

1:1 pixel mapping, seeing, 53

8 bits vs. 10 bits, 337

32 Bit Float Color Precision effect, 285

720p60 broadcast standard, 91


'(accent) key, 7, 64, 138

(backslash) key, 138


accent (') key, 7, 64, 138

Activity Monitor, 3132

Adjustment Layers bin, 99

adjustment layers, using, 292294, 386

Adobe After Effects. See After Effects, 27

Adobe Audition. See Audition

Adobe Creative Cloud. See also cloud

benefit, 17, 388

production process, 37

Sync, 1721

Adobe Encore, installing, 452

Adobe Media Encoder. See Media Encoder

Adobe Photoshop. See Photoshop

Adobe Prelude. See Prelude

Adobe Story, 118124

After Effects

composition naming, 108

Disk Cache, 108110

Dynamic Linking, 107

effects, 3940

frame sizes, 472473

imported media, 110

learning, 4445

Media Cache folder, 110

presets, 3940

projects, 108

rendering for performance, 110

and SpeedGrade, 27


effects, 287292

stills, 37

Animation codec, 415

Animation Presets, 39

Appearance preferences, 55

Apple ProRes reset, 80

archiving projects, 478482

audio. See also clipped audio; dual capture sound; mixing sound; sound

adjusting levels, 92

Audition, 276282

Clip Mixer, 260261

Expand Audio Track, 245

feathering, 269

gain and levels, 240244

headphones, 239240

listening environment, 237240

listening to recordings, 239

loudness, 240244

matching to video, 234

merging, 90

nuances, 237

overcompressing, 268

replacing, 161162

sound spectrum, 269

stereo vs. mono, 9293

submixes, 264265

syncing, 161162

Timeline interface, 244250

Track Mixer, 262264

unlinking from video, 183

workspace, 240

audio channels, modifying, 93

Audio Clip Mixer, 260261

audio clipping, 250251

Audio FX

DeEsser effect, 274275

DeHummer effect, 272274

EQ (equalizer), 268270

limiter, 268

Loudness Radar effect, 271272

Multiband Compressor, 266268

reverb effect, 275276

audio levels, 254255

audio master output, 82

audio mixing, 37

Audio preferences, 52

audio previews, 71

audio repair workflow, 37

audio scrubbing, 137138

audio setup, 237238

audio signal, receiving, 237

audio terminology, 244

Audio Track Mixer, 262264

audio tracks

buttons, 246248

dead, 9596

keyframes, 248249

locking, 200

naming, 250

resizing, 245

setting up, 8182

using separately, 249

audio transitions, applying, 258

audio waveforms, viewing while trimming, 191


Amplitude Statistics, 281

back to Premiere Pro, 117

clips, 115

DAW (Digital Audio Workstation), 116

DeClipper effect, 282

destructive disadvantage, 474

disadvantage, 474475

Disk Cache, 114115

exporting tracks as stems, 117

fixing clipped audio, 280282

learning, 4344

removing noise, 277280

restoring clipped audio, 280282

sample-based noise reduction, 40

sequences, 116

auto save, 55, 72

Automate to Sequence, 155160. See also sequences

AVC editing mode, 74

AVC IntraFrame codec, 414

AVCHD editing mode, 74

Avid DNxHD, 74, 414, 428, 430

Avid Media Composer

exporting AAFs, 12

importing from, 11

keyboard mapping, 65

media considerations, 12

translation, 12


background encoding, 38

backing up media, 28, 6979

backslash () key, 138

backup project files, 119


manual in Project Manager, 480482

maximum number of, 70

Behance ProSite, 22

bin views, adjusting, 101102

bins. See also projects

common types, 9899

enlarging, 138

preference, 50

using as Source Monitor, 155160

black and white look, 381382

buttons, 61


cache files, 5658


configuring, 27

directories, 105

system setup, 119

camera data, 454455

camera formats, 47

camera logs, using, 225

camera media

maintaining, 455

system setup, 119

transferring, 455

vaulting, 455

camera raw files, 467468


choosing for multi-camera editing, 234

professional, 45

chroma adjustments, 354355, 400

chroma issues

fixing with RGB curves, 366

fixing with Three-Way Color Corrector, 359360

chroma keying, 37

clipped audio, 251, 280282. See also audio

clips. See also Fit Clip panel; footage; Reveal Clip; shots; Timeline clips

advice regarding unlinking, 50

editing from sequences, 220

grouping, 179

marking on fly, 137

merging and syncing, 8990

merging based on audio, 8990

merging based on metadata, 90

modifying for slow motion shots, 9092

naming, 99

relinking, 194195

replacing, 164, 168

scrubbing, 137

unlinking, 194195

cloud, 28. See also Creative Cloud

CMY colors, 338

codecs, 7880, 84, 413415, 464

Color Blend mode, 327

color correction, 37, 332334, 351, 356357. See also light; primary corrections; secondary corrections; SpeedGrade

