
  • Page numbers followed by f refer to figures.
  • Abbreviations, 118, 119f
  • Academic presentations, 28
  • Accent graphics, 159, 160f
  • Accuracy
  • Acronyms, 118, 119f
  • Actions, recommended. see Recommended actions
  • Action Settings feature, in PowerPoint, 50–51, 51f, 209
  • Advance copies, of presentation, 210–211
  • Advertising, mass, 4
  • Agenda items
    • addressing all, 87, 88f
    • identifying coverage of, 89, 90f
  • Agenda slides, 87, 88f, 89, 90f
  • Aggregations, 122, 123f
  • “All Other” category, 167, 168f
  • Analogies, 37
  • Animations
    • highlighting numbers with, 202
    • slide timing with, 185
    • using, 48, 49f
  • Appendices
    • and action settings, 50
    • to clarify illustrations, 198
    • costs and benefits in, 236, 238f
    • and definition slides, 120
    • as leave‐behind documents, 38, 39f
  • Architectural diagrams, 157, 158f
  • Arrows, 198, 199f
  • Assumptions, presenting, 239–240
  • Audience(s)
    • addressing concerns of, 217–218
    • adjusting story to, 182–184, 183f
    • asking questions of, 194, 242
    • building trust with, 24
    • color‐blind, 153
    • correcting your, 230–231
    • cutting content and confusing, 190–191
    • difficult, 228–229
    • eye contact with. see Eye contact
    • headlines for, 56–57
    • informing, of ethical concerns, 196, 197f
    • keeping attention of, 16
    • knowing your, 12–13
    • managing, 59
    • presenting complex analyses to, 4
    • providing details to, 33–34
    • response of, to text‐dense slides, 8
    • scaling figures for, 192
    • technical diagrams for, 157, 158f
  • Authenticity, 23
  • Average, 200, 201f
  • Axis labeling
    • for cause‐and‐effect relationships, 173, 173f, 174f
    • clarifying aggregations in, 123f
    • and data labels, 169, 170
    • starting point for, 132, 133f
  • Axis range, 132
  • Background colors, 153
  • Backup data, 7
  • Backup plans, 207–208
  • Bad news, delivering, 235
  • Bar charts
  • Being yourself, 23
  • Benefits‐focused positioning, 236, 237f
  • Body language, 223–224
  • Bold fonts
    • consistent use of, 82
    • highlighting numbers with, 202, 203f
    • highlighting text with, 204, 205f
    • shading and, 163, 164f
  • Borders, chart, 165, 166f
  • Bright lighting, 222
  • Bullet points, 80, 181
  • Business context, presenting, 54–55
  • Business presentations, 27
  • Camera, looking at, 225, 226f
  • Categories
  • Cause‐and‐effect relationships, 173–174, 173f, 174f
  • Chart(s). See also Graphics
  • Churn modeling, 124
  • Clarification
    • of acronyms and abbreviations, 118, 119f
    • with definitions, 70, 71f
    • of results, 35–36
  • Clarity
    • about implications of results, 194–195
    • about measures used, 241
    • of charts and graphs, 16
  • Clean layout, 15f
  • Coaches, inside, 180
  • Colors
    • background, 153
    • context for, 155–156, 155f–156f
  • Color‐blind audiences, 153
  • Color coordination
    • in charts, 153–154, 154f
    • highlighting numbers with, 202, 203f
    • for important texts, 204, 205f
    • for readable texts, 163, 164f
  • Columns, 99, 163
  • Comma separators, for numbers, 105, 106f–107f
  • Commentary, verbal, 9, 14, 215–216
  • Comparison slides, precision in, 101, 101f–102f, 102
  • Complex analysis, presenting, 4
  • Complex dashboards, 45, 46f–47f
  • Complex graphics, 151, 152f
  • Complex issues, analogies for, 37
  • Comprehensible charts
  • Conference presentations, 27–28
  • Confidants, consulting, 13, 179–180
  • Confidence
    • positivity to build, 234, 235
    • precision and, 103, 104f
    • in recommended actions, 245–246
  • Confidence monitors, 219
  • Confidentiality notices, 211
  • Confusion
    • about implication of results, 194–195
    • cutting content without creating, 190–191
  • Consistency
  • Consultations, with confidants, 179–180
  • Content
  • Contentious points, 29, 59
  • Context
