
abilities, see skills

accomplishments, revisiting, 36

action plan for giving, 196–197

active listening, 122

advice, 194–196

seeking, 155–157

aggressive energy, 75

aloofness, vs. shyness, 48

Angle style, 51

Armstrong, Lance, 177

articles, sharing, 192–194

assertiveness, 8

association, 133

building positive, 168–169

assumptions, avoiding, 55, 118

attitudes, and authenticity, 17–18

authentic self, 6

response to, 12

starting to identify, 11–12

authenticity, 8–25, 62

achieving, 12–14

key points, 25

living the law, 17–19

meaning of, 10–11

mood memory and, 159

of others, openness to, 21–22

why it matters, 12

authenticity test, 14–15


of assets, 29

of energy knowledge, 79

best friend, being your own, 37–38

BlackBerrys, 172

body language, 27, 58, 64, 150

awareness of, 59–60

context for, 74

listening to, 117

mind and, 62

and mood memory, 149

self-doubt and, 60

translation issues, 65

bowing, in Japan, 65

business cards, Japanese presentation of, 65

celebrating small stuff, 41–42

chat, in Facebook, 175


honesty of, 14

questions about, 98–99

choices, want vs. should, 17

Circle style, 51

clarifying probe, 106


loyalty, 161

patience in gaining, 201–202

repeat business from, 215

closing conversation, determining timing for, 122


to communicate inner state, 43

impact, 64

coaching, 90

collaborations, styles and, 52

colleagues, interacting with difficult, 21

college friendships, 15–16

Columbia Women in Business (CWIB) conference, 184, 189

commonalities, see similarities


inconsistent, 57–58

vocal and visual behaviors, 61

compliments, 62, 102–104, 154–155

confidence, 30, 42–43

congratulations, 170–171

connections, 3, 154

building by listening, 117

curiosity for creating, 94–96

fulfilling needs and, 185

for giving, 188–189

importance of, 131

patience in making, 206

recording details, 171

searching social networking sites for, 176

trust from multiple, 167–168

contact, maintaining, 164–165

context, 79–84


compliments in, 102–104

curiosity and, 93

determining timing for closing, 122

knowing when to end, 157–159

shifting topic, 124

starting, 93–94, see also questions

credibility, 182

cultures, and personal space, 151

curiosity, 92–111

connections created by, 94–96

key points, 111

maintaining, 108

see also questions

customers, see clients

CWIB conference, 184, 189

decision process, in style assessment, 49–50

defensiveness, from why questions, 106

deleting undesirable tasks, 19

destructive energy, response to, 76–77

dialogue, with Twitter, 177

distractions, 122–125

notes for eliminating, 123

drained, vs. tired, 10

Einstein, Albert

on curiosity, 92

on insanity, 72

elaboration, encouraging, 107

employee allegiance, 161

ending conversation, knowing when, 157–159

energy, 68–87

from clothing choices, 43

as contagious, 70

evaluating how it serves, 84–85

feedback on, 81–82

finding, 71–74

key points, 87

in networking, 85–86

options for responding to challenging, 76–77

from others, 73–74

persona and, 80–81

power of, 74–76

energy knowledge, 79–84

of others, 82–84

energy shift, 73

helping with, 77

and mood memory, 152

entrepreneurship, 184–185

errors, in first impressions, 48


creating, 191–192

informing others about, 189–190

exercises, choosing words to define you, 32–34

expansion probe, 107

expectations, 82, 83–84

for friendships, 145–146

letting go of, 203–204


connection from parallel, 135–136

as reference points, 121

external framing, 39

extracting from difficult situation, 77

extroverts, 19, 125

eye contact, 27, 58, 61

and positive mood memories, 150

eyes, listening with, 116, 121–122

Facebook, 173, 174–175

notifications, 180

profile, 179

profile pictures from, 172

status updates, 180

vocabulary, 178

wall, 181

fairness, 203

faking it, 42–43, 64

familiarity, 166–183

continuing to develop, 169–171

key points, 183

trust from, 167–168

see also social networking sites

favors, 194–196, 203


about professional life, 26

of unknown, 40


on energy, 81–82

from others, 33–34


continuation after experience, 146, see also mood memory

sharing, 153–155

