
Symbols & Numerics

  • ' character, 36, 40
  • ! operator, 58, 87
  • / operator, 82
  •  – operator, 81, 82
  • ?? operator, 226–227
  • ? operators, 101
  • - symbol, 16
  • $ symbol, 44
  • & operator, 81, 87–88, 235
  • && operator, 87–88
  • * operator, 82
  • @ sign
    • Razor runtime compilation
      • arrays, 772–773
      • logical statements, 771–772
      • loops, 772–774
      • syntax, 766–767
    • verbatim string operator, 39
  • | operator, 87, 235
  • || operator, 87–88
  • + symbol, 16
  • ++n increment operator, 84, 122
  • < operator, 81
  • <= operator, 85
  • <T> notation, 142
  • != operator, 52, 86
  • > operator, 81, 89
  • >= operator, 85
  • '' character constant, 37, 38
  • n-- operator, 85
  •  --n operator, 85
  • ' ' character constant, 37, 62
  • " " character, 36
  • ' ' character, 37
  • ' ' character constant, 20, 37, 592
  • 'x' numeric constants, 43
  • [Conditional(“DEBUG”)] attribute, 302
  • [Obsolete] attribute, 302
  • 32-bit applications, 591
  • 32-bit integers, 29
  • 32-bit platforms, 596–597, 611
  • 64-bit applications, 591, 596–597
  • 64-bit integers, 31, 33
  • 64-bit platforms, 507, 596–597, 611


  • Abs function, 87
  • abstract classes
    • factoring, 369, 371–374
    • general discussion, 244, 368, 374–377
    • interfaces for managing changes, 404–405
    • Object Oriented Programming (OOP), 244
    • TextReader/TextWriter class, 527
    • UML, 370
  • abstract keyword, 479
  • access control. See also security
    • accessor methods, 308–309
    • assemblies
      • internal access modifier, 448–451
      • overview, 448
      • protected internal access modifier, 452–453
    • base class method
      • accidental hiding, 359–361
      • hiding, 355–359
    • class, 306–308
    • classes
      • covariant return type, 319–320
      • expression-bodied members, 329–331
      • init-only setters, 309–310
      • internal access modifier, 307
      • overview, 303–304
      • properties, 313–316
      • protected access modifier, 307, 434
      • protected internal access modifier, 307, 434
      • public access modifier, 247–249, 306
      • sealing, 377–378
      • target typing, 316–318
    • constructors
      • C#-provided, 321–322
      • example, 324–325
      • initializers, 326–327
      • initializers without constructors, 327–329
      • overview, 309, 320–321
      • replacing default, 322–324
    • DoubleBankAccount program example, 311–313
    • in namespaces, 456–458
    • private access modifier
      • assemblies, 451–452
      • class, 304–306
    • readonly keyword, 485–487
    • Windows applications, 507
  • access modifiers
    • private
      • access control, 271–273
      • assemblies, 451–452
      • fields, 479
      • general discussion, 245, 304–306
      • scope, 288–290
  • AccessControl namespace, 508
  • accessor methods, 308–309
  • AccessRule namespace class, 508
  • Action keyword, 413–415
  • Active Server Pages (ASP). See also ASP.NET Core applications
    • Razor runtime compilation, 761, 762
    • VBScript scripting language, 576
  • Adapter class, 511, 515
  • adapters, 191
  • Add() method, 146, 150
  • addition operator
    • general discussion, 38, 81, 82
    • overloading, 92–93
    • struct keyword, 484–485
  • AddRange() method, 151–152
    • DataSet class, 396–399
    • SQL, 510–512
    • Stored Procedures, 524
  • Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), 507
  • algorithms, 41
  • allocation, 477
  • alphabets, 36–37, 529
  • ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit), 33–34
  • American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 529
  • American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII), 162, 529
  • and operator, 81, 87–88, 235
  • and/or operator, 87, 235
  • Android Application Development All-in-One For Dummies (Burd & Mueller), 725
  • Android Developer Studio, 725
  • Android operating system, 590, 593, 725
  • Angular templates, 597, 754
  • anonymous methods, 109, 421–424, 585–586
  • ANSI (American National Standards Institute), 529
  • Apache Cordova software, 593
  • Append() method, 78–79
  • Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), 388, 485–487, 545
  • Arabic alphabet, 36–37, 529
  • Architectural Layer Diagrams, 594
  • Architecture Validation, 594
  • ArgumentException, 212, 217
  • ArgumentOutOfRangeException, 212, 216–217
  • arguments
    • default arguments, 278–279
    • matching definitions, 276
    • overloading, 276–278
    • passing to static method, 273–275
    • reference structures and, 488
  • Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU), 33–34
  • arithmetic operators
    • general discussion, 26, 91
    • increment operator, 84–85
    • operating orders, 82–83
    • simple, 82
  • ARM processors, 596–597
  • arrays. See also tuples
    • adding structures to, 489–490
    • collections, 125, 140–141, 147–149
    • converting to lists, 144
    • double brackets, 127, 141
    • enumerators, 134–136
    • fixed-value arrays, 127, 128
    • foreach loop method, 133–136
    • initializing, 132, 147–148
    • interfaces as base type of, 389–390
    • limitations, 140–141
    • purpose, 126–127
    • Razor runtime compilation, 772–773
    • resource use, 477
    • sorting, 136–139
    • specialized features, 128
    • syntax, 127, 129
    • var keyword, 139–140
    • variable-length, 129–132
    • zero in, 58, 66, 127
  • artifacts, 500
  • artificial intelligence, 576, 577
  • as operator, 189, 349–350
  • ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange), 162, 529
  • ASP.NET Core applications. See also Active Server Pages (ASP)
    • basic app development
      • adding web content, 757–759
      • basic changes, 759–760
      • development process, 756–757
      • overview, 754
      • project creation, 754–756
    • general discussion, 9, 745–747
    • Razor runtime compilation
      • arrays, 772–773
      • changing web page data, 768–770
      • comparison to predecessors, 762–763
      • file layout, 763–764, 766
      • logical statements, 771–772
      • loops, 772–774
      • output options, 767–768
      • overview, 748, 761–762
      • syntax, 766–767
      • variables, 770
      • Web Forms templates, 764–765
    • serialization, 528, 775–778
    • templates
      • Empty template, 746–748
      • HTTPS option, 749–750
      • MVC paradigm, 751–752
      • others, 753–754
      • overview, 746
      • third-party software, 753–754
      • Web API, 752–753
      • Web App template, 748–749
    • tracing, 556–558, 593
    • WeatherForecast project
      • API functionality, 783–786
      • companion files, 775
      • creating project, 778–781
      • overview, 775–776
      • realistic output, 781–783
      • RetrieveWeatherForecast project, 786–793
      • serialized data, 777–778
  • assemblies
    • access modifiers, 451–453
    • class libraries
      • access control keywords, 448–453
      • adding projects to existing solutions, 442–445
      • code, 445–446
      • overview, 222, 437, 439
      • projects, 439–440
      • stand-alone, 440–442
      • test applications, 446–447
    • executable programs, 437–439
    • general discussion, 288, 433
  • assembly language, 438
  • assignment operator, 26, 84, 91
  • asynchronous input/output (I/O), 527, 528
  • at sign
    • Razor runtime compilation
      • arrays, 772–773
      • logical statements, 771–772
      • loops, 772–774
      • syntax, 766–767
    • verbatim string operator, 39
  • attached property, 649
  • attributes, 236, 290, 301–302
  • AuditRule namespace class, 508
  • authentication
    • Authentication class, 548
    • MFA, 499–500
    • Windows login, 503–506
  • authorization
    • Authorization namespace, 508, 548
    • System.Security namespaces, 506, 508
  • auto-implemented properties, 314
  • autoindenting, 100
  • Azure development, 593, 597


  • backing fields property, 314
  • backslash character, 37, 534
  • base class methods, 355–361
  • binary arithmetic, 87–88
  • binary base
    • binary subtraction operator, 81, 82
    • BinaryReader/Writer class, 528, 539–540
    • general discussion, 30
  • binary input/output (I/O), 528, 539–540
  • biometric devices, 499–500
  • bit values, 235–236
  • bitmap graphic format, 559, 563, 574
  • bitwise operators, 87
  • black box problem, 511–512
  • Blazor templates, 597
  • boilerplate code, 20
  • bool numeric constants, 43
  • bool variable type
    • intrinsic variable types, 39
    • is operator invalid conversions, 348–349
    • logical comparison operators, 36, 85–88
    • as operator invalid conversions, 349–350
  • boxing, 188, 189, 477–478
  • braces, 19, 97
  • break statement
    • loops, 115–116, 123–124
    • while loop statements, 116–120
  • browser-based Integrated Development Environment (IDE), 590
  • bubble sort, 136–139
  • BufferedStream class, 541
  • buffering, 541
  • built-in generics, 187–189
  • byte integer type, 29, 234
  • bytes, 235–236


