
Accuracy of prediction, 131
Acquired subsystems, 68
ALARP, 14, 40
et seq
Anecdotal data, 130
Application specific integrated circuits (ASICs), 70
Architectural constraints, 63, 150
ARINC, 196, 197
Assessment schedule, 273
et seq
Auto-detection/test, 61, 116
Automotive, 192
Avionics, 195
Beta factor, 111 et seq, 277 et seq
BETA/BETAPLUS, 111 et seq, 277 et seq
Block diagrams, 102
Broadly acceptable risk, 26 et seq, 40 et seq
Certification, 135
et seq
Coding, 84
Coding standard, 191
et seq
Common Cause Failure (CCF), 110
et seq
Competency, 44
et seq
Conformance, See Demonstration Templates
Continuous, See High demand
Control of Industrial Major Accident Hazards, 4
Control of Major Accident Hazards (COMAH), 4
Cost per life saved, 41
CPU, 70
Dangerous failures, 105
Data accuracy, 131
Data ranges, 130
Data sources, 125 et seq
Diagnostic coverage, 118
Disproportionality, 41
et seq
DTI, 136
Dynamic objects, 84
Earthmoving machinery, 191
et seq
Electric power drives, 199
EN 954-1, 4
EN 1050, 4
EN 12100, 169
EN 13849, 171
EN 13850, 186
EN 50126, 187
EN 50128, 188
EN 50129, 188
EN 62061, 176
Energy Institute, 168, 199
Environment, 40, 62
FAFR, 249
Failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA), 65, 281
Failure rates, 103
et seq
Failure rate data sources, 125
et seq
Fatality, 25 et seq, 14
Fault tree analysis, 115
et seq
Flixborough, 4
FN curves, 51
Framework of certification, 135
Formal methods, 90
Functional safety capability (FSC), 44 et seq, 137, 263 et seq
Functional safety management (FSM) as FSC above
Gross disproportionality (GDF), 41
et seq
Hardware fault tolerance (HFT), 64 et seq, 150
et seq
Health & Safety Executive (HSE), 121
High demand, 7, 31, 150
HSE, 5, 46
Human Error Assessment and Reduction Technique (HEART), 121
Human error/factors, 119
et seq
Human error rates, 121
IEC 60601, 197
IEC 61511 xix, 145 et seq, 165, 166
IGEM/SR/15, 165
Imperfect proof test, 108
Independence, 14, 148
Individual risk, 26
et seq
Injury, 28
Integration and test, 66, 85, 152
Integrity targets
See SIL targets
ISA84, 166
ISO 25119, 193
ISO 26262, 192
Layer of Protection Analysis (LOPA), 34 et seq, 231 et seq
Life-cycle (and models), 9, 10, 57 et seq, 80 et seq, 147
Limited variability languages, 88
Low demand, 7, 31, 150
Loss of production, 40
Machinery sector, 4, 169
Malevolence and misuse, 40
Manufacturer’s data, 130
Maximum tolerable failure rate, 28 et seq, 40 et seq
Maximum tolerable risk, 25
Medical equipment, 197
Metrics, 92
Minimum architectures, See Architectural constraint
Minimum configuration, See Architectural constraint
Misuse, 40
MOD Standards, 190
Modifications, 68, 87
Modelling, 101
et seq
Motor Industry Software Reliability Association (MISRA), 191, 193
Multiple Fatalities, 50
et seq
Negligible risk, See Broadly Acceptable
Norwegian guidelines, 166
“Not safety-related”, 39
Nuclear sector, 194
OLF, 166
Operations and maintenance, 67
OREDA, 128
Paddington, 4
Partial stroke testing, 109
Piper alpha, 4
PLCs, 90
Power drives, 199
Prior use, 162
Probability of failure on demand (PFD), 102
Process sector, 145
et seq
Production loss, 40
Proof test, 104
et seq
Proven-in-use, 69
Qualitative, 6
Quantitative, 6
R2P2, 26
Railways, 187
et seq
Random hardware failures, 7, 66
Redundant units, 103
et seq
Reliability block diagrams, 102
Reliability modeling, 101
et seq
Returns data, 130
Re-use of software, 91
Rigour of assessment, 138
Risk graph, 36
et seq
Risk ranking, 23
Rotorcraft, 249
et seq
RTCA, 195, 196
Safety critical/related, 5
Safe failure, 105
Safe failure fraction (SFF), 63, 281
et seq
Safety functions, 38, 105
Safety-instrumented systems (SIS), 146
et seq
Safety-integrity level (SIL), 7
et seq
Safety-integrity level (SIL) targets, 3 et seq, 13 et seq, 25 et seq, 225 et seq
Safety Manuals, 68, 86
Safety Plan, 265, 295
et seq
Safety Targets, 3, 26, 27, 28
Sector specific, 61
et seq
Self certification, 137
Seveso, 4
SIRA, 136
SIS (Safety Instrumented Systems), 146
et seq
Societal risk, 50
et seq
Software requirements, 83
Software reuse, 91
Sources of data, 127
et seq
Specification, 59, 83, 148
Stage and Theatrical, 198
Staggered proof test, 107
Static analysis, 89
Synthesis of elements, 63
Systematic failures, 7, 61
TESEO, 122
Tidal Gates, 253
Tolerable risk, 41
Type (A) (B) components, 64
UKAEA, 128
Unavailability, 103
et seq
‘V’ model, 90
Validation, 67, 86, 152
Verification, 85, 67, 152
Warranty based data, 130
Yellow Book, 189
Zero risk, 3
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