
images A, B



        application framework


        Dalvik VM


        Runtime and Dalvik

        system libraries

    Compatibility Definition Document (CDD)

    developer community


        cutting-edge devices


        minimum practical target

        Next Generation




        Android Open Source Project

        Google I/O

        Google Play


    mobile gaming

        casual and hardcore games



        games market

        gaming machine

    Motorola Droid

    Project Butter

    Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10.1


        ADT plug-in



Android application


    in Eclipse

    Google Play filters


    vs. iOS/code

        Eclipse/ADT vs. Xcode


    manifest file

        <activity> element

        <application> element


        <manifest> element

        <uses-feature> element

        <uses-permission> element

        <uses-sdk> element

AndroidBasicsStarter activity

    activity life cycle

        LifeCycleTest activity


        onCreate() method

        onPause() method

        onResume() method


        protected methods

        run the application

        sole UI component




    ArrayAdapter constructor


    onCreate() method

    onListItemClick() method

    setListAdapter() method

    test activity

Android Software Development Kit (SDK)

    components types

    debugging and profiling

        breakpoint setting

        debug perspective

        LogCat and DDMS

        using ADB


        ADT plug-in



        Java perspective



        user interface (UI)


        advanced emulator features installation

        android virtual device creation

        AVD manager window

        device connection


        real device vs. emulator

        run configuration

    JDK set up


        application code

        compatible application



    set up


    third-party tools

images C

Collision detection

    bounding shapes

        axis-aligned bounding box

        bounding circle


        game object attributes

        oriented bounding shape



        triangle mesh

    broad phase




        spatial hash grid

    narrow phase

        circle collision

        circle/rectangle collision


        rectangle collision

images D

images E


    ADT plug-in



        toolbar buttons



    Java perspective



    user interface (UI)

images F

images G

Game development framework


        onAccuracyChanged() method

        onSensorChanged() method

    AndroidAudio implementation

        AssetManager instance

        SoundPool instance

    AndroidGraphics and AndroidPixmap


        aspect ratio


        Graphics interface

        Pixmap interface

        Replica Island

        screen sizes and resolutions

    AndroidMusic implementation



        isStopped() methods

        Looping() methods

        OnCompletionListener interface

        Playing() methods

        stop() method

    AndroidSound implementation

        play() and dispose() methods

        Sound interface



        instance pooling


        Pool class


    FileIO interface implementation

    plan of attack




        Android Open Source Project

        Google I/O

        Google Play

Google Play

    action and arcade games

        Dragon, Fly!

        Max Payne


        Tank Hero

        Tiny Tower

    application and window management module

    audio module


        audio interface

        music interface

        physics of

        quality and compression

        recording and playback



        sound interface

        stereo sound

    casual games

        Gem Miner

        Temple Run


    file I/O module

    game design

        core game mechanics

        screens and transitions


        story and art style

    game framework module

        delta time

        frame rate-independent movement

        game and screen interface

        MySuperAwesomeStartScreen class

        UI thread

    graphics module

        additive color model

        alpha compositing and blending

        color cube

        color definition



        encoding colors


        image formats and compression

        interface design


        PixmapFormat interface



    input module

        accelerometer method

        event-based handling

        keyboard method

        KeyEvent and TouchEvent


        touchscreen method

    puzzle games


        Cut the Rope

        Tetris and Bejeweled

    social games

        Draw Something

        Words with Friends

    tower-defence games



Graphics programming

    continuous rendering, surface view


        SurfaceCreation and validity

        SurfaceHolder and locking

        test activity

    coordinate systems

    drawing methods







    going fullscreen

    hardware-accelerated rendering

    rendering text

        alignment and boundaries

        drawing text, fonts

        loading fonts

        test activity


    screen resolution

    using bitmaps



        loading and examining

        test activity

    wave locks

2D graphics programming


        Camera2D class

        cannon example

        view frustum

    collision detection

        bounding shapes

        broad phase

        CollisionTest class

        game object attributes

        narrow phase



        force and mass

        Newton and Euler

        playing around, practically

        playing around, theoretically

    sprite animation

        Animation class


        cavemen walking


        looping animation

        present() method

        resume() method

        update() method

    sprite batchers

        beginBatch() method


        drawSprite() method

        endBatch() method

        FloatBuffer method


        performance measurement


        SpriteBatcher.drawSprite() method


        usage pattern

        Vertices instance


    texture atlas

        arbitrarily sized images

        bitmap font

        face-lifting operation



        resume() method

        use of

    texture regions


        atan2 function

        cosine and sine


        add() and sub() methods

        ad hoc representation

        angle() method

        cannon triangle test

        class implementation

        cpy() method

        direction and distance

        len() method

        mul() method


        nor() method


        present() method

        rotate() method


        semi-mathematical representaion

        set() method

        static constants

        unit vectors

        update() method

        velocity and acceleration

images H

images I

Input devices

    accelerometer state


        onAccuracyChanged() method

        onSensorChanged() method




        test activity

    compass state

    key events

    multitouch events

        action mask and types

        pointer identifier

        pointer index

        test activity

    singletouch events

images J

images K

images L

images M



        ad aggregation services

        ad providers


    Banner ads

    blogs and conventional web media

    by design

    direct sales

    discovery services

    full-screen ads


        In-app Billing

        managed items

        unmanaged items

    in-app purchases


    social network integration

    virtual currency incentives

    virtual currency (VC)

