
c bitand d: 2
c bit_or d: 3
   c xor d: 1
   compl c: -3
c and_eq d: 2
 c or_eq d: 3
c xor_eq d: 0

The program declares and initializes two bool variables and two integer variables (lines 12–15). Logical operations (lines 24–30) are performed with bool variables a and b using the various logical operator keywords. Bitwise operations (lines 33–39) are performed with the int variables c and d using the various bitwise operator keywords. The result of each operation is output.

22.5 mutable Class Members

In Section 22.2, we introduced the const_cast operator, which allowed us to remove the “const-ness” of a type. A const_cast operation can also be applied to a data member of a const object from the body of a const member function of that object’s class. This enables the const member function to modify the data member, even though the object is considered to be const in the body of that function. Such an operation might be performed when most of an object’s data members should be considered const, but a particular data member still needs to be modified.

As an example, consider a linked list that maintains its contents in sorted order. Searching through the linked list does not require modifications to the data of the linked list, so the search function could be a const member function of the linked-list class. However, it is conceivable that a linked-list object, in an effort to make future searches more efficient, might keep track of the location of the last successful match. If the next search operation attempts to locate an item that appears later in the list, the search could begin from the location of the last successful match, rather than from the beginning of the list. To do this, the const member function that performs the search must be able to modify the data member that keeps track of the last successful search.

If a data member such as the one described above should always be modifiable, C++ provides the storage-class specifier mutable as an alternative to const_cast. A mutable data member is always modifiable, even in a const member function or const object. This reduces the need to cast away “const-ness.”

Portability Tip 22.1

Portability Tip 22.1

The effect of attempting to modify an object that was defined as constant, regardless of whether that modification was made possible by a const_cast or C-style cast, varies among compilers.

mutable and const_cast are used in different contexts. For a const object with no mutable data members, operator const_cast must be used every time a member is to be modified. This greatly reduces the chance of a member being accidentally modified because the member is not permanently modifiable. Operations involving const_cast are typically hidden in a member function’s implementation. The user of a class might not be aware that a member is being modified.

Software Engineering Observation 22.3

Software Engineering Observation 22.3

mutable members are useful in classes that have “secret” implementation details that do not contribute to the logical value of an object.

Mechanical Demonstration of a mutable Data Member

Figure 22.5 demonstrates using a mutable member. The program defines class TestMutable (lines 8–22), which contains a constructor, function getValue and a private data member value that is declared mutable. Lines 16–19 define function getValue as a const member function that returns a copy of value. Notice that the function increments mutable data member value in the return statement. Normally, a const member function cannot modify data members unless the object on which the function operates—i.e., the one to which this points—is cast (using const_cast) to a non-const type. Because value is mutable, this const function is able to modify the data.

Fig. 22.5 Demonstrating a mutable data member.

 1   // Fig. 22.5: fig22_05.cpp
 2   // Demonstrating storage-class specifier mutable.
 3   #include <iostream>
 4   using std::cout;
 5   using std::endl;
 7   // class TestMutable definition
 8   class TestMutable
 9   {
10   public:
11      TestMutable( int v = 0 )
12      {
13         value = v;
14      } // end TestMutable constructor
16      int getValue() const
17      {
18         return value++; // increments value
19      } // end function getValue
20   private:
21      mutable int value; // mutable member
22   }; // end class TestMutable
24   int main()
25   {
26      const TestMutable test( 99 );
28      cout << "Initial value: " << test.getValue();
29      cout << " Modified value: " << test.getValue() << endl;
30      return 0;
31   } // end main

Initial value: 99
Modified value: 100

Line 26 declares const TestMutable object test and initializes it to 99. Line 28 calls the const member function getValue, which adds one to value and returns its previous contents. Notice that the compiler allows the call to member function getValue on the object test because it is a const object and getValue is a const member function. However, getValue modifies variable value. Thus, when line 29 invokes getValue again, the new value (100) is output to prove that the mutable data member was indeed modified.

22.6 Pointers to Class Members (.* and ->*)

C++ provides the .* and ->* operators for accessing class members via pointers. This is a rarely used capability that is used primarily by advanced C++ programmers. We provide only a mechanical example of using pointers to class members here. Figure 22.6 demonstrates the pointer-to-class-member operators.

Fig. 22.6 Demonstrating the .* and ->* operators.