    • business and practical, 54–55
    • for color choice, 155–156, 155f–156f
    • providing, verbally, 14
    • for results, 247–248, 248f
  • Controversial points, 29, 59
  • Copyright notice, 76, 211
  • Costs, honesty about, 236, 237f–238f
  • Credibility, building
    • with accurate data, 126
    • by addressing agenda items, 87
    • backup support for, 206
    • with charts and graphs, 16
    • by clarifying aggregations, 122
    • with comprehensible numbers, 240
    • importance of, 24
    • by keeping colors in context, 155
    • and sending advance copies, 210
    • and spelling/grammatical errors, 91
    • with technical details, 91
    • and truncated labels, 116
  • Critical numbers, 202, 203f, 221
  • Cutting and pasting, inconsistent fonts from, 83f
  • Dashboards, 45, 46f–47f
  • Data
    • backup, 7
    • business vs. practical context for, 54–55
    • relevant, 52–53
  • Data‐dense slides, 52, 53f
  • Data labels
    • and axis starting point, 132, 133f
    • use of, 169–170, 169f–170f
  • Data literacy, 5–6
  • Decimals, numbers with, 108, 109f
  • Decision trees, 151, 152f
  • Default font, 85
  • Definitions
    • clarifying, 70, 71f
    • dedicated slides for, 120, 121f
    • simple, 67–68
  • Delivery, 213–248
    • addressing audience's concerns, 217–218
    • anticipating random and irrelevant questions, 227
    • asking questions of audience, 242
    • clarity about measures used, 241
    • context for results, 247, 248, 248f
    • correcting people, 230–231
    • eye contact in, 219–220
    • handling difficult people, 228–229
    • hedging results, 239–240
    • honesty during, 236, 237f–238f
    • and lighting, 222
    • movement in, 223–224
    • for online presentations, 225, 226f
    • pointing to important information, 221
    • positive language in, 234–235
    • questions you can't answer, 232–233
    • reading slides, 215–216
    • recommendations for action, 245–246, 246f
    • tying facts to impact, 243, 244f
  • Design, 25–61
    • analogies, 37
    • animations, 48–49
    • appendices, 38, 39f
    • and business vs. practical context for data, 54–55
    • and content delivery, 45–47
    • headlines, 56–57
    • of launch slides, 43–44
    • of leave‐behind documents, 40–42
    • organizational strategies, 29–30
    • PowerPoint action settings, 50–51
    • recommended actions, 58–59
    • relevant data in, 52–53
    • requests for clarification, 35–36
    • technical details, 31–34
    • venue‐based, 27–28
    • “why” aspect of presentation, 60–61
  • Details
    • attention to, 122
    • excessive, 31–32
    • quantity of, 33–34
    • technical, 31–34, 151, 177, 232
  • Diagrams
  • Distractions, 52
  • Diverse audiences, 184
  • Documents, leave‐behind, 38, 39f, 40–42, 41f
  • Due dates, 22
  • Dykes, Brent, 182
  • Easy‐to‐interpret charts, 147–148, 148f
  • Easy‐to‐read fonts, 82
  • Effective Data Storytelling (Dykes), 182
  • Elevator pitches, 187
  • Errors
  • Ethical concerns, 196, 197f
  • Excel
    • axis labeling in, 132
    • scale of graphs in, 130
  • Executive presentations, 20–21
  • Eye contact
    • with bright lighting, 222
    • and looking at the screen, 219–220
    • in online presentations, 224, 225f
  • Facts
    • focusing on figures and, 10–11
    • tying, to impacts, 243, 244f
  • Feedback, 179–180
  • Figures. See also Numbers
    • focusing on facts and, 10–11
    • relatable scale for, 192, 193f
  • Finance, audiences in, 183
  • Font(s). See also Bold fonts
  • Font size
    • choosing, 78, 79f
    • for large tables, 163
    • making numbers stand out with, 202, 203f
  • Footnotes, 118, 119f
  • Formats and formatting
  • Gradients, 145
  • Grammar checking software, 91–94, 92f
  • Grammatical errors, 91–94, 92f, 93f
  • Graphs
    • comprehensible, 16–17
    • raw numbers in, 105, 108
    • scientific notation in, 112
    • spelling and grammatical errors, 93f
    • truncated labels in, 116