color correction interface setup

Combination views, 347

customizing, 347

full screen, 347

keyboard remapping, 350351

modifying workspace, 348350

RGB Parade, 345347

tools, 340341

vectorscope, 343345

video scopes, 341

YbCr Parade, 347

YC Waveform, 341343

color matching, 403, 405

Color Mattes bin, 99

color picker, using, 339

color temperature, 335

color wheel, 339

compositing and keying, 315, 317321

compression tips, 434

corrections vs. grades, 332

CPU, 24

crossfades, 257258

Ctrl key. See keyboard shortcuts

cut points, selecting, 211212


Darken Blend mode, 323

Darker Color Blend mode, 324

DeClipper effect, 282

DeEsser effect, 274275

Default scale to frame size preference, 5051

DeHummer effect, 272274

Delete command, 172

deselection keyboard shortcut, 65, 151

dialogue scenes, cutting, 162163

digital storage, best practices, 455

digital-file output workflow, 37

Dissolve Blend mode, 323

distribution based codec, 413414

Divide Blend mode, 327

DNxHD, 74, 414, 428, 430

DPX (Digital Picture Exchange), 435, 476477

drag-and-drop replace, 165167

Dropped Frame indicator, 5859. See also frames

dual capture sound, merging, 89. See also audio

DVCPro codec, 414

DVD-5 quick formula, 445

Dynamic Link, 327330

dynamic trimming, 205208. See also trimming


edit points, 211, 214216

editing. See also multi-camera editing

adding shots to sequences, 137

Automate to Sequence, 155160

back-timing, 151152

basic assembly, 136142

clips from sequences, 220

driving keyboard, 137

four-point, 152154

JKL keys, 136

key commands, 136

keyboard as work surface, 136137

marking clips on fly, 137

modes, 7477

moving frames, 137

navigating footage, 137

panel tabs, 129130

Replace Edit, 168

saving workspace presets, 130133

scrubbing clips, 137

three-point, 143145

Timeline, 131135

tracks, 146150

workflows, 37, 217221

workspace layout presets, 127129

workspace setup, 127

zoom to sequences, 138

edits. See also split edit

Extract command, 170172

insert and overwrite, 132

Lift, 169170

toggling focus, 132


adjustment layers, 292294

animating, 287292

fixed, 286

Opacity Blend modes, 296297

and presets, 3940

reusing, 380

Rolling Shutter Repair, 303304

saving, 380

scaling height and width, 297

standard, 286, 296

track mattes, 294296

transitions, 291

Warp Stabilizer, 300304

Effects tab, using for output, 417

Encore, installing, 452

EQ (equalizer) effect, 268270

Export Media dialog box, 420426, 436437


media, 475477

XML in Final Cut Pro, 910

exporting strategies

architectures, 409415

AVI (Audio Video Interleaved), 413

buckets, 412413

client requests, 410411

codecs, 409415

Flash, 413

MP4 vs. h.264, 412

MPEG-4, 412

MXF (Materials eXchange Format), 413

needs vs. outputs, 410

output, 413419

presets, 442449

preview files, 427

QuickTime, 412

rendering while working, 427

uncompressed video, 409

video compression, 410

Extend Edit, 188189, 200

external ports, upgrading, 35

Extract command, 170172


file naming, 104

file-based cameras, 7

Final Cut Pro, 910, 65

final output, 426430. See also output

Fit Clip panel, 152156. See also clips


architecture, 413

self-hosting preset, 446448

flesh tones, adjusting, 370372

folders, 69

fonts. See Title Designer

footage. See also clips

ingesting, 459

removing from Timeline, 169176

replacing, 164

transcoding, 457458

transferring, 457458

four-point editing, 152153

frame size

decisions about, 465467

restoring, 139

frames, 137138. See also Dropped Frame indicator


gain, 240244

Gaussian Blur effect, 314

General preferences, 4950

GPU acceleration effect, 285

GPU cards, 26, 34


vs. corrections, 332

turning on and off, 400

Gradient filter look, 383384

grouping clips, 179, 195197

Group-Selecting edit points, 214216


h.264 codec, 414, 431434. See also output

hardware, 23, 30, 3436

HDV editing mode, 75

headphones, 239240

Hue Blend mode, 327

hum, 273274



from Avid Media Composer, 11

to bins, 87