 1   // Fig. 22.6: fig22_06.cpp
 2   // Demonstrating operators .* and ->*.
 3   #include <iostream>
 4   using std::cout;
 5   using std::endl;
 7   // class Test definition
 8   class Test
 9   {
10   public:
11      void test()
12      {
13         cout << "In test function ";
14      } // end function test
16      int value; // public data member
17   }; // end class Test
19   void arrowStar( Test * ); // prototype
20   void dotStar( Test * ); // prototype
22   int main()
23   {
24      Test test;
25      test.value = 8; // assign value 8
26      arrowStar( &test ); // pass address to arrowStar
27      dotStar( &test ); // pass address to dotStar

28      return 0;
29   } // end main
31   // access member function of Test object using ->*
32   void arrowStar( Test *testPtr )
33   {
34      void ( Test::*memPtr )() = &Test::test; // declare function pointer
35      ( testPtr->*memPtr )(); // invoke function indirectly              
36   } // end arrowStar
38   // access members of Test object data member using .*
39   void dotStar( Test *testPtr2 )
40   {
41      int Test::*vPtr = &Test::value; // declare pointer  
42      cout << ( *testPtr2 ).*vPtr << endl; // access value
43   } // end dotStar

In test function

The program declares class Test (lines 8–17), which provides public member function test and public data member value. Lines 19–20 provide prototypes for the functions arrowStar (defined in lines 32–36) and dotStar (defined in lines 39–43), which demonstrate the ->* and .* operators, respectively. Lines 24 creates object test, and line 25 assigns 8 to its data member value. Lines 26–27 call functions arrowStar and dotStar with the address of the object test.

Line 34 in function arrowStar declares and initializes variable memPtr as a pointer to a member function. In this declaration, Test::* indicates that the variable memPtr is a pointer to a member of class Test. To declare a pointer to a function, enclose the pointer name preceded by * in parentheses, as in ( Test::*memPtr ). A pointer to a function must specify, as part of its type, both the return type of the function it points to and the parameter list of that function. The function’s return type appears to the left of the left parenthesis and the parameter list appears in a separate set of parentheses to the right of the pointer declaration. In this case, the function has a void return type and no parameters. The pointer memPtr is initialized with the address of class Test’s member function named test. Note that the header of the function must match the function pointer’s declaration—i.e., function test must have a void return type and no parameters. Notice that the right side of the assignment uses the address operator (&) to get the address of the member function test. Also, notice that neither the left side nor the right side of the assignment in line 34 refers to a specific object of class Test. Only the class name is used with the binary scope resolution operator (::). Line 35 invokes the member function stored in memPtr (i.e., test), using the ->* operator. Because memPtr is a pointer to a member of a class, the ->* operator must be used rather than the -> operator to invoke the function.

Line 41 declares and initializes vPtr as a pointer to an int data member of class Test. The right side of the assignment specifies the address of the data member value. Line 42 dereferences the pointer testPtr2, then uses the .* operator to access the member to which vPtr points. Note that the client code can create pointers to class members for only those class members that are accessible to the client code. In this example, both member function test and data member value are publicly accessible.

Common Programming Error 22.2

Common Programming Error 22.2

Declaring a member-function pointer without enclosing the pointer name in parentheses is a syntax error.

Common Programming Error 22.3

Common Programming Error 22.3

Declaring a member-function pointer without preceding the pointer name with a class name followed by the scope resolution operator (::) is a syntax error.

Common Programming Error 22.4

Common Programming Error 22.4

Attempting to use the -> or * operator with a pointer to a class member generates syntax errors.

22.7 Multiple Inheritance

In Chapters 12 and 13, we discussed single inheritance, in which each class is derived from exactly one base class. In C++, a class may be derived from more than one base class—a technique known as multiple inheritance in which a derived class inherits the members of two or more base classes. This powerful capability encourages interesting forms of software reuse but can cause a variety of ambiguity problems. Multiple inheritance is a difficult concept that should be used only by experienced programmers. In fact, some of the problems associated with multiple inheritance are so subtle that newer programming languages, such as Java and C#, do not enable a class to derive from more than one base class.

Good Programming Practice 22.2

Good Programming Practice 22.2

Multiple inheritance is a powerful capability when used properly. Multiple inheritance should be used when an is-a relationship exists between a new type and two or more existing types (i.e., type A is a type B and type A is a type C).

