Jeff Lyons is a freelance story editor and story development consultant at Kensington Entertainment, Burbank, CA. He also teaches story structure and story development through Stanford University’s Online Writers Studio, and guest lectures through the UCLA Extension Writers Program. His writing can be found in Script Magazine, Writer’s Digest Magazine, and The Writer. Jeff is the founder of Storygeeks, a professional services company offering story consulting, professional development, and editorial services to screenwriters, novelists, film and television production companies, and indie producers. His popular workshops on premise development and how to use the Enneagram system for story development—for novelists and screenwriters—are offered throughout the United States and will be expanding to Europe and Asia in 2016. Along with his lecturing and teaching, Jeff is a regular presenter at leading storytelling and writing industry trade conferences. He has also taught at the Producers Guild of America’s Diversity Workshop, coaching emerging writer/producers on story and script development. In 2016, he will be publishing Rapid Story Development: How to Use the Enneagram-Story Connection to Become a Master Storyteller through Focal Press.

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