Chapter 11

Access and the Web

In This Chapter

arrow Understanding Access 2016 and Office 365 and how they use the web

arrow Creating a web app

arrow Using a web app

arrow Creating and using hyperlinks in Access desktop databases

Access can be a great resource for Internet and intranet information. If the data you’re working with really needs global exposure — or if you simply want to reach your data from anywhere you might be — Access 2016 (and the entire Office suite, for that matter) is ready to help. In fact, a connection to all things web-related has been a priority for Microsoft as each new version of Office has been released over the years, and Office 365 takes that to a whole new level with the suite’s new connection to the cloud.

In this chapter, I explain the Office connection to the cloud and discuss the overall capabilities of Access with regard to the web. Then you’ll find out how to build and use a web app, and finally, how to use hyperlinks within your Access desktop application. The hyperlink section of this chapter applies to the desktop version of Access 2016.

How Access Works with the Web

It’s almost a requirement these days that software be web-ready, or at least web-friendly. Even word processors — which should never be used to create a web page — contain “Save for Web” commands, and graphics software can help you create web-ready images.

Of course, Access is a natural fit for the web because data is something we’ve all come to expect to find online. Access makes it easy to both export your data to the web, using External Database Tools, and to build a quick web app (shorthand for “application”) using some handy web app templates or simply uploading your existing desktop database tables.

technicalstuff To make Access do its Internet tricks, you should have or be able to obtain

  • A version of your browser that’s no more than a year old (so it will be compatible with the current version of Office)
  • A connection to the Internet (or to your company’s intranet)
  • A SharePoint account (for sharing your data with other SharePoint users) OR a subscription to Office 365 for Business

Understanding Office 365

Office 365 is not the same thing as Office 2016. Office 2016 is just the combined suite of applications — Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, and Access for the desktop computer. Office 365 is a subscription-based set of tools that enables companies to collaborate and share their data online. Most Office 365 subscriptions come with all the desktop office applications but not the other way around.

Microsoft offers a variety of monthly fee-based plans for businesses of all shapes and sizes, providing a variety of options. As of this writing, the prices for Office for Business range from $5 to $12.50 a month. You can investigate these plans by searching the web for “compare office 365 plans” and choosing the right plan for you.

Now, this is not to say that you have to use Office 365, because you absolutely do not. You can use Office 2016’s applications without setting foot on the cloud, and install the applications locally. You don’t need to put your Office data (documents, worksheets, presentations, and so on) in the cloud if you don’t want to. You can store your data locally, just as you always have. In fact, everything done in this book was done with a locally installed copy of Access 2016.

technicalstuff Whether you’re planning to use it or not, you’re probably asking, “What is the cloud?” The term the cloud simply describes services that are hosted outside of your organization, using the web. You may already be using the cloud, because lots of services you use all the time are part of the cloud — things like web-based email, mobile banking, and online data storage services. Because this data is located online, you can access it from just about anywhere, using any PC, laptop, tablet, or mobile phone.

When it comes to Office 365, the cloud also provides online versions of your software, meaning that you can work with most of the Office applications online, instead of from locally installed copies. This is where the fee-based subscription plans come into play — along with sharing options for online collaboration with coworkers and clients anywhere in the world. Office 365 makes it easy to collaborate on and share a Word document or Excel spreadsheet. Oddly, Access is not one of those applications with a companion online version. Access does make use of the web, however, as you’ll soon see.

technicalstuff An Access web app front end (the part you see in the web browser) is created in SharePoint and the back end is created in SQL Server — Microsoft’s powerful enterprise database engine. An Office 365 for business subscription gets you this powerful technology for a nominal fee.

Connect Office 365 to Access 2016

As mentioned earlier, you can host your web app on a local SharePoint site or on an Office 365 SharePoint site in the cloud. If you’re using SharePoint locally, make sure you have administrative rights and the URL to the SharePoint site. I have an Office 365 business subscription so I’ll use that to create my web app. To begin, connect Access 2016 to your Office 365 account.