clips for slow motion shots, 9092

dead audio tracks, 9596

dual sound, 8990

“generic” projects, 97

vs. Media Browser, 86

merge and sync clips, 8990

Prelude, 8889

slow motion shots, 9092

stereo vs. mono audio, 9294

Import command, 86

In and Out range, marking for clips, 151

In points, designating, 458

ingesting footage, 37, 459

Input tracks, setting up, 83

insert edits, source patching for, 146149


JKL keys, 136, 139140

JPEG (Joint Photograph Expert Group), 435


Kelvin units, 335

keyboard layout presets, saving, 142143

keyboard mapping

Adobe Premiere Pro, 64

Auto Waveform, 65

Avid Media Composer, 64

Deselect All, 65

Final Cut Pro 7.0, 65

increasing speed, 140

Media Browser, 66

modifying pre-mapped shortcuts, 140

panels, 65

preferences, 65

reclaiming unused keys, 140

tips, 141142

Track Height Presets, 66

keyboard shortcuts

(backslash) key, 138

+ (plus) and − (minus), 139

Audio Channels option, 94

Copy command, 150

customizing, 140

Cut command, 150

deselection, 151

Effect Controls panel, 287

filling screen with video, 9

jumping to markers, 171

linking clips, 195

Match Frame, 169

maximize frame under cursor, 138

modifying, 139140

Paste command, 150

Replace Clip, 169

restore frame size, 139

search box, 66

SpeedGrade, 393

Task Manager, 32

toggle full screen, 139

toggling trims, 211

trimming in Timeline, 187

unlinking clips, 195

workspaces, 62

keyframes, 256. See also track keyframes

keying, combining techniques, 321322

keying and compositing, 315, 317321


layers, 405

Lift edits, 169170

light, 335340. See also color correction

limiter, using, 268

linked selections, best practice, 50

list views with metadata, maximizing, 102104

locking tracks, 200

.look files, 471


adjustment layers, 386

applying across scenes, 386387

black and white, 381382

Bleach Bypass, 383

copying between shots, 402403

described, 405

developing, 334, 380381

filmic “S curve,” 381

Gradient filter, 383384

Lumetri, 384385

nesting, 387

recipes, 381

sepia, 382

summer, 383

summer + Grad filter, 384

looping, 44

LTO (Linear Tape Open) drive, 70

luma adjustments, 354, 397400

luma issues, fixing, 358359

Lumetri effect, 384385, 388, 471


maintaining sync, 192197. See also Sync Settings

markers, jumping to, 171

marquee-dragging, 214216

masks, explained, 405

master tracks vs. submxes, 265

masters, 8283

Match Frame, 160163, 167169


exporting, 475477

rewrapped, 1011

media backups, making, 6979

Media Browser

directory viewers, 88

filtering by file type, 88

vs. import, 86

importing directly to bins, 87

JKL keys, 88

keyboard mapping, 66

playing through clips, 88

previewing media, 79

Thumbnail vs. List view, 8788

viewing clips, 89

Media Cache folders, 5758

Media Encoder

Add Output button, 439

adding metadata, 451

appearance, 451

Automatic Encoding preference, 450

automating, 450452

automating with watch folders, 441

background encoding, 38

compression in Queue panel, 441

compression process, 438439

custom transcode settings, 437

encoding, 438

interface, 438

learning, 41

locating media drives, 451

log information, 440

Media Cache folder, 111

MP3s for transcription, 452

naming system, 439

Output File Destination, 451

Output Preview area, 440

outputs/media, 111

overview, 437

preference adjustments, 450

Preset Browser, 440442

presets, 438, 442-449

Queue button, 38

Queue panel, 438439

resetting sources, 439

watch folders, 438, 441, 451452, 476

media setup, 6769, 119120

Memory preferences, 52

merging and syncing clips, 89

metadata views, 102104

mezzanine formats, 464465

mixing sound. See also audio

adding keyframes, 256

clipping, 251

crossfades, 257259

DR (dynamic range), 251254

level adjustment in Timeline, 254255

noise floor/room tone, 259

panning, 259260

tracking keyframes, 256

using keyframes, 256

VU meters, 250

mono pair, adjusting to be stereo clip, 94

mono vs. stereo audio, 9293

moves and trims, using numeric keypad for, 216

