Appendix A

Checklist for a financial due diligence investigation

The review period would typically cover the last three years.

History and commercial activities

  • Summary of the legal structure and ownership of and any changes since the last annual return
  • Brief account of history, locations and nature of business
  • Copy of the latest business plan and/or any corporate brochures
  • Description of products/services and any other trading activities
  • Details of main competitors and market position, including estimated market share and any recent industry surveys
  • Details of key customers including terms of trade and an analysis of turnover by customer during the review period
  • Details of key suppliers including terms of trade and an analysis of purchases by supplier during the review period
  • Particulars of any long-term agreements with customers or suppliers and any other significant agreements, contracts or arrangements with third parties
  • Note of alternative arrangements for important supplies which are currently single sourced
  • Production methods and techniques and the relative position of the business in relation to the ‘state of the art’ in the industry in which it operates
  • Summary of premises showing locations, facilities/area, tenure and purpose, premises not currently in use and the availability of any spare land or buildings
  • Details of any rent payable or receivable and sight of leases or tenancy agreements including details of any onerous lease provisions
  • Details of any intellectual property and whether the target has taken steps to protect it
  • Details of any litigation
  • Copies of all contracts relating to the acquisition or disposal of companies or businesses during the last six years

Organisation structure and employees

  • Summary of the management structure and division of responsibilities
  • List of directors and senior executives and particulars as to:
    • Previous experience and connection before joining business
    • Formal qualifications
    • Duties throughout the review period
    • Age, years of service and date of appointment to the board, if applicable
    • Current remuneration
    • Pension arrangements
    • Other benefits (e.g. use of company car)
    • Service agreements
    • Directorships of companies that carry on business of any kind with the target or its subsidiaries
  • Names of former directors and senior executives who have left during the review period along with reasons for departure
  • Analysis of staff by department or function and an indication of staff turnover levels
  • Details of key employees and strategies to retain them
  • Description of salary/wage structure, terms of employment including holidays, pensions and other benefits, notice period, etc.
  • Details of recent and imminent salary/wage reviews
  • Description of recruitment and training policies
  • Names of active trade unions, if any, and number of staff affiliated to each
  • Details of any disputes during the review period and current staff relations in general
  • Details of relationships with self-employed staff, external consultants, contractors and professional advisers
  • Details of any restrictive covenants placed on staff who have recently joined or left the company
  • Details of any pension and share option schemes

Accounting policies and audit issues

  • Copies of audit management letters for the review period
  • Authority from the target’s auditors to allow access to their working papers for the review period

Management information and control systems

  • Details of the IT systems architecture (including web, ERP and accounting systems), the interfaces between each and the extent to which each is used for the reporting of financial and non-financial operating data
  • Details of the back-up and disaster recovery procedures
  • Details of the management information reporting procedures, including the consolidation process where applicable
  • Details of the budget-setting process and results of previous comparisons to actual results
  • Summary of the key internal controls in place

Trading results

Where possible the following analyses should be provided on a monthly basis:

  • Copies of financial statements produced during the review period including interim and non-statutory accounts, if any
  • Analysis of turnover and gross profit by principal product groups, customers and geographic destination for the review period
  • Analysis of overheads by nature
  • Management accounts and other management information used in monitoring the business for the review period, with a reconciliation to the financial statements
  • Details of any special features which have influenced the trading results in any year
  • Details of any intragroup or related-party transactions
  • Details of any currency exposure and hedging arrangements.

Assets and liabilities

The following analyses need only be provided at year ends in the first instance:

  • Description of fixed asset capitalisation, revaluation and depreciation policies
  • Sight of any recent independent or internal valuations
  • Analysis of valuation, cost, depreciation/amortisation and net book value of fixed assets by major category, age and whether owned or leased for the review period
  • Details of grants received, capital commitments and any significant capital expenditure anticipated but not contracted for
  • Analysis of stock (gross and net of any provisions) by type and age
  • Analysis of debtors (gross and net of any provisions) by type and age
  • Analysis of creditors by type and age and a description of their repayment bases
  • Details of hire purchase, leasing and rental agreements
  • Details of loan or overdraft facilities, security provided, interest and repayment terms and any payment clauses stipulated for withdrawing from such agreements
  • Details of any warranty liabilities and recent claims history
  • Details of any contingent, off-balance sheet financing or other liabilities not covered above.

Cash flow

  • Cash flow statements for the review period if not included in the financial statements
  • An explanation of the major variances in the net cash position over the review period

Financial projections

  • Any budgets, forecasts and projections available
  • Description of basis on which the projections have been derived and supporting evidence where available

Current trading

  • Monthly management accounts since the review period
  • Analysis of the management accounts in line with that provided for the review period, including a commentary on variances to budget


  • Tax computations and sight of correspondence covering the review period
  • Details of current status of tax computations and disputes with tax authorities
  • Analysis of brought-forward tax losses and advance corporation tax (ACT), if any, by date of creation
  • Sight of any apportionment clearances which have been obtained
  • Summary of the findings of the most recent VAT and PAYE/NIC inspections
  • Details of any reconstructions, reorganisations and tax clearances during the review period


  • Copies of any circulars to members
  • Sight of minute books, other statutory books and of the memorandum and articles of association
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