
Where Do We Go from Here?

The night sky has been integral to navigation, food cultivation, and religion for thousands of years, yet it still lures our eyes upwards at night with its tantalizing glimpses into the mysteries of the universe. Wouldn’t you agree that your own interest in nightscape astrophotography began with your curiosity and appreciation of its beauty?

Landscape astrophotography is in the midst of a genuine revolution. Once the arcane pursuit of a few dedicated individuals, it has gained widespread popularity as it has spread across enormous numbers of curious, motivated people who all share a love of the night skies. Incredible images are constantly being created, each generation more creative and visually dynamic than the one before. Ever more powerful equipment available at lower cost, coupled with the ability to instantly share ones work online, gain inspiration and seamlessly collaborate around the world, is fueling these changes. Landscape astrophotography is truly an international phenomenon and perfectly represents the power of global communication and cooperation.

The future of landscape astrophotography will see increasingly more powerful and lower-cost capabilities in imaging and in-camera processing, especially of high dynamic range (HDR) images. Augmented reality has enormous potential for integrating astronomy and photography within mobile devices. Predictive technologies for atmospheric phenomena such as sunsets and sunrises, the aurorae, and noctilucent clouds will enhance the ability to know when they are likely to occur. Intrepid individuals will continue to explore new regions around the world, discover exciting, dynamic new landscape astrophotography locations and create new image concepts.

Landscape astrophotography has the ability to inspire new generations and old; the night skies have universal appeal. Yet, light pollution poses an ongoing threat to the darkness of the night skies, and vigilant efforts must be made to stop the spread of unnecessary lights. Many organizations, like the International Dark Sky organization, exist to help combat light pollution. The delicate treasures of the night sky must be protected.

The aim of this book has been to help you gain new insights and understanding of astronomy and photography. By understanding the reasons why things are the way they are gives you incredible power over predicting what future events will occur. Interested in lining up the full moon rising over a specific landmark, anywhere in the world? Eager to photograph the brilliant galactic core of the Milky Way arcing over a famous landmark? Now you know how.

I encourage you to seek out and join the community of landscape astrophotographers. You will find many like-minded individuals who share your interest, and in many cases will have your answers. There is no need to reinvent the wheel when a simple question will often be quickly answered. Keep trying different approaches and don’t let yourself get discouraged when you run into setbacks. Finally, would you finally like to know the real secret to creating spectacular landscape astrophotography images? It’s simple—go outside tonight with your camera and start taking pictures of the night sky! Nothing happens when you’re underneath a roof! Wishing you clear skies and charged batteries.

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