MP3s for transcription, 452

MP4 vs. h.264, 412

MPE (Mercury Playback Engine), 1416

MPEG-4 category, 412, 433

MTS-MPEG Transport Stream files, 13

multi-camera editing. See also editing

acquiring media, 223227

adding sync markers, 231

adjusting, 233234

building sequences, 230

choosing cameras, 234

keyboard mapping, 231

multi-camera sequences, 228232

organizing media, 227228

performing, 232233

preparation, 228231

recording overlap, 226227

recording sync marks, 225

selecting clips, 230

shooting wide, 227

sync timecode, 224225

using camera logs, 226

video and matching audio, 234

workflow, 223227

multichannel masters, 8283

MXF (Materials eXchange Format), 413, 430

MXF DNxHD OP1a, 430


nesting, using with looks, 387

Nests bin, 99

noise, removing, 277280

noise floor/room tone, 259

noise reduction, 40

normalization methods, 244245

numeric keypad, using for moves and trims, 216


online-hosting preset, 448449

Opacity Blend modes, 296297, 323327

Open CL architecture, 16

optimized setup. See also system setup

Appearance, 55

Auto Save, 55

cache files, 5558

General, 4950

Label Colors, 55

Memory, 52

Playback, 53

preferences, 4849

Sync Settings, 5354

Trim, 55


adjusting bin views, 101102

bins for projects, 9899

clip naming, 100101

list views and metadata, 102104

sequence naming, 99

Out points, designating, 458

output. See also final output; h.264 codec

accelerating, 427

Bars & Tone ID sequence, 419

clip names, 416

duplicating sequences, 415

Effects tab, 417

file size, 418

files, 420

monitoring, 30

naming sequences for, 415

nesting sequences, 417

timecode, 416

watermarking, 416418

Outputs bin, 98

Overlay Blend mode, 325

Overlays, 5960

overwrite edits, source patching for, 146149


P2 cards, 3

P2 editing mode, 75


enlarging, 138

keyboard mapping, 65

maximizing, 7

panning, 259260

Paste Insert technique, 178180

performance, keyboard mapping, 65


best practices, 113114

document setup, 112113

documents, 112

documents for import, 113114

Files/Graphics bin, 99

learning, 4142

Merge options, 114

performance cache, 112

window layout with Timeline, 111

pixels, measuring with color picker, 339

Playback preferences, 53

playhead, adding, 404

PNG (Portable Network Graphic), 435

Post codecs, 428

post/archival based codec, 413

poster frames, setting for shots, 156

post-faders, 265

postproduction. See also Prelude

After Effects, 472473

Audition, 473475

camera raw files, 467468

codecs, 464

fixing issues in, 222

frame size, 465467

mezzanine formats, 464465

Smart Rendering, 465

SpeedGrade, 468473

starting in Premiere Pro, 456

pre-faders, 265

preferences, 4955

Prelude. See also postproduction

Comment marker, 461

exporting to Premiere Pro, 463

features, 8889

file renaming during ingest, 459

learning software, 42

markers, 460462

media, 106107

Media Cache folder, 106

metadata and file logging, 459

metadata during ingest, 459

In and Out points, 458

project cache, 105106

projects, 105

Relink dialog, 459

rough cuts, 462

Subclip marker, 461

transcoding footage, 457458

transferring footage, 457458

Verification feature, 458

presets and effects, 3940

previewing media, 79

previews, 119

primary colors, 336337

primary corrections. See also color correction

SpeedGrade, 397398

Three-Way Color Corrector, 352, 357363

production process in Adobe Creative Cloud, 37

Program panel, trimming in, 187192

project files, system setup, 119

Project Manager, 478482

project setup

audio previews, 7172

auto save, 72

captured video, 71

captures audio, 71

editing modes, 7477

master templates, 85

optimizing, 7071

sequence presets, 7274

sequence template preset, 7781

tracks, 8185

video previews, 7172

projects. See also bins

archiving, 477

optimizing, 7072

ProRes codec, 415, 428

prosumer cameras, 45


Queue button, 436437


advantage, 412

editing mode, 75

and Post codec, 426, 428430

QuickTime media, 10


RAID (Redundant Array of Information Disks)