Software Engineering Observation 22.4

Software Engineering Observation 22.4

Multiple inheritance can introduce complexity into a system. Great care is required in the design of a system to use multiple inheritance properly; it should not be used when single inheritance and/or composition will do the job.

A common problem with multiple inheritance is that each of the base classes might contain data members or member functions that have the same name. This can lead to ambiguity problems when you attempt to compile. Consider the multiple-inheritance example (Fig. 22.7, Fig. 22.8, Fig. 22.9, Fig. 22.10, Fig. 22.11). Class Base1 (Fig. 22.7) contains one protected int data member—value (line 20), a constructor (lines 10–13) that sets value and public member function getData (lines 15–18) that returns value.

Fig. 22.7 Demonstrating multiple inheritance—Base1.h.

 1   // Fig. 22.7: Base1.h
 2   // Definition of class Base1
 3   #ifndef BASE1_H
 4   #define BASE1_H
 6   // class Base1 definition
 7   class Base1
 8   {
 9   public:
10      Base1( int parameterValue )
11      {
12         value = parameterValue;
13      } // end Base1 constructor
15      int getData() const
16      {
17         return value;
18      } // end function getData
19   protected: // accessible to derived classes
20      int value; // inherited by derived class
21   }; // end class Base1
23   #endif // BASE1_H

Class Base2 (Fig. 22.8) is similar to class Base1, except that its protected data is a char named letter (line 20). Like class Base1, Base2 has a public member function getData, but this function returns the value of char data member letter.

Fig. 22.8 Demonstrating multiple inheritance—Base2.h.

 1   // Fig. 22.8: Base2.h
 2   // Definition of class Base2
 3   #ifndef BASE2_H
 4   #define BASE2_H
 6   // class Base2 definition
 7   class Base2
 8   {
 9   public:
10      Base2( char characterData )
11      {
12         letter = characterData;
13      } // end Base2 constructor
15      char getData() const
16      {
17         return letter;
18      } // end function getData
19   protected: // accessible to derived classes
20      char letter; // inherited by derived class
21   }; // end class Base2
23   #endif // BASE2_H

Class Derived (Figs. 22.922.10) inherits from both class Base1 and class Base2 through multiple inheritance. Class Derived has a private data member of type double named real (line 21), a constructor to initialize all the data of class Derived and a public member function getReal that returns the value of double variable real.

Fig. 22.9 Demonstrating multiple inheritance—Derived.h.

 1   // Fig. 22.9: Derived.h
 2   // Definition of class Derived which inherits
 3   // multiple base classes (Base1 and Base2).
 4   #ifndef DERIVED_H
 5   #define DERIVED_H
 7   #include <iostream>
 8   using std::ostream;
10   #include "Base1.h"
11   #include "Base2.h"
13   // class Derived definition
14   class Derived : public Base1, public Base2
15   {
16      friend ostream &operator<<( ostream &, const Derived & );
17   public:
18      Derived( int, char, double );
19      double getReal() const;
20   private:
21      double real; // derived class's private data
22   }; // end class Derived
24   #endif // DERIVED_H

To indicate multiple inheritance we follow the colon (:) after class Derived with a comma-separated list of base classes (line 14). In Fig. 22.10, notice that constructor Derived explicitly calls base-class constructors for each of its base classes—Base1 and Base2—using the member-initializer syntax (line 9). The base-class constructors are called in the order that the inheritance is specified, not in the order in which their constructors are mentioned; also, if the base-class constructors are not explicitly called in the member-initializer list, their default constructors will be called implicitly.

Fig. 22.10 Demonstrating multiple inheritance—Derived.cpp.

 1   // Fig. 22.10: Derived.cpp
 2   // Member-function definitions for class Derived
 3   #include "Derived.h"
 5   // constructor for Derived calls constructors for              
 6   // class Base1 and class Base2.                                
 7   // use member initializers to call base-class constructors     
 8   Derived::Derived( int integer, char character, double double1 )
 9      : Base1( integer ), Base2( character ), real( double1 ) { } 
11   // return real
12   double Derived::getReal() const
13   {
14      return real;
15   } // end function getReal
17   // display all data members of Derived
18   ostream &operator<<( ostream &output, const Derived &derived )
19   {
20      output << "    Integer: " << derived.value << "   Character: "
21           << derived.letter << " Real number: " << derived.real;
22      return output; // enables cascaded calls
23   } // end operator<<

The overloaded stream insertion operator (Fig. 22.10, lines 18–23) uses its second parameter—a reference to a Derived object—to display a Derived object’s data. This operator function is a friend of Derived, so operator<< can directly access all of class Derived’s protected and private members, including the protected data member value (inherited from class Base1), protected data member letter (inherited from class Base2) and private data member real (declared in class Derived).

