AutoCAD 2014 For Dummies®

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Table of Contents


About This Book

Foolish Assumptions

Using the command line

Using aliases

Icons Used in This Book

Beyond the Book

Where to Go from Here

Part I: Getting Started with AutoCAD 2014

Chapter 1: Introducing AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT

Checking Out What AutoCAD Can Do for You

Opening AutoCAD

Drawing in AutoCAD

Understanding Pixels and Vectors

The Cartesian Coordinate System

The Importance of Being DWG

Chapter 2: The Grand Tour of AutoCAD 2014

Looking at AutoCAD’s Drawing Screen

InfoCenter and Quick Access toolbar

Making choices from the Application Menu

Unraveling the Ribbon

Getting with the Program

Looking for Mr. Status Bar

Using Dynamic Input

Let your fingers do the talking: The command line

The key(board) to AutoCAD success

Keeping tabs on palettes

Down the main stretch: The drawing area

Fun with F1

Chapter 3: A Lap around the CAD Track

A Simple Setup

Drawing a (Base) Plate

Taking a Closer Look with Zoom and Pan

Modifying to Make It Merrier

Crossing your hatches

Now that’s a stretch

Following the Plot

Plotting the drawing

Today’s layer forecast: Freezing

Chapter 4: Setup for Success

A Setup Roadmap

Choosing your units

Weighing up your scales

Thinking about paper

Defending your border

A Template for Success

Making the Most of Model Space

Setting your units

Making the drawing area snap-py (and grid-dy)

Setting linetype and dimension scales

Entering drawing properties

Making Templates Your Own

Chapter 5: A Zoom with a View

Zooming and Panning with Glass and Hand

The wheel deal

Navigating a drawing

Zooming, Zooming, Zooming

A View by Any Other Name . . .

Degenerating and Regenerating

Part II: Let There Be Lines

Chapter 6: Along the Straight and Narrow

Drawing for Success

Introducing the Straight-Line Drawing Commands

Drawing Lines and Polylines

Toeing the line

Connecting the lines with polyline

Squaring Off with Rectangles

Choosing Sides with POLygon

Chapter 7: Dangerous Curves Ahead

(Throwing) Curves

Going Full Circle


Solar Ellipses

Splines: The Sketchy, Sinuous Curves

Donuts: The Circles with a Difference

Revision Clouds on the Horizon

Scoring Points

Chapter 8: Preciseliness Is Next to CADliness

Controlling Precision

Understanding the AutoCAD Coordinate Systems

Keyboard capers: Coordinate input

Introducing user coordinate systems

Drawing by numbers

Grabbing an Object and Making It Snappy

Grabbing points with object snap overrides

Running with object snaps

Other Practical Precision Procedures

Chapter 9: Manage Your Properties

Using Properties with Objects

Using the ByLayer approach

Changing properties

Working with Layers

Accumulating properties

Creating new layers

Manipulating layers

Scaling an object’s linetype

Using Named Objects

Using AutoCAD DesignCenter

Chapter 10: Grabbing Onto Object Selection

Commanding and Selecting

Command-first editing

Selection-first editing

Direct-object manipulation

Choosing an editing style

Selecting Objects

One-by-one selection

Selection boxes left and right

Perfecting Selecting

AutoCAD Groupies

Object Selection: Now You See It . . .

Chapter 11: Edit for Credit

Assembling Your AutoCAD Toolkit

The Big Three: Move, COpy, and Stretch

Base points and displacements



Copy between drawings


More Manipulations

Mirror, mirror on the monitor





Slicing, Dicing, and Splicing

TRim and EXtend


Fillet, CHAmfer, and BLEND


Other editing commands

Getting a Grip

When Editing Goes Bad

Chapter 12: Planning for Paper

Setting Up a Layout in Paper Space

Will that be tabs or buttons?

Viewing layouts Quick(View)ly

Creating a Layout

Using the Create Layout Wizard

Creating a view(port) to draw in

Working with Layouts

Copying and changing layouts

Locking the viewport

Switching between layouts

Keeping track of where you’re at

About Paper Space Layouts and Plotting

Part III: If Drawings Could Talk

Chapter 13: Text with Character

Getting Ready to Write

Creating Simply Stylish Text

Font follies

Get in style

Taking Your Text to New Heights

Plotted text height

Calculating non-annotative AutoCAD text height

Entering Text

Using the Same Old Line

Saying More in Multiline Text

Making it with mText

mText dons a mask

Insert Field

Doing a number on your mText lists

Line up in columns — now!

Modifying mText

Turning On Annotative Objects

Gather ’Round the Tables

Tables have style, too

Creating and editing tables

Take Me to Your Leader

Electing a leader

Multi options for multileaders

Chapter 14: Entering New Dimensions

Adding Dimensions to a Drawing

A Field Guide to Dimensions

Using the quick dimension commands

Opening the Dimension toolbar

Where, oh where, do my dimensions go?

