Our Teaching Philosophy

This book will teach you the essential concepts of iOS programming. At the same time, you will type in a lot of code and build a bunch of applications. By the end of the book, you will have knowledge and experience. However, all the knowledge should not (and, in this book, will not) come first. That is the traditional way of learning we have all come to know and hate. Instead, we take a learn-while-doing approach. Development concepts and actual coding go together.

Here is what we have learned over the years of teaching iOS programming:

  • We have learned what ideas people must grasp to get started programming, and we focus on that subset.

  • We have learned that people learn best when these concepts are introduced as they are needed.

  • We have learned that programming knowledge and experience grow best when they grow together.

  • We have learned that going through the motions is much more important than it sounds. Many times we will ask you to start typing in code before you understand it. We realize that you may feel like a trained monkey typing in a bunch of code that you do not fully grasp. But the best way to learn coding is to find and fix your typos. Far from being a drag, this basic debugging is where you really learn the ins and outs of the code. That is why we encourage you to type in the code yourself. You could just download it, but copying and pasting is not programming. We want better for you and your skills.

What does this mean for you, the reader? To learn this way takes some trust – and we appreciate yours. It also takes patience. As we lead you through these chapters, we will try to keep you comfortable and tell you what is happening. However, there will be times when you will have to take our word for it. (If you think this will bug you, keep reading – we have some ideas that might help.) Do not get discouraged if you run across a concept that you do not understand right away. Remember that we are intentionally not providing all the knowledge you will ever need all at once. If a concept seems unclear, we will likely discuss it in more detail later when it becomes necessary. And some things that are not clear at the beginning will suddenly make sense when you implement them the first (or the twelfth) time.

People learn differently. It is possible that you will love how we hand out concepts on an as-needed basis. It is also possible that you will find it frustrating. In case of the latter, here are some options:

  • Take a deep breath and wait it out. We will get there, and so will you.

  • Check the index. We will let it slide if you look ahead and read through a more advanced discussion that occurs later in the book.

  • Check the online Apple documentation. This is an essential developer tool, and you will want plenty of practice using it. Consult it early and often.

  • If Swift or object-oriented programming concepts are giving you a hard time (or if you think they will), you might consider backing up and reading our Swift Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide.

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