  • C programming language, 36
  • C# 4.0 programming language, 465
  • C# 7.2 programming language, 485–487
  • C# 8.0 programming language
    • interfaces after, 381–386
    • nullable reference types, 469
  • C# 9.0 programming language
    • anonymous methods, 421–424
    • CAS, 501
    • classes and objects, 252–253
    • elements since, 59–60, 411, 475
  • C# 10.0 programming language
    • best practices
      • ' ' constant, 37, 252
      • anticipating problems, 209
      • avoiding != comparison operator, 52
      • avoiding == comparison operator, 52
      • braces, 19, 97
      • comments, 19, 247, 264
      • defining important constants, 104
      • double-clicking error entries, 276
      • elegance as a goal, 345
      • EventHandler delegate type, 426
      • exception-handling strategy, 221–225
      • explaining user errors, 120
      • form class use, 418
      • indentation, 100
      • last-chance exception-handling, 223, 225
      • local functions, 301
      • method argument values, 275
      • methods naming conventions, 264
      • .NET Framework predefined exceptions, 215–216
      • no more than necessary access, 308
      • nulling invalid references, 533
      • object variable references, 255
      • object-initializer syntax, 329
      • plain-English error displays, 225
      • properties versus fields, 248
      • protecting casts, 348–350
      • short and specific try blocks, 211
      • spare use of virtual keyword, 368
      • specific catch blocks, 212
      • ToString() method, 295
      • variable names, 247
      • viewing warnings as errors, 360
      • Write() method, 252
    • C# Code Snippets feature, 20
    • CAS, 501
    • general discussion, 1–4, 9
    • Help Index, 51–52, 84, 87
    • Language Help file, 224
    • multiple inheritance disallowed, 387
    • online interaction, 23
    • properties, 248
    • supported pattern types, 110
    • top-level statements, 20–21
  • C# Code Snippets feature, 20
  • C# modules. See assemblies
  • C++ Cross-Platform Library Development software, 593
  • C++ programming language
    • COM language, 575–580
    • destructors, 330, 350
    • function pointers, 409, 411
    • general discussion, 9
    • logical variable types, 36
    • UWP, 724
  • cache, 545
  • callback methods, 407–408
  • call-by-reference feature, 280–281
  • CAN_BE_USED_AS relationship
    • example program, 391–396
    • general discussion, 379–381
  • capitalization, 18, 56–58, 247
  • carriage return character, 37, 62
  • CAS (Code Access Security), 501
  • cast operator, 90–91
  • casts
    • general discussion, 44–45
    • invalid runtime, 347–348
    • is operator invalid conversions, 348–349
    • as operator invalid conversions, 349–350
    • type-safety and, 188
  • catch blocks, 210–212
  • Celsius scale, 30–31, 32
  • chaining, 336–338
  • char character type, 36–37
  • character constants, 43
  • character types
    • char character type, 36–37
    • comparison, 40–41
    • string
      • changing case, 56–58
      • common operations, 51–52
      • comparing, 52–56
      • example, 243
      • formatting, 72–76, 77
      • immutability, 50–51
      • instantiating list for, 143–144
      • looping, 58
      • null, 37, 38, 204–205
      • output manual control, 67–72
      • overview, 37–39, 48–49
      • searching, 59–61
      • StringBuilder class, 77–79
      • switch statement, 56–58
      • user input, 61–66
  • cheat sheet, 3
  • child class, 244–245
  • Chinese language, 529
  • Chonoles, Michael Jesse, 370
  • CipherAlgorithmType namespace class, 508
  • class constraint, 204
  • class constructor, 323–324
  • class definition, 247–249
  • class factoring, 369, 371–374
  • class hierarchies, 396–399
  • class libraries
    • access control keywords, 448–453
    • adding projects to existing solutions, 442–445
    • code, 445–446
    • general discussion, 222, 437, 439
    • projects, 439–440
    • stand-alone, 440–442
    • test applications, 446–447
  • class members
    • general discussion, 257–258
    • security
      • internal access modifier, 307
      • private access modifier, 304–306
      • protected access modifier, 307, 434
      • protected internal access modifier, 307, 434
      • public access modifier, 247–249, 306
  • class properties
    • accessors with access levels, 316
    • general discussion, 246, 257–258
    • iterator blocks, 180, 183–185
  • classes. See also partial classes
    • abstract
      • factoring, 369, 371–374
      • interfaces for managing changes, 404–405
      • Object Oriented Programming (OOP), 244
      • overview, 244, 368, 374–377
      • TextReader/TextWriter class, 527
      • UML, 370
    • access modifiers, 245
    • data members, 257–259
    • elements, 246
    • exception handling, 244–245
    • general discussion, 243
    • inheritance
      • avoiding as operator invalid conversions, 349–350
      • avoiding invalid runtime casts, 347–348
      • avoiding is operator invalid conversions, 348–349
      • BankAccount class example, 335–342
      • chaining, 336–338
      • containment versus, 343–345
      • destructors, 330, 350–351
      • HAS_A relationship, 345, 346
      • IS_A relationship, 335, 342–345, 346, 347
      • overview, 168, 244–245, 333–334
      • purpose, 334–335
      • substitutable classes, 346–347
      • tracking features, 339–342
    • instantiating, 246
    • interfaces for unifying, 391–396
    • name capitalization, 247
    • in namespaces
      • access control keywords, 456–458
      • declaring, 454–455
      • file-scoped, 456
      • nested, 455
      • overview, 453–454
      • partial classes, 433, 459–463
      • partial methods, 433, 463–464
      • purpose, 454
      • using fully qualified, 458–459
    • nesting, 256–257
    • objects
      • accessing members, 249
      • C# 9.0 code, 252–253
      • class definition, 247–249
      • discriminating, 253
      • instantiating, 246
      • passing to instance methods, 288–290
      • properties, 257–258
      • reference types, 254–255
      • traditional code, 250–252
    • partial classes
    • polymorphism, 244–245
    • sealing, 377–378
    • structures compared with, 475, 476–477
  • ClassFileStream class, 541
  • ClickOnce technique, 507–508
  • cloud development, 593
  • cloud projects, 593, 597
  • CLR. See Common Language Runtime
  • cmd.exe command, 18
  • COBOL programming language, 127, 402–403
  • Code Access Security (CAS), 501
  • Code Clone feature, 594
  • Code Coverage feature, 595
  • code regions, 16
  • CodeAccessPermission namespace class, 508
  • CodeLens feature, 594
  • Cold Fusion programming language, 577
  • collection classes
    • <T> notation, 142
    • arrays, 125, 140–141, 147–149
    • dictionaries, 142, 145–147
    • foreach loop method, 164–168
    • general discussion, 67
    • indexers
      • format, 169
      • overview, 169–173
      • sample program, 170–173
      • struct keyword, 483–484
    • information storage, 512
    • initialization techniques, 147–149
    • interfaces as base type of, 389–390
    • iterator blocks
      • example, 176–177
      • other forms, 180–185
      • overview, 173–175
      • yield break statement, 178, 179–180
      • yield return statement, 178–179
    • lists
      • converting to arrays, 144
      • instantiating for int, 144
      • instantiating for string, 143–144
      • other tasks, 145
      • overview, 125, 126, 143–144
      • searching, 144–145
    • LoopThroughFiles program
      • files list creation, 159–160
      • formatting output lines, 160–161
      • hexadecimal output, 161–163
      • overview, 156–159
      • Visual Studio 2022, 163–164
    • main classes, 141–142
    • purpose, 177–178
    • sets
      • adding items, 150
      • creating, 150
      • difference operation, 149, 153
      • intersection operation, 149, 152–153
      • overview, 149
      • special tasks, 149
      • union operation, 149, 151–152
    • syntax, 140–141
    • types, 164–167
  • colon character, 236, 646
  • COM (Component Object Model) language, 575–580
  • Command pattern
    • built-in commands, 711–713
    • custom commands, 713–717
    • ICommand interface, 709–710
    • routed commands, 710–711, 717–718
    • traditional event handling, 707–709
  • command prompt
    • console applications and, 7
    • general discussion, 589
    • opening, 18
    • Visual Studio 2022, 622
  • comma-separated value (CSV), 777–778
  • comments, 19, 223–224, 264
  • Common Language Runtime
    • enum limitations, 234
    • general discussion, 437
    • WPF applications
      • application-scoped resource, 647–648
      • building, 644–649
      • login authentication, 503–506
      • overview, 9, 604, 607–608, 641
      • purpose, 642–643
      • XAML, 605–607, 643–644, 650–651
  • Compare() method, 52–56
  • CompareTo() method, 392–394
  • compiler, 13
  • compile-time errors, 188
  • Component Object Model (COM) language, 575–580
  • compound assignment operators, 84
  • compound logical operators, 87–88
  • computer languages. See specific computer languages
  • computer memory. See memory
  • Concat() formatting method, 67, 71–72
  • Concatenate() formatting method, 69–71
  • concatenation, 41, 66, 77–79
  • conditional expressions, 96–97, 102, 115–116
  • console applications
    • creating
      • default program location, 15–16
      • executing, 17–18
      • overview, 11
      • reviewing, 18–20
      • source program, 11–15
      • testing, 16
      • Toolbox window, 21–22
      • top-level statements, 20–21
    • general discussion, 7–8, 598
    • user input
      • concatenating, 66
      • excess white space, 62
      • overview, 61–62
      • parsing, 62–64
      • series of numbers, 64–66
  • Console.Read() call, 407
  • Console.WriteLine() method, 339–342
  • Console.WriteLine() statement, 20, 262–263
  • const data members, 259
  • constants, 259, 481.See also specific constants
  • constraints, 202–204
  • constructors
    • access control
      • C#-provided, 321–322
      • example, 324–325
      • initializers, 326–327
      • initializing objects without constructors, 327–329
      • overview, 309, 320–321
      • replacing default, 322–324
    • chaining, 336–338
    • example, 324–325
    • initializers, 326–329
    • protected internal access modifier, 309, 434
    • replacing default, 322–324
    • struct keyword, 480
  • containment, 343–345
  • Contains() method, 59
  • ContainsKey() method, 146
  • continue statement, 115–116
  • contravariance, 205, 206–208
  • control-versus-productivity issue
    • optional parameters and, 465
    • parameters
      • named parameters, 470
      • null parameters, 473–474
      • optional parameters, 465–469
      • output parameters, 471–472
      • return values, 470–473
  • Convert class, 45, 62–64
  • Cookie class, 548
  • Count() method, 200–201
  • counting numbers
    • floating-point conversion, 44–45
    • floating-point variables and, 32–34
    • general discussion, 27
  • counting variables, 114, 122
  • coupling, 202
  • covariance, 205–206, 208
  • covariant return type, 319–320
  • crashes, 214, 222
  • Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) principles, 776
  • Create() method, 284
  • CreatePackage() method, 192
  • cribbage board project
    • board creation, 570–572
    • debugging as learning aid, 623–626
    • event handlers, 569–570
    • first steps, 565–566
    • general discussion, 565
    • new game start method, 574
    • project setup, 567
    • score handling, 567–569
    • score printing, 572–573
  • cross-platform support
    • UWP applications, 721–722, 725–726
    • Visual Studio Community edition software, 13, 593
    • Visual Studio Enterprise edition software, 595
    • Xamarin platform, 10, 593, 595
  • CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) principles, 776
  • CryptoConfig namespace class, 508
  • CryptoStream class, 541
  • .cs extension, 9, 14, 434–435
  • CShell application, 589, 591
  • CSV (comma-separated value), 777–778
  • Ctrl+K shortcut, 20
  • Ctrl+S shortcut, 20
  • CultureInfo.InvariantCulture property, 57–58
  • curly braces, 19, 97
  • current object, 296–300
  • Current property, 166–168
  • custom delegates, 409–410
  • custom exceptions, 220
  • cw shortcut, 20
  • Cyrillic alphabet, 36–37


