
As this ebook edition doesn't have fixed pagination, the page numbers below are hyperlinked for reference only, based on the printed edition of this book.


Acceleration Request Entry (ARE) 188, 265

Acceleration Request Queue (ARQ) 188

Acceleration Requests (ARE) 317

Accelerator Coherency Port (ACP) 312

accelerators port

used, for extending cache coherency at SoC level 88, 89

Accellera SystemC

used, for system modeling 171, 172


used, for extending cache coherency at SoC level 89

ACE bus protocol

cache line states, rules 73

characteristics 71-73

evolution 71

interface signals 74, 75

overview 71

supported transactions 76, 77

system implementation, example 77

Advanced Encryption Standards (AES) 328

Advanced Host Controller Interface (AHCI) 23

Advanced Peripheral Bus (APB) 52

Advanced System Bus (ASB) 52

Advance High-performance Bus (AHB) 52

Advance Microcontroller Bus Architecture (AMBA) 49, 52

AMBA4 59

AMBA Adaptive Traffic Profile (ATP) 53

AMBA AXI-4 Coherency Extension (ACE) 53

AMBA AXI protocol 59

AMBA AXI-Stream Protocol Specification

reference link 67

AMBA Distributed Translation Interface (DTI) 53

AMBA Generic Flash Bus (GFB) 53

analog-to-digital converter (ADC) 125

APB bus protocol

characteristics 54

evolution 54

interface signals 55-57

overview 54

supported transactions 57, 58

system implementation, example 58

application processor unit (APU) 13

Application-Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) 359

application-specific standard products (ASSPs) 4

ARM AMBA interconnect protocols 52

ARM AMBA standard

historical overview 52, 53

ARM CPUs 332

hardware security paradigm 332

ARM eXtensible Interface (AXI-3) 53

ARM Security Technology

reference link 337

ARM Synchronization Primitives Development

reference link 86

ARM Trace Bus (ATB) 53

ARM TrustZone architecture

hardware features 332-337

software security aspects 336, 337

audio-video broadcast (AVB) 6

automated test equipment (ATE) 26

auxiliary processor unit (APU) 10

AXI-4 and AXI-3 protocol specifications

reference link 65

AXI bus protocol

characteristics 59

evolution 59

multi-channel topology 60

overview 59

supported transactions 64

system implementation, example 65

AXI bus protocol, interface signals 60

AXI bus global signals 61

AXI low-power interface signals 64

AXI read address channel signals 62, 63

AXI read data channel signals 63

AXI write address channel signals 61

AXI write data channel signals 62

AXI write response channel signals 62

AXI coherent extension (ACE) port 20

AXI INTC software

software control mechanisms 273, 274

AXI Interrupt Controller (AXI INTC) 202

AXI Isolation Block (AIB) module 23

AXI Stream bus protocol

characteristics 66

evolution 66

handshake sequences 66

interface signals 67

overview 66

supported transactions 68

system implementation, example 70

types 66

AXI Stream bus-supported transactionsbyte stream 68

continuous aligned stream 68, 69

continuous unaligned stream 69

sparse stream 70

AXI Verification IP (VIP)

reference link 226

AXI with Coherency Extensions 71


barrier transactions 77

Battery Backed RAM (BBRAM) 332

Board Support Package (BSP) 341

customizing 351-354

generating 351-354

setting up 252

bootloader, for FreeRTOS

customizing 351-354

generating 351

Build All command 290

built-in self-test (BIST) blocks 26

byte stream style 68


cache coherency

extending, at SoC level with accelerators port 88, 89

extending, at SoC level with ACE-4 and CCI 89

implementing, in CPUs 88

overview 87

protocols overview 87

Cache Coherent Interconnect (CCI) 20, 77

used, for extending cache coherency at SoC level 89

cache maintenance operations (CMOs) 59

cache maintenance transactions 76

CCIX consortium

reference link 120

CCIX protocol 120

architectural features 121, 122

layers 122

link layer 123

PCIe data link layer 123

PCIe physical layer 123

PCIe transaction layer 123

reference link 123

central DMA engines

operations 84, 85

topology 84, 85

chip select (CS) signal 94, 144

Clock Cycles (CC) 318

Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) 379

Coherent Hub Interface (CHI) protocol 53

coherent transactions 76

communication protocol layers 374

examples 377, 378

mapping, onto FPGA-based SoCs 378, 379

overview 374, 375

topology 375-377

complex SoC subsystem

building, with Vivado IDE 312-316

Compute Express Link (CXL)