images N

Mr. Nom game


        controller, MVC

        ending game

        fixed-time-step simulation

        placeStain() method

        placing stains

        Snake and SnakePart class

        stain class


        time-based movement

        view, MVC

        World class

    audio assets

    GameScreen class

        drawWorld() method

        game-over state

        paused state

        pause() method

        present() method

        ready state

        running state

        updateGameOver() method

        update() method

        updatePaused() method

        updateReady() method

        updateRunning() method

    graphical assets

    HelpScreen classes

    HighScores screen classes

        rendering numbers

        screen implementation

    main activity

        asset store

        loading screen

        user settings and high scores

    main menu screen

        inBounds() method

        pause() method

        present() method

        update() method

    project setup

images O


    alpha blending

    camera system


        Euler rotation camera

        gimbal lock

        GLU.glLookAt() method

        present() method

    coordinate system


    2D transformations

        glRotatef() method

        glScalef() method



        world and model space

    3D meshes

        createCube() method

        CubeTest class

        present() method

        resume() method

        texture coordinates

        update() method

    3D vertices

        coordinate systems


        present() method

        right-hand rule


    fixed-function pipeline


    GLGame class

        getGLGraphics() method

        getters and setters

        onCreate() method

        onDrawFrame() method

        onResume() method

        onSurfaceCreate() method


        color buffer

        context loss


        glClearColor() method

        interface methods

        onCreate() method

        onDrawFrame() method

        onResume() and onPause() methods

        onSurfaceCreated() method

    indexed vertices



        executive summary

        model-view matrix

        projection matrix

        texture matrix

    matrices and transformations

        crate solar system

        createCube() method

        HierarchicalObject class

        hierarchical systems

        matrix stack

        model-view matrix

        projection matrix

        render() method

        texture matrix

        update() method

    matrix modes and active matrices

    normalized device space



        on Android 1.5

        binding vertices

        call reduction

        frame rate measurement




        state modifications

        texture size reduction

    orthographic projection matrix

    perspective projection

        glFrustumf() method


        vs. orthographic projection


    per-vertex color

    primitives types

    programming model

    projection matrix


        far clipping plane

        near clipping plane



        projection plane

    rendering pipeline




    texture mapping



        enable and disable





        texture class


        uploading bitmaps


        direct NIO buffers

        FirstTriangleTest class



    view volume/frustum



        depth test or z-test

        depth value

        precision and fighting


images P, Q

3D Programming



        Euler camera

        EulerCamera class



        handcrafted matrix


        look at


        SetMatrices() method

        transformation matrix

    collision detection and object representation

        bounding shapes



        position and bounds

        real time collision


        sphere class

        sphere overlap testing

        sphere smaller bounding

        testing methods


    loading models

        from asset

        implementing OBJ loader



        subset, OBJ


        texture triangle

        using OBJ loader

        vertices and indices

        WaveFront OBJ format


        aliasing effects

        canvas class




        texture class

    in OpenGL ES, lighting

        Ambient light


        color specification, source

        cube, vertex

        directional lights


        enabling and disabling

        gathering performances

        light specification


        material specification

        normal specification


        point lights


        render object

        source, material

        specular reflection

        sphere, vertex


        syntax, source enabling

        types, material/light

        version, normals

        vertex normals


    in physics



        mass based model




        constructors and setters


        dist() method

        distSquared() method



        java coding


        OpenGL ES

        Pythagorean equation

        rotate() method



    APK file, signing



        laundry list

    Google Play

        APK files management

        error reports

        product details

        publishing options

        uploading assets

    registered developer


images R

images S

Space Invaders


        assets class

        game assets

        sound and music

        UI assets


    game mechanics

    GameScreen class

        calculateInputAcceleration() method


        present() method

        presentPaused() method

        presentRunning() method

        updateGameOver() method

        update() method

        updatePaused() method

        updateRunning() method

    main activity

    main menu screen

        present() method

        update() method


    plan of attack

    playing field

    screens and transitions

    settings class

    settings screen

        present() method

        update() method

    simulation classes


        shield blocks



    world class

        checkInvaderCollisions() method

        checkShotCollisions() method


        generateInvaders() method

        generateShields() method

        shoot() method

        updateInvaders() method

        update() method

        updateShots() method

    WorldRender class

        render() method

        renderExplosion() method

        renderInvaders() method

        renderShields() method

        renderShip() method

Super Jumper game


        bitmap fonts, handling text

        game elements

        music and sound

        texture atlas

        UI elements

    backstory development

    Bob’s horizontal movement

    bounding rectangles


    FPSCounter.logFrame() method

    game screen

        members and constructors

        rendering methods

        update methods


        assets class

        Bob class

        castle class

        coin class

        font class

        GLScreen class

        help screen

        high-scores screen

        main activity

        main menu screen

        platform class

        settings class

        simulation class

        spring class

        squirrel class


    mock-up and grid

    screens and transitions

    velocities and accelerations

    world class implementation

        collision detection and response

        game over-checking method

        procedural generation

        update methods



    WorldRenderer class

        renderBackground() method

        renderBob() method

        renderCastle() method

        rendering code

        renderItems() method

        renderObjects() method

        renderPlatforms() method

        renderSquirrels() method

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images U, V, W, X, Y

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