Now let us examine the main function (Fig. 22.11) that tests the classes in Figs. 22.722.10. Line 13 creates Base1 object base1 and initializes it to the int value 10, then creates the pointer base1Ptr and initializes it to the null pointer (i.e., 0). Line 14 creates Base2 object base2 and initializes it to the char value 'Z', then creates the pointer base2Ptr and initializes it to the null pointer. Line 15 creates Derived object derived and initializes it to contain the int value 7, the char value 'A' and the double value 3.5.

Fig. 22.11 Demonstrating multiple inheritance.

 1   // Fig. 22.11: fig22_11.cpp
 2   // Driver for multiple-inheritance example.
 3   #include <iostream>
 4   using std::cout;
 5   using std::endl;
 7   #include "Base1.h"
 8   #include "Base2.h"
 9   #include "Derived.h"
11   int main()
12   {
13      Base1 base1( 10 ), *base1Ptr = 0; // create Base1 object
14      Base2 base2( 'Z' ), *base2Ptr = 0; // create Base2 object
15      Derived derived( 7, 'A', 3.5 ); // create Derived object
17      // print data members of base-class objects
18      cout << "Object base1 contains integer " << base1.getData()
19         << " Object base2 contains character " << base2.getData()
20         << " Object derived contains: " << derived << " ";
22      // print data members of derived-class object
23      // scope resolution operator resolves getData ambiguity
24      cout << "Data members of Derived can be accessed individually:"
25         << "     Integer: " << derived.Base1::getData()
26         << "   Character: " << derived.Base2::getData()
27         << " Real number: " << derived.getReal() << " ";
28      cout << "Derived can be treated as an object of either base class: ";
30      // treat Derived as a Base1 object
31      base1Ptr = &derived;
32      cout << "base1Ptr->getData() yields " << base1Ptr->getData() << ' ';

34      // treat Derived as a Base2 object
35      base2Ptr = &derived;
36      cout << "base2Ptr->getData() yields " << base2Ptr->getData() << endl;
37      return 0;
38   } // end main

Object base1 contains integer 10
Object base2 contains character Z
Object derived contains:
    Integer: 7
  Character: A
Real number: 3.5

Data members of Derived can be accessed individually:
    Integer: 7
  Character: A
Real number: 3.5

Derived can be treated as an object of either base class:
base1Ptr->getData() yields 7
base2Ptr->getData() yields A

Lines 18–20 display each object’s data values. For objects base1 and base2, we invoke each object’s getData member function. Even though there are two getData functions in this example, the calls are not ambiguous. In line 18, the compiler knows that base1 is an object of class Base1, so class Base1’s getData is called. In line 19, the compiler knows that base2 is an object of class Base2, so class Base2’s getData is called. Line 20 displays the contents of object derived using the overloaded stream insertion operator.

Resolving Ambiguity Issues That Arise When a Derived Class Inherits Member Functions of the Same Name from Multiple Base Classes

Lines 24–27 output the contents of object derived again by using the get member functions of class Derived. However, there is an ambiguity problem, because this object contains two getData functions, one inherited from class Base1 and one inherited from class Base2. This problem is easy to solve by using the binary scope resolution operator. The expression derived.Base1::getData() gets the value of the variable inherited from class Base1 (i.e., the int variable named value) and derived.Base2::getData() gets the value of the variable inherited from class Base2 (i.e., the char variable named letter). The double value in real is printed without ambiguity with the call derived.getReal()—there are no other member functions with that name in the hierarchy.

Demonstrating the Is-A Relationships in Multiple Inheritance

The is-a relationships of single inheritance also apply in multiple-inheritance relationships. To demonstrate this, line 31 assigns the address of object derived to the Base1 pointer base1Ptr. This is allowed because an object of class Derived is an object of class Base1. Line 32 invokes Base1 member function getData via base1Ptr to obtain the value of only the Base1 part of the object derived. Line 35 assigns the address of object derived to the Base2 pointer base2Ptr. This is allowed because an object of class Derived is an object of class Base2. Line 36 invokes Base2 member function getData via base2Ptr to obtain the value of only the Base2 part of the object derived.