reference link 119

configurable logic blocks (CLBs) 3

configuration and security unit (CSU) 9

continuous aligned stream style 68, 69


compilation options, setting 282-285

executable file, building 282-286

Cortex-A9 ACP port

system coherency, addressing with 320

Cortex-A9 CPU ACP

overview 321, 322


cache coherency, implementing 88

Credited eXtensible Stream (CXS) protocol 53

cross-triggering debug capability

adding, to FPGA SoC design 42, 43

Cross Trigger Interface (CTI) 42

Cross Trigger Matrix (CTM) 42

Cyclic Redundancy Check 32-bit (CRC32) 161

Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) 99, 330


data access

atomicity 86

data byte 66

Data Link Layer Packet (DLLP) 105

data path models

of ETS 165-168

data stream 66

DDR DRAM memory device 142, 143

DDR memory controller 138, 139

arbitration algorithm 141, 142

features 140

high priority read (HPR) 142

microarchitectural blocks 138

SoC interface characteristics 139

DDRP PHY controller

features 140


design capture 31

design constraints 216

design for test (DFT) 26

Design Rules Check (DRC) 40, 43

design under test (DUT) 41

digital local loops (DLLs) 8

Digital Signal Processing (DSP) 381

using, in SoC and hardware acceleration mechanisms 364

direct current (DC) 99

directly mapped cache 133, 134

Direct Memory Access (DMA) 366

PCIe subsystem data exchange protocol example 111-113

distributed software microarchitecture

buy queue (BuyQ) 266

DMA descriptor recycle queue (DDRQ) 267

Management Data queue (MgmQ) 266

market data queue (MdataQ) 266

quantitative analysis 274

sell queue (SellQ) 266

system performance estimation 274

Distributed Virtual Memory (DVM) 71

DMA Descriptor Recycling Queue (DDRQ) 166, 188

DMA Descriptors Recycling Task (DDRT) 166, 188

DMA engines 81

central DMA engines 84, 85

data movements 82

IP-integrated DMA engines 81

standalone DMA engines 84

DMA operation descriptor 82

domain 46

Double Words (DWs) 107

DSP techniques

Zynq-7000 SoC FPGA Cortex-A9 processor cluster DSP capabilities 361

Zynq-7000 SoC FPGA DSP slices 363

Zynq-7000 SoC FPGA logic resources and DSP improvement 362, 363


Electronic Trading Market (ETM) 158, 187, 257, 355

Electronic Trading Market Protocol (ETMP) 187, 263, 267

defining 190, 192

Electronic Trading System (ETS) 158, 187, 312, 342

data path models 165-168

Embedded OS software design flow

for Xilinx FPGA-based SoCs 342-351

embedded software

profiling, with Vitis IDE 305, 306

running, with emulation platform 294, 295

emulation platform

used, for debugging SoC test software 300-304

used, for running embedded software 294, 295

end-to-end cyclic redundancy check (ECRC) 105

Ethernet header

fields 116

Ethernet interconnect 114

speeds, historical evolution 115

Ethernet interface

of Zynq-7000 SoC 117

Ethernet interface driver functions

reference link 272

Ethernet MAC 271

DMA engine software control mechanisms 271, 272

operation setup 273

Ethernet protocol

overview 115

reference link 117

ETS SoC boot application project

Board Support Package (BSP), setting up 261, 262

ETS SoC Cortex-A9

data exchange mechanisms 265-269

software microarchitecture 275

ETS SoC Cortex-A9 core0 application project

Board Support Package (BSP), setting up 256-260

ETS SoC design

FPGA bitstream generation 230, 231

hardware image generation 230

hardware verification, with test bench 228, 229

implementation constraints, specifying 223, 224

implementation options, specifying 222

implementing 230

implications, of using ACP interface 322-325

synthesis options, specifying 218, 219

verification test bench, customizing 226, 227

verifying, with RTL simulation 225

ETS SoC hardware microarchitecture 187

defining 188, 189, 190

ETS SoC hardware subsystem

design capture 192

integrating, into FPGA top-level design 224

IPs, adding in PL block 202-216

IPs, configuring in PL block 202-216

PS block, configuring 197-202

Vivado project, creating 192-197

ETS SoC MicroBlaze PP application project

Board Support Package (BSP), setting up 252-255

software microarchitecture 276

ETS SoC processors

distributed software microarchitecture, defining 263

hardware microarchitecture, simplified view 264

ETS SoC projects

linker script, specifying 279, 280

ETS SoC system

address map 269

MicroBlaze PP system address map 269, 270

Executable and Linkable (ELF) 293

eXecute-in-Place (XIP) 22

External Multiplexed Input Output (EMIO) 117


field-programmable gate array (FPGA) 3

configuring 290-293