explained, 2829

upgrades, 35

RAID-5 backups, using, 29, 69


recommendations, 25

upgrades, 36

raw files, 467468

raw footage

bin, 98

keeping versions of, 454455

RED footage, maximizing performance, 26

RED Scarlet-X camera, 6

rendering, 427, 430. See also Smart Rendering

Replace Edit, 168

Resource Monitor, 7, 3233

Retina MacBook, 35

Reveal Clip, 163164. See also clips

reverb effect, 275276

rewrapped media, 1011

RGB color space, 336337

RGB Curves, 351, 364366

RGB Parade

Bright/Darks, 345346

flesh tones, 346

neutral items, 345

SpeedGrade, 397

RGB processing, 364

Ripple and Roll, using in tandem, 182186

Ripple Delete command, 172173

Ripple Edit tool, 182

Rolling Edit tool, 181182

room tone, 259

rough cuts, creating, 462


S for snapping, toggling, 50, 186

Saturation Blend mode, 327

Scale to Frame Size workflow, 217219

scenes, combining, 220221

script and speech technologies, 118, 120123

scriptwriting, 120121

scrubbing clips, 137

SDCam codec, 414

secondaries, explained, 405

secondary corrections. See also color correction

eyedropper color selection, 368369

flesh tones, 370372

key-based, 368

leaving single color, 374375

refining selection, 369370

shape-based, 375377

Show Mask, 369

skies, 372373

Soften control, 370

in Three-Way Color Corrector, 352353

Selection tool, 181

sepia look, 382

sequence presets, 7277

sequence settings, Maximum choices, 8081

sequence template presets

Apple ProRes, 80

audio master output, 82

building master template, 85

multichannel masters, 82

resaving presets, 7778

smart rendering codecs, 7880

split channel masters, 8283

tracks, 8182

sequence types, changing, 84

sequences. See also Automate to Sequence

adding shots to, 137

dragging, 82

editing clips from, 220

managing, 74

naming, 99

naming for output, 415

nesting, 417

zooming in, 138

zooming to, 138

shape-based corrections, 375377

Shift key. See keyboard shortcuts

shortcuts. See keyboard shortcuts

shot matching, 377379

Shot/Reverse shot, 402403

shots. See also clips

adding to sequences, 137

replacing in timeline, 165169

setting poster frames for, 156

skies, adjusting, 372373

skin tones, adjusting, 370372

Slide tool, 189190

Slip tool, 189190

slots, running out of, 36

Smart Rendering, 7980, 465. See also rendering

snapping, toggling, 50, 186

Sony editing mode, 75

sort buttons effect, 285

sort index, forcing, 67

sound. See also audio

“brightness,” 238

“muddy,” 238

spectrum, 269

Source Monitor, using bin as, 155160

source patching, 146149

speakers, 237239

speech, smoothing, 50

speech and script technologies, 118, 120123

SpeedGrade. See also color correction

Add playheads, 393

adding playhead, 404

and After Effects, 27

AutoColorMatch, 405

chroma adjustments, 400

color correction, 390

color matching, 393, 403 405

Copy grade below mouse, 393

copying looks between shots, 402403

Direct Link, 471

Dynamic playback, 393

Export Look, 470

export options, 390

Final Saturation control, 401

Full screen toggle, 393

global controls, 401402

Go to, 393

grading controls, 391

Input Saturation control, 401

keyframes, 406

layers, 391

Layers panel, 398

learning, 4445

.look files, 471

Look preset filed, 118