Ferriss, Tim, 177

Finn, Joan A., 35

first impressions, 55–56

errors in, 48

flattery, 102

focus, in active listening, 122

follow-up, 170

by helping, 187

foreign policy, asking opinions on, 100

framing, 149

thoughts to success, 38–39

Fredericks, James L., 130

free writing, 33

friendships, 209–211

expectations, 145–146

making those you want, 15–17

time for growth, 209–211

gender, and nodding, 151

Giannini, John, 34

giving, 184–200

connections for, 188–189

key points, 200

opportunities for, 188, 207–209

and receiving, 197–198

without expecting return, 186

good, finding, 22–23

Google Alerts, 173

Googling, before meeting, 109–110

Gould, Daniel, 34


creating, 190–191

in LinkedIn, 176

handshake, 65

Hazlitt, William, 68

help, need for, 186

Hodge, Kenneth, 34

home base knowledge, 12

honesty, of children, 14

hypothetical questions, 100–101

impressions, 46–47

information sharing, 192–194

inner voice, 35, see also self-talk

inquiry, see questions

insanity, Einstein on, 72

internal framing, 39

international clients, 65

Internet, see social networking sites

interpretation of comments, avoiding assumptions, 118

interrogation, avoiding, 107–108

interviewing techniques, 59, 68

introductions, 181, 188–189, 205

introverts, 19–20, 125

intuitive listening, 121

in professional settings, 119

invitations, 189–192

inward listening, 115–116

Japan, greetings in, 65

job hunt, similarities and, 143

job interview, 9–10

attitudes for, 42–43

job positions, 176

“just say it” strategy, 123, 152–154

knowledge, sharing, 194

layoffs, 161

Lazarsfeld, Paul, 166

Lieberman, Simma, 151

life-and-death situations, 153

likability, 214–215

consideration of, 1–2

tapping into, 3

lingo, of social networking, 178–181

LinkedIn, 133–134, 173, 175–176, 191

Network update, 180

notifications, 180–181

profile, 179

profile pictures from, 172

vocabulary, 178

listening, 20, 112–129

active, 122

effectiveness of, 120–122

expansion probe and, 107

with eyes, 121–122

impact of, 114

improving, 126

key points, 129

as skill, 113

strengths, 125–126

traits, 127

for understanding, 114–115

as win-win, 127–128

listening levels, 115–120

intuitive listening, 117–120, 121

inward listening, 115–116

outward listening, 117

loyalty of customers, 161

lunches, hosting, 204

management styles, similarities with professional attitudes, 130–131

meeting people, 2

Mehrabian, Albert, 150

Silent Messages, 58

member, of social network, 179

memory, reliving feelings of, 147

mentor/mentee relationship, 156

mind and body, 62

mirrored reaction, 6–7

mirroring, 141–142

misperceptions, reducing, 55

mixed messages, 57

Mizner, Wilson, on listening, 112

mood levels, shift in, 79

mood memory, 142, 145–162

authenticity and, 159

corporate application, 160–161

creating good vibrations, 148

ending conversation with positive, 158

and energy shift, 152

key points, 162

negative, 147–148

Neethling Brain International (NBI), 49

negative attitudes, emphasizing, 63

negative energy, response to, 76–77

negative listening behavior, 126

negative mood memory, eliminating, 147–148

negative self-perceptions, 30

negative self-talk, 34

managing, 37

networking, 2, 3

application, 23–24

energy in, 85–86

see also social networking sites

news articles, sharing, 192–194

nodding, 151

notes, for eliminating distractions, 123

notifications, in social networking sites, 180–181

objective for personal interaction, 2–3

obstacles, response to, 41

open-ended questions, 96–97

open mind, 55–57

openness to authenticity of others, 21–22


questions on, 99–100

validating, 133

opportunities for giving, 188

organizations, listing participation in, 138–139


energy from, 73–74

energy knowledge of, 82–84

feedback from, 33–34

openness to authenticity of, 21–22

Outlook search tool, 171

outward listening, 117

parallel life experiences, connection from, 135–136

paraphrasing, 106

passion, shared, 137

patience, 201–213

key points, 213

in relationships, 211

pause in speaking, 61

pay it forward, 198–199, 207

perceptions, 45–67

choosing, 47–48

key points, 67

and reality, 28