DSP techniques, performing with 359, 360

Finite State Machine (FSM) 218

First Stage Boot Loader (FSBL) 328, 352

flip-flops 7

floating-point unit (FPU) 14

forward error correction (FEC) 99

FPGA-based SoC

communication protocol layers mapping 378, 379

control system hardware 381-383

DSP computation, accelerating with FPGA logic 364

security, building 337-339

software mappings 381-383

FPGA devices

video and image processing implementation 366

FPGA hardware design flow 30

bitstream generation 33

design specification 31

FPGA configuration 34

netlist functional simulation 32

placement and routing 32, 33

product requirements phase 30

RTL behavioral simulation 32

RTL design 31

RTL design synthesis 32

timing analysis 33

timing simulation 33

FPGA hardware design tools 34

Dynamic Function eXchange 36

Logic Synthesis 35

verification and debug 36

Vitis High-Level Synthesis 35

Vivado Implementation 36

Vivado IP Integrator 35

Vivado Simulator 35

FPGA IC 4, 5

FPGA implementation constraints

types 221

FPGA logic

used, for accelerating DSP computation in FPGA-based SoCs 364, 365

FPGA partial reconfiguration

exploring, as alternative method 170

reference link 170

FPGA SoC board

connecting 290-293

FPGA SoC design

cross-triggering debug capability, adding to 42, 43

FPGA SoC device

general characteristics 156, 157

FPGA SoC hardware

security features 327-332

FPGA SoC hardware design tools 36

FPGA top-level design

ETS SoC hardware subsystem, integrating into 224

frame 66

frame check sequence (FCS) field 115

full power domain (FPD) DMA 21

Full System (FS) mode 173

functions, SoC

types 125, 126


gem5 framework

URL 173

used, for system modeling 172

general interrupt controller (GIC) 15, 20

General-Purpose AXI (GP AXI) 339

General-Purpose (GP) 365

General Purpose Input Output (GPIO) 94

Generic Interrupt Controller (GIC) 201

generic Quad-SPI (GQSPI) controller 22

Gen-Z consortium

reference link 118

Gen-Z fabric 120

Gen-Z protocol 118

architectural features 119, 120

geometry processor (GP) 21

Gigabit Media Independent Interface (GMII) 117

golden model 170, 171

graphical user interface (GUI) 172

graphics processing unit (GPU) 8, 118


hardware-to-software 157

Hash Message Authentication Code (HMAC) 328

high-bandwidth memory (HBM) 7

High-Performance AXI (HP AXI) 339

high-performance computing (HPC) 6

High-Performance (HP) 365

high priority read (HPR) 142

high-speed mode 130

Hybrid Memory Cube (HMC) 8


Imperas, DEV - Virtual Platform Development and Simulation

reference link 31

input/output (I/O) 152

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 171

Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) 121, 173

integrated circuits (ICs) 93, 152

integrated design environment (IDE) 34

Integrated Logic Analyzer (ILA) 36

Intellectual Property (IP) 49, 152, 361

Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) 153

overview 96, 97

serial clock (SCL) 96

serial data line (SDA) 96

Internet of Things (IoT) 327

Internet Protocol (IP) 158

adding, in PL block for ETS SoC hardware subsystem 202-216

configuring, in PL block for ETS SoC hardware subsystem 202-216

Inter Processor Communication (IPC) 197, 253

Interrupt Controller (INTC) 197

Interrupt Status Register (ISR) 265

I/O peripherals (IOP) block 13

IP-integrated DMA engines 81

advantages 82

operations 82, 83

overview 81

topology 82

IP Integrator 192

Issuing Capability (IC) 130, 322


Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) 41, 52


L2 Shared Cache (L2S$) 130

L3 Common Cache (L3C$) 130

legacy off-chip interconnects

overview 93, 94

legacy Quad-SPI (LQSPI) controller 22

Level 1 Data Cache (L1D$) 130

Level 1 Instruction Cache (L1I$) 130

link cyclic redundancy check (LCRC) 123

Linux virtual machine

used, for installing Vivado tools 178

Local Area Network (LAN) 379

Local Memory Bus (LMB) 208

lookup tables (LUTs) 7

low power domain (LPD) DMA 21


machine learning (ML) algorithms 34

management task 161

Market Database Manager Task (MDMT) 188

Market Data Information (MDI) 190

market data queue 162

Market Data Queue (MDQ) 188

Market Management (MM) 190

maximum payload size (MPS) 114

maximum read request size (MRRS) 114

Media Processing Engine (MPE) 361

memory and storage controllers, Zynq-7000 SoC 138

memory built-in self-test (MBIST) blocks 26

memory management unit (MMU) 10

memory read (MRd) 114

memory update transactions 76

memory write (MWr) 114

MESI cache 88

message-based interrupts (MSI/MSI-X)

