Note: Italicized page numbers indicate a figure on the corresponding page.

Absalom, Absalom (Faulkner) 80

active protagonist loop 65, 66, 668, 67, 67

adventure: beginning of 22; in dénouement 445, 56, 114; examples of 46, 58, 1778; as genre 73; initiation of 41, 44; invisible structure component 20, 24, 28, 39, 75; as opposition clause 113; plot and momentum 334; in story middle 43; in story premise 17, 30, 123

Alien (Hill) 102

Aliens (film) 128

All Is Lost (film) 74

Amadeus (film) 63

antagonist: as a complication character 131; examples of 113, 114; impact on protagonist 35; multiple antagonists 43; opposition from 323, 434; in Visible Structure 137

archetype, defined 19

Aristotle 15

The Art of Dramatic Writing (Egri) 16

Benchley, Peter 90

Bergler, Edmund 1323

The Blob (film) 128

business development stage 11920

Campbell, Joseph 19

cautionary tale characters 12930

chain of desire 301, 32, 112, 137

change: in dénouement 114; doom moment and 35; evolution-de-evolution 356; examples of 46, 114; invisible structure component 20, 24, 28; lack of, in story 36, 39; in protagonist 31, 412, 50, 667; situation vs. story 72; in story premise 17, 53, 56

character: defined 513; focal relationship character 312, 112, 113, 129, 131, 137; invisible structure component 20, 212; as plot 54; in premise 16; protagonist as 29; reflection characters 31; story definition and 50; see also antagonist; protagonist

Children of Men (James) 90

clauses in premise line 3945, 106

climax moment 35

collective unconscious 19

complication/red herring helpers 1278

conflict: dramatic conflict 33; moral conflict 31, 67; in premise 1617, 44

constriction: invisible structure component 20, 22; moral component and 2930, 41; protagonist’s character flaw 412

core belief of protagonist 2930, 62

crystallization idea 16

Dark Knight, The (film); 12930, 131

dénouement: adventure in 445, 56, 114; defined 35, 40; examples of 46, 114; overview 445; in premise line 76, 105

desire: adventure and 24; chain of desire 301, 32, 112, 137; by characters 62; examples of 77, 112; invisible structure component 20, 23, 75; opposition and 32, 43; of protagonist 33, 35, 138; situation vs. story 59; team goal clause 423

development: business stage 11920; character groups 12631; the ensemble cast 1246; overview 11819; protagonist in 1234; story stage 1212

Dickens, Charles 12

Die Hard (film) 54

Die Hard (Thorp) 90

Dog Day Afternoon (film) 85

doom moment 35, 113, 114, 137

dramatic conflict see conflict

dramatic development see development

dynamic moral tension 29, 61, 64

Egri, Lajos 16

Einstein, Albert 256

emotional focus in premise 84, 86

endings in premise 16

the ensemble cast 1246

entertainment value in premise 84

entitlement blind spot 667

episodic storytelling 23, 42

evolution-de-evolution 356

Exorcist, The (film) 127

Faulkner, William 12, 45, 80

Field, Syd 9

final resolution of story 35, 114, 137

Finnegan’s Wake (Joyce) 85

first-drafts 12, 28, 93, 102

Fitzgerald, F. Scott 78

five-stage (act) theory of dramatic structure 1516

focal relationship character 312, 112, 113, 129, 131, 137

Frankenstein (film) 85, 130

Freytag, Gustav 1516

Game of Thrones (HBO) 125

Godfather (Puzo) 779

Godfather Trilogy, The (film) 60

Godzilla (film) 74

Great Gatsby (Fitzgerald) 78, 79

Gregory, Andre 36, 54

Hague, Michael 9

Harry Potter (Rowling) 90

Hemingway, Ernest 12

hero-heroine dynamic 323, 44

Hero’s Journey story system 9, 19

Hero with a Thousand Faces, The (Campbell) 19

high concept premise: defined 834; determination of 818; introduction 13; log line worksheet exercise 88; overview 812; seven components of 847; short synopsis and 115; soft concept premise vs.;823

Hill, Walter 102

Hitchcock, Alfred 121

hook: high concept ideas and 55, 86; log line and 72, 901, 102; situation vs. story 55

Howe, Elias 26

Idea of the Drama 1516

immoral effect 29, 624, 67

inciting incident 22, 29

invisible structure: adventure 20, 24, 28, 39, 75; adventure in 20, 24; change in 20, 24; character in 20, 212; components of 201; constriction in 20, 22; defined 1718; desire in 20, 23; introduction 13; mapping of 759; overview 1920, 246; relationship in 20, 23; resistance in 20, 23; synopsis and 104; visible structure and 289

invisible structure, mapping: dénouement clause 35, 445; opposition clause 434; overview 40; protagonist clause 412; team goal clause 423

Jacobs, Alexander 102

James, P.D. 90

Jaws (Benchley) 90

Jaws (film) 40, 46, 47

Johnson, Bret Anthony 1920

Joyce, James 85

Jung, Carl 19

Kekulé von Stradonitz, Friedrich August 26

King, Stephen 12, 82

Law & Order (TV show) 126

literary agents 3, 83, 103, 120

log line: defined 8990; development of 8992; examples 901; hook and 72, 901, 102; introduction 13; premise line and 90; tagline 912; worksheet 72, 88