  • data access
    • connecting to data source, 514–519
    • creating access application, 514
    • data containers, 509, 511, 512
    • general discussion, 509–512
    • getting to data, 512–513
    • RAD data tools, 519–521
    • sample database setup, 513–514
    • writing data code, 521–524
  • data binding
    • binding objects, 683–687
    • converting data, 697–704
    • dependency properties, 682
    • editing data, 687–693
    • general discussion, 681
    • modes, 683
    • other aspects, 705
    • validating data, 693–697
  • data collections. See specific collection classes
  • data containers, 509, 511, 512, 596–597
  • data generators
    • API functionality, 783–786
    • creating project, 778–781
    • realistic output, 781–783
  • data members
    • const, 259
    • initialization techniques, 299–300
    • readonly, 259
    • static properties, 257–258
  • data serialization
    • API configuration and functionality, 783
    • API functionality, 784–786
    • common storage methods, 777–778
    • companion files, 775
    • creating project, 778–781
    • need for, 776
    • realistic output, 781–783
    • RetrieveWeatherForecast project, 786–793
    • serialized data, 777–778
  • Data View feature, 609–610
  • database
    • connecting to data source, 514–519
    • creating access application, 514
    • data containers, 509, 512
    • general discussion, 509–524
    • getting to data, 512–513
    • RAD data tools, 519–521
    • sample database setup, 513–514
    • writing data code, 521–524
  • DataReader container, 512
  • DataRow container, 511, 512
  • DataSet class, 399–401
  • DataSet container, 509, 511, 512
  • DataTable container, 509, 511, 512
  • DataView container, 509, 511, 512
  • DateTime variable type, 41–42
  • DayOfWeek property, 42
  • DbCommand, 511
  • DbConnection, 511
  • deallocation, 477
  • debugging
    • inheritance and, 334
    • as learning aid, 623–626
    • Snapshot Debugger feature, 595
    • Time Travel Debugging feature, 595
    • tracking inheritance, 339–342
    • Visual Studio support, 592
  • decimal numeric constants, 43, 44–45
  • decimal variable type, 34–35, 234
  • decimal.Round() statement, 114
  • declarations, 27–28, 362–363, 493–494
  • decoupling, 202
  • decrement operators, 85
  • default arguments, 278–279
  • default parameters, 278–279
  • delegate signature, 412–413
  • delegate types, 413–415
  • delegates
    • anonymous methods and, 421–424
    • callback methods, 407–408
    • common uses, 411
    • defining, 408–411
    • events
      • Observer design pattern, 425
      • overview, 424–425, 430
      • Publish/Subscribe pattern, 425–431
    • examples
      • delegate types, 413–415
      • progress bar sample app, 415–420
      • simple example, 412–413
    • life cycle, 409–410
    • LoopThroughFiles program, 165
    • signature, 412–413
  • delimiters, 64
  • denial of service, 502–503
  • dependencies, 202, 403–404
  • dependency injection, 405–406
  • dependency properties, 682
  • Dequeue() method, 199–200
  • DescendingEvens() method, 181–183
  • DESCryptoServiceProvider namespace class, 508
  • deserialized data, 775, 789–792
  • design patterns, 425
  • Design Patterns (Gamma, Helm, Johnson, & Vlissides), 425, 707
  • designer
    • Data View feature, 609–610
    • general discussion, 603–604
    • UWP application, 604–607
    • WinForms application, 609
    • WPF application, 607–609
  • destructors, 330, 350–351
  • Developer Mode
    • adding background code, 738–739
    • choosing test device, 739–740
    • creating interface, 734–737
    • defining project, 732–734
    • device settings, 728–729
    • File Explorer settings, 730
    • general discussion, 725–732
    • PowerShell settings, 732
    • Remote Desktop, 730–731
    • sideloading, 727–728
  • Device Independent Units (DIUs), 654
  • Dictionary<TKey, TValue> collection class
    • creating, 145–146
    • general discussion, 142, 145
    • iterating, 146–147
    • methods, 147
    • searching, 146
  • difference operation, 149, 153
  • directories, LoopThroughFiles program
    • files list creation, 159–160
    • formatting output lines, 160–161
    • hexadecimal output, 161–163
    • overview, 156–159
    • Visual Studio 2022, 163–164
  • Directory class, 158
  • DirectX, 724
  • discard parameters, 423
  • Display() method, 391–392
  • DisplayRatio() method, 281–282
  • Dispose() method, 351
  • DIUs (Device Independent Units), 654
  • division operator, 82
  • .dll file extension
    • access control keywords, 448–453
    • adding projects to existing solutions, 442–445
    • code, 445–446
    • general discussion, 14, 307, 437, 439
    • projects, 439–440
    • stand-alone, 440–442
    • test applications, 446–447
  • DNS (Domain Name Services) class, 548
  • Docker tools, 593, 746–747
  • Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) principle, 244
  • DOS command line, 18
  • dot hierarchy, 258, 455
  • Dots Per Inch (DPI), 654
  • double brackets, 127, 141
  • double numeric constants, 43
  • double quotation marks, 36, 40. See also string constants
  • double variable type
    • enum keyword limitation, 234
    • example, 243
    • general discussion, 32
    • intrinsic variable types, 39
    • numeric constants, 43
  • DoubleBankAccount program example, 311–313
  • Double.Epsilon constant, 87
  • doubleVariable variable type, 33
  • do…while loop statements, 114–115
  • Download class, 548
  • DPI (Dots Per Inch), 654
  • drawing
    • cribbage board project
      • board creation, 570–572
      • event handlers, 569–570
      • first steps, 565–566
      • new game start method, 574
      • overview, 565
      • project setup, 567
      • score handling, 567–569
      • score printing, 572–573
    • Graphics class
    • .NET Framework, 564–565
  • DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) principle, 244
  • DumpBuffer() method, 161–163
  • DumpHex() method, 159–161
  • duration property, 42
  • dynamic keyword, 148–149, 578–580
  • Dynamic Language Runtime, 582–584
  • dynamic programming
    • anonymous/lambda methods, 109, 421–424, 585–586
    • Dynamic Language Runtime, 582–584
    • dynamic languages, 576–578
    • dynamic operations, 580–582
    • dynamic types, 47, 575–576
    • dynamic variables, 575, 578–582
    • techniques, 578–580
    • var keyword, 575, 580–582


  • e parameters, 427–429, 431
  • early binding, 362–363
  • element binding, 693. See also data binding
  • elevation of privilege, 502–503
  • else statement, 100–102
  • email, 544, 546, 553–556
  • embedded if statements, 102–104
  • empty methods, 265–268
  • empty string, 38
  • Empty template, 746–748
  • encapsulation, 244, 290, 333. See also access control
  • encryption, 507, 508
  • EndPoint class, 548
  • endregion directive, 16
  • Enqueue() method, 199
  • enum keyword, 231–232, 234
  • enumerated flags, 229, 235–236
  • enumerated switches, 230, 237–238
  • enumerators
    • advantages, 165–167
    • arrays, 134–136
    • CLR limitations, 234
    • defining switches, 230, 237–238
    • enum keyword, 231–232, 234
    • flags, 229, 235–236
    • general discussion, 108, 155, 195, 229–230
    • generic, 184
    • initializers, 229, 233
    • interfaces, 134–135, 165–168
    • LoopThroughFiles program
      • files list creation, 159–160
      • formatting output lines, 160–161
      • hexadecimal output, 161–163
      • overview, 156–159
      • Visual Studio 2022, 163–164
    • methods extension, 238–239
    • named, 180, 181–183
    • real-world examples, 231–232
    • specifying data type, 234–235
  • equal to operator, 81
  • equals symbol, 26, 84, 91
  • error-handling. See compile-time errors; exception handling; runtime errors
  • event handling, 569–570, 707–709
  • event objects, 425–427
  • EventHandler delegate type, 426
  • EventHandler<TEventArgs> delegate type, 426
  • events
    • general discussion, 407, 424–431
    • Observer design pattern, 425
    • Publish/Subscribe pattern
      • advertising, 426
      • handler method, 430–431
      • overview, 425–426
      • raising events, 427–429
      • subscribing, 427
  • Evidence namespace class, 508
  • exception handling
    • benefits, 215
    • classes, 244–245
    • custom exceptions, 220
    • strategy, 221, 222–225
    • thrown exceptions
      • catch blocks, 210–212
      • example, 216–219
      • finally blocks, 210–211, 212–213
      • last-chance handling, 223, 225
      • null coalescing operator technique, 226–227
      • programmer-thrown exceptions, 215–216
      • sequence of events, 213–215
      • throw blocks, 210–211, 215
      • try blocks, 210–211
    • try…catch blocks
      • factorial calculation example, 216–219
      • nesting, 213
      • overview, 76, 210, 225
  • Exception object class, 211–212
  • exceptions, 210–211
  • exclusive or (xor) operator, 87, 235
  • executable programs
    • dividing programs into multiple, 437, 438–439
    • general discussion, 8, 307, 435, 598
  • ExecutionEngineException, 215–216
  • explicit type conversions, 90–91
  • expression body property, 314
  • expression types
    • assigning types, 91
    • calculating types, 89–91
    • general discussion, 89
    • operator overloading, 92–93
  • expression-bodied members, 329–331
  • Extensible Application Markup Language. See XAML
  • Extensible Markup Language. See XML
  • Extensions class, 238–239


  • facial recognition, 500
  • Factorial() function, 216–219
  • factoring, 369, 371–374
  • factory methods
    • dependency injection, 405–406
    • general discussion, 197, 202, 389
    • interfaces for hiding, 399–401
  • Fahrenheit scale, 30–31, 32
  • false numeric constants, 43
  • false value, 36
  • field keyword, 495–496
  • fields, 248, 479
  • file input/output (I/O)
    • asynchronous, 527, 528
    • binary, 528, 539–540
    • general discussion, 525–526
    • readers, 527, 539–540
    • streams
      • example, 529–533
      • other streams, 541
      • overview, 526
      • using statement, 534–537
      • writing to files, 527–529, 540
  • file permissions, 500, 508. See also access control
  • File Transfer Protocol (FTP), 544, 551–553
  • FileInfo class, 158
  • FileInfo objects, 158–159
  • FileRead program
    • binary, 528, 539–540
    • example, 535
    • general discussion, 527
  • file-scoped namespaces, 456
  • FileStream class
    • asynchronous/synchronous I/O, 527, 528
    • example, 529–533
    • general discussion, 525–526, 541
    • other, 541
    • reading file, 537–540
    • using statement, 534–537
    • writing to file, 527–529, 540
  • FileWeb class, 548
  • FileWrite program
    • binary, 528, 539–540
    • example, 535
    • general discussion, 527
  • finally blocks, 210–211, 212–213
  • Find() function, 171
  • FindEmpty() function, 171
  • firewalls, 555
  • fixed-length variable types, 29, 39
  • fixed-value arrays, 127, 128
  • flat-file format. See serialization
  • flexible dependencies, 403–404
  • flexible lists, 125
  • float numeric constants, 43
  • float variable type, 31–34, 234
  • floating-point numbers, 86–87
  • floating-point variables
    • calculation speed, 33–34
    • counting number conversion, 44–45
    • declaring, 31–32
    • limitations, 32–34
  • flow control
    • else statement, 100–102
    • general discussion, 95–96
    • if statements
      • nesting, 102–104
      • overview, 96–97
      • sample program, 97–100
    • loops
      • break statement, 115–116
      • continue statement, 115–116
      • decimal variable type limitations, 35
      • do…while statement, 114–115
      • flexibility, 116–120
      • nesting, 123–124
      • overview, 110–111
      • scope, 120
      • for statement, 120–122
      • while statement, 111–114
    • switch statement
      • capitalization, 56–58
      • overview, 104–106
      • restrictions, 106–107
      • switch expression, 107–110
  • font information, 37
  • for loop statements, 120–122
  • for(;;) statement, 54, 122
  • foreach loop method
    • in arrays, 133–136
    • collection classes, 164–168
    • DescendingEvens() method, 181–183
    • general discussion, 58, 71–72, 122
    • IEnumerable<T> interface, 166, 167–168, 391
    • LoopThroughFiles program, 165, 167–168
  • form class, 418
  • format specifiers, 236
  • format string, 73
  • Fortran programming language, 127, 402–403
  • fourth-generation programming languages, 205
  • FoxPro programming language, 509
  • fractions, 30–31
  • free text symbol, 19. See also comments
  • FTP (File Transfer Protocol), 544, 551–553
  • FtpWeb class, 548
  • fully qualified namespaces, 458–459
  • Func keyword, 413–415
  • function pointers, 409, 411, 413–415
  • functional programming coding, 577
  • Functional Programming For Dummies (Mueller), 109
  • functions
    • anonymous, 109, 421–424, 585–586
    • local
      • attributes, 301–302
      • creating basic, 300–301
      • instance methods, 300–302
      • refactoring process, 287
      • static methods, 261, 271–273
    • software design, 502–503


  • game design project
    • board creation, 570–572
    • event handlers, 569–570
    • first steps, 565–566
    • general discussion, 565
    • new game start method, 574
    • project setup, 567
    • score handling, 567–569
    • score printing, 572–573
  • Gamma, Erich, 425, 707
  • “Gang of Four,” 707
  • garbage collection, 330, 350–351, 477
  • general-purpose registers, 33–34
  • generic collection classes
    • boxing/unboxing, 188, 189
    • general discussion, 142, 187–188
    • PriorityQueue wrapper class
      • ColorsPriorityQueue example, 193
      • constraint options, 202–204
      • Count() method, 200–201
      • Dequeue() method, 199–200
      • easy way to write, 197–198
      • Enqueue() method, 199
      • Main() method, 196–197
      • overview, 190–192, 198
      • PackageFactory class, 201–205
      • TopQueue() method, 200
      • unwrapping, 194–195
    • type-safety, 188–189
    • variance, 205–208
  • generic delegates, 187–189, 409–410
  • generic interfaces, 187–189
  • generic iterators, 184
  • generic methods, 187–189
  • get() accessor, 183–185
  • GetCurrentDirectory() method, 157–158
  • GetEnumerator() method, 134–135, 165–166
  • GetFileList() method, 158, 160
  • GetNameValue() method, 238–239
  • getter methods, 308–309, 314
  • Git software, 593
  • global namespaces, 454
  • global using statements, 435–436
  • Globally Unique ID (GUID), 622
  • Google Colaboratory (Colab), 578
  • Graphic Development Environment, 604. See also designer
  • graphical user interface (GUI), 7, 10
  • Graphics class
    • brushes, 563
    • general discussion, 561–562
    • pens, 562
    • text, 563
  • greater than operator, 81, 89
  • greater than or equal to operator, 85
  • Groovy programming language, 577
  • gRPC, 753–754
  • GUI (graphical user interface), 7, 10
  • GUID (Globally Unique ID), 622