  1. Click Sign in to get the most out of Office near the right end of the screen (see Figure 11-1).

    The Sign in dialog box appears.

  2. Type the email address associated with your Office 365 account and click Next.
  3. Type the password associated with the account and click Sign in.

    You’ll see the name associated with the account at the right end of the Ribbon in place of the words Sign In. Now you’re ready to create your web app.


Figure 11-1: Click Sign In to connect Access 2016 to your Office 365 account.

Meet the Custom Web App

So what is a web app anyway? Well, web means it’s online, and app is just shorthand for “application.” A Custom Web App is an online database application accessed from the cloud using a browser. You build and maintain the web app in the desktop version of Access but use it in a browser. This makes your Access data available to almost any device that has an Internet connection such as a smartphone or tablet.

You can also upload existing tables to a web app from sources such as Access and Excel to name a few. If you’re starting from scratch, Access comes with several web app templates that make it easy to build a web app. Table 11-1 show the available templates with the descriptions provided by Microsoft:

Table 11-1 Web App Templates

Template Name


Asset Tracking

Track important equipment used by your business and assign it to employees.


Manage individual and corporate relationships for your business by using this application.

Issue Tracking

Record issues related to your business, associate them with customers, and assign them to employees.

Project Management

Manage projects by breaking work items into tasks, associating them with customers, and assigning them to employees.

Task Management

Plan and manage tasks, and then assign them to employees.

To create a web app, follow these steps:

  1. Click the File tab, and then click the word New in the red left-hand panel (see Figure 11-2).
  2. Click the Custom Web App button (it’s rather large, so you can’t miss it).

    The dialog box in Figure 11-3 opens, through which you can name your app and choose where to store it online. Note that just below the Web Location box is a link that says Get Help Finding Your Web Location, which takes you to a website (shown in Figure 11-4) that provides options for you to use if you choose to continue developing your web app.

  3. Enter a name for the app in the App Name text box.
  4. Select or enter the URL for the site that will host the web app.

    Office 365 sites are listed in the Available Locations list box. If you’re using a local SharePoint site, type its URL in the SharePoint or Office 365 site URL.

  5. Click the circled right arrowhead to the right of the dialog box (see Figure 11-5) to browse templates.
  6. Once you’ve found your template, click Create.

    Access builds a web app based on the template you selected and the Add Tables tab appears. You’re now ready to add other tables to your web app beyond the one created with your template selection.


Figure 11-2: The File tab’s New command gives you access to a web app template.


Figure 11-3: Choose a name and online location for your web app.


Figure 11-4: Don’t have a web location yet? Check out your options here.


Figure 11-5: Click the right arrowhead to review web app templates.

Adding new tables to your web app

Access provides a handy list of table designs for you to choose from if you’re starting your web app from scratch.

Here’s how to add a table:

  1. Click Table from the Create group on the Home tab of the Ribbon if necessary (you’ll be here by default after creating a new web app).
  2. Type a keyword in the search box that represents the type of data to go into your table.

    For example, type contacts for contact-related tables or order for customer- and order-related tables.

  3. Click search (the magnifying glass icon).

    Access displays a list of related tables (see Figure 11-6).

  4. Select a table.

    Access creates the table. The table name appears down the left side of the screen.


Figure 11-6: Access finds tables related to the keyword contacts.

technicalstuff Access web apps do not support the OLE Object, and Attachment data types that that Access desktop databases support. For more on data types, see Chapter 3.

Uploading an existing table to your web app

Access gives you the ability to upload a data table from an existing source such as an Access desktop database, an Excel spreadsheet, or text file. Follow these steps to upload an existing Access table. Steps for other file formats are similar.

  1. Click Table from the Create group on the Home tab of the Ribbon if necessary.
  2. Click Access from the Create a table from an existing data source list (Figure 11-7).

    The Get External Data dialog box appears, ready to serve.

  3. Click Browse, navigate to the file location, and then click on the file that contains your table.
  4. Click Open.

    The path and file name are entered in the File name text box in the Get External Data dialog box.

