
accountants/accounting, 2nd, 3rd, 4th

FDD reports on, 2nd, 3rd

and legal due diligence

acquisition planning, 2nd

see also integration plans

acquisition agreement see sales and purchase agreement


advertising, finding candidates through


advisory teams


checklist for appointing

communication on updates

and confidentiality agreements

day-to-day management of

and due diligence, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th

and FDD investigations


final reports

liability caps

preparations for working with

reports of specialist advisers

selecting, 2nd

and stages of the acquisition process

terms of reference for

when to involve

aggression in negotiations

anger in negotiations

Anglo-Saxon countries

letters of intent in



and target investigations

asset base, 2nd

FDD assessment of, 2nd, 3rd

see also net assets

auctions, finding candidates through


and FDD investigations, 2nd

balance sheet values


and target investigations

bargaining power

BATNA (best alternative to negotiated agreement), 2nd

bluff in negotiations, 2nd, 3rd

body language

and negotiations, 2nd

bottlenecks in negotiations

breach of confidentiality agreements


and integration planning

build-up strategy

business models/cultures

and commercial due diligence

and target evaluation

buyer selection

and target companies, 2nd


and sales and purchase agreements

and target companies

FDD investigations

cash flow

FDD reports on, 2nd

see also discounted cash flow (DCF)

caveat emptor principle, 2nd

CDD see commercial due diligence (CDD)

certificates of title

commercial activities

FDD reports on, 2nd

commercial due diligence (CDD)

aims of

analysis phase, 2nd

and financial due diligence, 2nd, 3rd

and internal/external organisations

market and customer insight, 2nd

meet management phase, 2nd

and problem solving

reporting phase, 2nd

start-up phase

terms of reference


and commercial due diligence

and integration planning, 2nd, 3rd

phases of, 2nd

comparable transactions

as a valuation method, 2nd

competitive strengths and weaknesses

and the search process


and commercial due diligence, 2nd

and integration planning


and acquisitions agreements

and commercial due diligence, maintaining while gaining customer insight

confidentiality agreements, 2nd, 3rd

breach of

information covered by

persons signing

and target investigations

time limit on

confidentiality clauses

in acquisitions agreements

in letters of intent

confidentiality obligations

of target companies

consensus (buyer-seller)

consolidation strategy

constitutional documents


acquisition search, 2nd, 3rd

and commercial due diligence

and integration planning

role of business consultants

contingent fee arrangements

contingent liabilities


and legal due diligence, 2nd

shares and the law of contract

control systems

FDD investigations into

sellers of target companies

cooperative negotiation

core businesses, 2nd

corporate development, 2nd

corporate financiers, 2nd, 3rd

and target investigations

when to involve

corporate investigators


cost reductions

and integration planning

sellers of target companies


FDD reports on

transaction and reorganisation

critical success factors (CSFs)

and commercial due diligence, 2nd, 3rd

cross-border transactions, 2nd


and commercial due diligence, business models/cultures

cultural differences

and corporate development

in questioning

FDD reports on organisational culture

and integration planning

adjustment to fit the cultural gap, 2nd

barriers to integration


and acquisitions agreements, 2nd

and commercial due diligence

customer insight

data requests

and corporate development

FDD reports on

and integration planning, 2nd, 3rd, 4th

and target investigations

data analysis

and customer assessment, 2nd

data requests

and commercial due diligence

data room visits

and legal due diligence

DCF see discounted cash flow (DCF)

deal breakers

deal management, 2nd

deal points

and sales and purchase agreements


and discounted cash flow valuations

and sales and purchase agreements

and target investigations

FDD investigations of

deception in negotiations

desk research

and commercial due diligence

disclosure letters, 2nd, 3rd, 4th

discounted cash flow (DCF), 2nd, 3rd


assumptions of

computer modelling

costs of debt

free cash flow


terminal value

distribution channels


and commercial due diligence

dotcom investors, 2nd

‘drive-by investing’

due diligence

and the acquisition search process

and acquisitions agreements, conditions to closing

advisers, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th

five strands of

and integration planning, 2nd, 3rd

due diligence teams

and valuation

and letters of intent

and misrepresentation claims

specialists, 2nd

and target evaluation

and target investigations, 2nd, 3rd, 4th

business risks

and outside advisers

sensitivity to


types of due diligence

vendor due diligence

see also commercial due diligence (CDD); financial due diligence (FDD); legal due diligence (LDD)

duplication and organisational structure

FDD reports on


and financial due diligence

preliminary agreements on

and sales and purchase agreements


FDD assessment of, 2nd

as a method of valuation

EBITDA method of valuation, 2nd

emotion in negotiations


and acquisitions agreements

restrictive covenants in

FDD reports on, 2nd

former employees and commercial due diligence, 2nd

and integration planning, 2nd, 3rd, 4th

acquired employees and day one

job losses

and legal due diligence

rates of pay

redundancies, 2nd

staff turnover

and target investigations, 2nd, 3rd

environmental specialists

EPS (earnings per share), 2nd

equity see shares (equity)