  • hackers, 500, 555
  • Halo Infinite, 562, 563
  • hard-coding, 104
  • HAS_A relationship
    • general discussion, 188
    • inheritance, 345, 346
  • HAS_A relationships
    • interfaces for managing changes, 403–404, 405–406
    • wrapping, 531–532
  • HashSet<T> collection class
    • Add() method, 150
    • AddRange() method, 151–152
    • creating, 150
    • ExceptWith() method, 153
    • general discussion, 142, 149, 150
    • IntersectWith() method, 152–153
    • SymmetricExceptWith() method, 152–153
  • hashtables, 512
  • heap memory
    • anonymous methods and, 422–424
    • garbage collection, 330, 350–351
    • objects, 249
    • reference structures and, 487–488
  • Hebrew alphabet, 36–37, 529
  • Helm, Richard, 425, 707
  • Help Index, 51–52, 84, 87
  • hex dump, 156
  • hexadecimal base
    • ASCII table, 162
    • bit values and, 235–236
    • general discussion, 30, 43, 156
    • LoopThroughFiles program
      • files list creation, 159–160
      • formatting output lines, 160–161
      • hexadecimal output, 161–163
      • overview, 156–159
      • Visual Studio 2022, 163–164
    • Unicode character set, 163
  • high-level computer languages, 8
  • Hindi alphabet, 529
  • Hololens, 721, 725
  • HTML, 724
  • HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) applications
    • ASP.NET Core applications, 746–747
    • downloading files via, 551–553
    • general discussion, 604
    • System.Net.Http namespace, 546
    • tags, 745
    • XAML and, 643
  • Http (HyperText Transfer Protocol) class, 546, 548
  • HTTPS-enabled sites, 749–750
  • HttpWebRequest class, 545
  • human languages, 8, 36–37, 529


  • ICollection<T> interface type, 390
  • ICommand interface, 709–710
  • IComparable interface type, 390–391
  • IComparable<T> interface type, 390–391, 392–394
  • IDictionary<TKey, TValue> interface type, 390
  • IDisposable interface type, 390
  • IEnumerable interface type, 390
  • IEnumerable<T> interface type, 166, 167–168, 391
  • IEnumerator interface, 134, 165–168
  • IEnumerator<T> interface, 166–168, 391
  • if statements
    • general discussion, 20, 96–97
    • indenting, 100
    • nesting, 102–104
    • sample program, 97–100
  • if.else expression, 101
  • IFormattable interface type, 390
  • IIS Express icon, 785–786
  • IL (Intermediate Language), 411, 438
  • IList<T> interface type, 390
  • images
    • cribbage board project
      • board creation, 570–572
      • event handlers, 569–570
      • first steps, 565–566
      • new game start method, 574
      • overview, 565
      • project setup, 567
      • score handling, 567–569
      • score printing, 572–573
    • general discussion, 559–561
    • Graphics class
    • .NET Framework, 564–565
  • immutable properties, 309
  • imperative coding, 577
  • implicit type conversions, 44, 90–91
  • IMyInterface constraint, 204
  • increment operators, 84–85, 122
  • indexers
    • collection classes, 169–173
    • format, 169
    • general discussion, 127, 129
    • sample program, 170–173
    • struct keyword, 483–484
    • syntax, 141
  • IndexOf() methods, 59
  • IndexOfAny() method, 59, 70–71
  • infinite loops, 114, 122
  • information disclosure, 502–503
  • inheritance
    • abstraction
      • abstract classes, 374–377
      • factoring, 369, 371–374
      • inheritances of convenience, 371
      • overview, 368
      • UML, 370
    • BankAccount class example
      • basic update, 336–338
      • Console.WriteLine() method tracking, 339–342
      • overview, 335
    • CAN_BE_USED_AS relationship, 379–381
    • chaining, 336–338
    • containment versus, 343–345
    • destructors, 330, 350–351
    • general discussion, 168, 244–245, 333–334, 353
    • HAS_A relationship, 345, 346
    • interface, 387, 401–402
    • IS_A relationship
      • nonreflexive nature, 347
      • overview, 342–345, 346
      • transitive nature, 335
    • method overloading
      • hiding base class method, 355–361
      • overview, 276–278, 354–355
    • other features
      • avoiding as operator invalid conversions, 349–350
      • avoiding invalid runtime casts, 347–348
      • avoiding is operator invalid conversions, 348–349
      • substitutable classes, 346–347
    • polymorphism
      • declaring method virtual, 365–368
      • is operator for accessing hidden methods, 364–365
      • overview, 361–364
    • purpose, 334–335
    • tracking features, 339–342
  • inheritance methods
    • general discussion, 354–355
    • hiding base class method, 355–361
    • polymorphism
      • declaring method virtual, 365–368
      • is operator for accessing hidden methods, 364–365
      • overview, 361–364
  • inheritances of convenience, 371
  • init accessor, 487
  • init-only setters, 309–310
  • input/output
    • asynchronous, 527, 528
    • general discussion, 525–526
    • readers, 527, 539–540
    • streams
      • example, 529–533
      • other streams, 541
      • overview, 526
      • using statement, 534–537
      • writing to files, 527–529, 540
  • Insert() method, 79
  • instance fields, 262–263
  • instance members, 258
  • instance methods
    • accessing current object, 298–300
    • effective use, 293–295
    • general discussion, 262–263, 287
    • local functions, 300–302
    • objects
      • accessing current object, 296–300
      • passing to method, 288–290
    • static methods compared with, 290–296
  • instance properties
    • effective use, 293–295
    • general discussion, 290
  • int numeric constants, 43
  • int variable
    • creating list for, 144
    • declaring, 28
    • different types, 28–30
    • enumeration data type, 234
    • general discussion, 27
    • intrinsic variable types, 39
  • Int32.TryParse(s, n) method, 64
  • integer literal, 30
  • integers, 27, 30–31, 33–34. See also specific integers
  • Integrated Development Environment (IDE). See also Visual Studio 2022 software
    • general discussion, 589–590, 591, 603
    • Jupyter Notebook software, 4, 23–24, 591
    • mobile devices, 7
  • Intel processors, 33–34
  • IntelliSense feature, 223–224, 592, 618–619, 630
  • IntelliTest feature, 595
  • intentional programming, 265
  • interface keyword, 381
  • interfaces
      • example program, 391–396
      • inheritance, 379–381
    • elements, 381–382
    • general discussion, 333, 379
    • hiding methods behind, 399–401
    • inheritance, 401–402
    • for managing changes
      • abstract classes, 404–405
      • flexible dependencies, 403–404
      • HAS_A relationships, 403–404, 405–406
      • overview, 402–403
    • as method parameter
      • example, 387–388
      • mixing with inheritance, 387
      • naming conventions, 386
      • newer C# 8.0 additions, 383–386
      • overview, 382–383
      • purpose, 386
    • other uses
      • array/collection base type, 389–390
      • general object reference type, 390
      • method return type, 389
      • overview, 388
    • polymorphism, 401–402
    • predefined, 390–391
    • for unifying classes, 396–399
  • Intermediate Language (IL), 411, 438
  • internal access modifier
  • Internet
    • C# programming language and, 9
    • RFCs, 544
    • System.Net namespace
      • checking network status, 549–551
      • downloading files, 544, 551–553
      • email, 544, 546, 553–556
      • important subordinate namespaces, 545–547
      • logging network activity, 556–558
      • overview, 543–545
      • protocol nomenclature, 548
  • Internet of Things (IoT), 598, 725
  • Internet Protocol (IP) class, 548
  • interpolated constants, 44
  • interpolated strings, 44, 77, 391–392
  • intersection operation, 149, 152–153
  • IntersectWith() method, 152–153
  • intrinsic variable types, 39–40
  • invariance, 205
  • I/O. See input/output
  • iOS platform, 590, 593, 725
  • IoT (Internet of Things), 598, 725
  • IP (Internet Protocol) class, 548
  • IPrioritizable interface, 195
  • IronPython programming language, 585
  • IronRuby programming language, 583, 585
  • is operator
    • accessing hidden methods, 364–365
    • general discussion, 189
    • invalid conversions, 348–349
  • IS_A Object, 188
  • IS_A relationship
    • inheritance, 342–345, 346
    • nonreflexive nature, 347
    • transitive nature, 335
  • IsAllDigits() method, 63–66
  • item templates, 635–637
  • Item.GetType() method, 234
  • Item.GetTypeCode() method, 234
  • iterator blocks
    • example, 176–177
    • general discussion, 173–175
    • other forms
      • class properties, 180, 183–185
      • named iterators, 180, 181–183
      • overview, 180
      • special-purpose streams, 183
    • reference structures and, 488
    • yield break statement, 178, 179–180
    • yield return statement, 178–179
  • iterators
    • advantages, 165–167
    • arrays, 134–136
    • CLR limitations, 234
    • defining switches, 230, 237–238
    • enum keyword, 231–232, 234
    • flags, 229, 235–236
    • general discussion, 108, 155, 195, 229–230
    • generic, 184
    • initializers, 229, 233
    • interfaces, 134–135, 165–168
    • LoopThroughFiles program, 159–164
    • methods extension, 238–239
    • named, 180, 181–183
    • real-world examples, 231–232
    • specifying data type, 234–235


  • Japanese language, 529
  • JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), 777–778
  • JavaScript programming language, 577, 724
  • JavaScript scripting language, 46, 575
  • Johnson, Ralph, 425, 707
  • Join() method, 66
  • JSON (JavaScript Object Notation), 777–778
  • jumps
    • break statements, 115–116, 123–124
    • continue statement, 115–116
    • Dequeue() method, 199–200
    • do…while statement, 114–115
    • Enqueue() method, 199
    • finally blocks, 212–213
    • flexibility, 116–120
    • general discussion, 96, 110–111
    • nesting loops, 123–124
    • parts to, 122
    • scope, 120
    • for(;;) statement, 54
    • for statement, 120–122
    • TopQueue() method, 200
    • while statement, 111–114
    • while(true) statement, 54
  • Jupyter Notebook software, 4, 23–24, 591


  • KeyedArray virtual array class, 170–173
  • keys, 145
  • Knuth, Donald, 23, 591
  • Korean language, 529


  • lambda expressions
    • anonymous methods and, 422–424
    • Colors.ForEach() method, 165
    • discard parameters, 423
    • dynamic programming, 585–586
    • general discussion, 109, 421, 430
    • lambda operator, 109
    • reference structures, 488
  • Language Integrated Query (LInQ), 23, 134, 510
  • LastIndexOf() method, 59
  • LastIndexOfAny() method, 59
  • late binding, 362–364. See also polymorphism
  • leap years, 41
  • LeBlanc, David C., 555
  • less than operator, 81
  • less than or equal to operator, 85
  • libraries, 433, 599. See also class libraries
  • like-typed variables, 243
  • LinkedList<T> collection class
    • general discussion, 142, 166–167
    • MoveNext() method, 142, 166–167
  • LInQ (Language Integrated Query), 23, 134, 510
  • Linux operating systems
    • general discussion, 1, 10
    • market share, 721
    • MonoDevelop application, 590
    • .NET Core, 13
    • path separator, 534
    • Visual Studio 2022, 590
  • LISP (List Processing) language, 576
  • list collections
    • converting to arrays, 144
    • general discussion, 125, 126, 143
    • instantiating for int, 144
    • instantiating for string, 143–144
    • other tasks, 145
    • searching, 144–145
  • list keyword, return values alternatives
    • output parameters, 471–472
    • overview, 470–471
    • values by reference, 472–473
  • List Processing (LISP) language, 576
  • List<T> collection class, 142, 187
  • listeners. See Observer design pattern
  • literate programming technique, 23, 591
  • Live Unit Testing feature, 595
  • living organisms classification, 230
  • local data stores, 776
  • local functions
    • attributes, 301–302
    • creating basic, 300–301
    • instance methods, 300–302
    • refactoring process, 287
    • static methods, 261, 271–273
  • logging network activity, 556–558
  • logical and operator, 87–88
  • logical comparison operators, 85–88
  • logical numeric constants, 43
  • logical or operator, 87–88
  • logical variable types, 36, 85–88
  • long int numeric constants, 43
  • long integer type, 27–28, 43, 234, 243
  • loops
    • break statements, 115–116, 123–124
    • continue statement, 115–116
    • do…while statement, 114–115
    • flexibility, 116–120
    • general discussion, 110–111
    • nesting, 123–124
    • parts to, 122
    • Razor runtime compilation, 772–774
    • scope, 120
    • for(;;) statement, 54
    • for statement, 120–122
    • while statement, 111–114
    • while(true) statement, 54
  • LoopThroughFiles program
    • files list creation, 159–160
    • formatting output lines, 160–161
    • general discussion, 156–159
    • hexadecimal output, 161–163
    • Visual Studio 2022, 163–164
  • lowercase string, 56–58
  • low-level programming, 29, 411
  • Lua programming language, 577