reference link 114

microarchitectural blocks, DDR controller

DDRC 138

DDRI 138

DDRP 138

MicroBlaze Debug Modem (MDM) 210

MicroBlaze IPC

data exchange mechanisms 265-269


Monitor mode 336

multi-gigabit transceivers (MGTs) 8

Multiple Data Multiple Engines (MDMEs) 190

Multiplexed Input Output (MIO) 117


NEON 361

Network-on-Chip (NoC) 50

network processor (NP) 170

non-project mode (NPM) 34

non-recurring engineering (NRE) 5, 23, 152

non-return-to-zero (NRZ) transceivers 120

Non-Secure (NS) 332, 351

non-snooping transactions 76

Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) 352

Normal software execution mode 336

null byte 66


URL 97


OCP interconnect protocol 78

characteristics 78, 79

interface signals 79

overview 78

supported transactions 80

OCP Specification License

reference link 78

on-chip bus

overview 50

on-chip bus, lanes

address lane 50

control lane 50

data lane 50

on-chip interconnects

overview 50, 51

on-chip memory controller (OCM) 10, 132, 145

features and configuration parameters 145, 146

system view 145

one-time programmable (OTP) 126

OpenCL 170

Open Core Protocol (OCP) 49, 78

Open SystemC Initiative (OSCI) 171

Open Systems Interconnect (OSI) 115

Operating System (OS) 375

Oracle VirtualBox

installing 178-184

Ownership field 165


packet 66

Packet Processors (PPs) 202

PCIe 8b/10b encoding

reference link 99

PCIe controller

example 110

reference link 111

PCIe end points (EPs) 100

PCIe interconnect

historical overview 98, 99

system performance considerations 114

system topologies 99, 100, 101, 104

PCIe memory read (MRd) request 110

PCIe protocol layers 105

data link layer 106

transaction layer 106-110

PCIe root complex (RC) 100

PCIe specification

reference link 106

PCIe subsystem data exchange protocol example

with DMA 111-113

Peripheral Component Interface Express (PCIe) 98, 126

Peripheral Component Interface eXtended (PCI-X) 98

Physical Layer Packet (PLP) 105

Place and Route (P&R) 32

Platform Architect framework

reference link 172

position byte 66

Power-on-Reset (PoR) 330, 351

Power, Performance, and Area (PPA) 217

synthesis tools parameters, affecting 218

tools parameter implementation, affecting 221, 222

pre-fetching 83

processing elements (PEs) 157

processor cache fundamentals 130, 131

processor cache organization 131, 132

directly mapped cache 133, 134

set-associative cache 135

terminology 132

topology 132

Processor Configuration Access Port (PCAP) 329

processor local bus (PLB) interface 10

processor MMU

fundamentals 136, 137

processor subsystem (PS) 95, 110

creating, with Vivado IP Integrator 39, 40

Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) 380

Central Processing Unit (CPU) 380

Communications Interfaces (CIs) 380

history 380

Input and Output (IOs) 380

Memory Unit (MU) 380

Processing Subsystem (PS) 380

using 381

Programmable Logic (PL) 188, 312, 327, 368

project mode (PM) 34

Proof of Concept (PoC) 38

Protocol Data Unit (PDU) 375

PS block

configuring, for ETS SoC hardware subsystem 197-202

PS interconnect 23

full-power domain (FPD) 23

low-power domain (LPD) 23

pulse-amplitude modulation (PAM) 99


QEMU framework

used, for system modeling 173

QSPI flash controllers

generic Quad-SPI (GQSPI) controller 22

legacy Quad-SPI (LQSPI) controller 22

Quality of Service (QoS) 59, 107, 141

Quick Emulator (QEMU) 294

using, in Vitis IDE with ETS SoC project 295-299


radio-frequency integrated circuit (RFIC) 125

read completion (RdC) 114

Read-Only Memory (ROM) 217

Real-Time Operating System (RTOS) 342, 381

real-time processing unit (RPU) 19

Reduced Gigabit Media Independent Interface (RGMII) 117