  5. Click OK.

    The Import Objects dialog box appears.

  6. Select the table name and click OK.

    The table and its data are imported into the web app.

  7. Click Close.

    The imported table appears down the left side of the web app screen.


Figure 11-7: Select the source of the existing table.

Web app tables are maintained just like Access desktop database tables. Just open the Navigation Pane (F11), right-click the table, and choose Design View. If you read Chapters 4 and 5 (and I know you did!), you already know all about editing and designing Access tables.

Web app forms

When you create a web app table, Access is such a great pal that it also creates two views for you. While a bit confusing, it’s not quite the same as the views you are familiar with in desktop Access such as Design view and Datasheet view. A view, in this context, is a way for you to see and edit data in a table similar to a form in the desktop version of Access. In fact, Access classifies these views as forms in the Navigation Pane (see Figure 11-8). Unlike tables, though, views do not look like desktop Access forms. They’re actually web pages.


Figure 11-8: The Events table and corresponding forms (views).

The first view Access creates is called List view. It displays table data one record at a time. The second view is called Datasheet view. Sound familiar? It’s just like desktop Access’s Datasheet view. It displays table data in a spreadsheet-like format.

Unlike desktop Access, in a web app, you can’t see data in Datasheet or List view from the Navigation pane. To see data in the view, you must open it in a web browser (see the next section, “Launching your Web App in a Browser”).

technicalstuff Customizing web apps is an advanced topic beyond the scope of this book. If you’re interested in learning more, search the Internet for “Create and customize a web app in Microsoft Access.” You’ll find several great articles on how to get the job done!

Launching your web app

When you’ve created your tables and Access has created the corresponding views (remember your pal Access does that for you!), it’s time to take a look at the web app in a browser. When you launch your app, you’ll see the tables you created or uploaded listed down the left side of the screen (Figure 11-9). When you click a table name, the data from that table opens in List view ready for data entry. Records are listed down the left side of the view. When you click on a record, you’ll see the data from that record on the right side of the view. You can change to Datasheet view by clicking (oddly enough) the Datasheet link at the top left of the form.


Figure 11-9: The Events table in List view.

Each form has a series of command buttons across its top called an Action Bar. By default, the Action Bar has buttons for common record management actions. Figure 11-10 shows you the Action Bar buttons with an explanation of what each does.


Figure 11-10: The Action Bar in a moment of inaction!

Data entry in the browser is very similar to data entry in desktop Access. The two major differences are you must click a button to edit a record and another to save it. Don’t worry though: If you forget to click Save and then try to move to another record, Access prompts you to save. Access and you, perfect together! Here’s how to launch your web app:

  1. Click the Home tab on the Ribbon if necessary.
  2. Click the Launch App icon (Figure 11-11) in the View group of the Ribbon.

    Your browser opens showing your web app.


Figure 11-11: Blast your app off to cyberspace!

tip To launch a web app from any browser on any device, you’ll need its URL (web address). Open the web app in desktop Access (File  ⇒  Open on the Ribbon). Click the File tab on the Ribbon and then Info. You’ll see the URL at the top of the Info tab. If you click on the URL, you’ll see a shortcut menu choice to copy it to the Clipboard. You can email the URL to yourself and launch the web app from that email on your mobile device. Make sure to bookmark it after opening!

Adding a record

Once you’ve launched your web app, List and Datasheet views give you two different ways to add a new record. List view is best if your table contains many fields and you don’t like scrolling. Datasheet view, as you can probably guess, is best if your table contains a small number of fields (generally, less than fifteen) and you do like scrolling! Once you’ve launched your app, follow these steps in either view to add a new record:

  1. Click the name of the table to which you’d like to add data.

    The table opens in List view displaying the first record in the table. Click Datasheet if you want to add your records in a datasheet. Remember, tables are listed down the left side of the screen and have star symbols next to them.

  2. Click the Add icon (+) on the Action Bar to move to a new record.

    The form moves to a new record and the cursor is placed in the first field.