luma adjustments, 398400

LUTs (look-up tables), 118, 469470

Magenta control, 402

moving playhead, 392

navigating, 393

navigating Timeline, 392393

Out points, 393

Pivot + Contrast control, 401

Play options, 393

playing clips, 393

In points, 393

preparing sequences, 390

primary corrections, 398

range controls, 400401

returning to Premiere Pro, 392

reviewing adjustments, 402

RGB Parade, 398

scope locations, 395396

Send back to Adobe Premiere Pro, 390

Send to Adobe SpeedGrade, 390

shortcut keys, 393

Shot/Reverse shot, 402403

show/hide options, 393

snapshots, 391, 406

Temperature control, 401

Timeline, 391

toggle Grading, 393

toggling In/Out points, 394

toolbar, 391

upstream from Premiere Pro, 469470

Vectorscope, 397

video cards, 27

viewer, 391, 395

Waveform, 396397

workflows, 390

working directly in, 390

Zoom options, 393

zooming Timeline, 394

split channel masters, 8283

split edit, creating quickly, 183. See also edits

SSD storage, 28, 35

standard effect rendering order, 296

At Startup preference, 49

stereo vs. mono audio, 9293

still frames, outputting, 435436

Still Image Default preference, 50


best practices, 455

caches, 2728

choosing, 27

connections, 27

media, 28

OS considerations, 2930

projects, 28

RAID, 2829

SSD, 28

Story, 118124

subclips, using, 100101

submixes vs. master tracks, 264

Subtract Blend mode, 327

suite relations

After Effects, 107110

Audition, 114117

caches, 105

file naming, 104

media, 104105

Media Encoder, 110111

Photoshop, 111114

Prelude, 105107

SpeedGrade, 118

Swap Edit command, 176178

sync, broken, 232

sync issues, repairing, 200

sync marks, recording, 225

Sync Replace, 167169

Sync Settings, 53. See also maintaining sync

sync timecode, using, 224225. See also Timecode

system design

computer monitor, 30

CPU, 24

hardware monitoring cards, 30

“minimum” configuration, 23

performance gains, 23

RAM, 25

storage, 2730

Thunderbolt support, 23

video card, 26

system performance, 3034

system setup, 119. See also optimized setup



modified, 201204

removing, 173176

tape-based cameras, 7

Task Manager, 32

three-point editing, 143146

Three-Way Color Corrector

fixing chroma issues, 359360

fixing luma issues, 358359

practicing with, 361363

primary corrections, 352, 357363

ranges, 353

vs. RGB Curves, 361363

secondary correction, 352353

Tonal Range, 353

Thunderbolt connections, 27

TIFF (Tagged Image Foto Format), 435

Timecode, 416. See also sync timecode

Timecode Overlay, 425


activating display indicators, 134

customizing tracks, 134

display settings, 132133

fly-out menu, 135

Linked Selection, 192

live trimming on, 208210

Match Frame, 160163

removing footage, 169176

removing footage from, 169176

replacing footage, 164165

replacing shots, 165169

repositioning clips, 176180

Reveal Clip, 163164

saving track height preferences, 133

scrolling, 131132

Show Auto Keyframes, 135

trimming tips, 187

zooming, 131132

Timeline clips. See also clips

Paste Insert technique, 178180

repositioning, 176179

Swap Edit command, 176178

Timeline editing

asymmetrical trimming, 210216

dynamic trimming, 205208

Extend Edit live, 201

live trimming, 208