  • Graphics. See also Chart(s)
  • Headers, 89, 90f
  • Headlines, 56–57
  • Hedging results, 239–240
  • High‐level summary of concepts, 43
  • Highlighting information
    • with animations, 49f
    • by pointing, 221
    • in tables and charts, 202, 203f
  • Honesty
    • about costs and benefits, 236, 237f–238f
    • about questions you can't answer, 232, 233
  • Horizontal text, 95, 96f
  • Hyperlinks, 50, 51f
  • Illustrations, simplified, 198, 199f
  • Images. see Graphics
  • Impact
    • closing with “wow” moment, 247–248
    • and level of detail, 31–32
    • tying facts to, 243, 244f
  • Important information
    • asking audience to identify, 242
    • highlighting text containing, 204, 205f
    • pointing to, in presentation, 221
  • Information
    • about audience, 12
    • in appendices, 38
    • data literacy as delivering, 5–6
    • highlighting, 49f, 202, 203f, 221
    • important, 204, 205f, 221, 242
    • low‐value, 200, 201f
    • targeting specific pieces of, 45, 46f
  • Information technology, audiences in, 157
  • Inside coaches, 180
  • Interactive webinars, 50
  • Interest rates, displaying, 108
  • Interpretation, ease of, 147–148
  • Introduction, developing your, 56–57
  • Irrelevant questions, anticipating, 227
  • Italic font, 82, 204, 205f
  • Labels
    • acronyms and abbreviations in, 118–119, 119f
    • for agenda‐related content, 89, 90f
    • axis, 123f, 132, 133f, 169, 170
    • comprehensible, 72–73
    • data, 132, 133f, 169–170, 169f–170f
    • and definition slides, 120–121
    • identifying aggregations in, 122–123
    • for outcome of interest, 124–125
    • and scale in charts, 128–131
    • slanted, 95, 96f
    • system, 72, 73f
    • truncated, 116
    • value, 169
  • Launch slides, 43–44, 44f
  • Layouts, slide
    • clean and visual, 14–15, 15f
    • mixing, 139, 140f–141f
  • Layperson terms
    • labels in, 72
    • using, 67–68, 68f
  • Leave‐behind documents
    • appendices as, 38, 39f
    • creating, 40–42, 41f
  • Lighting, 222
  • Lines, in tables, 163, 164f
  • Line charts
  • Line spacing, for text, 80, 80f, 81f
  • Literacy, 5
  • Long presentations, 18–19
  • Low‐value information, 200, 201f
  • Machine learning models, 198
  • Marketing, audiences in, 183
  • Mass advertising, 4
  • Measures
    • clarity about, 241
    • relative, 198
    • statistical, 128
  • Metrics, colors for, 155–156, 155f–156f
  • Microsoft 365 Powerpoint
    • Action Settings in, 50–51, 51f
    • applying consistent color palette, 153–154, 153f, 154f
    • numbering slides, 134, 134f
    • printing notes pages, 40, 41f–42f
  • Mindset, of audience, 217–218
  • Missing fonts, 85–86, 86f
  • Misspelled words, 91–94, 92f, 93f
  • Model performance, terms for, 67f–68f
  • Movement, during delivery, 223–224
  • Multicolor gradients, 145
  • Names, category, 114, 115f
  • Narrative. see Story
  • News, bad, 235
  • Non‐horizontal texts, 95, 96f
  • Notes pages, 40, 41f–42f
  • Numbers
    • accuracy of, 103–104, 126–127
    • as category designations, 114–115
    • critical, 202, 203f
    • displaying percentages as, 108–109
    • double‐checking accuracy of, 126–127
    • formatting, 105, 106f–107f
    • noting differences in, 200, 201f
    • precision of, 99–104
    • quantities and percentages for, 110–111
    • raw, 105, 108
    • scientific notation for, 112–113
    • slide, 134
  • Off‐topic discussions, 227
  • Online presentations
    • eye contact for, 225, 226f
    • movement in, 224
  • Order, of slides, 29–30
  • Organizational strategies
    • ordering content, 29–30
    • starting with recommended actions, 58
    • using headlines, 56–57
  • Outcome(s)
    • asking audience to identify important, 242
    • focusing on outcome of interest, 124, 125f
    • predicting, 236
  • Outlines, 56
  • Outputs, raw, 142, 143f–144f
  • Overpreparation, 181
  • Paragraph spacing, 80
  • Parameter estimates (measure), 241
