Subject index

Acetylcholine 31

negative mood and enhanced cholinergic receptor sensitivity 31

Auditory evoked potential 61, 73

Affective aggression 2, 125

Aggression scales 49

Aggressive scripts 13

personality 18, 19

scenarios 15

schemata 15

Aggressiveness 15

Alcohol 8392, 105113, 117119, 123124, 126132

and aggression theories 127

alcoholic myopia 127

concentrations in breath 85, 107

on mood 91

reduction of attentional capacity 127

use 11

Amygdala 28

appraisal 29

tactical decision 28

Anger 3, 5, 7, 11, 1314, 119, 129130

anger rating scale 60, 71, 89, 100, 111, 117

scales 50

Animal models of aggression 3031

Anticonvulsants 41

Antidepressants 42

Antipsychotics 38

Anxiety 7, 16, 118, 129130

clinical 78

disorders 130

social inhibition 16

see also Panic

Apology 8, 9

Arousal 5, 8, 11, 12, 14, 56, 83

and affective aggression 56

intensity of arousal 12

state 13

Attack 7, 8

Attributions 7, 12, 14

attributional bias 17, 125

blame 125

Auditory reaction time 61, 73, 80

Behavioural aggression 80, 89, 119, 124, 129

dyscontrol 105

Benzodiazepines 39, 93121, 128131

alprazolam 105, 129, 130

antagonist flumazenil 131

ceiling efficacy 93, 94

chlordiazepoxide 93, 103, 105

clonazepam 130

diazepam 93, 102103, 105

differential effects 94

duration of action 93

lorazepam 93105, 128130

memory 93, 102, 128

oxazepam 93104, 128

potency 93

triazolam 130

Beta-adrenergic antagonists 40

Biological indices 123

Brain mechanisms 27

Buss Aggression Machine 50, 53, 126

Buss Durkee Hostility Inventory (BDHI) 49, 61, 67, 7879, 125, 130

and growth hormone response to clonidine 33

Carbamazepine 42

Cardiovascular activity 56

see also Heart

Clozapine 42

Cognition 11

Cognitive correlates 23

development 23

function 23

processes 92

theories 5, 132

Competitive reaction time task

with shocks 54

with noises 5759, 65, 73, 8687, 89, 95, 102, 108109,115116, 125126, 129130

Conviction history 78

questionnaire 61, 67

Coping 5

Correlations between trait inventories 77

and behavioural

aggression 77


aggressive, 7

contextual 5, 11

Definitions 1

Diagnosis 1718, 78

Dissociation between behaviour and feelings 92, 120, 127, 129

Dopamine 31

Dose effects 120, 123, 129

Drinking questionnaire 60, 67, 111

Drug treatment 3744, 65

EEG 61, 72, 79

Electrodermal activity 56

see also Skin conductance

Emotional susceptibility 16

External factors 1, 9

environmental 9, 10

Excitation 5

transfer model 13

Family 5

Fenfluramine 132

Flesinoxan 42

Fluoxetine 132

Forensic patients 6481, 124

Frustration 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 14, 51, 53

Gamma-amino butyric acid (GABA) 32, 128, 131

alcohol 32

benzodiazepines 32

Gender, sex differences, 24, 9091, 126, 130131

Genetic factors,

in aggressiveness 2122

in criminality 23

Gepirone 42

Guilt 17

Heart period 59, 7477, 81, 87, 91, 98, 103, 109111

rate 83

History of aggression 63, 77, 124

predisposing factors 18

Hormones 3637

Hostile disposition 23, 125126, 130131

intention 2, 8

Hostility 16, 119, 129

dimension 123

scales 48

syndrome 17

verbal 105

Impulsivity 16

Individual differences 1, 15

Instigation from others 9

Instrumental aggression 2, 125

Insult 7, 8

Intent to harm 8

Intentionality 8, 14

Interpersonal factors 1, 6

Ipsapirone 42

Irritability 16

Labelling effects 12

Laboratory techniques 5355

Life-course-persistent aggressive behaviour 15

Lithium 40, 42

Mass media 5, 10, 123

Mood rating scale 60, 69, 88, 98, 111, 117

Negative emotion or affect 2, 5, 7, 11, 12, 16, 124

related to irritability 79

self-evaluation 79

Neurotransmitters 3036

NMDA 128

Noise 10, 91

Noradrenaline 32

enhanced activity and

irritability 33

MHPG and irritability & impulsivity 33

Observation 5, 4647

Observer scales 47

Overcontrolled 16, 19, 48

response to CRT 54

Panic disorder 105, 113, 125, 129

Pathological aggression 17

Perception of hostile intent 130

of threat or provocation 126

Personality disorder 17, 18, 78, 123

antisocial 18

borderline 105

traits 16, 17

Physical assault 7, 8


activation 124, 125

measures 14, 56, 59, 65

underarousal 80, 124

Point subtraction

aggression paradigm 5455

Positive emotion 13

Prejudice 23

Projective techniques 51

Propranolol 42

Provocation 5, 7, 11, 16, 118119, 126127, 129130

measure response to 51

minimal 123

perception of 80

Psychopath 18

primary 20

secondary 20, 80

Rapid tranquillisation 3839

Reports 47

Risperidone 42

Self-awareness 92, 127, 129, 130

Serotonin (5-HT) 33, 123, 128, 131132

agonists 42

alcohol 36

appraisal 34


benzodiazepines 36

compounds 42, 132

hormone responses to challenge 35

imbalance 21

impulsive aggression 33

post-mortem studies 35

re-uptake inhibitors 43

Shame-proneness 17


Situation reaction questionnaires 51

Skin conductance 60, 73, 74, 80, 83, 87, 96, 103, 109

Sympathetic nervous system (SNS) 123, 125

Social expectations 20, 80

Spielberger state-trait anxiety inventory 60, 71, 89, 101, 111, 117

Spielberger state-trait anger scale 60, 72

Stimulants 42


reactivity to, 84

response dampening 84, 91, 118, 127129

Subjective rating scales 66, 88, 98, 102, 111, 116117

Substance abuse 123124

Suicide, self-harm 79

Techniques of measuring aggression 46

Temporal lobe epilepsy 2930

Testosterone 3637

Theories of aggression

cognitive 5

drive 4, 5

instinct 4, 5

social learning 5, 6, 17

Tricyclic antidepressants 32

Tryptophan 42

Types of aggression 1, 2, 3


response to CRT 54

Validity, Chapter 4, 124

Violence 10, 1617

brain disease 18

clinical features 2021

crime 11, 80

domestic 19, 79

list of behaviour 51

offenders 80

overcontrolled 19

psychosis 18

undercontrolled 19

Visual analogue scales 51

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