



Part 1Premise and Story—Building the Foundation

Chapter 1Your First Book in Story Development

Tell Me Your Story

Story Comes First—Writing Comes Second

Storytelling and Writing Are Not the Same Thing

The 7-Step Premise Development Process

Chapter 2What Is a Story Premise and Why Should You Care?

Common Definitions of Story Premise

Historical Definitions of Story Premise

A Working Definition of Story Premise

Chapter 3The Invisible Structure

The Blinding Ball of Information

The Invisible Structure








Backing Into the Story

Chapter 4The Visible Structure

The Invisible Made Visible


Moral Component

Chain of Desire

Focal Relationship


Plot and Momentum


The Premise Line Connection

Chapter 5The Power of the Premise Line

The Story Structure-Premise Connection

Anatomy of a Premise Line

Mapping the Invisible Structure: The Four Clauses

Clause #1: Protagonist Clause

Clause #2: Team Goal Clause

Clause #3: Opposition Clause

Clause #4: Dénouement Clause

Premise Analysis

Chapter 6A Story vs. a Situation

What Is a Story?

The Magic Formula

What Is a Character?

What Is a Plot?

What Is a Story Again?

What Is a Situation?

The Five Components of a Situation

What Do I Do If I Have a Situation and Not a Story?

Chapter 7The Moral Premise

What Does “Moral” Mean?

What Is a Moral Component?

Moral Blind Spot

Immoral Effect

Dynamic Moral Tension

The Passive Protagonist Loop

The Active Protagonist Loop


Part 2The 7-Step Premise Development Process

The 7 Steps

Why a Process and Not Just a List of Steps?

Forms, Worksheets, and Samples

Step 1Determine If You Have a Story or a Situation

Why This Is the Hardest Step

Step 2Map the Invisible Structure to the “Anatomy of a Premise Line” Template

Apply the Map to Your Story Idea

Three Test Cases

Step 3Develop the First Pass of Your Premise Line

Step 4Determine If Your Premise Is High Concept

Which Is Better: High Concept or Soft Concept?

What Is a High-Concept Premise?

The 7 Components of a High-Concept Premise

What Is a Soft-Generic Premise?

The High-Concept / Log Line Worksheet Exercise

Step 5Develop the Log Line

What Is a Log Line and Why Should You Care?

How Do Premise Line and Log Line Work Together?

What Is a Tagline?

The Log Line / Tagline Worksheet Exercise

Step 6Finalize the Premise Line

What Does Final Mean?

Step 7Premise and Idea Testing

What Is Premise Testing and Why Should You Care?

How to Use the “Premise Testing Checklist”

Part 3Development: A Few Remaining Nuts and Bolts

Chapter 8I Nailed the Premise and Log Lines—Now What?

The Case for a Short Synopsis

The Synopsis Process

How to Use the “Short Synopsis Worksheet”

The “Short Synopsis Worksheet” Exercise

Chapter 9The Three Stages of Development

Business Development Stage

Script Development Stage

Story Development Stage

Chapter 10Character Development—What They Don’t Teach You

There Can Be Only One

The Ensemble

The Three Groups of Characters

Messenger/Helper Characters

Complication/Red Herring Characters

Reflection/Cautionary Tale Characters

Chapter 11Final Thoughts

The Myth of Writer’s Block

The Only Real Reason Writers Get Blocked

The Only Real Solution to Writer’s Block

The 7-Step Process for Busting Writer’s Block

About the Author


Appendix A: Worksheets and Forms

Appendix B: Examples

Appendix C: e-Resources/Companion Website

Appendix D: Writer Resources


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