  • machine language, 8, 599
  • machine rot, 723, 724
  • macOS platform
    • general discussion, 1, 10
    • market share, 721
    • .NET Core, 13
    • UWP, 725
    • Visual Studio, 590, 591
  • macro languages, 578
  • Main() method
    • class library projects, 439
    • general discussion, 19, 157–158
    • get() accessor, 183–185
    • indexer testing, 172–173
    • iterator block testing, 174–175
    • last-chance exception-handling, 223, 225
    • PackageFactory, 192
    • PriorityQueue wrapper class, 196–197
  • Mason, Nick, 126
  • mathematics
    • algorithm, 41
    • counting numbers, 27, 33, 44–45
    • fractions, 30–31
    • hexadecimal base, 30, 43, 146
    • integer truncation, 30–31
    • logarithms, 26
    • negative whole numbers, 27
    • real numbers, 31–35
    • rounding, 31, 86–87
    • variables in, 25
    • whole numbers, 27–28
  • members
    • class
      • internal access modifier, 307
      • overview, 257–258
      • private access modifier, 304–306
      • protected access modifier, 307, 434
      • protected internal access modifier, 307, 434
      • public access modifier, 247–249, 306
    • data
      • const data, 259
      • initialization techniques, 299–300
      • readonly, 259
      • static properties, 257–258
    • expression-bodied, 329–331
    • instance, 258
    • nonstatic, 258
    • static members
      • methods, 262–263
      • overview, 258
      • readonly data members, 259
  • memory
    • heap memory
      • anonymous functions, 422–424
      • garbage collection, 330, 350–351
      • objects, 249
      • reference structures and, 487–488
  • MemoryStream, 527, 541
  • metadata, 437
  • method calls. See specific method calls
  • method overloading
    • general discussion, 276–278, 354–355
    • hiding base class method, 355–361
    • polymorphism
      • declaring method virtual, 365–368
      • is operator for accessing hidden methods, 364–365
      • overview, 361–364
  • method parameter, 382–388
  • method return type, 389
  • methods. See also specific methods
    • defining, 262–263
    • general discussion, 99, 261, 433
    • interfaces for hiding, 399–401
    • partial, 433, 463–464
    • partial methods
  • MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication), 499–500
  • Microsoft Access, 515
  • Microsoft Azure development, 593, 597
  • Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN) subscription, 595–596
  • Microsoft Fakes feature, 595
  • Microsoft Office 365, 593, 599
  • Microsoft Word, 575–580
  • MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Exchange), 546, 553–556
  • minus symbol, 16
  • mobile devices, 7, 599
  • Model-View-Controller (MVC) paradigm, 751–752, 762–763
  • Model-View-View Model (MVVM) pattern, 707, 723
  • modulo operator, 82, 161
  • MonoDevelop software, 590
  • MoveNext() method, 166
  • MSDN (Microsoft Developer Network) subscription, 595–596
  • Mueller, John Paul, 109, 725
  • multidimensional arrays, 134
  • Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), 499–500
  • multiple inheritance, 387
  • multiple simultaneous user environments, 596–597
  • multiplication operator, 82
  • Multipurpose Internet Mail Exchange (MIME), 546, 553–556
  • mutually exclusive conditions, 100–102
  • MVC (Model-View-Controller) paradigm, 751–752, 762–763
  • MVVM (Model-View-View Model) pattern, 707, 723
  • MyBaseClass constraint, 204


  • named iterators, 180, 181–183
  • named parameters, 470
  • namespaces
    • classes
      • overview, 453–458
      • partial classes, 433, 459–463
      • partial methods, 433, 463–464
    • fully qualified, 458–459
    • partial classes, 433, 459–463
    • partial methods
      • creating, 464
      • overview, 433
      • purpose, 463–464
    • System.Security namespaces, 506, 508
    • using fully qualified, 458–459
  • naming conventions, 259, 264, 387
  • native integer types, 29
  • negative whole numbers, 27
  • nested if statements, 102–104
  • nested loops, 123–124
  • nested namespaces, 455
  • .NET 5.0 framework
    • OpenAPI support, 752–753
    • record type, 491–496
  • .NET 6.0 framework
    • covariant return type, 319–320
    • FileStream class performance, 526
    • init-only setters, 310–311
    • .NET Core applications, 560–561
    • OpenAPI support, 752–753
    • PriorityQueue wrapper class, 193–194
    • updates, 592
  • .NET Core
    • console applications, 598
    • cross-platform capabilities, 13
    • general discussion, 10
    • System.Drawing namespace and, 560–561
    • UWP applications, 740–742
    • Visual Studio Community edition software, 593
  • .NET Core 3.x, 128, 748
  • .NET Core 5.0, 748
  • .NET ecosystem, 9–10, 13
  • .NET Framework. See also collection classes
    • asynchronous/synchronous I/O, 527, 528
    • console applications, 598
    • example, 529–533
    • general discussion, 10, 525–526, 541
    • other, 541
    • predefined exceptions, 215–216
    • predefined interface types, 390–391
    • reading file, 537–540
    • security
      • decomposing components, 502
      • deployment security, 507–508
      • documentation, 501–502
      • encryption, 507
      • identifying potential, 502–503
      • overview, 499–500
      • Role-Based Security, 501
      • System.Security namespaces, 506, 508
      • what to protect, 500–501
      • Windows applications, 503–508
      • Windows login authentication, 503–506
    • System.Data namespaces
      • connecting to data source, 514–519
      • creating access application, 514
      • data containers, 509, 512
      • getting to data, 512–513
      • overview, 509–512
      • RAD data tools, 519–521
      • sample database setup, 513–514
      • writing data code, 521–524
    • System.Drawing namespace, 564–565
    • System.Net namespace
      • checking network status, 549–551
      • downloading files, 551–553
      • email, 544, 546, 553–556
      • logging network activity, 556–558
      • overview, 543–545
      • protocol nomenclature, 548
      • subordinate namespaces, 545–547
    • using statement, 534–537
    • writing to file, 527–529, 540
  • network management scripting, 576
  • network status, 549–551
  • NetworkCredential class, 548
  • NetworkStream class, 541
  • new() constraint, 204
  • new line constant, 37
  • NewEditionEventHandler delegate type, 426
  • Newspeak programming language, 577
  • nint integer type, 29
  • no return value methods, 281–282
  • Node.js environment, 593
  • nondestructive mutation, 494–495
  • nondeterministic destruction
    • garbage collection, 350–351
    • general discussion, 330
  • nonetype, 281–282
  • nongenerics, 188–189
  • non-Roman alphabets, 529
  • nonstatic members, 258
  • nonvoid methods, 281
  • not equal to operator, 52, 86
  • not operator, 58, 87
  • notational C# programming language, 53
  • Now property, 42
  • NuGet Package Manager
    • general discussion, 611, 622
    • IronPython and IronRuby programming language, 585
    • Visual Studio 2022, 600, 622, 631
  • nuint integer type, 29
  • null character type, 37, 38
  • null coalescing operator technique, 226–227
  • null object, 254
  • null parameters, 473–474
  • null string, 38, 60, 204–205
  • nullable reference types, 469
  • numeric constants, 43–44
  • numeric string formatting, 391–392


  • obfuscation, 499
  • Object Linking and Embedding Database (OLEDB) protocol, 515
  • Object Oriented Programming
    • concepts, 246–247
    • main principles
  • object properties, 257–258
  • object-based code, 250–253
  • object-based languages, 363
  • object-oriented coding, 577
  • objects
    • access control, 245, 326–329
    • accessing current, 296–300
    • classes
      • accessing members, 249
      • C# 9.0 code, 252–253
      • class definition, 247–249
      • discriminating, 253
      • instantiating, 246
      • passing to instance methods, 288–290
      • properties, 257–258
      • reference types, 254–255
      • traditional code, 250–252
    • general discussion, 126
    • reference types, 254–255
    • swapping reference, 136–139
    • traditional code, 250–252
  • Observer design pattern
    • advertising, 426
    • events, 425
    • handler method, 430–431
    • overview, 425–426
    • raising events, 427–429
    • subscribing, 427
  • ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) compliance, 515
  • OdbcAdapter class, 511
  • OdbcCommand class, 511
  • Office 365 software, 593, 599
  • OLEDB (Object Linking and Embedding Database) protocol, 515
  • OleDbAdapter class, 511
  • OleDbCommand class, 511
  • one-based arrays, 127
  • OneCompiler software, 23
  • OneTime binding mode, 683
  • OneWay binding mode, 683
  • OneWayToSource binding mode, 683
  • OnlineGBD application, 590
  • OOP. See Object Oriented Programming
  • open command, 527
  • Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) compliance, 515
  • OpenAPI support, 752–753
  • operating order hierarchy, 82–83
  • operating systems
    • Visual Studio requirements, 596
    • Windows 8, 9
    • Windows 10
      • overview, 1, 2, 4, 10
      • path separator, 534
      • progress bar, 408
      • Visual Studio editions, 590, 593
      • Windows Server Core, 596–597
  • operator overloading, 92–93
  • operators
    • arithmetic operators
      • assignment operator, 26, 84, 91
      • increment operators, 84–85
      • operating orders, 82–83
      • overview, 81
      • simple, 82
    • expression types
      • assigning types, 91
      • calculating types, 89–91
      • operator overloading, 92–93
      • overview, 89
    • general discussion, 81
    • logical comparison operators
      • compound logical operators, 87–88
      • floating-point number comparisons, 86–87
      • overview, 85–86
    • order hierarchy, 82–83
    • struct keyword, 484–485
  • optional parameters
    • avoiding optional reference types, 468–469
    • general discussion, 465, 466
    • using, 466–468
  • optional reference types, 468–469
  • or operator, 87, 235
  • Oracle, 515
  • OracleAdapter class, 511
  • OracleCommand class, 511
  • out parameters, 465, 471–472, 579–580
  • OutOfMemoryException, 215–216
  • output parameters, 465, 471–472
  • OverflowException, 217
  • override keyword, 295, 365–368