  • PDF format, 85
  • Percentages
    • accuracy of, 103
    • displaying, 108, 109f
    • providing quantities and, 110, 111f
  • % symbol, 108
  • Performance, terms for, 67f–68f
  • Phrasing
    • consistent, 74, 75f
    • positive, 234–235
  • Pie charts, 167, 168f
  • Plain language, 118
  • P&L impacts (measure), 241
  • Pointers, in online meeting systems, 221
  • Pointing to important information, 221
  • Points on graphs, labels for, 169
  • Positive phrasing, 234–235
  • PowerPoint
    • Action Settings feature, 50–51, 51f, 209
    • axis labeling in, 132
    • color palettes in, 153
    • default fonts in, 85
    • inserting slide numbers in, 134, 134f
    • line spacing in, 80–81
    • printing notes section in, 40, 41f–42f
    • printing out slides in, 188–189, 188f–189f
    • scaling graphs in, 130
  • Practical context, for data, 54–55
  • Practice presentations, 177–178
  • Precision
    • consistency in level of, 99–100, 99f, 100f
    • in delivery of presentation, 194, 195
    • level of accuracy and, 103, 104f
    • necessary level of, 101–102, 101f–102f
  • Preparation, 175–211
    • adjusting story to audience, 182–184, 183f
    • backup support, 206
    • budgeting time for, 22
    • clarifying implications of results, 194–195
    • consulting confidants, 179–180
    • creating backup plans, 207–208
    • cutting content, 187–191
    • highlighting critical numbers, 202, 203f
    • highlighting important text, 204, 205f
    • informing audience of ethical concerns, 196, 197f
    • for long vs. short presentations, 18–19
    • overpreparation, 181
    • practice, 177–178
    • removing low‐value information, 200, 201f
    • scaling figures, 192, 193f
    • sending advance copies, 210–211
    • shortening presentations, 187–189
    • simplified illustrations, 198, 199f
    • slide clickers, 209
    • time limits, 185, 186f
  • Presentation(s)
    • academic, 28
    • business, 27
    • conference, 27–28
    • executive, 20–21
    • online, 224, 225, 226f
    • for project success, 3–4
    • recorded, 223–224
    • short vs. long, 18–19
  • Presentation style, 23
  • Printouts
    • for executive presentations, 21f
    • of notes section, 40, 41f–42f
    • of slides, 188–189, 188f–189f
  • Problem solving, 231
  • Process launch slides, 44f
  • Proofreading, 94
  • Quantities, providing percentages and, 110, 111f
  • Questions
    • about business significance, 54
    • anticipating random and irrelevant, 227
    • asking your audience, 194, 242
    • passing, to experts, 206
    • setting aside time for, 187
    • that you can't answer, 232–233
  • Random questions, anticipating, 227
  • Raw numbers, 105, 108
  • Raw outputs, 142, 143f–144f
  • Readable text, 76, 77f
  • Recommended actions
    • presenting, with confidence, 245–246, 246f
    • starting presentations with, 58–59
    • technical details vs., 32
  • Recorded presentations, 223–224
  • Redundancy, reducing, 177
  • Relatable figures, 192, 193f
  • Relative measures, 198
  • Repetition, 139
  • Reports, written, 28, 40, 198
  • Response model evaluation, terms for, 67
  • Results
    • accurate, 3
    • clarifying implications of, 194–195
    • discussing how to use, 35–36
    • hedging, 239–240
    • and project success, 3–4
    • relevance of, 54
    • scale for, 192
    • summarizing, 32
  • Right word, wrong place errors, 94, 94f
  • Risks, presenting, 239–240
  • SAS (statistical package), 142, 143f–144f
  • Scale and scaling
  • Scatterplots, 173–174
  • Scientific notation, 112, 113f
  • Screen
    • looking at, 219–220
    • reading from, 215–216
  • Script, using, 181
  • Section breaks, 89, 90f
  • Self‐awareness, of delivery style, 23
  • Semantics, 38, 234
  • Senior executives, 20–21
  • Shading, in tables, 163, 164f
  • Short presentations, 18–19, 187–189
  • Short slides, 14–15
  • Simplifying
  • Slang, 118
  • Slanted labels, 95, 96f