McCarthy, Cormack 12

“magic formula” for situation vs. story 51, 62

Martin, J.R.R. 125

mass audience appeal 86

messenger/helper characters 1267

Meyer, Stephanie 77

middle of story: active protagonist loop 67; adventure in 24; example of 112; human relationship in 74; milestones in 345; moral blind spot 31; oppositional clause 43; situation vs. story 55; team goal clause an 2, 43; weak spots of protagonist 3, 34

midpoint stakes 34, 113, 137

“Mini-Movie Method” 34

moral blind spot: antagonist’s knowledge of 33; constricting event and 30, 41; desire, link to 31; in doom moment 35; immoral effect and 62; as moral component 29, 61; overview 612

moral component: defined 614; dynamic moral tension 29, 61, 64; in visible structure 2930

moral conflict 31

moral premise: active protagonist loop 65, 66, 668, 67; blind spot 612, 129; dynamic moral tension 64; immoral effect 624; introduction 13; moral, defined 601; moral component, defined 614; passive protagonist loop 646, 65; plot and 54

motivation: action from 524; constriction impact on 412; core belief under 301; emotional change from 51; moral component in 61, 62; opening motivation 43; situation vs. story 72; windows into 129

multiple antagonists 43

Muybridge, Eadweard 86

My Dinner with Andre (film) 36, 54

novelization of screenplays/movies 103

O’Conner, Flannery 12

The Odd Couple (film) 130

Of Mice and Men (Steinbeck) 63

opposition clause 323, 434, 113

“organic unity” idea 1516

originality in premise 845

passive protagonist loop 646, 65

plot: character as 54; defined 534; momentum in story 334; six-stage plot 9; story definition and 50; see also visible structure

Poetics, The (Aristotle) 15

Point Blank (Jacobs) 102

point of attack 22

premise: adventure in 17, 30, 123; change in 17, 53, 56; common definitions 1415; development 4; foundation 4; historical definitions 1516; introduction 13; originality of 845; soft concept premise 13, 823, 878; working definition of 1718; see also high concept premise; invisible structure 7-Step Premise Development Process

premise line: analysis of 458, 46; anatomy of 3940; clauses in 3945, 106; dénouement in 76, 105; development of first pass 7981; finalization 92; introduction 13; invisible vs. visible connections 367; log line and 90; sample premise line 45, 47; story structure vs.389, 39; as tool 15; worksheet 712

premise testing 72, 925, 967

Producers, The (film) 126

protagonist: active protagonist loop 65, 66, 668, 67; antagonist impact on 35; change in 31, 412, 50, 667; character flaw and constriction 412; core belief of 2930, 62; desire of 33, 35, 138; in development 1234; mapping clause 412; midpoint stakes for 33, 34; number of 1234; passive protagonist loop 646, 65; in visible structure 29

Proust, Marcel 12

Puzo, Mario 78

Reed, Barry 63

reflection characters 31, 12930

relationships in storytelling: focal relationship character 312, 112, 113, 129, 131, 137; invisible structure component 20, 23; middle of story 74; overview 55

resistance: adventure and 24; invisible structure component 20, 23; as opposition 323, 434, 113; overview 23; in story structure 17, 20, 75

Rowling, J.K. 90

Sallie Gardner at a Gallop (Muybridge) 86

Save the Cat (Snyder); 9, 34

script doctor 3, 93

7-Step Premise Development Process: developing log line 8992; forms, worksheets, and samples 712; high concept premise 818; introduction 4; invisible structure, mapping 759; overview 1213, 14, 6970; premise line, finalization 92; premise line, first pass 7981; premise testing 925; process in 701; situation vs. story, determination 725; see also invisible structure; premise; premise line; visible structure

Shawn, Wallace 36, 54

Short Synopsis Worksheet 10417

Silence of the Lambs (film) 60

situation vs. story: character, defined 513; determination of 725; goals of 589; “magic formula” for 51, 62; plot, defined 534; situation, components 568, 57t; situation, defined 556; story, defined 4951, 55; whistles and bells test 734

six-stage plot 9

Snyder, Blake 9, 34

soft concept premise 13, 823, 878

Song of Ice and Fire, A (Martin) 125

Soth, Chris 34

Stanton, Andrew 102

Steinbeck, John 63

story: change, impact on 36, 39; consultant 93; defined 4951, 55; development stage 1212; editors 3; final resolution of 35, 114, 137; stakes 34, 113, 137; telling of 910; writing vs.1011; see also middle of story; situation vs. story

story premise see premise

story structure: premise line vs.389, 39; resistance in 17, 20, 75; writer’s block and 137

storytelling: episodic storytelling 23, 42; story development stage and 1212; story premise support of 17; writing vs.1112; see also relationships in storytelling

sub-desires 31

Sunset Boulevard (film) 63

supporting characters 1234

synopsis: overview 101; process of 1034; short synopsis 1013; Short Synopsis Worksheet 10417

tagline: defined 91; examples of 74, 912; log line and 72; premise testing and 94

team goal clause 423, 76, 105, 112

Thorp, Roderick 90

three-act structure 9

Toute une vie (And Now My Love) (film) 85

truth moment 667

28 Days Later (film) 128

Twilight (Meyer) 77, 77

uniqueness in premise 856

“unity of action” idea 15

unpublished screenplays 103

Verdict, The (Reed) 63

visible structure: chain of desire in 301; evolution-de-evolution 356; focal relationship in 312; introduction 13; invisible structure and 289; moral component in 2930; opposition in 323; overview 278; plot and momentum 334; protagonist in 29; synopsis and 104, 105

Vogler, Christopher 9, 19

Wall-E (Stanton) 102

“What if” question concept 867

whistles and bells test 734

World War Z (film) 127

writer’s block: myth of 132; overview 132; reason for 1345; 7-step process for 1369; solution for 1356

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