Rivest Shamir Adleman (RSA) 328

RTL simulation

used, for verifying ETS SoC design 225


Scatter Gather DMA operation 85

Secure Configuration Register (SCR) 337

Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA) 330

Secure Monitor Call (SMC) 336

Secure software execution mode 336

Semi-Soft algorithm 169

approach, using in Zynq-based SoCs 169

FPGA partial reconfiguration, exploring as alternative method 170

OpenCL 170

system-level alternative solutions, using 169, 170

Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) 94, 153

master in slave out (MISO) 94

master out slave in (MOSI) 94

overview 94

reference link 94

serial clock (SCLK) 94

Slave select (SS) 94

set-associative cache 135

Single Data Multiple Engines (SDMEs) 190

Single Event Upsets (SEUs) 231

Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD) 361

Snoop Control Unit (SCU) 87, 131, 321

snoop transactions 76

SoC and hardware acceleration mechanisms

DSP, using 364

SoC architecture

exploration phase 151-153

exploration phase, characteristics 156, 157

modeling 170, 171

SoC-based FPGA

using, for edge detection in video applications 367, 368

using, for machine vision applications 368, 369

SoC design

HDL files, generating 40

SoC hardware

creating, with Vivado IP Integrator 37, 38

initializing, and testing with user software applications 277

SoC hardware and software partitioning 158

electronic trading system 158-164

SoC hardware microarchitecture

developing 187

SoC, in ASIC technologies 23, 24

design capture 24

floorplanning 27

functional or formal verification 26

high-level design steps 24

performance and manufacturability verification 27

placement 27

power analysis 26

routing 27

RTL design 25

RTL synthesis 26

static timing analysis 26

test insertion 26

SoC interface

characteristics 127

definition, by function 125, 126

functions 125

quantitative considerations 129

services 128, 129

SoC level

accelerators port, using to extend cache coherency 88, 89

cache coherency, extending with ACE-4 and CCI 89

SoC PS block

communication interfaces 155

dedicated hardware functions 156

memory and storage controllers 155

SoC PS Cortex-A CPU 154

SoC software design flow

steps 236

SoCs PS processors block

features 153

SoC system

performance analysis 317-320

quantitative studies 317-320

SoC Technical Reference Manual (TRM)

reference link 13

SoC test software

emulation platform, used for debugging 300-304

sparse stream style 70

stacked silicon interconnect (SSI) 5

standalone DMA engines

overview 84

static memory controller (SMC) 16, 144

configuration parameters 144

features 144

microarchitecture diagram 144

Static Random-Access Memory (SRAM) 217

switching nodes 376

Synopsys Platform Architect

reference link 31

used, for system modeling 172

synthesis options

specifying, for ETS SoC design 218, 219

Syscall Emulation (SE) mode 173


used, for system modeling 173

System in a Package (SiP) 24

system-level alternative solutions

using 169, 170

System Memory Management Unit (SMMU) 77

system modeling

with Accellera SystemC 171, 172

with gem5 framework 172

with QEMU framework 173

with Synopsys Platform Architect 172

with SystemC/TLM2.0 173

with TLM2.0 171, 172


Technical Reference Manual (TRM) 89

tightly coupled memory (TCM) 20

Time Domain Multiplexing (TDM) 36


used, for system modeling 171, 172

TLP completion with data (CplD) 110

trading algorithm task 161

Transaction Layer Packet (TLP) 105

transaction-level modeling (TLM) 171

translation look-aside buffer (TLB) 137

translation tables 137

Transmission Control Protocol and Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) 158, 377