  3. Add data for the new record to the appropriate fields on the form.
  4. Click the Save icon (disk) on the Action Bar.

    The record is saved. You must click the Save icon in a web app to save data, unlike desktop Access where records are saved automatically when you change records or close a form. Don’t panic though, if you forget to click Save and change records or views in your web app, Access will prompt you.

Editing a record

Once you’ve launched your web app, List and Datasheet views give you two different ways to edit data. List view has a filter feature, making it easy to find a record. Datasheet view assumes you’ll scroll through the data or use your browser’s Find command (Ctrl+F in most browsers) to locate the record in question. List view requires the click of an icon to switch to edit mode. Datasheet view is already in edit mode.

Here’s how to edit a record in List view. The steps for Datasheet view are similar.

  1. Click the table name that contains the record you’d like to edit.

    The table opens in List view. Remember, tables are listed down the left side of the screen and have star symbols next to them.

  2. Click in the filter box and type a word from any field on the record you’d like to edit.
  3. Tap the Enter key on your keyboard.

    The form filters to the record or records with your keyword (Figure 11-12). If the keyword matches multiple records, you’ll see the data from the first field for each record listed down the left side of the form. Click that data to switch to the desired record.

  4. Click the Edit icon (pencil) on the Action Bar.

    The form switches to edit mode. Datasheet view doesn’t have an Edit icon. Just click in the field you’d like to edit and type away!

  5. Edit the record as necessary.
  6. Click the Save icon (disk) on the Action Bar to save your changes.

Figure 11-12: Filtering to the word “fund.”

Deleting a record

Once you’ve launched your web app, steps for deleting a record are identical regardless of view.

  1. Click the table name that contains the record you’d like to delete.

    The table opens in List view.Tables are listed down the left side of the screen and have star symbols next to them.

  2. Locate the record you’d like to delete.
  3. Click the Delete icon (trash can) on the Action Bar.

    You’re asked to confirm the deletion.

  4. Click Yes in the delete confirmation message box.

warning You can’t undo a record after you delete it! Proceed with caution!

Linking to a web app from an Access desktop database

It is possible to connect to web app tables located in the cloud or your locally hosted SharePoint site from your desktop database. This means your data is in one place (cloud or local SharePoint site) and you’ll use two different applications to access it – the web app and the desktop database. This is an advanced topic beyond the scope of this book. However, this is a very important piece of information to know before planning and building your database. If you’re like me, you’ll want your data in one place (in the cloud) and the ability to connect to it from multiple sources — your desktop database and your web app via a browser.

This means you can have people in the office in the desktop version of your database and out of the office using your web app editing the same data. All you need is an Internet connection (easy) and a well-designed database and web app (not quite as easy, but you can do it!). If you want to know how to do this, search the Internet for “How to make external connections to an Access web app.”

Click! Using Hyperlinks in Your Desktop Access Database

If you don’t need your data to sit in the cloud via a web app, you can connect your desktop database to the outside world. The term hyperlink is probably quite familiar — it’s the text or pictures that serve as jumping-off points to other data. Click a hyperlink, and you go to another web page. Click an image that’s set up as a hyperlink (your mouse pointer turns to a pointing finger), and you go to a larger version of the image — or to another website where information pertaining to the subject of the image can be found. Underlined text (or text in a different color or that changes color when you point to it) is the typical sign of the existence of a hyperlink.

So what’s this hyperlink stuff? Although hyperlink makes it sound like a link that’s had way too much coffee, within the context of Microsoft Office (of which Access is a part), it’s actually a special storage compartment for storing the address of a resource on either the Internet or your local corporate network (or a file stored on your local computer). Hyperlinks start with a special identification code that explains to the computer what kind of resource it’s pointing to and where that resource is.

Table 11-2 lists the most common protocol codes (a harmless but scary-sounding term that simply refers to portions of the programming code that allow a browser to use a hyperlink). You’ll find, along with the code itself, an explanation of the kind of resource the code refers to.

