A, The Organization of DNA (see adenine)
accession numbers (GenBank records), storing as keys, A DBM Database for GenBank
active site of a protein, Protein Data Bank
ActivePerl from ActiveState, Windows
adenine (A), The Organization of DNA, Representing Sequence Data
algorithms, Algorithms, Data Structures and Algorithms for Biology, A Gene Expression Database, Gene Expression Data Using Sorted Arrays and Binary Search, Gene Expression Data Using Hashes, String Matching and Homology, String Matching and Homology, Algorithms and Sequence Alignment, Algorithms and Sequence Alignment, Modeling Networks, Algorithms
binary search, Gene Expression Data Using Sorted Arrays and Binary Search, Gene Expression Data Using Hashes
using with sorted arrays, Gene Expression Data Using Hashes
data structures and, Data Structures and Algorithms for Biology, A Gene Expression Database
gene expression database, A Gene Expression Database
graph, modelling biological networks, Modeling Networks
resource materials, Algorithms
sequence alignment and, Algorithms and Sequence Alignment
string matching, String Matching and Homology, String Matching and Homology, Algorithms and Sequence Alignment
(see also BLAST)
alignment (sequence), algorithms and, Algorithms and Sequence Alignment
alignment of text, format and write
alignments, BLAST, Extracting Annotation and Alignments, Extracting Annotation and Alignments, Parsing BLAST Alignments, Parsing BLAST Alignments
extracting, Extracting Annotation and Alignments, Extracting Annotation and Alignments
parsing, Parsing BLAST Alignments, Parsing BLAST Alignments
alpha helices, beta-strands, and turns, Protein Data Bank
alpha-alpha units (protein supersecondary structure), Protein Data Bank
alphabetical sorting, array of strings, Gene Expression Data Using Sorted Arrays and Binary Search
alphabets (nucleic acid and amino acid codes), Representing Sequence Data
alternation, Regular Expressions, Alternation with |
amino acids, The Organization of Proteins, Representing Sequence Data, Representing Sequence Data, The Genetic Code, Using Hashes for the Genetic Code, Background, What Are Reading Frames?
codes for (standard IUB/IUPAC), Representing Sequence Data
lacking stop codons, What Are Reading Frames?
translating DNA into, The Genetic Code, Using Hashes for the Genetic Code, Background
representing with codons, Background
amino group, The Organization of Proteins
and operator, Logical Operators and the Range Operator, Logical Operators and the Range Operator, Bitwise Operators, Logical Operators, Using Logical Operators for Control Flow
bitwise and (&) operator, Bitwise Operators
logical and, Logical Operators and the Range Operator, Logical Operators and the Range Operator, Logical Operators, Using Logical Operators for Control Flow
control flow, using for, Using Logical Operators for Control Flow
angle brackets (), Exploding Strings into Arrays (see , under Symbols)
angle operator, Reading Proteins in Files, Getting User Input from the Keyboard, Finding Atomic Coordinates, Input from Files Named on the Command Line
annotations, BLAST files, Extracting Annotation and Alignments, Extracting Annotation and Alignments, Parsing BLAST Alignments
extracting, Extracting Annotation and Alignments, Extracting Annotation and Alignments
HSPs, Parsing BLAST Alignments
annotations, GenBank files, GenBank, GenBank Files, Separating Sequence and Annotation, Separating annotations from sequence, Parsing Annotations, When to Use Regular Expressions, Using Arrays, Using Arrays, When to Use Regular Expressions, When to Use Regular Expressions, Parsing Annotations at the Top Level, Parsing Annotations at the Top Level, Parsing the FEATURES Table, Parsing
information in, GenBank Files
parsing, Parsing Annotations, When to Use Regular Expressions, Using Arrays, Using Arrays, When to Use Regular Expressions, When to Use Regular Expressions, Parsing Annotations at the Top Level, Parsing Annotations at the Top Level, Parsing the FEATURES Table, Parsing
at top-level, Parsing Annotations at the Top Level, Parsing Annotations at the Top Level
FEATURES table, Parsing the FEATURES Table, Parsing
using arrays, Using Arrays, Using Arrays
using regular expressions, When to Use Regular Expressions, When to Use Regular Expressions
separating from DNA sequences, Separating Sequence and Annotation, Separating annotations from sequence
applications (Perl), programming language vs., Getting Started with Perl
Applied Biosystems (ABI) sequencer output, Reading DNA from Files in FASTA Format
approximation, Algorithms and Sequence Alignment
argument line, format and write
arguments, Writing Subroutines, Writing Subroutines, Arguments, Scoping, Command-Line Arguments and Arrays, Command-Line Arguments and Arrays, Command-Line Arguments and Arrays, Subroutines: Pass by Reference, Subroutines: Pass by Reference, Subroutines: Pass by Reference, Subroutines and Modules