verbalizing, 118

permission, asking before giving advice, 196

persona, energy and, 80–81

personal disclosure, 193, see also self-disclosure

personal interaction, objective for, 2–3

personal space, and positive mood

memories, 151

personality types, 49

Peterson, Kirsten, 34


accentuating, 39–41

focus on, 40

positive energy, 71

positive framing, 63

positive self-talk, 35

praise, 154–155

priorities, 52

privacy settings, on social networking sites, 178

probing questions, 78–79, 105–107

process, breaking into small steps, 41–42

professional attitudes, similarities with management styles, 130–131

professional life, fears about, 26

professional settings, intuitive listening in, 119

professional worth, 26–28

profile, online, 178

qualities, recognizing, 31–32

questions, 96–104

avoiding interrogation, 107–108

about children, 98–99

generic/personal inquiry, 97–99

hypothetical, 100–101

about the news, 104

open-ended, 96–97

on opinions, 99–100

probing, 105–107

seeking advice, 101–102

suggestive or probing, 78–79

about weather, 98

why, 106

quid pro quo, 203

rational probe, 106

reality, and perceptions, 28, 48–53

reciprocity, 198

lack of, 203

reference points, experiences as, 121

reframing tasks, 18–19

reframing thoughts to success, 38–39

regards, sending, 181–182


building, 1, 4

dynamics, 70

listening to build, 127

mentor/mentee, 156

openness to new, 90–91

starting, 3

see also friendships

reputation, 205

research, 109

Robbins, Tom, 45

Savile, George, 201

self, projecting best parts, 29

self-acknowledgment, 63

self-criticism, 28

self-disclosure, 193

curiosity and, 137–138

and finding commonalities, 135

listening and, 116

in style assessment, 50

self-doubt, 60, 62–63

self-fulfilling prophecy, 72, 203

self-image, 26–44

importance of, 30–31

key points, 44

strengthening, 43

self-messages, replacing negative with positive, 37

self-talk, 34–35

managing negative, 37

selfless actions, return on, 204

sending notes, 170, 171

sensitivity, in giving advice, 195–196

shyness, 20

vs. aloofness, 48

Silent Messages (Mehrabian), 58

similarities, 130–144

common causes, 136–138

finding, 134

job hunt and, 143

key points, 144

and liking people, 132

professional attitudes with management styles, 130–131

to set mood, 142

and trust, 133

uncovering, 133–138

visible, 140–142


feelings of lack, 27

focus on, 40

recognizing, 31–32

sharing, 194

slouching, 61

small stuff, celebrating, 41–42


authenticity and, 9

and positive mood memories, 150

social networking sites, 133–134, 173–178

lingo of, 178–181

Xobni and, 172

spam, vs. valuable information, 194

speaker, questions on, 99–100

stance, and communication, 61

Straight Line style, 51

strangers, complimenting, 62

style matrix, charting, 49–51

styles, and perceptions vs. reality, 48–53

success, reframing thoughts to, 38–39

suggestions, asking for, 102

suggestive questions, 78–79

talking to self, 34–35

tasks, attitudes about, and action options, 18–19

technology, 172–173

thank you, 153

thirst, as distraction, 124

timing, for closing conversation, 122

tired, vs. drained, 10

training, 90

transformative experiences, compiling list, 139–140

true self, 10


from multiple connections, 167–168

patience and, 208

similarities and, 133, 142

Twitter, 173, 177–178

notifications, 181

profile, 179

profile pictures from, 172

Tweets, 180

vocabulary, 178

understanding others, clues for, 53–55

unknown, fear of, 40

updates, on social networking sites, 179–180

valuable information, vs. spam, 194

value, providing to another, 187–188

verbs, actionable, 40

vibrations, creating good, 148

visible similarities, 140–142

voice, 61

Vs of communication, 57

vulnerability, 156

wall in Facebook, 181

Watterson, Bill, 145

weather, questions about, 98

weekly updates, from LinkedIn, 176

why questions, 106

Wikipedia, 109–110


choosing those to define you, 32–34

and mood memory, 149

positive vs. negative, 63

working from outside in, 64, 66

Xobni, 171, 172–173

Yahoo group, 191

Zig Zag style, 51

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