escrow accounts

European countries

letters of intent in

exclusivity, preliminary agreements on

existing markets, searching

experts in negotiations

failed acquisitions, 2nd

and integration plans, 2nd

FDD see financial due diligence (FDD)


for advisers

contingent fee arrangements

FDD reports on management fees

introduction fees

provision for in letters of intent

success fees

financial control

and integration planning

financial due diligence (FDD)

and commercial due diligence (CDD), 2nd, 3rd


checklist for

contents of reports

key issues to cover

sources of information

financial projections

FDD review of, 2nd

finding candidates

acquisition criteria

acquisition databases

advisers for

drawing up a shortlist

making an approach

mapping the market

running an acquisition search

screening potential targets


fixed assets

focus groups, 2nd


and commercial due diligence, 2nd

and financial due diligence, 2nd

sellers of target companies

fragmented markets

consolidating, 2nd

screening potential targets


good cop/bad cop

gross margins

FDD reports on


and commercial due diligence

comparisons of growth strategies

short-listing targets based on

guarantee of the guarantee

guarantees, release of

heads of terms see letters of intent

history of target companies

FDD reports on, 2nd

IM (information memorandum)


in acquisition agreements, 2nd, 3rd

alternatives to

indemnification against liabilities

and legal due diligence

preliminary agreements on

industry capacity

rationalising, 2nd

industry observers

and commercial due diligence, 2nd

information memorandum (IM)

information systems

FDD reports on

information technology

impact of, 2nd

and integration planning

and legal due diligence

insider dealing

integration management, 2nd, 3rd

co-ordination of the project plan

and communication

and the due diligence team

integration teams

reporting systems

role of

skills and attributes of

integration plans

acquisition guidelines

advance development of

advisers for, 2nd

barriers to

adjustment to fit the cultural gap

and customers, 2nd, 3rd, 4th

early planning

reasons for

and investment appraisal

minimising uncertainty

moving quickly once the deal is done

phases of

day one

month one

one hundred days

week one

year one

post-acquisition review

soft issues in

and target investigations

intellectual property

and legal due diligence, 2nd

preliminary agreements on


internet surveys

and customer assessment, 2nd, 3rd


and commercial due diligence

customer insight, 2nd, 3rd

market participants, 2nd

and financial due diligence

finding acquisition candidates

selecting advisers


investigating the target see target investigations

investment levels

FDD reports on

issue analysis

key individuals

and target evaluation

key performance indicators (KPIs)

key purchase criteria (KPC)

and critical success factors, 2nd

and customer segmentation

key talent

and integration planning


and negotiation

last resort, acquisition as

lawyers, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th

LDD see legal due diligence (LDD)


and integration management

legal constraints

and integration planning

legal due diligence (LDD)

checklist for


and organisational structure

process of

reasons for

legal framework

legal loose ends

and target investigations, 2nd


approaching acquisition candidates

disclosure letters, 2nd, 3rd, 4th

engaging advisers

‘hold harmless’