  • PackageFactory class, 192, 201–205
  • Pad() formatting method, 67–69
  • PadLeft() formatting method, 67–69
  • PadRight() formatting method, 67–69
  • parameters
    • default, 278–279
    • discard, 423
    • e, 427–429, 431
    • general discussion, 207–208, 273–274, 465
    • named, 470
    • null, 473–474
    • optional parameters
      • avoiding optional reference types, 468–469
      • overview, 465, 466
      • using, 466–468
    • return values
      • output parameters, 471–472
      • overview, 470–471
      • values by reference, 472–473
  • parent class, 244–245
  • parentheses, 83
  • partial classes
  • partial methods
    • creating, 464
    • general discussion, 433, 463
    • purpose, 463–464
  • passwords, 499–500, 507
  • Path.DirectorySeparatorChar command, 534
  • pattern matching, 60, 108–110
  • Peer Name Resolution Protocol (PNRP), 547
  • performance
    • reference structures, 487–488
    • structures
      • common elements, 479–482
      • defining, 478–479
      • limitations, 476
      • overview, 476–477
      • read-only structures, 485–487
      • as records, 489–491
      • reference structures, 487–488
      • supplemental elements, 482–485
      • value type, 477
      • when to use, 477–478
  • Perl programming language, 576
  • Permissions namespace, 508
  • persistence, 528
  • PHP programming language, 577
  • plus operator
    • general discussion, 38, 81, 82
    • operator overloading, 92–93
    • struct keyword, 484–485
  • plus symbol, 16
  • PNRP (Peer Name Resolution Protocol), 547
  • Policy namespace, 508
  • polymorphism
    • classes, 244–245
    • general discussion, 189, 333
    • interfaces and, 401–402
    • method overloading
      • declaring method virtual, 365–368
      • is operator for accessing hidden methods, 364–365
      • overview, 361–364
  • postfix increment operator, 84, 122
  • PowerShell, 732
  • predefined interface types, 390–391
  • Predicate keyword, 413–415
  • prefix increment operator, 84, 122
  • Principal namespace, 508
  • PrincipalPermission namespace class, 508
  • Priority enum, 195
  • PriorityQueue wrapper class
    • ColorsPriorityQueue example, 193
    • Count() method, 200–201
    • Dequeue() method, 199–200
    • easy way to write, 197–198
    • Enqueue() method, 199
    • general discussion, 190–192, 198
    • IPrioritizable interface, 195, 202–203
    • Main() method, 196–197
    • PackageFactory class, 201–205
    • TopQueue() method, 200
    • unwrapping, 194–195
  • private access modifier
    • access control, 271–273
    • assemblies, 451–452
    • fields, 479
    • general discussion, 245, 304–306
    • scope, 288–290
  • procedural coding, 261, 577
  • processors
    • ARM, 596–597
    • general discussion, 39–40
    • Intel, 33–34
  • productivity
    • named parameters, 470
    • null parameters, 473–474
    • optional parameters, 465–469
    • output parameters, 465, 471–472
    • return values, 470–473
  • programmatic breaks. See classes; methods
  • programmer-defined generics
    • boxing/unboxing, 188, 189
    • general discussion, 187
    • PriorityQueue wrapper class
      • ColorsPriorityQueue example, 193
      • Count() method, 200–201
      • Dequeue() method, 199–200
      • easy way to write, 197–198
      • Enqueue() method, 199
      • Main() method, 196–197
      • overview, 190–192, 198
      • PackageFactory class, 201–205
      • TopQueue() method, 200
      • unwrapping, 194–195
    • type-safety, 188–189
    • variance, 205–208
  • programming languages. See also specific programming languages
    • capitalization in, 18
    • general discussion, 1, 8–10
    • high-level, 8
    • low-level, 29, 411
  • programs
    • dividing into class libraries
      • access control keywords, 448–453
      • adding projects to existing solutions, 442–445
      • code, 445–446
      • overview, 437, 439
      • projects, 439–440
      • stand-alone, 440–442
      • test applications, 446–447
    • dividing into executable programs, 437, 438–439
    • dividing into multiple source files, 434–436
    • general discussion, 8
    • global using statements, 435–436
    • memory footprint, 51
  • progress bar
    • general discussion, 408
    • sample app
      • first steps, 416–418
      • overview, 415–416
      • setting properties, 418
    • sample program
      • delegate life cycle code, 419–420
      • handler method, 418–419
  • project files
    • dividing, 433, 434–435
    • general discussion, 13
    • global using statements, 435–436
  • project templates, 632–635
  • properties
    • class
      • accessors with access levels, 316
      • overview, 246, 313–315
      • side effects, 315–316
      • static properties, 315
    • fields versus, 248
    • static properties, 315
    • struct keyword, 482
  • property element, 647–648
  • protected access modifier, 245, 307, 434, 479
  • protected internal access modifier, 245, 307, 309, 434, 452–453
  • protection. See access control; security
  • pseudocode, 53
  • public access modifier
    • class, 247–249, 306–308
    • fields, 479
    • general discussion, 245, 271–273
  • public method exceptions, 223
  • Publish/Subscribe pattern, 425–431
  • Python programming language
    • general discussion, 577
    • literate programming technique, 23
    • tuples, 282
    • Visual Studio Community edition software, 593


  • Queue<T> collection class, 142, 190–192
  • quit statement, 53–55


  • RAD (Rapid Application Development), 519–521
  • Random class, 183
  • Random() method, 192, 194
  • random number generator, 192
  • Rapid Application Development (RAD), 519–521
  • Razor runtime compilation
    • arrays, 772–773
    • changing web page data, 768–770
    • comparison to predecessors, 762–763
    • file layout, 763–764, 766
    • general discussion, 748, 761–762
    • logical statements, 771–772
    • loops, 772–774
    • output options, 767–768
    • syntax, 766–767
    • variables, 770
    • Web Forms templates, 764–765
  • React.js template, 754
  • Read, Evaluate, Print, and Loop (REPL) environments, 589, 591
  • reader/writer classes, 527, 528, 535, 539–540
  • ReadLine() method, 55, 62–64, 99
  • readonly data members, 259
  • readonly keyword, 485–487
  • real numbers
    • decimal, 34–35
    • floating-point
      • declaring, 31–32
      • limitations, 32–34
      • overview, 31
    • general discussion, 31
  • record type
    • field keyword, 495–496
    • general discussion, 475–476
    • mutation, 494–495
    • positional declaration, 493–494
    • structures compared with, 491–492
    • using, 492–493
  • Redux template, 597, 754
  • ref keyword, 280
  • refactoring, 264, 268–271, 287
  • reference structures, 487–488
  • reference types. See also specific reference types
    • allocation, 477
    • avoiding optional, 468–469
    • general object, 390
    • interfaces as base type of, 389–390
    • null string, 204–205
    • objects, 254–255
    • processor, 39–40
  • region directive, 16
  • registry access, 724
  • Remote Desktop, 730–731
  • Remote iOS Simulator, 593
  • Remote Procedure Call (RPC), 753–754
  • Remove() method, 59, 79
  • REPL (Read, Evaluate, Print, and Loop) environments, 589, 591
  • Replace() method, 59, 69–71, 77, 79
  • repudiation of action, 502–503
  • Request for Comments (RFCs), 544
  • Reset() method, 165–166
  • REST (Representational State Transfer), 752, 763
  • return by reference, 472–473
  • return keyword, 470
  • return statement, 124, 280
  • return values, 470–473
  • reusability principle, 334
  • Rextester software, 590
  • RFCs (Request for Comments), 544
  • Role-Based Security
    • documentation, 501–502
    • identifying potential threats, 502–503
    • System.Security namespaces, 506, 508
    • what to protect, 500–501
    • Windows applications, 503–508
  • Roman alphabet, 36–37, 529
  • rounding, 31, 86–87
  • RoutedCommand class, 710–711
  • RoutedUICommand class, 710–711
  • RPC (Remote Procedure Call), 753–754
  • Ruby programming language, 577, 578, 583
  • runtime errors
    • custom exceptions, 220
    • general discussion, 188, 209
    • invalid casts, 347–348
    • is operator invalid conversions, 348–349
    • as operator invalid conversions, 349–350
    • strategy, 221, 222–225
    • thrown exceptions
      • catch blocks, 210–212
      • example, 216–219
      • finally blocks, 210–211, 212–213
      • last-chance handling, 223, 225
      • null coalescing operator technique, 226–227
      • programmer-thrown exceptions, 215–216
      • sequence of events, 213–215
      • try blocks, 211
    • try…catch statement, 76, 225
  • runtime type, 362–363