@_ arrays, passing into subroutines with, Subroutines: Pass by Reference
command-line, Command-Line Arguments and Arrays, Command-Line Arguments and Arrays, Command-Line Arguments and Arrays
@ARGV array variables, Command-Line Arguments and Arrays
passing by reference, Subroutines: Pass by Reference, Subroutines: Pass by Reference
dereferencing, Subroutines: Pass by Reference
scoping and, Scoping
separating with commas, Writing Subroutines
arithmetic operators, Precedence of Operations and Parentheses, Arithmetic Operators
order of evaluation, Precedence of Operations and Parentheses
array context, putting variables into, Scoping
arrays, Arrays, Scalar and List Context, Arrays, Arrays, Arrays, Scalar and List Context, Scalar and List Context, Turning Arrays into Scalars with join, Counting Nucleotides, Exploding Strings into Arrays, Operating on Strings, Arguments, Command-Line Arguments and Arrays, Command-Line Arguments and Arrays, Command-Line Arguments and Arrays, Subroutines: Pass by Reference, Subroutines: Pass by Reference, Stepping through statements with the debugger, A Program Using Randomization, A Program Using Randomization, Randomly Selecting an Element of an Array, Formatting, Formatting, Another Way to Calculate the Random Position, Improving the Design, Hashes, Hashes, Gene Expression Data Using Unsorted Arrays, Gene Expression Data Using Sorted Arrays and Binary Search, Gene Expression Data Using Hashes, Gene Expression Data Using Hashes, Using Arrays, Using Arrays, Using Arrays, Extracting Primary Sequence, Arrays, Input from Files Named on the Command Line, Subroutines and Modules
@ARGV, Input from Files Named on the Command Line
@_ arrays, Arguments, Subroutines: Pass by Reference
associative, Hashes (see hashes)
converting to scalar variables, Turning Arrays into Scalars with join
elements, Operating on Strings, Command-Line Arguments and Arrays
extracting from, Command-Line Arguments and Arrays
numbering positions of, Operating on Strings
exploding strings into, Counting Nucleotides, Exploding Strings into Arrays
GenBank annotations, parsing with, Using Arrays, Using Arrays
GenBank records, using with, Using Arrays
of hash key/value pairs, Hashes
initializing and accessing individual elements, Arrays
inserting element at arbitrary position in, Arrays
in list context, Scalar and List Context
multiline strings, converting to, Extracting Primary Sequence
passing by reference into or out of subroutines, Subroutines: Pass by Reference
printing, Stepping through statements with the debugger
randomly selecting elements from, A Program Using Randomization, A Program Using Randomization, Randomly Selecting an Element of an Array, Formatting, Another Way to Calculate the Random Position, Improving the Design
alternate method, Another Way to Calculate the Random Position
formatting nested function calls, Formatting
subroutines for, Improving the Design
reversing, Arrays
in scalar context, Scalar and List Context
size, determining (scalar function), Formatting
sorted, for gene expression data, Gene Expression Data Using Sorted Arrays and Binary Search
as subroutine arguments, Subroutines and Modules
unsorted, for gene expression data, Gene Expression Data Using Unsorted Arrays
using with push and pop functions, Gene Expression Data Using Hashes
using with push and shift functions, Gene Expression Data Using Hashes
ASCII, Representing Sequence Data, GenBank, Overview of PDB
flat files, GenBank, Overview of PDB
GenBank, GenBank
PDB (Protein Data Bank), Overview of PDB
assignment, Statements, Assignment, Concatenating DNA Fragments, Transcription: DNA to RNA, Scalar and List Context, Scalar and List Context, Assignment, Scalar and List Context
= operator, use in statements, Assignment
array to scalar variable, Scalar and List Context
arrays to lists, Scalar and List Context
in concatenation of DNA fragments, Concatenating DNA Fragments
in DNA to RNA transcription, Transcription: DNA to RNA
scalar and list context, Scalar and List Context
assignment operators, Assignment, Assignment
associative arrays, Hashes (see hashes)
atomic coordinates, finding in PDB files, Finding Atomic Coordinates, Finding Atomic Coordinates, Finding Atomic Coordinates, Finding Atomic Coordinates
ATOM record type, Finding Atomic Coordinates, Finding Atomic Coordinates
parsing from input file, Finding Atomic Coordinates
attributes, file, Operating on Strings
autoincrement and autodecrement operators, Arithmetic Operators
automating programs, Controlling Other Programs, The Stride Secondary Structure Predictor, The Stride Secondary Structure Predictor
secondary structure predictor, The Stride Secondary Structure Predictor, The Stride Secondary Structure Predictor
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