modified tops and tails, 201204

Timeline Playback preference, 50

Title Designer

adjusting glow effect, 308

BRIKZ clip, 311

character spacing, 309310

Custom Style Library, 305

effects and blends, 311312

explained, 304305

Gaussian Blur effect, 314

gradients, 310311

kerning, 309310

Lit property, 306

metallic styles, 305307

nested sequence, 312315

Title Properties panel, 306, 308

track matte, 312315

tracking, 309310

Typestyle 2, 307308

Titles bin, 99

titling workflow, 37


Ripple Edit, 182

Rolling Edit, 181182

Selection, 181

Slide, 190191

Slip, 189190


modified, 201204

removing, 173176

track awareness, 146

track height preferences, saving, 133

Track Height Presets, keyboard mapping, 66

track keyframes, 256. See also keyframes

track locks, 179

track mattes

using, 294296

using with title effect, 312315

track targeting, 150, 161

tracking, explained, 405


adjusting to be mono pair, 93

adjusting to ignore one, 94

customizing in Timeline, 134

locking, 200

naming, 82

setting up, 8182

transcode settings, customizing, 437

transcoding video

codecs, 457

considering, 15

vs. data transfers, 458

explained, 1213

importing formats, 13

media handling, 14

performance, 14

portability, 14

transferring footage, 457458

Transform effect, 286

transitions, using as effects, 291

Transparent Video bin, 99

Trim mode, 187188

Trim preferences, 5455

Trim tool cheat sheet, 188

trimming. See also dynamic trimming

asymmetrical, 210214

dynamic and live, 208210

Extend Edit, 188189

Group-Select cuts, 214217

maintaining sync, 192200

in Program panel, 187188

repairing sync issues, 200

Ripple and Roll, 182186

Ripple Edit tool, 182

Rolling Edit tool, 181182

Selection tool, 181

Slide tool, 190192

Slip tool, 189190

Tall Trim Jim, 216

tools, 181

trims, toggling, 211

trims and moves, using numeric keypad for, 216

TV, bins used in, 99

Typestyle 2, choosing, 307308


Ultra Key, 315319

Undo command, 179


VAR (Value Added Reseller), 34

VBR (variable bit rate), 431, 434

Vectorscope, 343345, 397

Verification feature, using in Prelude, 458


legalizing, 387388

switching with matching audio, 234

transcoding, 1214

unlinking audio from, 183

Video and Audio Transition preference, 49

video cards, 26, 35

video driver, updates to, 26

Video Limiter, 388

video previews, 71

video scopes, 341

video tracks, locking, 200

visible light spectrum, 335

volume level, adjusting for clips, 254255

VU meters, 250, 254


Warp Stabilizer, 300304

watch folders. See Media Encoder

watermarking, 416418

Waveform, 396397


animating stills, 37

audio mixing, 37

audio repair, 37

Audition, 40

background encoding, 38

chroma keying, 37

color correction, 37

Default Scale to Frame Size, 51

digital-file output, 37

editorial, 37

effects, 3940

handling camera data, 454455

ingest, 37

learning curve, 38

multi-camera, 230

multi-camera editing, 222

Smart Rendering, 7980

SpeedGrade, 390

Story, 122123

titling, 37

workspaces, 6162


XML, exporting in Final Cut Pro, 910

XMP “sidecar” file, 459


YbCr Parade, 347

YC Waveform, 341343

YCr'Cb', 339340

YUV space, 286, 339340


zooming in sequences, 138

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