The Latest Styles in Dimensioning

Creating dimension styles

Adjusting style settings

Changing styles

Scaling Dimensions for Output

Editing Dimensions

Editing dimension geometry

Editing dimension text

Controlling and editing dimension associativity

Chapter 15: Down the Hatch!

Creating a Hatch

Using the Hatches Tab

Scaling Hatches

Scaling the easy way

Annotative versus non-annotative

Pushing the Boundary (of) Hatch

Adding style

Hatching from scratch

Editing Hatch Objects

Chapter 16: The Plot Thickens

You Say “Printing,” We Say “Plotting”

The Plot Quickens

Plotting success in 16 steps

Getting with the system

Configuring your printer

Preview one, two

Instead of fit, scale it

Plotting the Layout of the Land

Plotting Lineweights and Colors

Plotting with style

Plotting through thick and thin

Plotting in color

It’s a (Page) Setup!

Continuing the Plot Dialog

The Plot Sickens

Part IV: Advancing with AutoCAD

Chapter 17: The ABCs of Blocks

Rocking with Blocks

Creating Block Definitions

Inserting Blocks

Attributes: Fill-in-the-Blank Blocks

Creating attribute definitions

Defining blocks that contain attribute definitions

Inserting blocks that contain attribute definitions

Editing attribute values

Extracting data

Exploding Blocks

Purging Unused Block Definitions

Chapter 18: Everything from Arrays to Xrefs

Arraying Associatively

Comparing the old and new ARray commands

Hip, hip, array!

Associatively editing

Going External

Becoming attached to your xrefs


Creating and editing an external reference file

Forging an xref path

Managing xrefs

Blocks, Xrefs, and Drawing Organization

Mastering the Raster

Attaching a raster image

Maintaining your image

You Say PDF, We Say DWF

Theme and Variations: Dynamic Blocks

Now you see it

Lights! Parameters!! Actions!!!

Manipulating dynamic blocks

Chapter 19: Call the Parametrics!

Maintaining Design Intent

Defining terms

Forget about drawing with precision!

Constrain yourself

Understanding Geometric Constraints

Applying a little more constraint

Using inferred constraints

AutoConstrain yourself!

Understanding Dimensional Constraints

Practice a little constraint

Making your drawing even smarter

Using the Parameters Manager

Dimensions or constraints? Have it both ways!

Chapter 20: Drawing on the Internet

The Internet and AutoCAD: An Overview

You send me

Send it with eTransmit

Rapid eTransmit

FTP for you and me

Bad reception?

Help from the Reference Manager

Design Web Format — Not Just for the Web

All about DWF and DWFx

Autodesk Design Review 2014

The Drawing Protection Racket

Autodesk Weather Forecast: Increasing Cloud

Free AutoCAD!

Going once, going twice, going 123D

Your head planted firmly in the cloud

Cloudy with a Shower of DWGs: AutoCAD 360

The optional extras

Sharing and collaborating

Part V: On a 3D Spree

Chapter 21: It’s a 3D World After All

Understanding 3D Digital Models

Tools of the 3D Trade

Warp speed ahead

Entering the third dimension

Untying the Ribbon and opening some palettes

Modeling from Above

Using 3D coordinate input

Using point filters

Object snaps and object snap tracking

Changing Planes

Displaying the UCS icon

Adjusting the UCS

Navigating the 3D Waters

Orbit à go-go

Taking a spin around the cube

Grabbing the SteeringWheels

Visualizing 3D Objects

Chapter 22: From Drawings to Models

Is 3D for Me?

Getting Your 3D Bearings

Creating a better 3D template

Seeing the world from new viewpoints

From Drawing to Modeling in 3D

Drawing basic 3D objects

Gaining a solid foundation

Drawing solid primitives

Adding the Third Dimension to 2D Objects

Adding thickness to a 2D object

Extruding open and closed objects

Pressing and pulling closed boundaries

Lofting open and closed objects

Sweeping open and closed objects along a path

Revolving open or closed objects around an axis

Modifying 3D Objects

Selecting subobjects

Working with gizmos

More 3D variants of 2D commands

Editing solids

Chapter 23: It’s Showtime!

Get the 2D Out of Here!

A different point of view

Additional 3D tricks

AutoCAD’s top model

Visualizing the Digital World

Adding Lighting

Default lighting

User-defined lights


Creating and Applying Materials

Defining a Background

Rendering a 3D Model

Part VI: The Part of Tens

Chapter 24: Ten AutoCAD Resources

Autodesk Feedback Community

Autodesk Discussion Groups

Autodesk’s Own Bloggers

Autodesk University

The Autodesk Channel on YouTube

The World Wide (CAD) Web

Your Local Authorized Training Center

Your Local User Group



Chapter 25: Ten System Variables to Make Your AutoCAD Life Easier











And the Bonus Round

Chapter 26: Ten AutoCAD Secrets

Sheet Sets

Custom Tool Palettes

Ribbon Customization

Macro Recorder

Programming Languages

Vertical Versions

Language Packs

Dynamic Blocks

Data Extraction and Linking

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