triple timers/counters (TTCs) 20


Ubuntu Linux VM

installing 179-184

reference link 179

used, for installing Vivado 186, 187

Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (UART) 153

universal serial bus (USB) 126

user application

building 354-358

running 354-358

User Datagram Protocol (UDP) 355

user software applications

building, to initialize and test SoC hardware 277


Verification IP (VIP) 225

video codec unit (VCU) 19, 21

Video Direct Memory Access (VDMA) 366

video processing systems

generic architecture 367

Virtex-5 FXT 11

virtual channel (VC) 123

Virtual Component Interface (VCI) 78

Virtual Machine (VM) 178

virtual prototype (VP) 25, 171

Virtual Socket Interface Alliance (VSIA) 78

Vitis 44

Vitis IDE

ETS SoC MicroBlaze software project setup 242-245

ETS SoC PS Cortex-A9 software project setup 246-251

ETS SoC software project setup 239-242

features 44

used, for profiling embedded software 305, 306

Vitis IDE embedded software design flow

overview 46

Vitis IDE, with ETS SoC project

QEMU, using 295-299

Vivado 34

installing, on Ubuntu Linux VM 186, 187

Vivado IDE

complex SoC subsystem, building with 312-316

ETS SoC XSA archive file generation 236-239

Vivado IP Integrator 35

HDL files, generating for SoC design 40

used, for creating processor subsystem 39, 40

using, to create SoC hardware 37, 38

Vivado ML Edition

reference link 186

Vivado project

creating, for ETS SoC hardware subsystem 192-197

Vivado tools

hardware specification 178

installing, on Linux virtual machine 178

Operating Systems (OSs) 178


watchdog timer (WDT) 20

wireless local area network (WLAN) 126


Xilinx AXI VDMA engine

reference link 367

Xilinx Design Constraints (XDCs) 35, 222

Xilinx FPGA-based SoCs

using, in Embedded OS software design flow 342-351

Xilinx FPGA device features

ARM-based processing subsystem 8

configuration and system monitoring 8

design clocking 8

encryption 9

external interfaces 8

external memory interfaces 8

logic elements 7

overview 6

routing 7, 8

signal processing 7

storage 7

Xilinx FPGA devices

historical overview 5

IC 4

overview 3-5

overview of device families 6

vertical markets 5

Xilinx SoC

history 9

overview 9-11

Xilinx SoC FPGAs

survey, based on ARM CPU 13

Xilinx Zynq-7000 SoC family hardware features 13

Zynq-7000 I/O peripherals block 18

Zynq-7000 SoC APU 14, 15

Zynq-7000 SoC interconnect 18

Zynq-7000 SoC memory controllers 15

Xilinx Zynq Ultrascale+ MPSoC family

overview 19

Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC APU 20

Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC DMA channels 21

Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC GPU 21

Zynq-UltraScale+ MPSoC interconnect 23

Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC IOP block 23

Zynq-UltraScale+ MPSoC IOs 22

Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC memory interfaces 21

Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC PMU 21

Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC RPU 20

Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC VCU 21


Zynq-7000 SoC I2C controller

overview 97

reference link 98

Zynq-7000 SoC interfaces 138

DDR memory controller 138

on-chip memory controller (OCM) 145

static memory controller (SMC) 144

Zynq-7000 SoC memory controllers 15

QSPI flash controller 17

SDRAM DDR interface 15, 16

Static memory interfaces 16

Zynq-7000 SoC SPI controller

overview 95

reference link 95

Zynq-based SoCs

Semi-Soft algorithm approach, using 169

Zynq-UltraScale+ MPSoC IOs 22

PCIe interface 23

SATA interface 23

Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC memory interfaces 21

DDR memory controller 22

OCM memory 22

QSPI flash controller 22

static memory interfaces 22

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