Writer Resources

(Note: The Internet addresses and locations below may change over time, so these links may not last. If the links are broken or changed, all these resources are worth searching for using your web browser.)

Every writing how-to book I know lists various resources in the appendix to help the writer with advice, more tools, references, etc. The lists tend to be long and include the usual suspects: all the flavor-of-the-month gurus or hipster story consultants active at the time the list is published. I really did not want to saddle you with another generic list of “writer resources.” You have Google and a web browser—you don’t need me to recommend a story consultant. But, since consulting is one of the things I do (I actually make my living as a writer!), I thought you’d like to know who I respect in the business—trust me, the list is short. As time passes, of course, some of these companies and individuals may fold or decide to go sell aluminum siding, but most have had some serious longevity, so I suspect they will be around for quite some time. None of the intro blurbs I give are meant to provide a comprehensive review of services or skills. I just want to introduce them to you, and you can contact them for more.

Chris Soth (Mini-Movie Method)

Chris Soth is a screenwriter with studio credits who has developed a beat sheet/sequencing process called the “Mini-Movie Method.” It is a great tool designed specifically for filmmakers and screenplay writing. This is a no-nonsense and practical process designed to generate productivity and deliverables. I like no-nonsense.

Writer’s Boot Camp (WBC)

Founded by producer Jeffrey Gordon, WBC is one of the best “put your butt in a chair and get it done” programs out there. For more than two decades, WBC has been providing some of the best screenwriting classes and industry networking events available anywhere. Many of their alumni have gone on to write for major film studios and television/cable networks or have significant independent film projects produced.

Christopher Vogler

Christopher Vogler is the author of The Writer’s Journey: Mythic Structure for Writers, based on the work The Hero with a Thousand Faces by Joseph Campbell, one of the world’s foremost mythologists (sadly deceased). Chris teaches excellent workshops based on The Writer’s Journey material and is especially popular in the screenwriting community.

Tawnya Bhattacharya (“Script Anatomy”)

“Script Anatomy,” founded in 2010 by writer Tawnya Bhattacharya, is a writing program developed and taught by a working TV writer. Its unique curriculum is designed to give emerging professionals practical development, writing, and rewriting tools to help advance their craft. “Script Anatomy” clients have won spots in all major TV writing fellowships, have staffed on or sold pilots to both cable and network channels.

Jenna Avery (The Writer’s Circle)

Jenna Avery is a sci-fi screenwriter, columnist, blogger, writing-habit coach, and the founder of “The Writer’s Circle,” an online coaching program that helps writers build professional writing habits. This is another “put your butt in a chair and get it done” program, but geared more around writing practice, not writing craft. The program relies on a system of guilt-free support, powerful small group coaching, and daily accountability. It’s designed for procrastinators, writing newbies, and writers under a deadline.

John Truby

John Truby (Truby’s Writers Studio) has been teaching story structure and screenplay development for more than two decades. He’s one of the few “gurus” who actually has professional screenwriting experience working both in features and television. He is the author of an important book called Anatomy of Story: 21 Steps to Becoming a Master Storyteller. He is internationally recognized and sells tons of great products. His work with genre structures is especially wonderful.

John August

John has one of the most popular and respected screenwriting/entertainment industry-related bogs on the Internet. He is a screenwriter (Big Fish, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Corpse Bride, among others), novelist, playwright, and director. His no-nonsense take on the screen trade is refreshing and incredibly informative.

Go Into the Story (Scott Myers)

Go Into the Story is another popular and useful screenwriting blog. Scott is an accomplished screenwriter, having worked for major studios and broadcast networks. He is a popular screenwriting teacher through the UCLA Extension Writer’s Program, and is a great resource for any screenwriter, regardless of level of experience. He also writes the “official screenwriting blog” for the Blacklist (blcklst.com).

The Bitter Script Reader

One of the best blogs on script reading by a professional story analyst (anonymous) who has worked for Oscar-winning production companies and one of the “big” agencies. This person’s wit and insight are incredibly fun and educational. He/she is one of the gatekeepers you are trying to win over in your writing efforts. Read this blog and learn. And have lots of fun.

Julie Gray

Based out of Tel Aviv, Israel, Julie is an experienced writer, story analyst, writing coach, editor, and advocate for artists and storytellers across the globe. The author of Just Effing Entertain Me: A Screenwriter’s Atlas, Julie has taught story at Warner Bros. Studios, The Great American PitchFest, The London Screenwriters’ Festival, Oxford University, and many others. She is a great font of wisdom, experience—and darn good advice.

Disclaimer: None of the resources listed above have read this book prior to publication, or publicly endorse, support, recommend, or subscribe to anything I say in this book. Their presence here is in no way an endorsement of me or my writing. I make this disclaimer for their benefit, but also to make it clear these recommendations are in no way a quid pro quo. They’re here because they’re the real deal and I like them.

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