3.5. Adding Functionality to the App

Class MainActivity (Figs. 3.93.16) implements the Tip Calculator app’s functionality. It calculates the 15% and custom percentage tips and total bill amounts, and displays them in locale-specific currency format. To view the file, open src/com.deitel/tipcalculator and double clck MainActivity.java. You’ll need to enter most of the code in Figs. 3.93.16.

 1   // MainActivity.java
 2   // Calculates bills using 15% and custom percentage tips.
 3   package com.deitel.tipcalculator;
 5   import java.text.NumberFormat; // for currency formatting
 7   import android.app.Activity; // base class for activities
 8   import android.os.Bundle; // for saving state information
 9   import android.text.Editable; // for EditText event handling
10   import android.text.TextWatcher; // EditText listener
11   import android.widget.EditText; // for bill amount input
12   import android.widget.SeekBar; // for changing custom tip percentage
13   import android.widget.SeekBar.OnSeekBarChangeListener; // SeekBar listener
14   import android.widget.TextView; // for displaying text

Fig. 3.9 | MainActivity’s package and import statements.

16   // MainActivity class for the Tip Calculator app
17   public class MainActivity extends Activity
18   {

Fig. 3.10 | Class MainActivity is a subclass of Activity.

19     // currency and percent formatters
20     private static final NumberFormat currencyFormat =
21        NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance();
22     private static final NumberFormat percentFormat =
23        NumberFormat.getPercentInstance();
25     private double billAmount = 0.0; // bill amount entered by the user
26     private double customPercent = 0.18; // initial custom tip percentage
27     private TextView amountDisplayTextView; // shows formatted bill amount
28     private TextView percentCustomTextView; // shows custom tip percentage
29     private TextView tip15TextView; // shows 15% tip
30     private TextView total15TextView; // shows total with 15% tip
31     private TextView tipCustomTextView; // shows custom tip amount
32     private TextView totalCustomTextView; // shows total with custom tip

Fig. 3.11 | MainActivity class’s instance variables.

34     // called when the activity is first created
35     @Override                                          
36     protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
37     {
38        super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); // call superclass's version
39        setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); // inflate the GUI
41        // get references to the TextViews
42        // that MainActivity interacts with programmatically
43        amountDisplayTextView =                                 
44           (TextView) findViewById(R.id.amountDisplayTextView );
45        percentCustomTextView =
46           (TextView) findViewById(R.id.percentCustomTextView );
47        tip15TextView = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.tip15TextView);
48        total15TextView = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.total15TextView);
49        tipCustomTextView = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.tipCustomTextView);
50        totalCustomTextView =
51           (TextView) findViewById(R.id.totalCustomTextView);
53        // update GUI based on billAmount and customPercent
54        amountDisplayTextView.setText(
55           currencyFormat.format(billAmount));
56        updateStandard(); // update the 15% tip TextViews
57        updateCustom(); // update the custom tip TextViews
59        // set amountEditText's TextWatcher
60        EditText amountEditText =
61           (EditText) findViewById(R.id.amountEditText);
62        amountEditText.addTextChangedListener(amountEditTextWatcher);
64        // set customTipSeekBar's OnSeekBarChangeListener
65        SeekBar customTipSeekBar =
66           (SeekBar) findViewById(R.id.customTipSeekBar);
67        customTipSeekBar.setOnSeekBarChangeListener(customSeekBarListener);
68     } // end method onCreate

Fig. 3.12 | Overriding Activity method onCreate.

70     // updates 15% tip TextViews
71     private void updateStandard()
72     {
73        // calculate 15% tip and total
74        double fifteenPercentTip = billAmount * 0.15;
75        double fifteenPercentTotal = billAmount + fifteenPercentTip;
77        // display 15% tip and total formatted as currency
78        tip15TextView.setText(currencyFormat.format(fifteenPercentTip));
79        total15TextView.setText(currencyFormat.format(fifteenPercentTotal));
80     } // end method updateStandard

Fig. 3.13 | Method updateStandard calculates and displays the 15% tip and total.

82     // updates the custom tip and total TextViews
83     private void updateCustom()
84     {
85        // show customPercent in percentCustomTextView formatted as %
86        percentCustomTextView.setText(percentFormat.format(customPercent));
88        // calculate the custom tip and total
89        double customTip = billAmount * customPercent;
90        double customTotal = billAmount + customTip;
92        // display custom tip and total formatted as currency
93        tipCustomTextView.setText(currencyFormat.format(customTip));
94        totalCustomTextView.setText(currencyFormat.format(customTotal));
95     } // end method updateCustom

Fig. 3.14 | Method updateCustom calculates and displays the custom tip and total.

97     // called when the user changes the position of SeekBar
98     private OnSeekBarChangeListener customSeekBarListener =
99        new OnSeekBarChangeListener()
100       {
101          // update customPercent, then call updateCustom
102          @Override                                                   
103          public void onProgressChanged(SeekBar seekBar, int progress,
104             boolean fromUser)                                        
105          {
106             // sets customPercent to position of the SeekBar's thumb
107             customPercent = progress / 100.0 ;
108             updateCustom(); // update the custom tip TextViews
109          } // end method onProgressChanged
111          @Override
112          public void onStartTrackingTouch(SeekBar seekBar)
113          {
114          } // end method onStartTrackingTouch
116          @Override
117          public void onStopTrackingTouch(SeekBar seekBar)
118          {
119          } // end method onStopTrackingTouch
120       }; // end OnSeekBarChangeListener

Fig. 3.15 | Anonymous inner class that implements interface OnSeekBarChangeListener to respond to the events of the customSeekBar.

122     // event-handling object that responds to amountEditText's events
123     private TextWatcher amountEditTextWatcher = new TextWatcher()
124     {
125        // called when the user enters a number
126        @Override                                           
127        public void onTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start,
128           int before, int count)                           
129        {
130           // convert amountEditText's text to a double
131           try
132           {
133              billAmount = Double.parseDouble(s.toString()) / 100.0 ;
134           } // end try
135           catch (NumberFormatException e)
136           {
137              billAmount = 0.0; // default if an exception occurs
138           } // end catch
140           // display currency formatted bill amount
141           amountDisplayTextView.setText(currencyFormat.format(billAmount));
142           updateStandard(); // update the 15% tip TextViews
143           updateCustom(); // update the custom tip TextViews
144        } // end method onTextChanged
146        @Override
147        public void afterTextChanged(Editable s)
148        {
149        } // end method afterTextChanged
151        @Override
152        public void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int count,
153           int after)
154        {
155        } // end method beforeTextChanged
156     }; // end amountEditTextWatcher
157  } // end class MainActivity

Fig. 3.16 | Anonymous inner class that implements interface TextWatcher to respond to the events of the amountEditText.

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