Writing a book is a gargantuan task, and you never do it alone. I certainly could not have done this without the talented people who stepped up, rolled up their sleeves, and graciously gave of their personal grace and professional skills.

Writers need other writers in their lives who will tell them the truth. I was lucky to have Caroline Leavitt, Mary Barr, Masha Hamilton, Kimberley Heart, Stephen David Brooks, and Frederick Ponzlov. Their trusted advice and keen observations made this a better book. I especially want to thank Caroline Leavitt, who did the technical edit on this book and whose story skills were invaluable in helping me get out of my own way. Likewise, Frederick Ponzlov’s and Stephen David Brooks’ smart and intuitive “between the lines” insights helped to keep me on a straight line.

This book would not have been possible, in its present form, without my agents Janet Rosen and Sheree Bykovsky (Sheree Bykovsky Associates Inc.). I will always be grateful that Janet took a chance on a first-time book writer, and bulldogged his book proposal through power lunches, book festivals, and book trade conferences for over a year, trying to find the right partner. She finally did find that partner in Focal Press. I want to thank Focal Press editors Emily McCloskey and Elliana Arons for managing the acquisition, pre-production, and production processes with ease and flexibility. They were (are) a pleasure to work with.

And thank you Lazaris.

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