  • same as operator, 52, 86–87
  • SAO (Software Architecture Overview) diagram, 501–502
  • sbyte integer type, 29, 234
  • Scala programming language, 591
  • Schardt, James A., 370
  • Scheme programming language, 576
  • scope, 288–290, 645
  • scripting languages, 46, 575.See also specific scripting languages
  • SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle), 501
  • sealed keyword, 377–378
  • Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) security, 749–750, 781
  • SecureString namespace class, 508
  • security. See also access control; specific access modifiers
    • accessor methods, 308–309
    • assemblies, 448–453
    • base class method, 355–361
    • class
      • BankAccount example, 304–306
      • covariant return type, 319–320
      • expression-bodied members, 329–331
      • init-only setters, 309–310
      • internal access modifier, 307
      • overview, 303–304, 306–308
      • properties, 313–316
      • protected access modifier, 307, 434
      • protected internal access modifier, 307, 434
      • public access modifier, 247–249, 306
      • sealing, 377–378
      • target typing, 316–318
    • constructors
      • C#-provided, 321–322
      • example, 324–325
      • initializers, 326–327
      • initializers without constructors, 327–329
      • overview, 309, 320–321
      • replacing default, 322–324
    • DoubleBankAccount program example, 311–313
    • general discussion, 9, 499–500
    • internal access modifier, 288
    • in namespaces, 456–458
    • private access modifier, 288, 304–306, 451–452
    • properties versus fields, 248
    • readonly keyword, 485–487
    • Role-Based Security, 501
    • software design, 500–503
    • System.Security namespaces, 506, 508
    • UWP, 724
    • via local functions, 271–273
    • Windows applications, 503–508
  • Security namespace, 508
  • Security.Principal namespace class, 503–506, 508
  • seed values, 192
  • serialization
    • common storage methods, 777–778
    • general discussion, 528, 775
    • need for, 776
    • WeatherForecast project
      • API functionality, 783–786
      • companion files, 775
      • creating project, 778–781
      • overview, 775–776
      • realistic output, 781–783
      • RetrieveWeatherForecast project, 786–793
      • serialized data, 777–778
  • Server Explorer panel, 615–617
  • server-based applications, 500
  • Service class, 548
  • SetName() method, 289–290
  • sets, 149–153
  • setter methods, 308–309, 314
  • SharePoint, 599
  • short integer type, 29, 234
  • short-circuit evaluations, 87–88
  • sideloading, 727–728
  • signed integer type, 29
  • simple arithmetic operators, 82
  • Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), 546, 553–556
  • single quotation marks, 36, 40
  • Site namespace class, 508
  • 64-bit applications, 591, 596–597
  • 64-bit integers, 31, 33
  • 64-bit platforms, 507, 596–597, 611
  • Smalltalk programming language, 576
  • SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol), 546, 553–556
  • Snapshot Debugger feature, 595
  • Socket class, 548
  • Software Architecture Overview (SAO) diagram, 501–502
  • software design principles
    • decomposing components, 502
    • documentation, 501–502
    • identifying potential threats, 502–503
    • what to protect, 500–501
  • Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), 501
  • Solution Explorer panel
    • Files, 612–613
    • general discussion, 610–611
    • Projects, 612
    • Solutions, 611–612
  • solutions, 14, 435, 438
  • Sort() method, 136–139
  • source generator, 460, 464
  • space character, 37
  • special characters, 37
  • Split() formatting method, 64–66, 71–72
  • spoofing identity, 502–503
  • SQL. See Structured Query Language
  • SQL Management Studio, 609–610
  • SqlCommand class, 511
  • SqlDataAdapter class, 511
  • SqlDateTime class, 511
  • SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) security, 749–750, 781
  • stack memory, 39, 125, 249, 487–488
  • Stack<T> collection class, 142
  • StackOverflowException, 215–216
  • Start Debugging command, 17
  • Start Without Debugging command, 17
  • static anonymous functions, 422–424
  • static coding, 591. See also dynamic programming
  • static fields, 262–263
  • static keyword, 422–424, 585–586
  • static languages, 575
  • static members
    • const data members, 259
    • general discussion, 258
    • methods and, 262–263
    • readonly data members, 259
  • static methods
    • arguments
      • default arguments, 278–279
      • matching definitions, 276
      • overloading, 276–278
      • overview, 273
      • passing multiple arguments, 274–275
      • passing single argument, 273–274
    • call-by-reference feature, 280–281
    • defining methods, 262–263
    • effective use, 291–293
    • example
      • analyzing problem, 264–265
      • local function, 261, 271–273
      • overview, 263–265
      • planning, 264–265
      • refactoring, 268–271
      • standard coding methods, 265–268
    • expanding full name, 295–296
    • general discussion, 261, 262, 287
    • instance methods compared with
      • effective use of properties and methods, 291–295
      • method name expansion, 295–296
      • overview, 290
    • local functions, 300–302
    • no return value, 281–282
    • nonvoid, 281
    • objects, 296–300
    • passing multiple arguments, 274–275
    • passing single argument, 273–274
    • struct keyword, 481
    • tuples, 282–285
    • using, 262–263
    • void, 281
  • static operations, 581
  • static properties, 257–258, 291–293, 315
  • Stored Procedures, 524
  • StreamReader class, 527, 529, 537–539
  • streams
    • example, 529–533
    • general discussion, 525–526
    • other, 541
    • reading file, 537–540
    • using statement, 534–537
    • writing to file, 527–529, 540
  • StreamWriter class, 527, 529–533
  • STRIDE acronym, 502–503
  • "string" character constants, 43
  • string class, 48
  • string constants, 37–39, 51
  • string interpolation, 44, 77, 391–392
  • string type
    • changing case, 56–58
    • common operations, 51–52
    • comparing, 52–56
    • example, 243
    • formatting
      • interpolation method, 77, 391–392
      • String.Format() method, 72–76
    • general discussion, 48–49
    • getting user input, 61–66
    • immutability, 50–51
    • instantiating list for, 143–144
    • looping, 58
    • null, 37, 38, 204–205
    • output manual control, 67–72
    • searching, 59–61
    • StringBuilder class, 77–79
    • switch statement, 56–58
  • StringBuilder class, 77–79
  • String.Concat() method, 55
  • String.Empty value, 37, 38, 43
  • String.Format() formatting method
    • example, 74–76
    • format specifiers, 73–74
    • general discussion, 72–73
  • string.IsNullOrEmpty() method, 60
  • StringReader class, 527, 540
  • String.Split() method, 64–66
  • StringWriter class, 527, 540
  • struct constraint, 203, 204
  • struct keyword
    • common elements, 479–482
    • defining, 478–479
    • general discussion, 475
    • limits, 476
    • return values alternatives, 470–473
    • supplemental elements, 482–485
    • when to use, 477–478
  • structural breaks. See assemblies; libraries; namespaces
  • Structured Query Language
    • Adapter class, 515
    • ADO.NET, 510–512
    • System.Data namespaces
      • connecting to data source, 514–519
      • creating access application, 514
      • data containers, 509–512
      • getting to data, 512–513
      • RAD data tools, 519–521
      • sample database setup, 513–514
      • writing data code, 521–524
  • structures
    • classes compared with, 475, 476–477
    • creating
      • common elements, 479–482
      • defining, 478–479
      • supplemental elements, 482–485
    • limitations, 476
    • read-only, 485–487
    • as records, 489–491
    • reference, 487–488
    • similarity to partial classes, 460–463
    • value type, 477
    • when to use, 477–478
  • subarrays, 127, 129
  • subroutine, 261
  • subscript operator, 169
  • substitutable classes, 346–347
  • Substring() method, 59, 67, 77
  • subtraction operator, 81, 82
  • Swagger Specification, 753
  • switch statement
    • enumerations, 230, 237–238
    • general discussion, 56–58, 104–106
    • restrictions, 106–107
    • switch expression, 107–110
    • typed conditional expressions, 102
  • SymmetricExceptWith() method, 152–153
  • synchronous input/output (I/O), 527, 528
  • synchronous methods, 488
  • syntax
  • system absolute value method, 86–87
  • System namespace, 390, 437
  • System.Collections.Generic namespace, 142, 166–167, 168, 390
  • System.Collections.IEnumerable interface, 181–183
  • System.Data.Common namespace, 511
  • System.Data.ODBC namespace, 511
  • System.Data.OleDb namespace, 511
  • System.Data.OracleClient namespace, 511
  • System.Data.SqlClient namespace, 511
  • System.Data.SqlTypes namespace, 511
  • System.Drawing namespace
    • cribbage board project
      • board creation, 570–572
      • event handlers, 569–570
      • first steps, 565–566
      • new game start method, 574
      • overview, 565
      • project setup, 567
      • score handling, 567–569
      • score printing, 572–573
    • general discussion, 559–561
    • Graphics class
    • .NET Core and, 560–561
    • .NET Framework, 564–565
  • System.Drawing.Common namespace, 560–561
  • System.Environment.FailFast() method, 222
  • System.EventArgs class, 427–429, 431
  • System.Exception warning, 220
  • System.IndexOutOfRangeException warning, 129
  • System.IO namespace, 527, 528
  • System.Linq keyword, 487
  • System.Math class, 87
  • System.Net namespace
    • checking network status, 549–551
    • downloading files, 551–553
    • emailing status reports, 544, 546, 553–556
    • general discussion, 543–545
    • logging network activity, 556–558
    • protocol nomenclature, 548
    • subordinate namespaces, 545–547
  • System.Net.Cache namespace, 545
  • System.Net.Configuration namespace, 545
  • System.Net.Http namespace, 546
  • System.Net.Http.Headers namespace, 546
  • System.Net.Mail namespace, 546
  • System.Net.Mime namespace, 546
  • System.Net.NetworkInformation namespace, 546, 549–551
  • System.Net.PeerToPeer namespace, 547
  • System.Net.PeerToPeer.Collaboration namespace, 547
  • System.Net.Security namespace, 547
  • System.Net.Sockets namespace, 547
  • System.Net.WebSockets namespace, 547
  • System.Object, 488
  • System.Security namespaces, 506, 508
  • System.ValueType, 488
  • System.Web namespaces, 510
  • System.Windows namespaces, 510


    • <T> notation, 142
    • Tab character, 20, 37, 592
    • tampering with data or files, 502–503
    • target typing, 316–318
    • Task method, 488
    • Task<TResult> method, 488
    • taxonomies
      • class factoring, 369, 371–374
      • general discussion, 335, 377–378
    • team development, 464
    • templates. See specific templates
    • terminator statement, 55, 114
    • ternary operators, 101
    • text-file input/output (I/O)
      • asynchronous, 527, 528
      • binary, 528, 539–540
      • general discussion, 525–526
      • readers, 527, 539–540
      • streams
        • example, 529–533
        • other streams, 541
        • overview, 526
        • using statement, 534–537
        • writing to files, 527–529, 540
    • TextReader class, 527
    • TextWriter class, 527
    • 32-bit applications, 591
    • 32-bit integers, 29
    • 32-bit platforms, 596–597, 611
    • this keyword
      • accessing current object, 298–300
      • array elements and, 483
      • chaining, 336–338
      • general discussion, 287
    • thread safety, 486
    • threat modeling, 500–503
    • thrown exceptions
      • catch blocks, 210–212
      • example, 216–219
      • finally blocks, 210–211, 212–213
      • last-chance handling, 223, 225
      • null coalescing operator technique, 226–227
      • programmer-thrown exceptions, 215–216
      • sequence of events, 213–215
      • throw blocks, 210–211, 215
      • try blocks, 210–211
    • thumbprint scans, 499–500
    • tight coupling, 202
    • tilde symbol, 330, 350–351
    • Time Travel Debugging feature, 595
    • TimeSpan property, 42
    • Tiobe Index, 1
    • ToBoolean() method, 62
    • ToDecimal() method, 99
    • ToDouble() method, 62
    • ToFloat() method, 62
    • ToLower() method, 57
    • Toolbox window, 21–22
    • top-level statements, 20–21
    • TopQueue() method, 200
    • ToString() method, 78, 295, 308
    • ToUpper() method, 51, 57
    • Trim() formatting method, 62, 67–69
    • TrimEnd() formatting method, 62, 67–69
    • TrimFront() formatting method, 62, 67–69
    • true numeric constants, 43
    • “true” string, 44–45
    • true value, 36
    • try…catch blocks
      • factorial calculation example, 216–219
      • general discussion, 76, 210, 225
      • nesting, 213
    • try blocks, 210–211
    • try/finally block, 213
    • tuples
      • Create() method, 284
      • general discussion, 282
      • nesting, 284–285
      • Tuple data type, 283–285
      • using, 283
      • ValueTuple data type, 284–285
    • tvOS operating system, 725
    • TwoWay binding mode, 683
    • type conversion, 44–45, 90–91
    • typed conditional expressions, 102
    • type-safety, 187, 188–189
    • typography, 559, 563


    • UAP technology. See Universal Application Platform technology
    • UIElements
      • binding objects, 683–687
      • Canvas, 662
      • Command pattern
        • built-in commands, 711–713
        • custom commands, 713–717
        • ICommand interface, 709–710
        • overview, 707–708
        • routed commands, 710–711, 717–718
      • DockPanel, 661
      • element binding, 693
      • general discussion, 653–654, 655–656
      • Grid
        • column sizing, 663–665
        • column span, 665–666
        • content alignment, 666
        • horizontal alignment, 666
        • margin versus padding, 666–667
        • overview, 648–651, 662–663
        • row sizing, 663–665
        • row span, 665–666
        • shared size group, 667–669
        • simple data entry form, 669–672
        • vertical alignment, 666
      • relative values, 654
      • StackPanel, 656, 658–659
      • terminology, 654
      • traditional event handling, 707–709
      • Windows chrome themes, 657–658
      • WrapPanel, 660–661
    • uint integer type, 29, 234
    • ulong integer type, 29, 234
    • UML (Unified Modeling Language), 369, 370
    • UML 2 For Dummies (Chonoles & Schardt), 370
    • unary negative operator, 81, 82
    • unboxing, 188, 189, 477–478
    • underscore, 30, 259, 423
    • Unicode character set, 163, 529
    • Unicode Transformation Formats, 529
    • Unified Modeling Language (UML), 369, 370
    • uninitialized reference, 254
    • union operation, 149, 151–152
    • Unit Test Isolation feature, 595
    • Unity Gaming Services, 559
    • Universal Application Platform technology
      • general discussion, 9
      • Visual Studio Community edition, 593
    • Universal Windows Platform applications
      • Android OS, 590
      • building
        • adding background code, 738–739
        • creating interface, 734–737
        • defining project, 732–734
        • test device, 739–740
      • cross-platform support, 721–722, 725–726
      • desktop applications, 598
      • Developer Mode
        • adding background code, 738–739
        • choosing test device, 739–740
        • creating interface, 734–737
        • defining project, 732–734
        • device settings, 728–729
        • File Explorer settings, 730
        • overview, 725–732
        • PowerShell settings, 732
        • Remote Desktop, 730–731
        • sideloading, 727–728
      • .NET Core applications, 740–742
      • reasons to use, 722–724
      • registry access, 724
      • test application, 440
      • Visual Studio 2022, 599, 604
      • Visual Studio Community edition, 592
      • Win32 API, 722–723
      • WinRT, 604–607
      • Xamarin platform, 725
    • unlike-typed variables, 243, 246–247. See also classes
    • UnmanagedMemoryStream class, 541
    • unsigned int numeric constants, 43
    • unsigned integer type, 29, 39
    • Upload class, 548
    • uppercase string, 56–58, 259
    • Url namespace class, 508
    • user-defined generics
      • boxing/unboxing, 188, 189
      • general discussion, 187
      • PriorityQueue wrapper class
        • ColorsPriorityQueue example, 193
        • Count() method, 200–201
        • Dequeue() method, 199–200
        • easy way to write, 197–198
        • Enqueue() method, 199
        • Main() method, 196–197
        • overview, 190–192, 198
        • PackageFactory class, 201–205
        • TopQueue() method, 200
        • unwrapping, 194–195
      • type-safety, 188–189
      • variance, 205–208
    • usernames, 499–500
    • ushort integer type, 29, 234
    • using directives, 14, 16, 19, 435–436
    • using statement, 435–436, 534–537
    • using System directive, 16
    • UWP applications. See Universal Windows Platform applications


