
18% gray, 176


Absolute humidity, 122

Actions, 328

Airglow, 5961

Airplanes, 310

Alpenglow, 40, 209

Altitude, 241, 242

Altocumulus, 120, 122

Altostratus, 120, 122

Ambient light, 139

Analemma, 86, 91

Ancestral Puebloan, 34

Aperture, 154

Apogee, 79

Asterism, 21

Asteroid, 99

Astronomical twilight, 42, 44

Astrotrac, 280

Augmented reality (AR), night, 287290

Aurora Australis see Aurorae

Aurora Borealis see Aurorae

Aurora oval, 56

Aurorae, 5059, 210

Aurorae predictions, 5459

Averted vision, 143, 145

Azimuth, 241, 242


Belt of Venus, 45, 211

Big Dipper, 21, 22

Bioluminescence, 212

Black hole, 103

Blood Moon, 79

Blue hour, 42, 213

Bolide, 95

Books of knowledge, 286

Bracketing, see exposure bracketing

Brightness, 140

Brightness/contrast adjustments, 323

Brush tool, 324

Bz index, 56


Catalog, Lightroom, 318

Celestial sphere, 26

Chromatic aberration, 156

Chumash ‘Ap, 386391

Circle of confusion, CoC, 161

Circular polarizing filter, 274

Circumpolar, 32

Cirrocumulus, 120

Cirrostratus, 120

Cirrus, 120, 122

Cityscapes, 214

Civil twilight, 42

Cleaning, lens, 300302

Cleaning, sensor, 303305

Clouds, 120122

Coal Sack, 113

Cold, 306

Color balancing, 319

Coma, 156

Comet, 95, 96

Compass, 270

Cones, 144, 145

Conjunction, see planetary conjunction

Constellations, 215

Corona–moon, sun, 129

Coronal mass ejection (CME), 50

Crepuscular rays, 130

Crescent moon, 73, 216

Crop sensor, 149

Cumulonimbus, 120, 122

Cumulus, 120, 122


Dark adaptation, 145

Dark nebula, 113

Deep Space Climate Observatory (DSCOVR), 55

Dehaze, 324

Depth-of-Field, DOF, 161

Develop module, Lightroom, 319

Dew, 123

Dew point, 123

Diffraction, 129, 156

Direct light, 139

Dispersion, 125, 132

Distant Suns, 258

Dubhe, 22

Dust clouds, 113


Earth’s shadow, 45, 79

Earthshine, 68, 89

Eclipse, 78, 220, 229

Ecliptic, 28

Electromagnetic spectrum, 136

Emission nebula, 113

Emu in the Sky, 113

Equatorial mount, 281

Equinox, 34

ETTR, 187

Exporting, Lightroom, 324

Exposure, 176189

Exposure bracketing, 340

Exposure stop, 141

Exposure value, EV, 176

Eye, 143145


f-stop, 141

Far focus point, 161

Field-of-view, FOV, 152

File compression, 151

File format, 151

Fireball, 95

Firefly analogy, 178

Fisheye-Hemi, 328

FLW filter, 278

Flying seagulls, 180

Focal length, 151

Focus blending, 340

Focus distance, see subject focus distance

Focusing, 297299

Fog filter, 278

Foreground-priority, 240, 247249

Fovea, 143. 144

Frost, 123

Full moon, 217

Full-frame sesnor, 149


Gaffer’s tape, 272

Galactic core, 103

Gas giants, 87

Geocentric model, 86

Ghetz, Andrea, 103

Gibbous, 73

Golden hour, 42, 218

Graduated neutral density filter, 277

Great Lakes Aurora Hunters (GLAH), 59

Great Rift, 113

Green flash, 130, 131

Ground fog, 125


Hale-Bopp comet, 96

Harvest Moon, 79

Heliocentric model, 86

High-dynamic range, HDR, 340

Histogram, 292

Holy-grail time-lapse, 358

Horizon, 42

Hue, 140

Human factors, 306

Humidity, 122

Hyperfocal distance, 164, 165

Hyperfocal focusing, 164, 165


Ice halo, 80, 81

Ice pillar, 125

ImageJ, 353

Importing, Lightroom, 318

Incandescence, 137

Indirect light, 139

Infrared, 136

Intensity, 140

Interference, 129

Interplanetary magnetic field, 56

Intervalometer, 306

Iris, 143, 144

ISO blending, 342


JPEG—see file format