  • Slide(s). See also Layouts, slide
    • agenda, 87, 88f, 89, 90f
    • animations on, 48–49
    • comparison, 101, 101f–102f, 102
    • controlling your, 209
    • data‐dense, 52, 53f
    • definition, 120, 121f
    • effective, 14–15
    • for executive presentations, 20–21
    • launch, 43, 44f
    • order of, 29–30
    • printouts of, 21f, 188–189, 188f–189f
    • quantity of, 185, 186f
    • reading from, 215–216
    • recommendations, 246, 246f
    • salient points on, 9, 9f
    • short, 14–15
    • text‐dense, 7–9
  • Slide clickers, 209
  • Slide‐free presentations, 20–21
  • Slide master, 50
  • Slide numbers, 134, 134f
  • Software packages, technical, 142, 142f–144f
  • “So what” aspect of presentation, 60, 61f
  • Spacing, of text, 80, 80f–81f
  • Spell checking software, 91–94, 92f
  • Spelling errors, 91–94, 92f, 93f
  • Stacked bar charts, 171–172, 171f– 172f
  • Statistical measures, 128
  • Statistical packages, 142, 143f–144f
  • Statistical significance (measure), 241
  • Story
    • adjusting, to audience, 182–184, 183f
    • defined, 10
    • developing your, 7, 8–9, 8f, 10–11
    • flow of, 29f, 30f
  • Strategic fundamentals, 1–24
    • being yourself, 23
    • budgeting time for preparation, 22
    • building trust with audience, 24
    • comprehensible charts and graphs, 16–17
    • data literacy, 5–6
    • effective slides, 14–15
    • executive presentations, 20–21
    • facts and figures, 10–11
    • knowing your audience, 12–13
    • results and project success, 3–4
    • short vs. long presentations, 18–19
    • text‐dense slides, 7–9
  • Summarizing concepts, 43
  • Support, 206
  • Supporting text, 76, 77f
  • System labels, 72, 73f
  • Tables, 169
    • font size for, 163
    • formatting, 161, 162f
    • highlighting numbers in, 202
    • raw numbers/output in, 105, 108, 142
    • shading in, 163, 164f
    • truncated labels in, 116, 116f
    • understanding parts of, 232
  • Technical detail(s)
    • appropriate level of, 33–34
    • in complex graphics, 151
    • impact and level of, 31–32
    • questions you can't answer about, 232
    • rehearsing to adjust level of, 177
  • Technical diagrams, 157–158
  • Technical software packages, output from, 142, 142f–144f
  • Technical terms
    • abbreviations and acronyms for, 118
    • avoiding, 69
    • simplifying, 67–68, 67f, 68f
  • Templates, spacing in, 80
  • Text
    • on charts and images, 93
    • consistent fonts for, 82–83, 83f–84f
    • font size, 78, 79f
    • horizontal, 95, 96f
    • important, 204, 205f
    • in labels, 72–73
    • missing fonts for, 85–86
    • quantity of, 65, 66f, 78, 79f
    • readable, 76, 77f
    • spacing in, 80, 80f–81f
    • spelling and grammar errors in, 91–92
    • supporting, 76, 77f
    • underlined, 204, 205f
  • Text‐dense slides, 7–9
  • 97 Things about Ethics Everyone in Data Science Should Know (Franks), 196
  • 3D features, 145
  • Time, for preparation, 22
  • Time limits, 18, 185–187, 186f
  • Timing, practicing to gauge, 177
  • Transparent animations, 48, 49f
  • Truncated labels, 116, 116f–117f
  • Trust building, 24
  • Typos, 93
  • Value labels, 169
  • Venue, adapting design to, 27–28
  • Verbal commentary, 9, 14, 215–216
  • Video recordings, 178, 223–224
  • Vision, presenting your, 11
  • Visual slide layouts, 14–15, 15f
  • Webinars, interactive, 50
  • “What” aspect of presentation, 60, 61f
  • “What now” aspect of presentation, 60, 61f
  • “Why” aspect of presentation, 60–61
  • Wiley, 5
  • Words and wording
    • for agenda items, 87–90
    • and consistent phrasing, 74, 75f
    • definitions, 67–68, 70, 71f
    • positive, 234–235
    • quantity of, 65, 66f, 78, 79f
    • spelling and grammatical errors, 91–92
    • technical terms, 67–69
  • Word substitution errors, 94, 94f
  • “Wow” moment, 247–248
  • Wrap‐up section, 50
  • Written reports, 28, 40, 198
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