    • Value property, 486–487
    • values by reference, 472–473
    • ValueTuple data type, 284–285
    • value-type objects, 39–40, 188, 189, 477
    • var keyword
      • arrays, 139–140
      • dynamic programming, 575, 580–582
      • general discussion, 46–47
      • initialization techniques, 148
    • variable-length arrays, 129–132
    • variables. See also specific variables
      • bool
        • intrinsic variable types, 39
        • is operator invalid conversions, 348–349
        • logical comparison operators, 36, 85–88
        • as operator invalid conversions, 349–350
        • overview, 36
      • character types, 36–37, 40–41
      • counting, 114, 122
      • DateTime, 41–42
      • decimal, 34–35
      • declaring, 26
      • double, 32, 39, 43, 234, 243
      • dynamic programming, 575, 580–582
      • floating-point, 31–34, 44–45
      • fraction, 30–31
      • general discussion, 20, 25
      • int
        • creating list for, 144
        • declaring, 28
        • different types, 28–30
        • enumeration data type, 234
        • intrinsic variable types, 39
        • overview, 27
      • like-typed, 243
      • memory
        • fixed-length variable types, 29, 39
        • floating-point variable limitations, 32–33
        • intrinsic variable types, 249
        • overview, 26
      • numeric constants, 43–44
      • outside of exception handling blocks, 211
      • Razor runtime compilation, 770
      • SqlDateTime class, 511
      • type conversion, 44–45
      • unlike-typed, 243, 246–247
      • value types, 39–40
    • variance, 205–208
    • Variant data types, 46
    • VBScript scripting language, 46, 576
    • vector drawings, 559. See alsoGraphics class
    • verbatim string operator, 39
    • View Source, 576
    • ViewModel. See Model-View-View Model (MVVM) pattern
    • virtual keyword, 365–368, 479
    • virtual machine environments, 596–597
    • Visual Basic programming language
      • business applications, 509
      • general discussion, 9, 10, 363, 576
    • visual designer. See designer
    • Visual Studio 2022 software. See also Developer Mode
      • Android operating system, 590
      • Application Wizard, 11
      • autoindenting settings, 100
      • best practices
        • ' ' character, 252
        • anticipating problems, 209
        • avoiding != comparison operator, 52
        • avoiding == comparison operator, 52
        • braces, 19, 97
        • comments, 19, 247, 264
        • defining important constants, 104
        • double-clicking error entries, 276
        • elegance as a goal, 345
        • EventHandler delegate type, 426
        • exception-handling strategy, 221–225
        • explaining user errors, 120
        • form class use, 418
        • indentation, 100
        • last-chance exception-handling, 223, 225
        • local functions, 301
        • method argument values, 275
        • methods naming conventions, 264
        • .NET Framework predefined exceptions, 215–216
        • no more than necessary access, 308
        • nulling invalid references, 533
        • object variable references, 255
        • object-initializer syntax, 329
        • plain-English error displays, 225
        • properties versus fields, 248
        • protecting casts, 348–350
        • short and specific try blocks, 211
        • spare use of virtual keyword, 368
        • specific catch blocks, 212
        • ToString() method, 295
        • variable names, 247
        • viewing warnings as errors, 360
        • Write() method, 252
      • Breakpoints window, 620–621
      • Build menu, 623
      • Class View panel, 617
      • Code Editor, 618–619
      • Code Style settings, 631
      • command prompt, 7, 18, 589, 622
      • common operations, 51–52
      • common uses, 509
      • custom templates, 632–637
      • debugger
        • commands, 17
        • inheritance tracking, 334, 339–342
        • as learning aid, 623–626
        • overview, 592
        • Snapshot Debugger feature, 595
        • Time Travel Debugging feature, 595
      • designer
        • Data View feature, 609–610
        • overview, 603–604
        • UWP application, 604–607
        • WinForms application, 609
        • WPF application, 607–609
      • EnvironmentInternational Settings page, 630
      • Fonts and Colors settings, 629
      • general discussion, 4, 10, 589–590, 603
      • Immediate window, 620
      • installation requirements, 596–597
      • IntelliSense feature, 223–224, 592, 618–619, 630
      • keyboard commands, 629–630
      • LoopThroughFiles program
        • files list creation, 159–160
        • formatting output lines, 160–161
        • hexadecimal output, 161–163
        • overview, 156–159
        • Visual Studio 2022, 163–164
      • MSDN subscription, 595–596
      • .NET ecosystem and, 13
      • new application creation
        • default program location, 15–16
        • executing, 17–18
        • overview, 11
        • reviewing, 18–20
        • source program, 11–15
        • testing, 16
        • Toolbox window, 21–22
        • top-level statements, 20–21
      • NuGet Package Manager, 585, 600, 611, 622, 631
      • Options menu, 627–631
      • Peek Definition tooltip, 223
      • programming languages options, 630–631
      • project types, 597–602
      • Properties panel, 613–614
      • Refactor menu, 264
      • Server Explorer panel, 615–617
      • Solution Explorer panel, 610–613
      • System.Data namespaces
        • connecting to data source, 514–519
        • creating access application, 514
        • data containers, 509, 512
        • getting to data, 512–513
        • overview, 509–512
        • RAD data tools, 519–521
        • sample database setup, 513–514
        • writing data code, 521–524
      • Task List window, 621
      • tips
        • Application Wizard namespaces, 455
        • IIS Express icon, 785–786
        • implementing interfaces, 383
      • Toolbox panel, 614–615
      • Tools menu, 621–622
      • updates, 590–592
      • Visual Studio Solution Explorer, 435
      • Web Forms templates, 764–765
      • WPF applications
        • application-scoped resource, 647–648
        • building, 644–649
        • login authentication, 503–506
        • overview, 9, 604, 607–608, 641
        • purpose, 642–643
        • XAML, 605–607, 643–644, 650–651
    • Visual Studio Community edition software
      • general discussion, 4, 7, 590, 592–594
      • installation requirements, 596–597
    • Visual Studio Enterprise edition software, 594–595
    • Visual Studio .NET, 10
    • Visual Studio Professional edition software, 594
    • Visual Studio Solution Explorer, 435
    • Vlissides, John, 425, 707
    • void keyword, 281–282
    • void methods, 281


    • W3Schools tutorials, 23
    • warnings, 360. See also error-handling; runtime errors; specific warnings
    • watchOS operating system, 725
    • WDP (Windows Device Portal), 728–729
    • WeatherForecast project
      • API configuration and functionality, 783
      • API functionality, 784–786
      • companion files, 775
      • creating project, 778–781
      • general discussion, 775–776
      • realistic output, 781–783
      • RetrieveWeatherForecast project
        • creating project, 786–787
        • deserializing data, 789–792
        • running application, 793
        • serializing data, 789–792
        • user interface, 787–789
      • serialized data, 777–778
    • Web class, 548
    • Web Forms templates, 764–765
    • Web Sockets (WebSocket) functionality, 547
    • web-based application programming interfaces (APIs)
      • general discussion, 1, 599
      • System.Net namespace
        • checking network status, 549–551
        • downloading files, 551–553
        • email, 544, 546, 553–556
        • logging network activity, 556–558
        • overview, 543–545
        • protocol nomenclature, 548
        • subordinate namespaces, 545–547
    • WebRequest class
      • downloading files via, 551–553
      • System.Net namespace, 545
    • while loop statements
      • break statement, 116–120
      • general discussion, 111
      • incrementing counting variable, 114, 122
      • sample program, 111–114
    • while(true) statement, 54
    • white space, 62
    • whole numbers, 27–28
    • Win32 APIs (application programming interfaces), 215, 722–723
    • Windows 8 operating system, 9
    • Windows 10 operating system
      • general discussion, 1, 2, 4, 10
      • market share, 721
      • path separator, 534
      • progress bar, 408
      • UWP, 721, 725
      • Visual Studio 2022, 590, 593
    • Windows 11 operating system, 721, 725
    • Windows API, 411
    • Windows applications, 503–508
    • Windows chrome themes, 657–658
    • Windows containers, 596–597
    • Windows Desktop, 592
    • Windows Device Portal (WDP), 728–729
    • Windows Forms application
      • encryption, 507
      • general discussion, 9, 609
      • login authentication, 503–506
      • SAO diagram, 502
      • window elements appearance, 657
    • Windows login authentication, 503–506
    • Windows Minimal Server, 596–597
    • Windows Presentation Foundation applications. See also Universal Windows Platform applications
      • building
        • application-scoped resource, 647–648
        • overview, 644–647
        • running application, 648–649
      • Canvas, 662
      • Command pattern
        • built-in commands, 711–713
        • custom commands, 713–717
        • ICommand interface, 709–710
        • overview, 707–708
        • routed commands, 710–711, 717–718
      • Common Language Runtime (CLR)
        • application-scoped resource, 647–648
        • building, 644–649
        • login authentication, 503–506
        • overview, 9, 604, 607–608, 641
        • purpose, 642–643
        • XAML, 605–607, 643–644, 650–651
      • data binding
        • binding object, 683–687
        • converting data, 697–704
        • dependency properties, 682
        • editing data, 687–693
        • modes, 683
        • other aspects, 705
        • overview, 681
        • validating data, 693–697
      • DockPanel, 661
      • general discussion, 9, 607–608, 641
      • Grid
        • column sizing, 663–665
        • column span, 665–666
        • content alignment, 666
        • horizontal alignment, 666
        • margin versus padding, 666–667
        • overview, 648–651, 662–663
        • row sizing, 663–665
        • row span, 665–666
        • shared size group, 667–669
        • simple data entry form, 669–672
        • vertical alignment, 666
      • layout controls
        • overview, 653–654
        • relative values, 654
      • login authentication, 503–506
      • Property system, 682
      • purpose, 642–643
      • StackPanel, 656, 658–659
      • traditional event handling, 707–709
      • Visual Studio 2022 software, 604
      • Windows chrome themes, 657–658
      • WrapPanel, 660–661
      • XAML
        • basic input controls, 674–676
        • C# comparison, 650–651
        • display-only controls, 672–674
        • list-based controls, 677–679
        • overview, 604, 605–607, 643–644
    • Windows Runtime (WinRT), 575–576, 604–607
    • Windows Server Core, 596–597
    • Windows Sockets (Winsock) functionality, 547
    • WindowsIdentity namespace class, 508
    • WindowsPrincipal namespace class, 508
    • WinForms application. See Windows Forms application
    • WinUI, 724
    • Word, 575–580
    • World Wide Web, 576
    • WPF applications. See Universal Windows Platform applications; Windows Presentation Foundation applications
    • WrapPanel method, 660–661
    • wrapper classes
      • HAS_A relationships, 531–532
      • PriorityQueue, 191–192, 194
      • StreamWriter class, 531–532
    • WriteLine() method, 99, 262–263
    • Writing Secure Code (Howard & LeBlanc), 555


    • Xamarin platform, 10, 593, 595, 725
    • XAML
      • C# versus, 650–651
      • common controls
        • basic input controls, 674–676
        • display-only controls, 672–674
        • list-based controls, 677–679
      • data binding
        • converting data, 697–704
        • defining, 683–687
        • dependency properties, 682
        • editing data, 687–693
        • modes, 683
        • overview, 681
        • validating data, 693–697
      • general discussion, 604–607, 643–644
      • syntax, 646
      • UWP, 724
    • Xbox One, 721, 725
    • XML (Extensible Markup Language)
      • documentation comments, 223–225
      • files, 601
      • general discussion, 777–778
      • serialization, 775
    • xor (exclusive or) operator, 87, 235


    • yield break statement, 178, 179–180
    • yield return statement, 178–179


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