22.8 Multiple Inheritance and virtual Base Classes

In Section 22.7, we discussed multiple inheritance, the process by which one class inherits from two or more classes. Multiple inheritance is used, for example, in the C++ standard library to form class basic_iostream (Fig. 22.12).

Fig. 22.12 Multiple inheritance to form class basic_iostream.

Multiple inheritance to form class basic_iostream.

Class basic_ios is the base class for both basic_istream and basic_ostream, each of which is formed with single inheritance. Class basic_iostream inherits from both basic_istream and basic_ostream. This enables class basic_iostream objects to provide the functionality of basic_istreams and basic_ostreams. In multiple-inheritance hierarchies, the situation described in Fig. 22.12 is referred to as diamond inheritance.

Because classes basic_istream and basic_ostream each inherit from basic_ios, a potential problem exists for basic_iostream. Class basic_iostream could contain two copies of the members of class basic_ios—one inherited via class basic_istream and one inherited via class basic_ostream). Such a situation would be ambiguous and would result in a compilation error, because the compiler would not know which version of the members from class basic_ios to use. Of course, basic_iostream does not really suffer from the problem we mentioned. In this section, you’ll see how using virtual base classes solves the problem of inheriting duplicate copies of an indirect base class.

Compilation Errors Produced When Ambiguity Arises in Diamond Inheritance

Figure 22.13 demonstrates the ambiguity that can occur in diamond inheritance. The program defines class Base (lines 9–13), which contains pure virtual function print (line 12). Classes DerivedOne (lines 16–24) and DerivedTwo (lines 27–35) each publicly inherit from class Base and override the print function. Class DerivedOne and class DerivedTwo each contain what the C++ standard refers to as a base-class subobject—i.e., the members of class Base in this example.

Fig. 22.13 Attempting to call a multiply inherited function polymorphically.

 1   // Fig. 22.13: fig22_13.cpp
 2   // Attempting to polymorphically call a function that is
 3   // multiply inherited from two base classes.
 4   #include <iostream>
 5   using std::cout;
 6   using std::endl;
 8   // class Base definition
 9   class Base
10   {
11   public:
12      virtual void print() const = 0; // pure virtual
13   }; // end class Base
15   // class DerivedOne definition
16   class DerivedOne : public Base
17   {
18   public:
19      // override print function
20      void print() const        
21      {                         
22         cout << "DerivedOne ";
23      } // end function print   
24   }; // end class DerivedOne
26   // class DerivedTwo definition
27   class DerivedTwo : public Base
28   {
29   public:
30      // override print function
31      void print() const        
32      {                         
33         cout << "DerivedTwo ";
34      } // end function print   
35   }; // end class DerivedTwo
37   // class Multiple definition
38   class Multiple : public DerivedOne, public DerivedTwo
39   {
40   public:
41      // qualify which version of function print
42      void print() const                        
43      {                                         
44         DerivedTwo::print();                   
45      } // end function print                   
46   }; // end class Multiple
48   int main()
49   {
50      Multiple both; // instantiate Multiple object
51      DerivedOne one; // instantiate DerivedOne object
52      DerivedTwo two; // instantiate DerivedTwo object
53      Base *array[ 3 ]; // create array of base-class pointers
55      array[ 0 ] = &both; // ERROR--ambiguous
56      array[ 1 ] = &one;
57      array[ 2 ] = &two;
59      // polymorphically invoke print
60      for ( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
61         array[ i ] -> print();
63      return 0;
64   } // end main

C:cppfp_examplesch24fig22_20fig22_20.cpp(55): error C2594:
'=' : ambiguous conversions from 'Multiple *' to 'Base *'

Class Multiple (lines 38–46) inherits from both classes DerivedOne and DerivedTwo. In class Multiple, function print is overridden to call DerivedTwo’s print (line 44). Notice that we must qualify the print call with the class name DerivedTwo to specify which version of print to call.

Function main (lines 48–64) declares objects of classes Multiple (line 50), DerivedOne (line 51) and DerivedTwo (line 52). Line 53 declares an array of Base * pointers. Each array element is initialized with the address of an object (lines 55–57). An error occurs when the address of both—an object of class Multiple—is assigned to array[ 0 ]. The object both actually contains two subobjects of type Base, so the compiler does not know which subobject the pointer array[ 0 ] should point to, and it generates a compilation error indicating an ambiguous conversion.