Key frames, 358

Kp index, 56


Latitude effects, Milky Way, 112

Lens (eye), 144

Lens correction, 323

Lens selection, 165172

Libation point, 55

Light, 136143

Light drawing, 197

Light painting, 192196, 219

Light pollution, 310

Light pollution filter, 280

Light reflectors, 139

Light refractors, 139

Light scatterers, 139

Light value (LV), 140

Light-year, 103, 117

Lightning, 129, 130

Lightroom, 261

Lightroom, 318324

Long-exposure noise reduction (LENR), 338

Loupe, focusing, 298

LRTime-lapse, 358

Luminance, 140

Luminescence, 137

Luminosity, 140

Lunar eclipse, see eclipse, 78

Lunation, 91

Lux, 140


Macula, 143, 144

Magellanic clouds, 221

Magnetic declination, 271

Mare see Maria

Maria, 67

Merak, 22

Meteor, 95

Meteor shower, 9599, 222

Meteor shower composite, 355

Meteorite, 95

Milky Way, 102117, 223, 224

Mobius arch, 364

Monitor calibration, 318

Moon, 6484

Moon illusion, 82

Moonbow, 80, 81

Mt. Whitney, 364371, 372379


National Oceanic and Armospheric Agency (NOAA), 54

Nautical twilight, 42

Near focus point, 161

Neutral density filter, 276

Night vision, 144, 145

Nimbostratus, 120

Noctilucent, 120, 122

Nodal point, 280

Noise, 149

Noise reduction, 323

North Star, 21

Northern Lights, see Aurorae


Open coronal hole, 50

Orbit, 70

Orion-Cygnus arm, 103


Panorama, 224, 226, 344

Perigee, 79

Petroglyphs, 34

Phase (Moon), 73

Photopigments, 144

PhotoPills, 259

Photoreceptor cells, 144

Photoshop, 261, 324332

Pixel, 148


Planetarium, 32

Planetary K-index see Kp index

Planetray conjuction, 86, 89, 227

Planisphere, 31

Plug-ins, 328

Pointer stars, 22

Polaris, 21

Polarizing filter, see circular polarizing filter

Post-processing, 318359

Prime lens, 173

Pupil, 144


Quarter moon, 73


Radiant point, 97

Radiative heat transfer, 123

Rainbow, 125

RAW file—see file format

Rayleigh scattering, 38, 48

Red headlamp, 270

Reflection, 125

Reflection nebula, 113

Refraction, 125

Relative humidity, 122

Retina, 143

Rocket launch, 228

Rods, 144, 145

Rule of 400/500/600, 182


Satellites, 310

Saturation, 140, 143

Saturation water vapor, 122

Scripts, 328

Seasons, 33

Sensor, 148

Sharpening, 323

Sidereal month, 84

Sky-priority, 240247

Skyglow, 5961

Solar eclipse see eclipse, 78

Solar system, 8692

Solstice, 34

Southern Cross, 22

Spares, 299

Spectrum, spectra, 137

Spherical aberration, 156

Split neutral density filter, see Graduated neutral density filter

Split Rock Lighthouse, 380385

Spot removal, 324

Star trails, 230, 348355

Star Walk, 258

StarStax, 353

Stellarium, 31, 258

Stratocumulus, 120

Stratus, 120, 122

Subject focus distance, 151, 156

Sundog, 125

Sunrise, 33, 218

Sunset, 33, 218

Sunspot, 50

Supermoon, 79

Supersaturation, 125

Synodic month, 70


Terminator line, 66, 67

Terrestrial planets, 87

The Photographers Ephemeris (TPE), 259

The World At Night (TWAN), 267

Theia, 67

Theodolite, 264

Thermosphere, 59

Time-lapse, 231, 358

Tonal range, 338

TWAN see The World At Night


Ultraviolet, 136

Ultraviolet (UV) filter, 280

Ursa Major, 21

US Space Weather Center, 54


Via lactea, 105

Vignette, lens, 156

Volcano, 232


Waning, 73

Water vapor, 122

Waxing, 73

Weather front, 120


Zenith, 26, 31

Zodiac, 28

Zodiacal light, 86, 90, 233

Zoom lens, 173

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