letters of intent

advantages of

binding provisions, 2nd, 3rd

defensive clauses in

disadvantages of

enforceability of

give-and-take issues in

‘no-solicitation’ provisions

provision for expenses

topics covered by



FDD assessment of, 2nd, 3rd

pension funds

indemnification against

liability caps

and sales and purchase agreements

lies and negotiations

line managers

and targets

and warranties


FDD reports on potential

loose ends

and target investigations, 2nd


and commercial due diligence

data requests

meet management phase, 2nd

FDD investigation of, 2nd, 3rd

changes in

reports on management fees

and integration planning, 2nd, 3rd

line managers, 2nd

management teams and advisers

and target investigations, 2nd

see also integration management


and integration planning


and acquisitions target evaluation

and commercial due diligence

data requests on

market analysis

market and customer insight phase, 2nd

and financial due diligence

market capitalisation and P/E ratio

market drivers and commercial due diligence

market mapping

market segmentation, 2nd, 3rd

short-listing targets by market position


and sales and purchase agreements

‘missing link’ strategy

misunderstandings, feigned

named individuals

and confidentiality agreements


advisers, 2nd

aspirations, 2nd

basics of

and body language, 2nd

and deal management

dealing with pressure devices

dealing with tactical ploys

green light in

keeping control in

last-minute changes in

and power, 2nd

preparing for

BATNA, 2nd


interests, 2nd


questions and answers

recognising and returning signals

rules of arguing

and sales and purchase agreements

silence in

skills, 2nd

splitting the difference

starting discussions

threats in

trading concessions, 2nd

uncorking bottlenecks

using intuition and logic in

win-lose tactics in

win-win, 2nd, 3rd

see also preliminary negotiations

net assets

backing, 2nd

FDD reports on

new entrants

and commercial due diligence, 2nd

new industry creation, 2nd

new markets/products, 2nd

new product development

niche businesses

commercial due diligence on, 2nd

non-disclosure obligations

and confidentiality agreements

Office of Fair Trading

operating leases

operational barriers to integration, 2nd

operational fit

and acquisition candidates, 2nd

operational management

opportunistic acquisitions

option limitations in negotiations

organisation structure

FDD reports on, 2nd

organisational culture see culture


and legal due diligence

P/E (price/earnings) ratio, 2nd

parallel negotiations

pension funds

and discounted cash flow valuations

FDD reports on

and legal due diligence

transfer of

physical separation

and integration planning

post-acquisition review


and negotiations, 2nd

preliminary negotiations

advisers for, 2nd

confidentiality agreements, 2nd, 3rd

cross-border issues

letters of intent

pressure devices in negotiations


preliminary agreements on, 2nd

right price and deal management

private equity transactions, 2nd, 3rd

profit ratios

and valuation, 2nd


and legal due diligence

public relations constraints

and integration planning

public vs private P/E ratios

purchase agreements

advisers for

quality control

FDD reports on


and legal due diligence


FDD reports on


and commercial due diligence, 2nd


and sales and purchase agreements

research consultants

research and development (R&D)

return on investment (ROI), 2nd


business risks, and sellers of target companies, 2nd

and commercial due diligence, 2nd

and escrow solutions

ROI (return on investment), 2nd

roll-out strategy


FDD reports on

growth synergies

and integration planning

sales and purchase agreements

boilerplate section


conditions to closing

cross-border issues

deal points

definitions section

entire agreement clauses



restrictive covenants

retentions in

shares and the law of contract

see also indemnities; warranties

secret research and development (R&D)

sector-specific valuation benchmarks, 2nd


and acquisition targets, 2nd

FDD reports on changes in

and legal due diligence

shares (equity)

and discounted cash flow valuations

and sales and purchase agreements, 2nd

share prices and P/E ratios

shopping lists

and FDD investigations

site visits

and legal due diligence

skills sets

as barriers to integration

small transactions


and commercial due diligence, 2nd

staff see employees


and integration planning, 2nd, 3rd

stalemates, fake

‘stand-alone’ transactions

standstill agreements, 2nd

strategic fit

and acquisition targets

strategic growth routes

strategic planning, 2nd

strategic reasons for acquisition


and the acquisition search process



planning for


and commercial due diligence

FDD reports on

and integration planning, 2nd, 3rd


sustainable earnings, estimating

sweetheart deals, 2nd


and integration planning


and acquisition candidates

acquisition synergies and financial due diligence

and acquisition target evaluation


and integration planning, 2nd

valuation and synergy benefits

target evaluation, 2nd

target investigations

and the acquisition process

advisers for, 2nd

and due diligence, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th


financial, 2nd

sensitivity to


preparations of the target company

asset base, 2nd

business risks, 2nd

buyer selection, 2nd

control systems, 2nd

forecasts, 2nd

loose ends, 2nd

management and staff, 2nd

trading record, 2nd

preparing for obstacles

and project management

see also commercial due diligence (CDD); financial due diligence (FDD); legal due diligence (LDD)


and discounted cash flow valuations

and indemnities

and legal due diligence

and target investigations, 2nd

FDD reports on, 2nd


advisory teams

integration teams

and bid teams

target investigations and due diligence


and integration planning

see also information technology

telephone calls/interviews, 2nd

termination notices

trade journalist/associations

and commercial due diligence

trade unions, 2nd

trading concessions, 2nd

trading record, 2nd

FDD reports on

transfer pricing

FDD reports on

transformative deals

triangulation on value

trump cards in negotiations



and commercial due diligence

and integration planning, 2nd


and commercial due diligence


advisers for

calculating synergies

the ‘going rate’, 2nd

integration and due diligence

and integration planning

intrinsic value, 2nd

and legal due diligence

and modelling

myths of

summary of the valuation process


choosing the valuation method

comparable transactions, 2nd

discounted cash flow (DCF), 2nd, 3rd, 4th

impact on earnings per share, 2nd

net asset backing, 2nd

P/E (price/earnings) ratio, 2nd

return on investment (ROI), 2nd

sector-specific valuation benchmarks, 2nd

for special cases

transaction and reorganisation costs

vendor due diligence

WACC (weighted cost of capital), 2nd


in acquisitions agreements, 2nd, 3rd

conditions of closing

establishing breach and making a claim


restrictions on making claims

and the seller’s financial position

size of damages


and legal due diligence

preliminary agreements on

see also indemnities

win-lose tactics

win-win negotiations, 2nd, 3rd

written questionnaires

and legal due diligence

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