Table 11-2 Types of Hyperlink Protocol Codes in Access

Protocol Code

What It Does


Opens a local or network-based file.


File Transfer Protocol; links to an FTP server.


Hypertext Transfer Protocol; links to a web page.


Sends email to a network or Internet address.


Opens an Internet newsgroup.

tip For more information on links and how Access understands and uses them, press F1 or click the handy Help icon (the question mark in the upper right corner of the Access screen) to open the Access Help system and then search for the term hyperlink.

If you surf the web regularly, many of these terms and concepts should be familiar. Although most of them are geared to Internet or intranet applications, Access can also use hyperlinks to identify locally stored documents (that’s what file:// does). This enables you, for example, to create a hyperlink in your Access table that opens a Word document, an Excel spreadsheet, or a JPEG image file. This technology is so flexible that the sky’s literally the limit.

Adding a Hyperlink field to your desktop database table

Access provides a handy field type specifically designed for this special type of data. As you probably guessed, this type is called the Hyperlink field.

Adding a Hyperlink field to a table doesn’t require special steps. Just use the same steps for adding any field to a table — get to Design view for your table and use the Data Type column to choose the Hyperlink data type, as shown in Figure 11-13.


Figure 11-13: In Design view, choose Hyperlink from the list of data types.

The Hyperlink data type is no different from the other field types in terms of applying it. When you hop back to Datasheet view, you’ll see that your entries (if any) in the Hyperlink field are underlined, looking just like link text on a web page.

tip To switch between Design and Datasheet views of your data, click the View button on the Ribbon’s Home tab or its Design tab. It’s the first button, and appears either as

  • A table icon (a small grid)
  • An icon combining images of pencil, ruler, and angle

Fine-tuning your hyperlinks

Once you’ve created your hyperlink field, enter your hyperlinks into the field with the Edit Hyperlink menu. Follow these steps to enter a hyperlink:

  1. Right-click the hyperlink field you want to change in your table.
  2. Choose Hyperlink and then select Edit Hyperlink from the pop-up menu, shown in Figure 11-14.

    The nifty little dialog box shown in Figure 11-15 appears.

  3. Use the dialog box to fill in the following information:
    • The text that’s displayed.
    • The ScreenTip (the little text that pops up when your mouse pointer hovers over a web address). To create one, click the ScreenTip button and use the resulting Set Hyperlink ScreenTip dialog box to create your tip — then click OK to return to the Edit Hyperlink dialog box.
    • Links for documents, spreadsheets, graphics, or even email addresses in an Access database.
    • The site address.
  4. Click OK.

    Your hyperlink is edited, showing the text you choose to display and pointing to the web address (document or other file) that you designate. If you choose to create a ScreenTip, you can test the new tip in Datasheet view by mousing over your hyperlink and seeing what appears.


Figure 11-14: Right-click a stored hyperlink within the table and access tools for editing it.


Figure 11-15: The Edit Hyperlink dialog box.

Pretty neat, huh? Experiment with the dialog box a little to find out how everything works. It takes only a moment.

remember Although most hyperlinks store web or other Internet addresses, they can point to just about anything in the cyberworld. Thanks to their flexible tags, hyperlinks understand web pages, intranet servers, database objects (reports, forms, and such), and even documents on your computer or another networked PC.

Testing links

Hyperlinks in your table work just like the ones you find on the web — just point and click. You can double-check for yourself by doing the following:

  1. Make sure you’re connected to your network and the Internet.

    Although Internet Explorer (or whichever browser you’re using) will open whenever a hyperlink that points to a website is clicked, if you’re not online at the time, it won’t go where the hyperlink points.

  2. Open the Access desktop database you want to use.
  3. Open the table containing hyperlinks.

    The fun is about to begin!

  4. Click the hyperlink of your choice.
    • If the hyperlink leads to a web page, Internet Explorer (or whatever browser you’ve set as your default) leaps onto the screen, displaying the website from the link.
    • If the link leads to something other than a website, Windows automatically fires up the right program to handle whatever the link has to offer.
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