
Actual human, 109

Advanced robots, 29

Affective computing, 130

Age, differences, 8082

AI. See Artificial intelligence (AI)

Alive, 110

Amazon, 3, 47

Amazon Lab126, 143

American public, 2830

Androids, 17, 18, 104105, 108, 110, 111, 116, 117, 120

Anthropomorphism, 124125

Appearance, 127128

Artificial intelligence (AI), 1, 20, 2931, 33, 37, 45, 56, 60, 61, 69, 127, 129, 130, 132, 134135, 151

fields of, 8

role for, 30

Artificial-intelligence algorithms, 2

Awkwardness, 122124

Baby Schema, 113

Baseball, 110

Bear Robotics, 73

Behavior strategy, 5758, 8285

Benefits, 155156

Blade Runner, 104

Blue Frog Robotics, 9192, 116

Books/articles, 14

Boston Dynamics, 4, 143144

Buddy’s emotional expressions, 119

C3PO, 15, 17, 105

Catalia Health, 9091

Child, 137138

Chip, 20, 21

Collaborative robots, 24

Communications, 156

Competitor, 138

Conscious, 128

Consumer behavior, 2526, 5758, 8285, 100101, 119120, 139140, 149

Consumer-facing environments, 9

Consumer perspective, 6279

Consumer reaction, 115117

Consumer-robot interactions, five laws of, 151157

Consumer segments, 10

Control over robots, 153

Curtail collateral damage, 154155

Customer-facing robots, 43

Customer service, 24, 4143, 57, 108, 122, 139140, 149

Cuteness, 107

Cyborgs, 17, 18

Dangerous jobs, 4041

Development, 156157

Digging deeper, 3556

Digital information, 48

Donkey brand, 147

Economic investments, 151152

Emoshape, Inc., 144145

Emotional AI, 130

Emotional intelligence, 128131

Emotional quotient, 128

Emotions, 131

Enslaving humans, 56

Entertainment media, 1417

Environmental issues, 58

Expectancy violation, 110

Expert commentary, 14

Facebook, 155

Feeling comfortable, 117

Final mile, 75

fMRI scan, 111

Four attitudinal segments

Not on My Radar, 3435

open-minded realists, 3334

ostriches, 3233

scaredy cats, 3132

Four general robot appearances

android, 104105

humanoid, 105

mechanical, 104

zoological, 105

Friend, 138

Future human society, 19

General hopes/fears, 10

Gesturing, 128

Hanson Robotics, 26, 145

Health care activities, 25, 96100

Hilton Hotel’s Connie, 127128

Home robots, 19

Home versus work, 65

Honorary, 137

Human capabilities, 6062

Human-dog bonding, 125126

Human interactions, 50

Human-interactive robots, 118

Human jobs, 46

Human-level bond, 139

Human likeness, 107

Human-robot bonding, 126

Human-robot interactions, 910, 138, 139

Human-robot relationships, 136

Human-to-human bonding, 125

Human-to-human experience, 70

Human-to-human interactions, 52

Humanlike, 112

Humanoid, 16, 105

Humans, 137139

IMDb (Internet Movie Database), 17

In-depth Interviews, 159

Independent delivery robots, 76

Individual personality, 131133

Indoor delivery, 3

Intelligence, 127

Intelligent devices, 2

Internet Movie Database. See IMDb (Internet Movie Database)

iRobot, 145146

I, Robot, 16

Jeopardy, 22

The Jetsons, 16

Knightscope, Inc., 3, 146

Large grocery store chains, 23

Life and limb, 63

Lorenz’s Baby Schema, 114

Lorenz’s theory, 113

Machine learning, 92, 127, 132, 135

Marketing, 5253, 85, 155, 156

Marketing strategy, 2526, 5758, 8285, 100101, 119120, 139140, 149

Master, 138

Mechanical, 104

Nadine, 108

News coverage, 14

Not on My Radar, 3435

Open-minded realists, 3334

Opinions, 1314

Ostriches, 3233

People’s communities, 68

Pepper, 115

Perhaps, 4

Personal benefit, 133134

Personal servant robots, 65

Personal service robots, 24

Pets, 136137

Pew Research Center report, 37

The Polar Express, 111

Privacy, 5, 53

Public-facing roles, 84

Qihan Technology Company, Ltd., 146147

R2D2, 15, 17, 28

Robot appearance, 9, 118119

four types of, 106

Robot capabilities, 23, 83, 161

Robot consciousness, 134135

Robot explosion, 2325

Robot faces, 119

Robot future, 36, 37

Robot look, 107

Robot movies, 1719

Robot revolution, 82

Robot roles, 9, 64, 82

Robot versus human servant, 64

Robotic chef, 2122

Robotic companies, 143148

Robotic companionship, 4344

Robotic failures, 141142

Robotic pharmacists, 21

Robotic phlebotomist, 22

Robotic servants, 67

Robotics, fields of, 8

Robotics revolution, 8

Robots, 5, 17, 18

awareness of, 2123

bonding, 125134

community, 6869

definition of, 16

in dentistry, 98100

in eldercare, 9093

fears, 4356

health care, 9598

home versus work, 65

hopes, 3844

in hospitals, 8890

in hotels, 6972

versus human servant, 64

interactions, 1921

most and least trusted roles for, 80

opinions, sources of, 1314

optimistic future scenario of, 38

personal servant robots, 65

privacy, 54

in restaurants, 7274

roles, 64

community, 71

in school, 7678

sex, 7879

in stores, 7476

Sanbot brand, 147

Scaredy cats, 3132

Scout robots, 47

Self-awareness, 134135

Self-direction, 2

Self-driving, 34

Self-learning, 2

Service robots, 20

Social presence, 126127

Social robots, 3, 20

Softbanks’ Pepper robot, 115

Sophia, 4

Sophia android, 26

Star Wars, 15, 19, 105

Techno-elites, 8

The Terminator, 16, 17, 28, 54

Tools, 104, 136

Transformers, 17

TUG robot, 8889

UBTech Robotics, 147148

Uncanny Valley, 103, 109113

Wall-E, 16, 49

Want to interact with, 117

West World, 104

Workman role, 105

WowWee, 148

Zoological, 105

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