Eliminating Duplicate Subobjects with virtual Base-Class Inheritance

The problem of duplicate subobjects is resolved with virtual inheritance. When a base class is inherited as virtual, only one subobject will appear in the derived class—a process called virtual base-class inheritance. Figure 22.14 revises the program of Fig. 22.13 to use a virtual base class.

Fig. 22.14 Using virtual base classes.

 1   // Fig. 22.14: fig22_14.cpp
 2   // Using virtual base classes.
 3   #include <iostream>
 4   using std::cout;
 5   using std::endl;
 7   // class Base definition
 8   class Base
 9   {
10   public:
11      virtual void print() const = 0; // pure virtual
12   }; // end class Base
14   // class DerivedOne definition
15   class DerivedOne : virtual public Base
16   {
17   public:
18      // override print function
19      void print() const        
20      {                         
21         cout << "DerivedOne ";
22      } // end function print   
23   }; // end DerivedOne class
25   // class DerivedTwo definition
26   class DerivedTwo : virtual public Base
27   {
28   public:
29      // override print function
30      void print() const        
31      {                         
32         cout << "DerivedTwo ";
33      } // end function print   
34   }; // end DerivedTwo class
36   // class Multiple definition
37   class Multiple : public DerivedOne, public DerivedTwo
38   {
39   public:
40      // qualify which version of function print
41      void print() const                        
42      {                                         
43         DerivedTwo::print();                   
44      } // end function print                   
45   }; // end Multiple class
47   int main()
48   {
49      Multiple both; // instantiate Multiple object
50      DerivedOne one; // instantiate DerivedOne object
51      DerivedTwo two; // instantiate DerivedTwo object
53      // declare array of base-class pointers and initialize
54      // each element to a derived-class type
55      Base *array[ 3 ];
56      array[ 0 ] = &both;
57      array[ 1 ] = &one;
58      array[ 2 ] = &two;
60      // polymorphically invoke function print
61      for ( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
62         array[ i ]->print();
64      return 0;
65   } // end main


The key change in the program is that classes DerivedOne (line 15) and DerivedTwo (line 26) each inherit from class Base by specifying virtual public Base. Since both of these classes inherit from Base, they each contain a Base subobject. The benefit of virtual inheritance is not clear until class Multiple inherits from both DerivedOne and DerivedTwo (line 37). Since each of the base classes used virtual inheritance to inherit class Base’s members, the compiler ensures that only one subobject of type Base is inherited into class Multiple. This eliminates the ambiguity error generated by the compiler in Fig. 22.13. The compiler now allows the implicit conversion of the derived-class pointer (&both) to the base-class pointer array[ 0 ] in line 56 in main. The for statement in lines 61–62 polymorphically calls print for each object.

Constructors in Multiple-Inheritance Hierarchies with virtual Base Classes

Implementing hierarchies with virtual base classes is simpler if default constructors are used for the base classes. The examples in Figs. 22.13 and 22.14 use compiler-generated default constructors. If a virtual base class provides a constructor that requires arguments, the implementation of the derived classes becomes more complicated, because the most derived class must explicitly invoke the virtual base class’s constructor to initialize the members inherited from the virtual base class.

Software Engineering Observation 22.5

Software Engineering Observation 22.5

Providing a default constructor for virtual base classes simplifies hierarchy design.

Additional Information on Multiple Inheritance

Multiple inheritance is a complex topic typically covered in more advanced C++ texts. For more information on multiple inheritance, please visit our C++ Resource Center at

In the C++ Multiple Inheritance category, you’ll find links to several articles and resources, including a multiple inheritance FAQ and tips for using multiple inheritance.

22.9 Wrap-Up

In this chapter, you learned how to use the const_cast operator to remove the const qualification of a variable. We then showed how to use namespaces to ensure that every identifier in a program has a unique name and explained how they can help resolve naming conflicts. You saw several operator keywords for programmers whose keyboards do not support certain characters used in operator symbols, such as !, &, ^, ~ and |. Next, we showed how the mutable storage-class specifier enables a programmer to indicate that a data member should always be modifiable, even when it appears in an object that is currently being treated as a const. We also showed the mechanics of using pointers to class members and the ->* and .* operators. Finally, we introduced multiple inheritance and discussed problems associated with allowing a derived class to inherit the members of several base classes. As part of this discussion, we demonstrated how virtual inheritance can be used to solve those problems.

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